MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 208 last world (7)

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"Mom and dad, lock the door at home, I'll go out hunting." Liu Jingwei said.

It is also a very dangerous thing to not lock the door now.

In times of chaos, there are all kinds of people.

But Liu Jingwei must go out. She wants to bring back mutant animals and plants to Liu's father and mother to improve their strength.

Although the possibility of acquiring special abilities is very low, if you eat more animals and plants with spiritual energy, you will always become stronger.

And there is always a desire to devour in her heart, and this desire to devour makes her eager to go out and devour creatures with spiritual energy.

Liu's father and Liu's mother nodded.

Now it's going to be chaos outside, and there is a huge gap in strength between them and Liu Jingwei. Even if they want to accompany her out, it will drag her back.

So, under the worried gaze of Liu's father and mother, Liu Jingwei went out to hunt.

Liu's father and Liu's mother closed the door and looked at each other, seeing mixed emotions in each other's eyes.

" did the world become like this?" Liu Ma sighed.

Dad Liu walked to the sofa and sat down: "We're not bad, at least we're still alive."

Speaking of which, both fell silent.

They are still alive, but the Qiao Baizhi family next door is already dead.

Although Qiao Baizhi's death was caused by them...

Sixth month of Reiki recovery.

The state institutions have completely collapsed, and they have been divided into major forces. People with special abilities are also the bosses. They gather together, form a group to "warm up", and form one team after another.

She knew about the gangs gathered by the people, and that happened a few years later in her previous life.

In this life, these teams have appeared in just half a year!

The country is out of control, everything is brought forward, six months is equivalent to five years in memory.

She is about to experience what she has never experienced in her previous life. All the experience in her previous life will be useless. She has to **** and move forward like everyone else.

Good thing…

She had some preparations and became a special ability person.

Liu Jingwei didn't want to join a team. Those teams were extremely chaotic. It was common to find a person with special abilities or a powerful person who was secretly "eaten" by the boss above.

Moreover, in the beginning, the three races devoured each other, but now it is their own team, other teams, animals, plants…

After being divided into countless teams, in addition to your own team, it is a matter of course that it seems to devour other teams.

Liu Jingwei did not want to join, but had to join.

It is difficult for people without strength to survive without joining other teams. People with strength who do not join other teams will be targeted and become the "food" of others.

She had no choice but to join a team with Liu's father and mother.

This team is the official team after the disbandment. People with special abilities can join, and ordinary people can also join. They will try their best to arrange work and distribute food rations.

Liu Jingwei didn't dare to reveal whether she was a person with special ability or fire ability special ability, so they were assigned to the cleanup group.

After those powerful people have fought, take the dead trees and grasses that have drained their spiritual energy back as firewood, and take the mutant animals that have dug their hearts back to deal with them.

- They are not short of food.

All the animals and plants have become very large, and those with special abilities who have contributed only want the heart, and they only want part of the rest of the body, or they don't want anything, and Liu Jingwei and the others can take it back as food for the entire team.

Of course, Liu Jingwei did not give up her desire to become stronger and devour, and would secretly go out to hunt with Dad Liu every night to improve her strength.

The seventh month of Reiki recovery.

They were found.

Liu Jingwei didn't know when she was targeted, but looking at the people surrounding them in front of her, she clenched her hands into fists and her face was pale.

- There are too many of them, and there are two people with special abilities.

She and Dad Liu will definitely not be able to fight.

"Which of you are those with special abilities of fire ability?" The man at the beginning sneered.

Liu Jingwei did not speak.

Dad Liu stopped her behind and looked at them: "What are you doing? The official team doesn't allow to 'eat' people, you can't do anything to us!"

"Hahaha, it's a joke, cannibalism is not allowed? Don't you guys know where the particularly awesome fire ability in the team came from?"

He is also a special ability.

I don't know why, but powerful special abilities always seem to favor people who do evil things. The worse they are, the easier it is to become stronger.

"There are so many of you, we only have one heart, how do you divide?" Liu Jingwei gritted her teeth.

- She is provoking!

And obviously, the other party was not fooled, the sullen-faced man said—

"It doesn't matter, we divide it equally, no matter whether it can inherit the fire ability or not, the heart of the special ability person is a big tonic, which can greatly improve the strength, and it is more useful than eating countless animals and plants. Don't talk nonsense, since you don't talk about it, let's make food together. !"

When they're done, they're going to pounce.

Dad Liu suddenly pushed his daughter away and shouted, "Then you can see the power of my fire ability—"

The voice stopped abruptly, and he was pulled out of his heart by a man whose hands could turn into long claws.

"Ah—" Liu Jingwei screamed.

Dad Liu's heart has been taken out, and the person who took out the heart suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Hoo! You dare?!" Others chased after him.

"Dad!" Liu Jingwei jumped up and hugged Dad Liu, but Dad Liu stared at him and was completely out of breath.

She burst into tears, her face full of despair.


Why did she still fail to protect her father?

Why should her father pretend to be her strength to keep her alive?

- She is still too weak.

Even with the fire ability, it is not powerful because the awakening is too late and the evolution is too slow.

Liu Jingwei's face is hideous.

"Yo, here's some food?" another voice said.

She looked up, her eyes were blood red.

The flames spread and burned the powerful mutant. She rushed over and slapped the palm of fire on his head.


She dug out his heart.

She is getting stronger!

She is going to be very strong!

Liu Jingwei's red eyes devoured this heart.

Reiki recovery for a whole year.

The flame goddess Liu Jingwei took Liu Ma to become independent from that team and created a new team.

From this day on, she is no longer controlled by others, she begins to control other people's destiny.

Humans have to fight not only with animals and plants, but also with humans themselves.

The desire to become stronger seems to be an attribute given to them by the aura, and becomes stronger into their nature. At this time, this desire to devour is burning everyone's heart.

Human beings themselves have begun to regard the same kind as food that can improve their strength. The number of human beings, the number of animals and plants has all dropped sharply this year.

Because of her strong strength, Liu Jingwei eats everything from people, animals, and plants. She also has a team, and she has a place in the era of spiritual qi recovery.

She led the team to fight against animals and plants, winning by breathing their diffused aura and eating their hearts.

She also led the team to fight with other teams, and if she won, she annexed another team and ate the heart of another team.

The third year of Reiki recovery.

There is more strife, the newly born plants and animals are not strong, and they are quickly devoured by other plants and animals.

Without the free aura in the air, there are only mutant humans, mutant animals, and mutant plants that still store the aura.

Only by eating each other can they gain stronger strength and longer lifespan.

Eat each other to satisfy their desire to devour.

The team in the capital changed from more than two hundred to one hundred, fifty, twenty, ten.

The team has also changed from the original team of 10,000 people to a thousand people, and then to a hundred people, and now some teams have only a few dozen people left!

The number of mutant animals that are still alive is very small, and all of them are very powerful, and they are all swallowing countless powerhouses.

The living mutant plants are no longer everywhere, and the forest is no longer dense with trees, but around a huge mutant plant, bare and nothing.

The whole world turned into a scorched earth.

Humans eat humans, humans eat animals, humans eat plants, animals eat humans, animals eat animals, animals eat plants, plants eat humans, plants eat animals, plants eat plants…

Randomly eat each other.

From the very beginning, this speed was astonishingly fast. It seemed that all of a sudden, the original billions of people were only one in tens of thousands, and the animals and plants were only one in tens of thousands.

Except for animals and plants with no IQ, there is no good person alive.

The era of aura recovery favors wicked people. It seems that people who eat people from the very beginning have a special advantage. They take the lead, and they don’t think about the future or harmony at all. They only care about satisfying their own desire to swallow. People nowadays.

Liu Jingwei occasionally feels fear—

Why is this happening?

Even if it becomes the strongest, what if it eats up all the animals and plants?

Thinking of this, she felt chills all over her body, and a chill wrapped around her.

However, her desire to devour and survive made her continue to fight with people, animals and plants.

Also this year, Liu Ma died.

Liu Jingwei's subordinates betrayed, and Liu Ma was used as a bargaining chip. During their fight, they were killed by the other party.

Afterwards, Liu Jingwei devoured all her subordinates.

She became stronger, but she was also only alone.

The fifth year of the Age of Reiki.

After the unbridled devouring of each other began, in just five years, almost all people, animals, and plants became individuals.

The living are all powerful individuals, they each have their own territory, and they are unimaginably powerful.

But such a bare land with nothing, there is no way to support their lives.

So hunger, coupled with the burning desire to devour, made them leave the site and continue to devour each other.

There will be fewer of them, and they will occupy more territory.

Liu Jingwei had just killed a person, who was also a very powerful person, he could fly, his body was hard, and he was extremely fast, but he still lost to her.

When he died, his eyes turned out to be - liberation.

When he fell to the ground, he actually had the strength to resist, but he didn't resist, he just let her kill him, and there was no hatred or unwillingness in her eyes.

Even happy, happy.

This is a wicked person without a conscience, but now in this world, even a wicked person without a conscience can't stay. For him, death is a relief.

Liu Jingwei stared blankly at the corpse on the ground.

She seemed to see herself in him, a machine that only knew **** and devour, a demon that devoured everything, numbness, machinery, and despair.

How did it become like this?

Obviously in the fifth year of her last life, there is still order at this time, and her family is still by her side.

How did that happen?

Isn't this evolution?

Why are there fewer and fewer living creatures, and why are they more and more miserable?

What evolution is this? !

Why is there a voice in my heart shouting - Devour! Devour! Devour!

Liu Jingwei hugged her head in pain.

The eighth year of Reiki recovery.

Liu Jingwei walked numbly on the scorched earth. She hadn't encountered a living creature for a long time. She felt hungry, and also felt the desire to devour...

She hadn't thought for a long time, and her rigid brain seemed to lose its vitality.

All she has left is to walk numbly, devour each other numbly, she wins, she eats each other, and if she loses, she waits for the other side to eat her.

I don't know why, vaguely, deep in her heart, she seems to be looking forward to the latter possibility?

But she was still alive, and there was another voice in her heart—

A new life should not end like the previous life, she should always live...

Liu Jingwei hadn't thought about it for a long time, so she didn't know how she was still alive, and she didn't know how long she could live in this world.

Not even thinking about this bad world.

She kept walking and walking like this, as if she had a sense of the living creatures, and she and several other creatures finally came together.

A huge towering tree, three ferocious mutant animals, and two humans gathered together.

This is the last creature in this world.

Liu Jingwei looked at the man.

The other party was also looking at her.

They both saw themselves in each other, and they probably—couldn't be called people anymore.

They are no different from the two species next to them, they are both monsters.

Liu Jingwei suddenly thought in her head, maybe there are only two of them left in this world, and there are mutant animals and plants nearby, they should join forces and not fight infighting.

- As long as the IQ is normal, you will think so, right?

But in fact, the sudden desire to devour them in their hearts made them rush towards each other, fiercely trying to eat each other.

The same goes for other animals and plants.


Liu Jingwei won again, and it was very difficult to win. She devoured the opponent's heart, and she was paralyzed on the ground.

Beside, the final winner is the tree, and a mutant leopard.

She can't move anymore, are they going to eat her?

She was about to close her eyes.

At this time, there seemed to be movement in the air, and there was a vague shadow in the sky that looked like a human being.

Then, she felt something pulling away from her body.

"Ah—" she screamed in pain.

The leopard and the tree were also moaning in pain.

They seemed to suffer the worst torture, rolling and roaring.

As something was pulled away, she felt that her breath was getting weaker and weaker, and her body was in extreme pain.

She is going to die.

The body hurts to the extreme, but there is a kind of relief in the mind.

She thought, since she will die sooner or later, why should she be reborn?

Why didn't she die at the earliest?

Living like this is like a joke, the longer you live, the better it gets.

The face of my parents flashed in my mind, and another figure flashed...

A woman with gold-rimmed glasses and a dog with golden hair.

In order to survive, she ruthlessly killed herself and ate the dog she liked very much...

Since then, she has no idea how many people she has swallowed.

Numb killing, just to survive in such pain, and then also face death.

The woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses said: You don't regret it.

Liu Jingwei twitched the corners of her mouth: I regret it, in fact, I regret it a long time ago.

What kind of evolution is this, this is destruction!

Before she lost consciousness, she vaguely heard an angry and vicissitudes voice—

"How could this be?! Why is there no consciousness!"

do you died?

Why does she feel like she can still think?

Liu Jingwei slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the blue sky, and then the construction.

She is now in a square, surrounded by a world that has not yet turned into scorched earth.

Countless people huddled in the square, surrounded by soldiers with guns, standing upright without looking sideways.

—They had the righteousness and order that she didn't have in her eight years of memory.

- It's like returning to the past, the past eight years ago.

"Jingwei!" There was a familiar voice next to her.

Liu Jingwei looked to the side, her pupils shrank, her face full of disbelief.

parents? !

It was her parents!

Around, there are loud noises—

"The last person also woke up. She actually stayed inside for eight days, no, the time inside was eight years, and I died in the second year!"

"It's not good to die? What happened to the rest of the life... It's too miserable."

"Alas, I also killed people, I don't know how to judge me."

"Murder and cannibalism in the conscious world will definitely be punished, but it should be different from the law. The leader mentioned it before."

"After everything is over, the trial will be announced. But I don't think it's an exaggeration. I have eaten so many people and deserved it!"

"Fortunately, Ms. Qiao is amazing, otherwise our world would be destroyed."

"I don't know if I can win the aliens..."

"Definitely! The world of consciousness can exist, and we can definitely win. We must believe in the country and Ms. Qiao!"

Liu Jingwei heard a lot of unfamiliar words. She blinked and felt that she didn't understand anything, as if she was still in a dream.

Beside him, Liu's mother held her hand and kept crying, but Liu's father didn't say a word.

Finally, when Liu Jingwei was about to speak, a voice sounded—

"Look at the world of consciousness!"

Liu Jingwei subconsciously followed everyone's line of sight.

On the big screen standing in front, the familiar scorched earth is the scene before she closed her eyes!

Her pupils shrank.

A familiar woman appeared on the screen, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white lab coat, standing where Liu Jingwei died.

She looked up at the sky, then laughed, her voice hoarse—

"Friends from the higher world, hello, get to know me, my name is Qiao Baizhi."

Read Kill the Sun