MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 191 Super Species are White Dough Dough (9)

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Raise Eliza? Xiaobai? ?

It is to raise this Yili who "bombed up three research institutes without saying a word", "because I didn't like the name given to her, I started the bomb to destroy the Federal State Palace", "understatement threatened them with the blood of three human beings" Her Majesty Queen Sha? !

After the news came out, everyone was silent.

All those who had previously called to raise Eliza Xiaobai disappeared, not a single one appeared.

Those people: "..." Who the **** dares to raise this? ?

Keep Eliza Xiaobai at home?

Not to mention whether I can take her home with my life, I really did. If such a guy can make such a big noise because he doesn't like his name, what's he not like?

Can the one who raised her survive? !

They didn't want to be bombarded with blood by her suddenly one day!

And if "Her Majesty Queen Eliza" knew that someone of them wanted to keep her...

I am afraid that people who have this idea will not see the sun tomorrow.

You can't even raise a dumpling, let alone raise Her Majesty Queen Eliza!

Meng is still cute, but when you think about Eliza? Xiaobai, when you think about the shock just now, you will suddenly feel—

There are some cute things to bring home, who is not sure who is the pet...

The spaceship has disappeared from sight, Zuo Xuan's face is very ugly, the director holds the piece of paper and looks at the countless red dots on it, and suddenly has a headache.

I have to say, Eliza? Xiaobai, no, it should be Her Majesty Queen Eliza. The explosion she just made really scared him. The three people were right in front of his eyes, and the ground turned bright red in the blink of an eye...

What if it was yourself?

This is the guy who can go directly to the research institute!

If he wants to put some explosives in his house, the difficulty must be much lower than entering the research institute, maybe he has to become like the three people just now.

Fortunately, she has left the Commonwealth...

While the director heaved a sigh of relief, he also had a faint headache. This guy—it really doesn't give face to the Federal Empire.

Zuo Xuan, a high-level executive of the Federal Empire, wanted to negotiate with Eliza Xiaobai, but the other party didn't even pay much attention to him.

This shows that Zuo Xuan and the Federation are not taken seriously, and their faces are slapped.

He looked up at Zuo Xuan, and sure enough, the other party's face was very ugly at the moment, looking at the direction where the dumplings disappeared, his eyes seemed to be eating people, full of hatred.

"Master Zuo..." The director's voice was tentative.

In the director's opinion, although Eliza Xiaobai is a bit too much, she has no intention of taking the group to harm the people of the Federation, and she is a person with a high IQ, not like a Zerg, who only knows how to attack Humanity…

In this case, it's a big deal to coexist peacefully with the group.

In fact, they probably don't even need to coexist.

These dumplings love their homeland quite a bit, and it's good to give them Lexing without interfering with each other.

Although the minerals on Lexing are valuable, they are not to the point where they must be obtained.

Of course it would be better...

But he knows that these high-level officials of the federal empire who want face will definitely not be able to bear this anger, and will definitely clean up those dumplings and find their own face...

Zuo Xuan's low voice just now was seen by everyone in the federation.

He definitely couldn't let it go!

Sure enough, after his voice fell, Zuo Xuan looked at him with a cold voice: "The aftermath here is handed over to you, I still need to go back and discuss with the royal family."

After a pause, he clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth: "Eliza? Xiaobai! Dumplings!"

—The murderous aura in his voice sent chills down the director's back.

The director hurriedly stood up straight and responded loudly, "Yes!"

Zuo Xuan turned around with a sullen face, the spacecraft closed the hatch, and drove away in the opposite direction from where Bai Zhi left.

In order to keep the Federal Palace of State and the Royal Palace, the Federation lost people in public.

Eliza? Xiaobai, this dumpling, really doesn't give the federation a high profile, and even threatened everyone in the federation before leaving!

At this time, all federal citizens on the Internet are also hotly discussing—

"Too arrogant, this is provoking our Federation!"

"The Empire will definitely not let her go! I'll wait to see how long she can be arrogant, a pet with a slap in the face, dare to kill!"

"Today, the Federation Empire is really embarrassing for us, to be so humble and show weakness, and that white dough guy is so arrogant, killing people in front of our entire Federation."

"By the way... it's also the people who kill the dumplings first. They killed dozens of dumplings. Is it normal for them to take revenge?"

"How can it be normal?! People are people, and dumplings are dumplings!"

"That's right, you can kill the dumplings, but the dumplings can't kill them?"

"Are there still humans in front?! Don't even stand on the side of humans, Danzi and Zerg, all be damned!"

Regarding the provocative behavior of these dumplings, the people of the Federation are divided into two factions, one is angry, and the other feels excusable, and the two factions are discussing on the Internet.

Of course, because the former is strong in combat and ruthless, the former's voice still dominates.

And the people who keep the dumplings at home don't care about this, they can't help but ask—

"I have a dumpling in my house. What should I do now? I bought it before, and I always want to run away. I've been a little annoyed recently, and I want to resell it. It seems that I can't resell it now, right?"

"My family's dumplings were purchased not long ago. They were in the same batch with Eliza Xiaobai. They were quiet, but they were autistic. They stood at the window every day and stared at the outside. It was pathetic. If the dumplings wanted to take them back, I would It's okay, I'm bored anyway."

"The dumplings are really cute, but they just ignore people. My family hasn't turned pink yet!"

"My family hasn't changed either... Pink is super cute!"

"White is also cute, especially the fiercest one..."

"In the front, just say Her Majesty Queen Eliza directly! What kind of perverted aesthetic, you think such a cruel guy is cute??"

"Don't you think that she is fierce and ruthless, and she also wears gold-rimmed glasses and a robotic arm... Is it really poking people? Don't say anything, take a screenshot! Tututu.jpg"

"I don't know if I poke people or not... I just want to know about my family's dumplings, what should I do??"

At this time, a very well-known person on the Federal Internet came out and expressed his opinion—

"What are you thinking? You don't need to take Eliza? Xiaobai's words to heart. You can deal with those dumplings how you want to deal with them. After being beaten in the face, the Federation can let these dumplings go back to their leisure? Lexing will be finished! So these The dumplings are still your pets, so you can do whatever you want with them."

The federation admits cowardice today, but they cannot be underestimated because of this.

The technology and combat level of the Federation are by no means comparable to those of the danzi clan of Little Lexing!

A family on a planet in the Federation.

The couple, together with their youngest son, squatted in the living room and looked at the white dough at home.

The husband and wife are still young, and their son is very young, both of whom are at the age of play.

Their dumplings were bought two years ago. At that time, the Federation had just started selling dumplings. The price was quite high, but the little things were so cute that they couldn't hold back and bought one.

At first, the family was very kind to this dumpling and wanted it to live well in this family.

But this dumpling only wanted to escape all day long. It ran ten times in the first year. Their family's patience was exhausted.

But I am afraid that this guy will be tortured outside. If the guy who is so unruly, if the person who picks it up is impatient, it is estimated that he will really turn it into a dumpling...

So I went back to find it.

And this dumpling probably also knew that if he ran out, he couldn't get back to Le Xing, so he didn't run again the next year, and stayed at home quietly, and occasionally looked out the window in depression.

Half a year ago, they took it to a friend's house who had dumplings. The two dumplings were together. It was teary-eyed and pitiful.

The dumpling looks cute, but looking at its melancholy appearance every day is quite disturbing.

To be honest, their family actually doesn't want to raise a group anymore.

But this guy is too spiritual. They feel uncomfortable when they kill it and lose it, so they can only stay at home like this.

From time to time, bring it some grass and some vegetables, and it will never starve to death, and it will never beg them for food.

But now-

Her Majesty Queen Eliza in this clan is going to ask for these dumplings!

The bright red blood and the loud and terrifying threat still made them quite jealous.

The three of them gathered together at the moment, looking at the dumpling—

"By the way, can it really turn pink? Why have I never seen it turn pink?"

"Is there going to be a crisis?"

"But last year it was almost crushed to death by a car. It was so dangerous, and it still hasn't changed..."

"I don't understand, but fortunately it can't turn pink, or hit us, we will definitely not survive!"

"Maybe there are differences between species, just like there are males and females?"

"Also a possibility…"

Chatting and chatting, the child suddenly frowned: "Speaking of which, parents...what should we do now?"

The child's mother sighed: "Hey, let's do what we did before, we just don't know how to deal with it, let it go back to its own planet, and it's easy for us when it pleases."

The child's father shook his head, quite helpless: "What you think is so naive, I'm afraid these dumplings won't be able to get better this time."

"What do you mean?" The child's mother was surprised.

"The Federation will definitely not send the dumplings back just like that. Even if the Federation wants to send them back, some radicals will definitely not agree!" The child's father said firmly.

"But Lord Zuo Xuan has already agreed?" The child was very surprised and couldn't believe it.

The child's father would never build naive fantasies for him, so he said bluntly: "It's called a plan to slow down, and you can go back if you agree. Eliza Xiaobai has already left. This time the federation has lost such a big face, Le Xing. None of them can still exist in the future, these dumplings... can't go home."

"It's too much!" The child was very angry.

The child's mother was about to say something when the child's father's cell phone rang.

He picked it up, not knowing what the other end said, his expression was very complicated, and finally replied: "Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone.

The child's mother immediately asked, "What happened? What happened?"

"Our star government asked the dumplings to be sent to the designated location." said the child's father.

The child was immediately happy: "Dad, our federation is still very much abiding by our promises. We promised to return the dumplings to them Lexing, and we executed it immediately..."

The child's father shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No, it was sent to the research institute on our planet..."

"What?!" The child's mother was shocked.

Send it to the institute? !

That is to study the group!

This is to send the dumplings back, this is to study the dumplings, and this is to treat them as experimental objects!

Child's mother: "Is it the decision of the federation?"

The child's father shook his head: "It shouldn't be, the federation's response will not be so fast, nor will it be sent to the research institutes everywhere, it should be the decision of our star government and the research institutes... It seems that this is the judgment of everyone. The death penalty for Lexing Tuanzi."

Everyone thought that the Federation was going to take action against Le Xing, and Eliza Xiaobai would not be able to live.

Then her threats were useless at all, so they didn't care at all, and even Da Lala was going to study the dumplings.

The child was in a hurry: "Dad, what should I do?"

The child's father looked at the white dough that couldn't understand what they were saying, and still looked at the sad white dough outside the window, and sighed—

"We don't send it first, we just say that we have something to do in the past few days, and we don't have time to send it. We will delay it for a few days to see if there is a turnaround."

"Eliza? Xiaobai, Her Majesty Queen Eliza, who forced the Federation to bow her head, that clever troupe, let's see if she has a backer behind her..."

Almost everyone across the Commonwealth is certain that the top federal officials will retaliate.

- Most of them even thought that if Le Xing was going to be completely gone, Eliza Xiaobai would pay the price for what she did!

The Commonwealth does want revenge.

Most of the people from the Federal Palace of State and the Royal Palace came out. They left the place for professionals to test, and they have detected the bomb signal left by Angelica.

The next step is to find it, then destroy it. By the way, we will probe the two places inside and out again, and we must not leave any security risks!

Therefore, after Zuo Xuan returned, they held a meeting in another place in the imperial capital.

It is also a large conference room. The current king of the federal empire sits at the top, and the prime minister and other federal executives sit on both sides, all with serious expressions.

After Zuo Xuan sat down, the first sentence was: "Eliza? Xiaobai, it's too much!"

He still calls her Eliza? Xiaobai. In fact, almost everyone calls her that name now. The more she refuses to admit it, the more they want to call her. Otherwise, could she really be called Her Majesty Queen Eliza?

How could King Baili, who is sitting at the top, feel so bad?

After Zuo Xuan opened his mouth, everyone in the conference room who had suppressed their anger immediately spoke up—

"She blew up three research institutes, threatened us with the State Council and the Royal Palace, and made our federal royal family lose face. It is absolutely impossible to let her go!"

"The last person who dared to threaten the Federation Empire, the grass on the grave is ten meters high, and the blood of Eliza Xiaobai must be used to save the face and image of our Federation."

"It is impossible for our federation to coexist peacefully with her, she is dreaming!"

"The Zerg is already very annoying. Why do those slap-sized dumplings dare to provoke our federal empire?!"

"They should be pets! If they don't want to be pets, then die!"

Someone stood up and shouted: "Your Majesty, I apply to lead an army and a batch of weapons to Lexing and kill the Tuanzi family!"

The king's face was not good-looking, and he heard the words: "Wait first, first solve the complete hidden dangers of the Federal Palace of State and the Royal Palace."

He tilted his head to look at the person next to him, and asked directly in front of everyone, "Have you found the bomb that Eliza Xiaobai dropped on the Palace of State?"

The man just shook his head, and the communication tool in his hand lit up.

He hurriedly said: "There is news!"

As a result, the communication tool in hand was immediately projected on the screen of the conference room.

Everyone can clearly look at the opposite side. It is a scene of an army holding a gun and surrounding a thing.

And the center of the picture is the thing - the robot.

Next to the robot stood several powerful experts from the Federation, all of whom studied military industry.

The king frowned and asked, "What's going on over there?"

The expert who was obviously in charge quickly replied: "Your Majesty, this robot is carrying a bomb, and it was not found because he had been jamming the radar and moving. This should be a new type of bomb, the three previous studies. The hospital should have been blown up with this new type of bomb!"

The three research institutes that exploded before could not find any traces, and the other research institutes did not find any traces of bombs. Therefore, these experts did not know what Baizhi used to blow up the research institutes.

The bomb carried by this robot is the first time they have dealt with this thing!

The expert couldn't hide his excitement, and his voice was excited: "Eliza? Xiaobai is really amazing! We really can't imagine how she made such a small but powerful bomb! If this thing is used in the military field , will give us…”

The king was impatient to hear this, and couldn't help interrupting him: "Mr. El, can it be demolished?"

El hurriedly closed his voice, and his expression became serious again: "I will try it with Mr. Liu and Mr. Kanmu."

After speaking, the three of them immediately stepped forward with tools.

Demolition of explosives is only a very simple matter for the three military experts. Neither they nor His Majesty the King have taken it to heart.


El's hand just touched the robot, and the robot immediately made a sound: "Warning! Warning! Do not touch the robot, otherwise the bomb will be activated!"

El: "!!"

Everyone was surprised.

This bomb has been activated before, and this time, as long as it is activated together, it will only take one second.

After a second, it will explode immediately!

quite dangerous existence.

Mr. Liu frowned: "Can't robots touch it? Let's find out if we can directly destroy the fuse."

He just probed to check, the robot took a step back and made a sound again: "Warning! Warning! Don't get close to the bomb ten centimeters, or it will detonate immediately!"

After speaking, he stepped back.

This robot is a moving intelligent robot!

Mr. Kanmu also had a headache: "You can't touch the robot, and you can't touch the bomb, and the robot can move at any time. It's really..."

Mr. Liu: "The main reason is that we don't know how her new type of bomb was made and what it is composed of."

On this side of the screen, the faces of the king and other top federation leaders were pulled down, even more ugly than before.

After a long while, the king looked at the robot: "You must destroy this thing at all costs!"

Mr. El looked at the robot and frowned slightly: "If it can be dismantled, please give us some time to discuss, after all, this is a new type of bomb, and it is completely different from the bombs we have seen so far, and it requires a certain amount of time. Research time."

The king pursed his lips, and finally said, "Okay, you must dismantle it carefully, and never detonate it."

In order not to detonate, they even humiliated a piece of white dough in front of the entire Federation. If they exploded now, wouldn't they be shameful before?

"Yes." El responded, frowning tightly.

do not know why…

He always felt that this thing was not so easy to dismantle.

After disconnecting, the king and the others continued the discussion just now—

"Eliza? Xiaobai and other dumplings must be killed. Do you really have to give up Lexing's resources?"

"That's the easiest way to kill all the dumplings directly. After all, the power of pink dumplings is still quite amazing. We don't need to fight against pink dumplings."

"Then find a way to destroy the entire Lexing together. The Zerg has recently become unstable again. If we fight with the Zerg, then we won't have the energy to manage Lexing."

"Well, let's discuss the details of destroying Lexing..."

Anyway, I can't go back to the Federal Palace of State and the Royal Palace now. The top officials of the Federation are now in this conference room, discussing how to destroy Lexing.

Some even suggested-

Before officially attacking Le Xing, they could kill a group of danzi in the Federation as a clarion call for the war.

Also let the group know how powerful the Federation is.

The king nodded in agreement.

They had been discussing for an hour, and the king turned his head and asked the person next to him, "Has it been demolished?"

Regarding the matter of destroying Lexing, the battle plan that can be discussed has been discussed, and the next thing to do is the matter of the general, so there is no need to continue the discussion.

But now they dare not go back to the palace and the Federal Palace of State, so they can only continue to stay in the conference room.

The man shook his head: "No."

So the king turned his head and said, "You can talk about killing the dumplings again."

"Okay." The man nodded, "Killing the dumplings can sacrifice the flag of our Federation. According to Eliza Xiaobai's picture, the Federation still has..."

discussed again.

The matter of killing the dumplings was discussed for more than an hour, but still no news was received.

The king couldn't help it, and asked again, "Has it been demolished yet?"

The man shook his head.

Therefore, the meeting can only continue to open.

It was like this until the night, and they were still outside, and they haven't been able to return to the palace!

The king finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head to look at the man, frowning: "Contact Mr. El, I'll see what's going on with them now."

The man nodded hurriedly and immediately contacted Mr. El.

It was quickly connected, and the figures of Mr. El and others appeared on the opposite side of the projection. This time, not only their three experts, but also several experts in various fields were present, and all of them were frowning.

"What's the matter?" asked the king.

This time, Mr. El looked at them, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, I'm really sorry, I think this bomb may not be able to be removed..."

"What?!" Zuo Xuan was startled and stood up abruptly.

Others also lost their faces instantly.

Mr. El wiped the sweat from his forehead, his eyebrows drooping down: "Although it is a bit rude to say this, I must admit that Eliza Xiaobai's IQ is probably much higher than ours. The bomb she planted is outside. Just a part, this bomb is combined with a robot, and this robot is part of the bomb!"

With disbelief in his eyes, and with reverence and sigh—

"This robot was transformed by Eliza Xiaobai. It looks like an ordinary robot on the outside, but everything has changed inside. He has some ability to judge. And Eliza Xiaobai's order to him is not to let We dismantled him so he would run away with what was on him.

"And we can't hurt him, because once we hurt him, he will immediately activate the self-destruction device, which is explosives. The device on his body is also a new type of device made by Eliza Xiaobai, which can not only interfere with our radar, but also Let's do nothing about his device..."

The king didn't want to hear this, and didn't quite understand the rationale, so he interrupted him and asked with a frown, "You mean, you can't defuse this bomb?!"

El nodded with a bitter expression: "Yes, we can't dismantle it, at least not now."

Beside him, Mr. Liu couldn't help but sigh again: "Eliza? Xiaobai is really amazing, the gap between us and her is really too big."

The king stood up and said angrily: "In other words, we can only keep this bomb outside the State Council and the palace?! As long as Eliza Xiaobai has a thought, it will explode immediately?!"

"Before we demolished, it was like this..."

The king angrily smashed the cup on the table to the ground.

Beside him, the Prime Minister asked: "Mr. El, can he be allowed to leave the State Palace and the Royal Palace? It is also possible to detonate in a sparsely populated place..."

Mr. El shook his head: "I just said that the robot has a certain degree of judgment. We have just tried it, but he does not leave the Palace of State and the Royal Palace for one kilometer, and the power of his explosion is at least five kilometers. of."

In other words, they must be threatened by Eliza Xiaobai before they can tear it down.

After disconnecting the connection, El and the others continued to think about how to dismantle it.

The king and the others all sat quietly in the conference room.

At this moment, they will not mention the matter of going back at all. How can they dare to go back before the crisis is eliminated? How can I go back?

The king's voice was hoarse: "So... we can only listen to Eliza? Xiaobai?"

They had promised a lot before to get her to stop.

Returning all the dumplings is a trivial matter, the main thing is to pay for the resources, and to agree to any of her requests...

And the Federation has lost a lot of face this time, but they can't get it back at all!

Zuo Xuan gritted his teeth: "Eliza? Xiaobai!"

Everyone's faces were ugly.

The Prime Minister took a deep breath and said ruthlessly: "It can't be dismantled in one day, but it can always be dismantled in two or three days! Even if it can't be dismantled, the dumplings are still in our hands. Let's gather all the dumplings together and force Eliza. ? Xiaobai is torn down, if she doesn't agree, we will kill all the dumplings!"

"Yes, isn't it just threatening each other?"

On the projected screen, because the connection was disconnected, it is still the previous photo—

The scene of Eliza Xiaobai outside the cabin door of the spacecraft.

Sitting on the left of the king is the Prime Minister, and the man on his right has been looking at the screen, frowning and saying nothing.

The king looked at him: "Bailikun, what are you looking at?"

Baili Kun is the king's own son, and the most capable person in the Baili royal family besides the king.

Hearing this, Bailikun retracted his gaze, and his eyes were puzzled: "I think... Eliza? The monster next to Xiaobai is a bit familiar... I always feel like I've seen it before?"

Hearing this, the king frowned and looked at the boy subconsciously.

The young man actually looks very delicate, but the pair of worm wings and sickle arms made him have characteristics that made him disgusted by the Federal Empire. Basically, when he saw it, he would immediately look away in disgust.

"It's just a monster, probably like a bug," said the king.

So, Bailikun shook his head, put aside his thoughts, stopped thinking about this monster, and said seriously—

"Eliza? Xiaobai has the bargaining chip to threaten us, and she is a bit terrifyingly clever, we probably really are not suitable to be her enemy. In that case, let her defuse the bomb, and we will return Danzi and Lexing to her. Give it to her, from now on, let's not interfere with each other."

The other people's faces are very ugly. They are the federal empire, so they were blackmailed by the white dough? ?


Besides this, they have no better way.

Seeing this, the general who was about to set off on the expedition gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Eliza? Xiaobai! That white dough! As long as she is dead, no one can threaten us, and no one can detonate a bomb!"

"She's already on her way back to Lexing. We can't kill her at all. Let's destroy Lexing together? Just give her a second and she can detonate a bomb." Bailikun shook his head.

"The journey from the Federation to Lexing is also very dangerous. A group of them have never learned to drive a spaceship at all. What if they can't get back to Lexing at all?" The general couldn't help muttering.

- full of malice.

It's possible, but they all drove the spaceship away, the possibility of an accident on the road... it's not great at all, right?

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Come in." said the king.

His secretary pushed open the door and stood at the door, saying with a complicated expression—

"Your Majesty, we detected that Sykes of the Zerg acted again, and he took countless Zerg to attack the spaceship sailing in the interstellar space."

The king frowned.

Eliza? Xiaobai hasn't solved it yet, and Sikes has been dispatched again? ? ?

- Sykes is a named existence before Eliza Xiaobai. It is a big worm, with countless zerg, and often besieging the spaceship that travels through the stars.

As long as the spaceship was attacked by Sykes, there was no one who escaped alive!

The interstellar sky was originally the world of the Zerg.

Before waiting for the king to say anything, the secretary said, "It attacked Eliza Xiaobai's spaceship..."

The crowd widened their eyes.


Sikes attacked Eliza? What about Xiaobai? !

"Shu Shu Shu" everyone looked at the general.

The man was also stunned: "I am a crow's mouth, is my speech so accurate?"

After speaking, he immediately stood up in ecstasy and slapped the table—

"Hahaha, our plan to attack Lexing can continue! Eliza Xiaobai is dead, Lexing is nothing to be afraid of!"

In any case, this is a good thing for the Commonwealth.

Even the anger that the bomb could not defuse seemed to fade in an instant.

The king stood up and smiled slowly—

"Okay, now I will send a notice to all places, asking them to immediately send some dumplings to the imperial capital. We will use the blood of the dumplings to sacrifice the banner of our federation's battle!"

in the starry sky.

Of course, only Bai Zhi herself drove the spaceship. She was in the cockpit, driving the spaceship with her mechanical arm.

Bailitian stood quietly in the corner.

This time the dumplings took the spacecraft completely different from the last time. The last time they were locked in a cage and left their hometown, they were very uncomfortable and desperate.

And this time, they're going home.

Everyone was very excited, jumping up and down, and cheers resounded throughout the spacecraft.

Bai Zhi concentrated on driving the spaceship, one dumpling collided with other dumplings, rolled to the ground, followed the ground, and rolled to Bai Zhi's feet.

Then he raised his head and rubbed Bai Zhi.

Suddenly, Bai Zhi's face collapsed: "I said, don't rub against me!"

However, with such a black face, the dumplings were not afraid at all, they stood up laughing, Heidou looked at her, and blinked: "Xiaozhi, you are amazing."

Bai Zhi: "…"

Faceless guy.

She didn't speak, and was too lazy to pay attention to them.

However, more and more dumplings jumped in, chattering and talking—

"Xiao Zhi, you can still drive a spaceship, you are really amazing!"

"Can you make two for me with your hands? It must be great to catch grass."

"Xiao Zhi, you are really amazing. We can go back to Lexing. They must be very surprised to see us!"

"I'm going to show them my pink skin, hehehe!"

"Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi..."

Bai Zhi was annoyed and rolled her eyes. At this moment, she really had the idea of ​​not going back to Le Xing.

- She had a hunch that she would be annoyed by a bunch of shameless guys after returning to Lexing.

Just as she was about to blast away the dumplings, the machine in front of her sounded an alarm.

Bai Zhi immediately looked serious, jumped on the chair, and checked the situation.

- Zerg.

"Encountered a Zerg?" she murmured.

Immediately, her robotic arm controlled the spacecraft to avoid it from the side.

The spaceship has not been modified yet, and the combat effectiveness is not strong, and she does not really want to bring the group to fight against these dominant Zerg in the starry sky.

- If one of these shameless guys dies... the other dumplings will definitely annoy her.

Therefore, it is best to send them back to Lexing safely.

She calculated in her head instantly and planned a route to escape from the siege of the Zerg.

Quick action in hand.

Probably seeing her seriousness, the group of skinless and faceless dumplings suddenly calmed down and huddled together, seriously looking at the dense black dots on the big screen, and Bai Zhi's two robotic hands that were as fast as afterimages.

And this time...

In the corner, the boy who had been quiet suddenly made a voice, his voice was green and hoarse—

"Let me go, I can handle them."

Read Kill the Sun