MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 182 Mary Sue, who hunted the world (End)

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Many people do not believe it, and a large number of people rushed to the central area, from the ground to the sky, three layers inside and three layers outside.

The central area has always been a very mysterious area, and almost no one has ever walked to the most central wooden house. Everyone knows that Bei Baizhi lives here, and it is not that no one wants to see Bei Baizhi.

Especially those who are trapped in a certain realm and can't cultivate, or who want a chance, or who are about to die... They have all been to the central area.

But they knew that the wooden house was inside, but they couldn't get past it, and they always went around and came out on their own.

Of course, some people have met Bai Baizhi, and there have always been rumors that you can meet her as long as you chop down a few trees outside or burn the lawn.

It's just that when she sees her, points are deducted. If the plot is bad, she will be sent directly to mining!

Therefore, after a long time, no one will come here again.

At this moment, the scene of countless people flocking here is the first time in the past five hundred years.

Although almost everyone has cultivated now, but because of the constant maintenance of modern technology, the Internet has always existed, the reporter industry still exists, and you can still earn points.

They held the microphone, followed by the cameraman, and they did not find the excitement of the big news on their faces, but a kind of unease, a kind of panic.

But when they got here, they still couldn't get to the wooden house and couldn't see the people they desperately wanted to see.

Even the current king and first assistant have rushed over from the real world.

Five hundred years have passed, the king and the first assistant have also changed. Although their rights are far less than they used to be, they are still the king and the first assistant, and they are the leaders of the real world after all.

Seeing them, these people immediately rushed towards them—

"Your Majesty! What happened to the world master?"

"It is impossible for the world master to die, right? If she sits down, can our world of consciousness still exist?!"

"The Consciousness Department has no research results so far. If the world master dies, will we return to the real world?"

"Your Majesty! Shall we start packing now?!"

Question after question was thrown at the king.

The new king wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and was guarded by the guards in the middle. He raised his hand: "Everyone, please calm down, we have sent a message to Ms. Bei Baizhi, the world owner, if there is any news, we will notify you as soon as possible! "

In fact, the king is also confused!

He contacted Bei Baizhi, but he didn't get in touch.

So he came over in a hurry, but he never expected that there would be so many people here!

As soon as he saw so many people, he regretted it, but he had no choice. He had already arrived, so it was impossible to leave. He could only bite the bullet and deal with these anxious people.

In fact, the anxiety in his heart does not need them less!

The two Baizhi worlds are supported by Bei Baizhi's consciousness. If she really dies, will these two worlds collapse instantly? These people... will they all die inside?

The king can't wait to know the news, if that's the case, they must organize people to evacuate and leave the world of Baizhi!

However, as we all know, it is impossible for them to cultivate if they leave the Angelica world.

So, unless it is a last resort, who is willing to leave these two worlds that are already more important than the real world to them? !

Next to him, the first assistant lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, many people have already sorted out their things and escaped back to the real world."

The king took a deep breath, twitched the corners of his mouth and said loudly—

"Please don't worry, don't panic. It is impossible for the world master to ignore us. Everyone has an entry and exit order. If there is any unexpected situation, you can go out at any time, so please calm down."

However, this did not calm everyone down.

A very high immortal cultivator stepped on the flying sword and stood in the sky, and said with a sullen face: "Your Majesty, let's go out first. You must be able to get out!"

After speaking, the figure flickered and disappeared into the air.

Apparently, it's out.

After him, the number of people surrounded by three layers and three layers suddenly decreased by half, and they all fled this world, for fear that something really happened.

The king moved, but finally gritted his teeth and did not go out.

Once he also escapes from this world, everyone will be in chaos, all of them are magic, without Bei Baizhi's suppression, if this is chaos, I don't know how many things will happen.

So he held back, still standing in place, stiffly comforting the people who also stayed with this person: "Everyone, please rest assured, it is absolutely impossible for the Lord of the World to ignore us..."

Those who did not go out looked at him with fear and anxiety on their faces.

At this time, aura suddenly surged around, and the fog that had been lingering in the central area for many years suddenly dispersed!

Everyone was surprised.

But found a figure flying slowly.

The familiar dress, the familiar gold-rimmed glasses, and the familiar broom...

"Lord World Lord!" Everyone's eyes lit up.

The king also breathed a long sigh of relief, took a step forward, his eyes were excited, and his voice was high: "Jiezhu, are you all right?"

Bai Zhi lowered her eyes slightly, her voice still lazy: "It's okay."

Immediately, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Those who had just rushed out, looking at Bei Baizhi who appeared in the video, immediately issued an entry and exit order to enter again.

This is Bei Baizhi, the master of their world!


Can't get in.

Everyone was startled.

Through the screen, they saw Bei Baizhi standing out of thin air in the sky and said lightly: "Temporarily close the Baizhi world, and reopen it after I leave."

The king raised his head, his eyes blank: "Leave?"

Bai Zhi nodded: "Yes, I'm leaving this world, it can be considered as sitting down, I will completely give up the NPC body in this world."

Isn't that dead? !

An old expert in the consciousness department flew up suddenly, looked at Bai Zhi, and said in a hurried voice: "Lord Jiezhu! We all know that your NPC body is one with this world. If you give up your NPC body, wouldn't you die? If you die , then what support does this world rely on?!"

Bai Zhi lightly hooked her lips: "Giving up the NPC body doesn't mean you will die. My consciousness is still there. Everyone, your research on consciousness seems to be really far behind."

Without waiting for the people below to worry, she smiled slightly and said calmly: "I left, but these two worlds of consciousness will still exist, the same as before."

The old expert was stunned.

Others were also startled.

Ordinary people let out a long sigh of relief, and as long as these two worlds do not disappear, they can continue to cultivate, and they can continue to travel back and forth between these two worlds.

- It doesn't matter if there is Bei Baizhi or not.

But the king and the others were heart beating wildly.

The two worlds of consciousness that can achieve what they want, without Bei Baizhi who suppresses them, if they can master the management of these two worlds...

The king and the first assistant looked at each other, and at that moment, ambition and desire immediately burned.


Bei Baizhi's death is a good thing for them!

Some people who work hard to cultivate are also moved in their hearts. In the real world, some people lowered their voices and discussed excitedly—

"Isn't it from now on that we won't have to be squeezed again?"

"We can do what we want and live forever?"

"The world must be in chaos..."

"It's messy, and if we have a high cultivation base, we will definitely be able to grab the benefits the most!"

"Yes, I don't want to live this life for a long time. Those of us who are high-level cultivators should have greater rights and status, and be served and worshipped by others, instead of working in the Baizhi world... "

There are many people who have this idea. They looked at Bei Baizhi, and for a moment, deep in their eyes revealed...expectation.

A life that is not suppressed, isn't it worth looking forward to?

At this time, Bai Zhi moved the hand holding the broom, and suddenly said with a smile—

"Everyone, please rest assured, I know that you are reluctant to bear these two worlds, and I also know that you are reluctant to be a worker in the Baizhi world, so although I am about to leave, I will leave my virtual consciousness.

"Virtual consciousness owns my mind and controls these two worlds. From now on, these two worlds will still maintain the existing, existing, order, and order."

The voice fell, and suddenly there were disappointments in the eyes of countless people.

Of course, some people are relieved. After all, not everyone is aggressive, and some people like peace and stability.

The king couldn't hide his disappointment, but he relaxed quickly.

- It's okay, the big deal is still like this, they are used to it anyway.

The people in the consciousness department were the most anxious. The old expert continued: "Lord Jiezhu, why do you have to leave? You can obviously live forever with Baizhi World."

She left on her own, leaving behind her virtual consciousness.

But virtual consciousness is always virtual. If there is an accident in the future, no one has the ability to solve it!


For five hundred years, they have become accustomed to Bei Baizhi, the world master, and they really dare not think about what will happen when she disappears.

The king and the chief assistant were also busy saying—

"Yes, Lord World Lord, why do you have to leave?"

"You stay, our two worlds still need you."

Bai Zhi pushed the glasses: "Because I'm going to explore the existence of consciousness at a higher level, the mystery of consciousness is unfathomable, and you can leave when you have the ability."

She paused and looked at everyone, her voice full of temptation—

"Everyone, the virtual consciousness only has the consciousness level of Baizhi World, so please come on, when you conquer her, you can change the rules I made.

"From now on, my virtual consciousness is the way of heaven. When you have the ability to break this day, you can stop obeying my rules!"

The surroundings were quiet for a moment.

Everyone looked at her, and the heart in her chest was beating wildly again.

Broke the day...

What an exciting goal!

At this moment, a raging fire rose in everyone's heart, making them instantly full of fighting spirit.

Want to stop working as a migrant worker? Want to stop following the rules? Want to not be suppressed by Heaven?

Then ruin the day!

Breaking the rules set by her Bei Baizhi!

Bai Zhi saw the raging fire burning in their eyes, smiled, and slowly opened her hand—

"Everyone, come on, goodbye."

The figure exploded in an instant and turned into a stream of stars. On this day, it was snowing heavily in the two Angelica worlds.

The people who stayed in the Baizhi world have more or less improved their cultivation.

And those who fled immediately at the beginning, they were finally able to come in again after the snow stopped, of course not catching up with the promotion.

The world of Baizhi seems to be the same as before, but everyone knows that it is different.

- Their world lord Bei Baizhi left. Compared with death, they believed that she had gone to a higher world.

Gradually, when the world master Bei Baizhi went to the higher world, it became a legend, passed down from generation to generation.

But the passion and fire they ignited when Bei Baizhi left, cooled down after three days.


The consciousness department said: "It may take five hundred years to crack the virtual consciousness of Lord World Lord and create a huge real world like Baizhi World! There is still five hundred years between us and Lord World Lord's virtual consciousness. Years, as for the world master himself... that is probably another level of gap, because so far, we simply don't know how far the world master's research has gone!"

So if you break these rules and get rid of your worker status, you will have to wait another five hundred years.

Everyone: "…"

Get to work.

Baizhi World No. 2 has just started construction :).

system space.

444 blank face: "Master, why did you say these words before leaving?"

It was originally reading novels, but Bai Zhi suddenly told it - after five hundred years, it was enough, and she was ready to leave.

It also thought that they were going to leave directly, but Bai Zhi did not leave directly, but came out to talk to those people, and let them try to break her virtual consciousness...

444: "Are you afraid they will mess up?"

Bai Zhi touched her chin; "There is this reason, but there is another reason I want to do an experiment."

444 was even more at a loss: "What test?"

Bai Zhi smiled, but didn't explain, just said, "Look at the evaluation and points."

444: "..." Don't finish talking!

So angry!

It pursed its mouth and summoned the original owner.

However, it was not summoned, and 444 was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Bai Zhi asked.

444 said in surprise: "The original owner's mental state is not good and has disappeared..."

Hearing this, Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows.

One person is a little surprised, this is the first time that this has happened so far.

There are also those who did not dare to see Angelica, but there has never been one who disappeared without seeing Angelica!

444 was at a loss, but still said: "But the system defaults to 100 points."

Bai Zhi murmured: "Will it disappear in the system space? It seems that it is consumed..."

444 turned to look at her, puzzled: "What? Master, what did you say?"

Bai Zhi retracted her thoughts, and her smile became more meaningful: "It's okay, continue."

444: "…"

And don't tell it!

Sure enough, it's stupid!

444 continued to check the evaluation with a face full of grievances.


"Congratulations to the host Bai Zhi for winning the title of 'The Lord of the World', plus 1000 points."

A title, plus SSS evaluation, 444 is used to it, it is not surprising at all.

However, a sentence suddenly appeared on the screen -

"SSS points 500, won the title of 'The Lord of the World', plus 1000 points, a total of 1500... Zizi! There is an error in the system, Zizi...Recalculate..."

The entire screen seemed to be stuck and started to flicker.

444 was frightened, this is even more unusual than the original owner did not wait to see Bai Zhi!

Since the existence of system space, there has never been such a problem!

"Master..." It looked at Bai Zhi subconsciously, but found that Bai Zhi was looking at the screen excitedly, that kind of eyes were very familiar, and it was so familiar that it made its back chill!

444 shrank his neck.

"The statistics are complete, congratulations to the host for getting 4,500 points in the last world!"

444: "!!"

It was stunned: "4500?! How is it possible? Is the system statistics wrong?!"

How can it be 1500, how can it be 4500?

Will there be bugs in the system space? !

Bai Zhi smiled, and the gold-rimmed glasses gleamed: "No, the statistics are not wrong."

At this time, the system space began to set off fireworks, and the 100-person list appeared. Because of these 4,500 points, the ranking directly rushed to 15, and the content was—

Wish System 444, host Bai Zhi, points 17500, Great Demon King, New King, Dream Breaker, Human Nightmare, Hades, Mission Killer, Lord of the World.

444 is really shocked, it has never seen the host a world can get 4500 points!

I have never seen a system space statistics error!

There is no relevant record in the system forum either, this is definitely the first time it has happened!

Its voice trembled: "Master... this, this..."

Bai Zhi stretched out her hand, the light group 444 reached her hand, she smiled, with a cold light in her eyes—

"Yes, let's go, the next world."

another world...

One more world she can be sure of more information!

Bai Zhi's eyes were full of brilliance, making Tong not dare to look directly.

444: "…"

Feeling the hand holding it, 444 didn't dare to move.

What 4500, what BUG, ​​what statistical error, in front of the devil, nothing.

So it is honest, and the voice is pleasing: "Okay, master."

One person unified instantly disappeared into the system space.

The new world is an interstellar world, and it is also a world that Bai Zhi has never seen before.

Species in this world are relatively diverse. Of course, it is human beings who control the entire interstellar space.

Human beings have a dominant position on the planet. There are countless Zerg in the void outside the planet. They are the enemies of human beings and the second overlord among the stars.

However, the original owner was neither a human nor a Zerg.

The original owner is Xiaozhi, who lives on a very small planet. This planet is very remote. When human beings have not yet explored this planet, the original owner is the largest and most dominant species on this planet. .

They eat grass, have a good temper, and have lived on this planet for tens of thousands of years.

However, ten years ago, humans explored their planet and discovered their species.

Because this species is very small, it is relatively popular for humans to take them as pets.

In fact, it's okay to be a pet, and many species with low IQs don't suffer so much because of it.

But the original owners and their species have high IQs, and they can't accept that they become pets and leave their own planet.

It's a pity that their combat effectiveness is too poor, and it is useless to resist and struggle no matter what.

The same is true of the original owner.

But no matter how unwilling she was, she was captured and became a little girl's pet.

The original owner tried many ways to escape but failed, and because she escaped many times, she angered the owner, was gutted by the curious owner, and went to study the internal structure.

After being disemboweled, the original owner of course died and died on another planet.

Until she died, she was always thinking about going back, back to her own planet, back to the happy days when she was free, eating grass, basking in the sun, and playing with each other.

The original owner of this species is like this, with a high IQ, but he loves his family and has a strong sense of belonging. He is reluctant to leave his planet if he is killed, but the planet where they live has very good mineral resources, so they were all taken away.

And because they don't obey, no matter how cute they are, they get angry again and again, run away from their masters, and are still abandoned by many humans, and they have died countless times because of this.

Moreover, after leaving their planet, they were even unhappy and unwilling to reproduce. After all, this species died out 50 years after humans discovered them.

Very simple life experience.

444: "Master..." Really unexpected! This time the original owner is not a human!

Bai Zhi: "What is her wish?"

444 cautiously: "Her wish is that their species can stay on their planet forever, as calm and peaceful as before, not to be taken away again and forced to leave their home."

What a simple wish!

Compared with those "the whole world pays me money", "world peace", "world harmony" and so on...

The original owner's wish can be called simple.

If the Great Demon King is a human, it can be done easily.


This time, not only is she not human!

Also, yes, one, one, white, noodles, dumplings!


This species is only the size of a slap and has no feet. It looks like a big dumpling. It walks and jumps. It only has two small, round and short hands!

How does this work get done? ? ?

The system space for allocating tasks is embarrassing us, the devil!

444 was completely dumbfounded.

Unprecedentedly, Bai Zhi herself was silent.

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