MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 180 Mary Sue, who hunted the world (21)

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Bai Zhi came suddenly and walked unrestrainedly, but the news left everyone had to digest for a long time.

If that's all true...

The world will be changed!

All fantasies can come true!

Those who are physically handicapped, they not only have a complete body inside, they will also become complete when they return to reality!

Those who are dissatisfied with their appearance and figure have made adjustments in the world of consciousness, and also changed in reality!

If you want to have strong power, you can also do it by flying to the sky, washing the marrow and cutting sutras, and returning to reality...

No longer have to have everything in the conscious world like before, but return to reality, everything is back to the way it is, and then realize that those are all beautiful illusions.

And now, a beautiful fantasy is about to come true!

Not only that, but there is an existence that can firmly attract them all - longevity.

Who doesn't want to live forever?

Free, dashing, and powerful longevity!

That kind of temptation is like a deadly existence that no one can resist.

Whether it was the **** with guns or the reporters with cameras, after Bai Zhi left, they were all shocked and expectant, and the heart in the chest began to beat wildly.

Around, there are discussions—

"Hey, why did she leave?!"

"We still have a lot of questions to ask, can everything in the conscious world really be considered true?!"

"That's too incredible, the world is about to change..."

"I really want to interview Bei Baizhi, where am I going to find her!"

"Fuck, I want to go in and try it out with the entry and exit order! If it's true... ah ah ah!"

"I want to go too, this is the time to seize the opportunity!"

Many people are keenly aware of the opportunity for change.

The world will undergo earth-shaking changes, even subverting traditions and subverting everything!

In such a big change, those who seize the opportunity are always those who are most likely to profit.

Why did Yi Chen immediately return to the Angelica world?

If we all have super powers in the future, if flying with the sword and going to the ground will become true, if the world of consciousness becomes the real world...

Then, first of all those who have great abilities can live well enough in such a world!

Just like cultivation, under the same conditions, if others start before you, then it is very likely that they will always be ahead of you in the days to come!

Those who came out of the hunting world, many of them have been in the world of consciousness all the year round, their superpowers and consciousness are the most acceptable, and they also know best to seize the opportunity.

Therefore, countless players who just returned from Hunting World today, and countless players who live close by, all rushed over and rushed towards the staff—

"Give me back my entry and exit order!"

"And mine, my entry and exit order!"

"I just gave it to you, it's still in the basket, you can find it for me."

"Oh, these entry and exit orders are exactly the same, which one is mine!"

"Give me an entry and exit order to try, and I'll see if I can get in."

Countless people poured in, they filled the hall, and frantically scrambled for the entry and exit orders.

The king and Wu Yan had already been taken out of the hall when countless people came, avoiding the crowd.

The two got into the car, and the car drove to the palace.

The king was silent, his eyes were complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long while, Wu Yan's voice was hoarse: "Your Majesty... do you think it's true?"

King: "Elder Qin won't lie, Bei Baizhi is also an example..."

Yes, Qin is always their person. Although he is obsessed with consciousness research, he is definitely a loyal member of their faction, and he can't deceive them.

Doesn't Bei Baizhi's superpower that shocked them also mean that all this is true?


Wu Yan thought, that woman Bei Baizhi could do it.

The reason why she let everyone out so easily, they all thought they had deceived her, but in fact... did they really deceive her?

She knew from start to finish that they'd be taking entry orders!

So she wasn't surprised when she saw the baskets, as if she knew that those players would not go back before.

So she came out. The so-called "see why you didn't go back" was actually to show her ability and tell them what the current world of Angelica is like?

She is confident and sure that they will definitely go back!

Can you not go back?

That is longevity!

That's flying in the air!

Even Wu Yan himself couldn't resist this temptation, let alone everyone in the entire empire?

He looked at the king and said in a soft voice, "Your Majesty, things are about to change..."

The king didn't speak, and looked out the window, his eyes were as black as ink.

After a long, long time, he said softly, "Yeah, it's going to change."

After the world of consciousness really becomes the second world, who can be willing to be the second world?

Two worlds, after a long time, do they mainly live in the first world or in the second world?

Will they even go back to the real world?

This is probably hard to say.

And the second world can be known by the name - Baizhi World, a world named after a person, this world is destined to be managed by Bei Baizhi, she is the one who builds the world, she is the one who can control the life and death of the second world!

Under such circumstances, can they, these authorities and these politicians, still have their previous status?

Everyone has superpowers, and the deterrence of hot weapons will only drop again and again. Can he, the king, and the first assistant, Wu Yan, still sit still?

They don't want the real world anymore. Who is the king of the real world?

It's really going to change...

If the second world becomes a reality, this world will be completely subverted, and it will subvert everything, including state managers like them!

Wu Yan couldn't help saying: "Otherwise, we will boycott the second world. As long as we resist vigorously, it is impossible for Bei Baizhi to invade the second world into our real world!"

Thoughts flashed in the king's eyes, but in the end, he shook his head rationally: "Wu Yan, you know, I can't stop it. If the world of consciousness is real, it's something that drives the historical process, and development is something that can't be stopped. Live. We can stop it for a while, but we can't stop it for a lifetime. The long history is rolling, and no one can stop it."

Wu Yan wanted to say something.

The king looked at him: "Wu Yan, don't you want to enter the world of consciousness? Don't you have anything you want to have?"

Wu Yan paused and fell silent.

Why not?

He wants to live forever, to experience flying in the sky and escape. He was injured in his early years, and his waist is always uncomfortable. He wants to heal his waist. He also wants his little daughter to live longer, and wants to…

He wants too much.

If the world of consciousness is real, Wu Yan thought, after he retired, he would enter the world of consciousness to cultivate immortals.

He liked to read Xiuxian novels when he was young, but they were all fake at that time, so he restrained his preferences.

But what if it was true? He couldn't hold back.

He, the chief assistant who is about to lose his former status, is difficult to restrain, and he wants to enjoy the benefits brought by the world of consciousness. Those ordinary citizens, don't they want to? !

The king was right and couldn't stop it.

So Wu Yan was silent.

The car drove towards the palace, and just as it stopped, it was found that there were countless ministers gathered in front of them, from all parties.

The general secretary immediately came forward to report and lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, they have received the news and all came to you. They are in a hurry now."

- Here, there are their ministers and their political enemies.

Wu Yan looked at the king again, and his voice was sarcastic: "This is urgent, when we were solving the problem of the world of consciousness, they sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and even sneered at us. Now, they found that the world was about to change, and they finally sat down. no longer..."

The king also sneered in his voice: "At that time, they wanted us to be unlucky, and now it may be the time to be unlucky."

After a pause, he said, "Let's go, let's talk. Since there is going to be a change, we must seize the opportunity."

Wu Yan nodded and got out of the car.

The king paused next to the general secretary, and then said: "I want to find a way to let people enter the conscious world and contact Bei Baizhi, saying that I hope to talk to her, and talk about how the Baizhi world can better become the second world. Remember, with a better attitude, be sure to persuade her to talk to me in person."

"Your Majesty!" Wu Yan was startled.

Knowing that it will harm your own interests, you still need to contact her and discuss with her to make the world of Baizhi a second world?

The king smiled bitterly: "What if those guys contacted her first?"

Wu Yan was stunned.

Yes, the world of Angelica is going to become the second world, and it is still a very attractive world for people!

If Bai Baizhi is collaborating with their political enemies...

Wu Yan couldn't even think about it!

He opened his mouth, and finally said with a sullen face: "I'll be responsible for this matter... Your Majesty, I'll leave it to you here."

The king nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

The two separated, the king went to deal with the officials, and Wu Yan went to the consciousness department.

Angelica World.

Yi Chen couldn't wait to come in. After he came in, many people came one after another.

They left from the service center, and now that they are back, they naturally came to the service center.

The NPC smiled unchanged: "Hello, welcome back to the world of Baizhi, migrant workers, this is the manual of the world of Baizhi, please read it carefully, in duplicate, please sign the first copy after reading."

Yi Chen: "…"

Kind of troublesome.

He started to read the rules.

It is very long, but in fact, it is the same as the actual law, mainly emphasizing that the consciousness of the conscious world is now real, and once the consciousness dies, the person is really dead.

So killing people pays their lives. As for hurting people, the boundaries are not so obvious. After all, this is the world of consciousness. In the future, everyone will have powerful abilities, and some friction is normal.

There are many other rules, except that killing is to pay for life, the most serious thing is to drive out of the world of Baizhi, never to enter again, and how many years after being driven out, and how many points are deducted, etc.

I don't know if this rule will be changed in the future, but if they live in it now, they must act according to this rule.

After Yi Chen carefully read it, he signed it.

The NPC took it away, kept a copy for him, and said with a smile, "The rules will be announced every three days in the future. I hope you can listen to it on time, thank you for your cooperation."

Yi Chen nodded and said impatiently, "Can I cultivate immortals now?"

The NPC smiled: "Please test whether there is spiritual root first. After the test is completed, we will recommend a suitable direction for you."

Still need to test the root...

Yes, after all, this time it's for real.

He stood in front of a machine, scanned his body, and the NPC in charge of him said very politely—

"You are a three-spirited root, your physical strength is 129/200, your stamina is 129/200, your character value is 50/100, which is low. According to the display, you are most suitable for mechas and vampires. Of course, you can also choose immortals and magic, as well as ordinary people."

Yi Chen: "..." It turns out that he is not talented...

Noticing something unique in it, he asked, "What is the character value?"

The NPC explained: "It is based on your previous performance in the hunting world. Your performance in the Baizhi world will affect your character value in the future."

Obviously, this character value fully shows that Yi Chen was not a good person in the hunting world before.

Yi Chen: "..." Bei Baizhi, a woman who loves to turn over old accounts!

He asked, "What does that do?"

NPC: "It will affect your advancement speed, as well as your luck in the world of Baizhi, and it will also affect finding a job. Some jobs will consider character value."

Yi Chen: "...Fuck."

Didn't he just kill more people in the first place? !

Will it affect his future?

—Bei Baizhi, that is definitely a person who holds particular grudges!

NPC: "Do you have any direction you want to choose?"

He gritted his teeth and said, "Xiu Xian!"

Many people will choose this way, and Yi Chen is no exception.

NPC: "Okay, we're just making career recommendations. You can choose whatever you want, and you can change it at will in the future. You just need to be responsible for yourself."

Yi Chen nodded and asked, "Can I go to immortal cultivation?"

The NPC stretched out his hand: "Of course, please go to the East District to report."

Yi Chen turned around and walked towards the East District, his footsteps were a little excited.

But after a while, he came back with a dark face: "Excuse me, how can I get to the East District?"

He is coming in with true consciousness now, but he has nothing, no cultivation base, no ability, and there is no way to fly with his sword like before!

"There are flying boats outside the city. Since you don't have any points, do you need a loan? The maximum loan is 10 points, and the first week is interest-free." The NPC smiled as still.

Yi Chen: "..." For some reason, he felt like hitting someone.

In the end, Yi Chen, like the other newcomers, all borrowed ten points.

This point is what they can earn through labor and can buy and sell things, which is equivalent to money.

If they do not repay after the time limit, they will start to deduct interest. If they owe up to 100 points, they will be arrested for compulsory mining to repay.

If you refuse to repay, you will be expelled from Angelica World!

The punishment can be said to be severe.

Yi Chen and the others took a flying car to the East District. One-way flying is a point, which is still cheap.

Getting closer to the eastern district surrounded by fairy mist, Yi Chen rubbed his hands expectantly.

They went to the Eastern District Management Office, where they were still received by the NPC and registered for them.

He is finally about to start his official immortal cultivation!

NPC: "Hello, do you need to rent a house?"

Yi Chen: "???"

He paused: "Do you still need to rent a house?"

The NPC smiled: "When you worked there before to pay off your debts, you took care of your food and drink, but now that you are freelancers, you need to rent a house by yourself. Of course, if you have enough points, you can also buy it."

After a pause, she continued: "If you don't want to rent, you can go home and live every day."

Someone next to me asked, "What's the price of renting a house?"

The NPC took out a jade slip and spread it out. Immediately, they seemed to see a panorama of the entire East District. It was very detailed. With the operation of the NPC, they could even see the panorama of a certain courtyard!

Several people are a little excited!

This is the immortal method, a more real and mysterious immortal method!

When they entered the world of consciousness with their true consciousness this time, they discovered that compared to before, the sense of realism this time was truly incomparable to the past!

And with such a beautiful house, who can resist this temptation? !

"Let me talk about the rental price first. All the yards in this circle are 100 points per yard per month, and these three circles are 50 points per yard per month. The houses below are 30 points per yard per month." The NPC smiles.

Yi Chen: "…"

He turned to look at the others: "Do you share a lease?"

They can't afford to rent at all!

Because it is a monthly payment, the four of them rent together, and after renting the house, each person has 1.5 points left in his pocket.

Yi Chen finally couldn't wait to ask the key question: "Can I start cultivating immortals? How to start cultivating?"

The NPC smiled: "Fellow Daoist, it is recommended to go to work first."

The person next to you: "Why?"

The NPC still smiled: "Because the most basic exercises require 100 points, the slightly better exercises will cost thousands of points, and the heaven-level exercises will even cost tens of thousands. If you want to buy together, I'm afraid you need to get them all together. There are 100 people. And there are weaknesses in the exercises, it is best not to buy them together, there is only one copy of the exercises, if you buy them separately, you don’t have to worry about hitting the exercises.”

Yi Chen: "…"

Everyone: "…"

In other words, if you want to cultivate immortals, you have to spend 100 points to buy the exercises at the cheapest price!

Someone swallowed: "Xiu Xian... Didn't you look for opportunities everywhere?"

The NPC smiled slightly: "Fellow Daoists, fellow Daoists in the construction of the East District also contributed, is there any chance, fellow daoists don't know?"

Everyone: "..." Damn, it's a little different from what they imagined!

"However, the world master Bei Baizhi will regularly hold secret realm activities, and there will be opportunities at that time. Daoists can sign up at that time."

Everyone: "…"

NPC: "In addition, there are currently vacant stores in the East District, and most of them are still empty. If you have more points, you can rent a shop to do business. If you need to eat, please go to the workers' cafeteria in front of you, and you can get one point per person per meal."

Everyone: "…"

The NPC continued: "Turn right in front of the trading market, and turn left in front of the part-time job market. Do you need anything else, fellow Daoist?"

Everyone: "…"

When Yi Chen was dizzy and took the **** and shovel to start the construction, he couldn't help but fall into deep suspicion.

" not the same as the immortal cultivator I imagined..." Someone said.

"It's very different. We don't have mana, so we can only do the most basic coolies, five points per day, and 0.5 points left after three meals and four-person shared rental fees... Not to mention buying exercises, we are even in the Eastern District. I can't even get out, after all, it takes 1 point to take a car."

"There is no chance, so you need to buy everything you need to cultivate. A minimum storage bag costs 10 points, and magic tools and talismans are also expensive!"

"This day is over!"

However, they shouted that they couldn't get through, but no one left with an entry and exit order.

Yi Chen is also working hard.

They are reluctant to leave!

Although it costs a lot, this is a real immortal cultivation!

They are still mortals, so earning points will be very slow, and they can make money when they officially cultivate and enter the door, planting spirit grass, and picking up jobs.

And now I work from 9 to 5. After dinner, I can go back to the courtyard to meditate and practice. There are spirits everywhere in the East District.

This is also the reason why they are willing to rent a house instead of going home every day.

Introducing Qi into the body does not require exercises, it is engraved on a stone tablet in the Eastern District Management Center, and everyone can learn it.

They believe that as long as they keep working hard, they will eventually achieve results!

-Although it is completely different from what they imagined, what the conscious world wants!

Yi Chen has already planned a direction for himself in his mind. After a few days, after he has accumulated a few points, he will buy the lowest-level exercise with others. When he has a cultivation base, he will do higher-point work and save money. Buy alchemy and learn alchemy by yourself.

As we all know, alchemy is the most profitable.

At that time, he no longer engaged in infrastructure construction and made money from alchemy.

After accumulating enough points, he immediately replaced himself with a good exercise!

It will take some time to convert the practice, but as long as you can convert it, it's fine!

Yi Chen swung down his **** and did it very vigorously.

have to say…

Bei Baizhi is really good at drawing cakes.

As long as there is still a road to longevity ahead, as long as there is still hope, they are simply reluctant to leave!

Even if you work, you will be squeezed for points everywhere!

Damn, as long as they think that they are working for longevity, the hoes suddenly become energetic.

"come on!"

"The road to longevity requires hard work!"

"If you don't pay, you won't get anything!"

They encourage themselves.

In the distance, Bai Zhi stood on the roof of the wooden house, looking at the people in various districts vigorously building infrastructure, showing a satisfied smile.

—Sure enough, she still likes to watch people work.

The king finally got an opportunity to discuss with Bei Baizhi. He sat in the conference room and kept looking at the door.

"Not yet?" asked the king.

Wu Yan stood at the door, looked into the distance, and shook his head: "No, there's still a minute left, isn't this person deliberately late?"

He couldn't help complaining: "What a face, to let us wait for her, really—"

"What is it?" A female voice called out.

Wu Yan was startled and turned back suddenly.

I saw that Bai Zhi appeared out of thin air as if torn apart the space!

Wu Yan was startled and stammered: "You, did you appear here?!"

Bai Zhi calmly said: "What's the matter, it's just a position."

Wu Yan: "!!"

Bai Zhi: "Don't think blindly, I don't have time to find you."

Wu Yan: "…"

The king showed a smile, suppressed his beating heart, and said as calmly as possible: "Ms. Bei Baizhi, please take a seat."

Such a terrifying ability!

I have to say that he would also like to have such a terrifying ability when he jumped out of his identity as a king!

Compared to competing for rights, who doesn't want to become immortal? free?

Think ancient emperors...

It is already above ten thousand people, and still yearns to become an immortal. It can be seen that immortals are more desirable existences than emperors!

Bai Zhi nodded and sat down calmly.

The king retracted his stray thoughts and said seriously: "I don't know what Ms. Bei Baizhi wants to do? We accept the second world, but have you ever thought about whether the second world will replace the real world? In the future, if all the People live in the world of consciousness...then there will be no people in the real world..."

Bai Zhi shook his head: "No, many education and medical care are in the real world. If things go on like this, the second world will be the master, but the real world will never be abandoned."

King: "..." Angelica is the main world...

This woman is real!

He was a little surprised: "Are you so sure that the real world will never be abandoned?"

Bai Zhi: "Of course, after all, I am ready to go back to school after I have arranged things in the world of Bai Zhi."


Wu Yan: "???"

Bai Zhi: "Can't you?"

King: "Of course! It's just that there are so many tricks in the world of consciousness, and they can still practice. Are they really still learning?"

Bai Zhi was surprised: "Why don't you study? Science is the foundation of everything. Many things in Bai Zhi's world require science. It is said that the construction of an island in the air is impossible without a monk who is proficient in design. , the learning of some characters and the practice of preschool are inseparable from education.”

She looked at the king condemningly: "Everything can't be separated from science, how can we not learn?"

King, Wu Yan: "..."

- You are the most unscientific existence!

Fortunately, this finally reassured the two of them.

Education is still stuck in the real world, so this world will definitely not be gradually abandoned.

As long as the Angelica world needs it, they must learn.

And in the past two days, the king and the others have also inquired about a lot of news about the world of Baizhi. If there is no skill there, even looking for a job, you can only find the most basic digging ground.

The king breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "You are willing to come, probably because you are willing to discuss with us more detailed management of the two worlds. Now, let's start talking about all the problems of the coexistence of the two worlds."

Bai Zhi nodded: "Well."

So, in the conference room, Baizhi represented the world of Baizhi, and the king, Wu Yan, the general secretary and some courtiers represented the real world, and the two parties began to discuss in detail.

Ever since Bai Zhi appeared in reality, since she said that in the conscious world they are all real consciousness, and everything that is possessed in the conscious world will be possessed in the real world, the empire has been discussing this matter almost every day!

Those who hold the entry and exit orders frequently travel back and forth between the two worlds.

It has been a month, but the heat has not dissipated at all, but has become more frenzied.

Most people are excited and pleading—

"Ahhh, I want to go in too!"

"Look at the picture my brother took, Mom, it's so beautiful inside!"

"Woooooo, I want to go too, Mom!"

"Unfortunately, I don't have an entry and exit order. The entry and exit order is exclusively for people. Bei Baizhi, when will an entry order be issued to us all?"

"I really want to cultivate, my son has spiritual roots, and I must have spiritual roots too!"

"I want to be a vampire. I thought vampires were the most handsome when I was a kid!"

"In the front, did you not read the guide? The vampires in the Baizhi world are different from the vampires you know! They are people who have the appearance of vampires and drink nutrient solution! It's just a different way of cultivation, strong in the early stage, and strong in the later stage Certainly not as good as a cultivator!"

"I like to be strong in the early stage. Immortal cultivators are really strong in the late stage, but if you become a vampire, you will have a 150-year lifespan. With the purchase of vampire boosting potions, you can live longer. But is there a first-order immortal cultivator now? It's rare. To die."

"But I can become a monk first, and then I can become a vampire if I don't succeed."

"The premise is that if you have spiritual roots, there are very few games here."

"Although I also want to cultivate, but I think they are very hard. The world of consciousness can be achieved, but it turns out that they are all so hard, and it is very difficult to improve their cultivation!"

"The road to longevity is too difficult. My brother used to shout every day that he wanted to become a great power. In the past two days, he called to become a monk and stopped digging..."

"Longevity? What dreams do you have? It is estimated that most people spend their entire lives in the qi refining period at the age of 150."

"It's really bitter, the world of consciousness shouldn't be like this!"

"Although it is bitter, I still want to go in, woo woo woo, the pancakes with spiritual energy are so delicious!"

"Let me in!"

There are also some people who disapprove and bad-mouth—

"The world of consciousness shouldn't exist! This thing will cause the whole world to be in chaos and order to collapse!"

"Yes, I agree. It's fine now. Why do you want to get some kind of cultivation? In the future, you will really turn your hands for the clouds and cover your hands for the rain. I don't know what the chaos will be like..."

"I also don't support any second world, so I should take away all the entry and exit orders, and don't go to Bei Baizhi's world, that's putting my life in the hands of others!"

"Yes, Bei Baizhi didn't let everyone out before, but now you dare to go in, aren't you afraid?"

"And apart from the long-term development, it is said that the world of Baizhi, where people work and dig fields every day, is not as good as the real society."

"The whole system of Baizhi World is all about squeezing people! Whether it's medicinal pills or anything, it takes a lot of points. If you want points, you have to work. In the end, everyone's ending is - keep working!"

"The name is appropriate, Baizhi is a world worker, everyone is there to work, and it's the hardest kind, so it gives a little benefit, it's not necessary at all!"

"A lifetime is enough to live. What kind of immortal cultivation is required? It's a mess."

People with two attitudes quarreled.

The former thinks that the latter is pedantic and affects the course of history. This is an inevitable development. The lifespan can be longer and people can be more diverse. What’s wrong?

And it's a bit hard now. After all, it's still hard work. When there are descendants in the future, they will have the accumulation of their predecessors, and it will be much easier.

The latter feels that the former is looking for abuse, affecting social stability and harmony. There are still many people who are content with their current life. If the rest of them are strong, it will affect these people, which is forcing them to choose to enter the world of Baizhi!

After all, the conscious world is the conscious world. Even if you want to use it as the real world, it is still in the hands of others, and it is impossible to be safe.

Two attitudes, scolding on the Internet every day.

At this time, someone suddenly broadcast live on the Internet, posting what they brought out from the world of Angelica.

"Haha, look, storage bag!" The man held the storage bag and easily put the suitcase in the storage bag, and packed a lot of messy things.

"Hey, I'm going back to my hometown to deliver food from the East District to my parents, and I just packed everything away in a storage bag!"

"Cultivation method? Of course there is! Who told me to study architectural design, even if I don't practice, I can earn 10 points a day. I have bought the exercise method, and I still have the balance to buy storage bags and some cheap spirits in the east area. Fantastic food!"

"Grab? Hehe, my spiritual roots are pretty good. I've been cultivating recently, and I've already practiced one level of Qi."

"However, there are very few spells in the first layer of Qi training, just two, one dust removal technique, and one arson technique. I will show you dust removal!"

"Set fire? What a joke! No, it's not that there is defense in the East District. In reality, I dare to set fire to cause bad influence, but I will deduct character points and points!"

"Yes, there are people with high character values, and cultivation is a little easier. I don't know why, but it's easier to find a job, that's for sure!"

"On the third level of Qi training, you can fly with the sword. I have already started. It shouldn't take long to reach the third level. In the future, you can use training instead of sleeping."

"Have I lost weight? Of course! Maybe you can't see that there is a filter in the live broadcast. Not only did I lose weight, but I also became a lot whiter. After absorbing the air into my body, I obviously felt that I was five years younger! I suddenly became twenty years old. The young, white, skin has improved, and all the previous skin diseases are gone! And... my hair that was precarious is now thicker!"

"Haha, then continue to be envious. When everyone has an entry and exit order, you can enter. I won't tell you, I'm going to deliver things, and I have to go back to work and practice. I'm busy."

"Busy, hard, but happy!"


This live broadcast has been reposted countless times on the Internet, and countless people are envious and begging wildly to want to go in. Some people who didn't want to go and those who were against it also quietly changed their minds.

This kind of emotion becomes more obvious when more and more people around have "superpowers".

The voices of approval have long completely drowned out the voices of disapproval.

When a few people who disagree with come forward, everyone else will only reply—

"Oh, then you don't have to enter or leave the order at that time."

This situation makes those who are always stubborn and unacceptable very angry.

Among them, an old sociology expert who made the biggest fuss came out and said—

[I am firmly opposed to entering the Angelica world! This is an existence that disturbs the social order and makes everyone panic. I hope the empire will come forward and negotiate with Bei Baizhi. For future consideration, we firmly oppose Baizhi's world becoming the second world and take away all access orders! 】

This old expert is very appealing, attracting many opponents to gather together.

This made those supporters angry.

They haven't got the entry and exit order yet, why are these people jumping around again and again? !

That person Bai Baizhi...

Is that good-natured? !

They were anxious to get angry and scolded these people frantically, for fear that because of them, Bai Zhi would not issue entry and exit orders to everyone in the entire empire!

Then they really want to hate these stubborn people!

However, at this time, the empire suddenly issued a notice:

[Jointly promulgated by the king and Ms. Pei Baizhi - Long-term planning regulations for the real world and Baizhi world]

Just by looking at the title, you know that Bai Baizhi will have the same rights as the king from now on, and all the rules of the two worlds need to take her opinion into consideration!

Even she has no courtiers, no supervision, and has the right to speak out in the world of Baizhi

Read Kill the Sun
Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground