MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 165 Mary Sue, who hunted the world (6)

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The first round of the hunting world rankings is about to begin.

After entering the hunting world for a month, the surviving contestants will be ranked. This ranking is based on points. Whoever has the highest points will be ranked first.

And obviously, the gap between this ranking and future rankings will be very large.

People who enter the hunting world are either for fame or for profit. Of course, there are also people who simply come to play, but they can also gain fame and fortune while playing. Who wouldn't want to?

They all want to get the final king of the hunt.

After entering the hunting world, the ranking will be announced every month from the first month to the end.

Obviously, the people who ranked first for the first time not only represented the powerful ones, but also represented that they might be someone else's next-hunting target.

Everyone has their own opinions on whether to compete for the ranking in the first round.

There are still three days left to announce the rankings, and the forums are going crazy about it—

"Smart people won't compete for the first round of rankings. I haven't seen the Red Boss of the Red Sun team. Do they have low points? All of them are used to buy equipment!"

"Then Yi Chen and the others are frantically accumulating points!"

"...I don't understand the previous ones. Yi Chen and the others accumulated points to redeem their equipment, but they just happened to meet the ranking. If they didn't have to meet that NPC, they might not accumulate points and make a fortune in silence."

"Is it true that Xiangyun and his team are accumulating points? Don't think that everyone else is a fool. It's better to become famous as soon as possible, regardless of whether it will be on the hunt list or not, put the ranking there first and let everyone know about him. That's the smart thing to do."

"Yes, no one knows if there will be an accident in the next moment. If you don't get your fame out first, if there is an accident, you will get nothing!"

"And the big teams like Hunting World are all on the hunting list of others, so it's better to get the ranking first!"

As for whether to compete for the first round of rankings, the forums have their own opinions, and the quarrel is very lively.

But obviously, the contestants have their own ideas, so they continue to execute according to their own ideas.

For this reason, in addition to the indisputable topic, the second most popular topic in the forum is to bet, who will be the first to press the first round—

"Of course it's Yi Chen!"

"Not necessarily, I think Xiang Yun may be the first."

"I don't think these two teams are the same. They have a lot of people, and the points need to be divided, but there is only one Black Knight, and he has accumulated a lot of points."

"Alas, it's a pity that there are no statistics yet. I don't know who is higher and who is lower."

"That's why I have to guess, I pressed Du Shui, this has accumulated a lot of points, and the magician equipment is not easy to find, she didn't buy much equipment, but sold a lot..."

"23333 Speaking of selling equipment, I thought of the NPC who sold equipment again!"

"By the way, who knows the name of that NPC? If she also participates in the ranking, she will definitely be number one, there is nothing to say!"

"Don't be crooked, keep betting, and I'll beat Yi Chen too."

The NPC Bai Zhi they mentioned had been locked up in her wooden house for an afternoon.

Netizens watching can't get in. Although they don't know why they can't click to enter, it is estimated that it is the setting of the consciousness world. After Bai Zhi enters the room, they will go to other places to continue watching.

In the evening, the door to the room opened.

Bai Zhi picked up a package with her broom and walked slowly to the market.

— The audience knows, she's off to sell again.


She doesn't seem to go to the treasure trove today, so what is she going to sell? And the package is still so full?

The audience was a little puzzled.

But Bai Zhi obviously won't explain it to them. After she brought things to the market, many people rushed up immediately—

"Boss, what are you selling today?"

"Are they all treasures?"

"Hurry up and take a look, I've been waiting for a while."

Bai Zhi opened the package expressionlessly, and replied only two words: "Equipment."

After the package was opened, everyone fell into extreme silence.


- God outfit.

Ten costumes!

Divine Equipment is the highest level of equipment, the number is very rare, and every time it appears, it means that the combat power has increased significantly, and it may even reach an invincible state.

Even for large teams.

Before the Red Sun team obtained a divine outfit, and immediately became the first, Yi Chen's team was in a hurry and rushed to beat the boss, and then bumped into Bai Zhi's hand.

How hard is it to get divine gear?

Let's put it this way, even if you go to fight the current boss with the highest combat power (except Bai Zhi), there is only a few tenths of the possibility of dropping the **** outfit, and the probability of picking it up at the roadside stall is even lower.

However, it is said that someone rescued an NPC on the side of the road before, and the other party gave him a rusty iron lump. Later, the iron lump was found to be a divine suit, which led to a fight.

- This probability is too low, too low.

But now, in front of them there are divine costumes, ten pieces!

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Bai Zhi: "Offensive, defensive, used by cultivators, used by magicians, and used by other attributes, should you buy it?"

The voice fell, and the others didn't even have time to think about what the **** was going on with so many gods pretending to be together. With points in their pockets, they rushed over immediately.

"Ahhh! I want to buy I want to buy!"

"Contact the boss, we don't have enough points!"

"Hurry up, we must not let the divine costume leak from us."

"Do you have enough points? If not, we will form a team on the spot and buy them together!"


"Don't be, the big team is coming! If you don't buy it, go away, we're finished!"

The value of the **** outfit is so high that only a few can buy it now.

Only two people bought it, and then someone shot them, and the scene was chaotic.

Someone looked at each other and rushed towards Bai Zhi.

- They are going to grab this NPC!

It must not be dragged on, otherwise, when the big team comes over, they will not be able to catch anything!

These people shot at Bai Zhi, but their hands were towards the divine costume on the ground.

The scene became more and more chaotic.

When someone sees other people do it, they can't take care of others, so they immediately follow!

Bai Zhi raised her hand, snapped her fingers, and the person who was shooting at her stiffened in place, and then slowly disappeared.

- It's "dead"!

Everyone was quiet.

Even fell into extreme silence.

Those who had just raised their hands, or were about to do so, were all stiff and motionless.

- This NPC is so strong!

I have never seen an existence that can kill several people with one hand!

No wonder she dared to come up with a divine costume to sell!

Bai Zhi looked calm: "Buy in order, and you can buy it if you have enough points."

After speaking, she sat cross-legged, obviously not in a hurry.

The others looked at each other, and in the face of absolute strength, they all quieted down.

At this time, large teams that were close to each other approached one after another. Many people gritted their teeth, bound their teammates on the spot, bought an artifact together, and ran away when they bought it.

Chase if you can't afford it.

Still confused.

The ten divine costumes were sold out quickly, and the big team who arrived late didn't even see a shadow.

The same goes for Yi Chen and the others. They grabbed a passerby and asked—

"Fuck, it's too late!"

"How come an artifact suddenly appeared?!"

"What happened? Ten artifacts?"

"real or fake?"

After hearing the explanation, they let go of the passersby and looked at each other.

—It turned out to be that NPC!

She actually has ten costumes? !

Where did it come from? !

But if it was that woman, they were destined to be impossible to rob.

After a while, they asked with gloomy faces: "Who are the people who bought the artifacts? Which direction did they go?"

The barrage was also stunned—

"Where did she get the costume?!"

"Didn't you see when she got the **** outfit?"

"I didn't kill the player, I didn't go grab the treasure, so how did she get the **** outfit!"

"And it's still ten! Damn, this NPC is too psychedelic."

"Ask the Awareness Department to go."

Everyone was confused, and the market was in chaos because of ten artifacts.

The perpetrators who stirred up the chaos were remarkably calm.

Bai Zhi took the countless points she sold, took her broom, and left slowly.

In his mind, 444 couldn't help but ask: "Master, how can you make a **** costume?"

Bai Zhi chuckled: "I'm just experimenting and earning some points by the way."

"Huh?" 444 looked confused.

Bai Zhi: "Now the experiment is over, very good, all my layouts are correct."

444: "..." It thinks it might be a fool compared to its host.

Bai Zhi was in a good mood today and walked calmly, but answered with a smile in her heart: "Today, the consciousness department took action against me. They are changing my data and want to plan a new plot line for me."

444: "!!"

It was stunned: "Why didn't I know?!"

As if thinking of something, it suddenly raised its voice: "Is it noon when your consciousness is suddenly very active?!"

Bai Zhi: "You are not so stupid as to be hopeless. At that time, they wanted to change the plot line for me, and I accepted it very obediently."

444: "!!"

"Probably because they operate consciousness, and you exist in consciousness, and your creator is more advanced than them, so they didn't notice that you and I were wrong. But at the same time, you also naturally ignored them." Bai Zhi said lightly.

444: "And then what?!"

Bai Zhi smiled like a smile: "The plot line they changed for me was to let me express my appreciation to Yi Chen when Yi Chen and the others came back to redeem the equipment, accept him as a disciple, give him an artifact, and then sit down."

Generally, NPCs don't plan in such detail. Whoever chooses and who they meet depends on coincidences and the NPC's own awareness.

But they now feel that the bug of Baizhi is difficult to solve, so they plan in detail.

444: "...So that's how the artifact came? But that's not right, there should be only one artifact."

Bai Zhi: "Yes, they only gave me the data of one artifact, so what does it matter? I was originally a bug, so the reason why I calmly accepted their changes. In fact, it was a temptation from the beginning, to lure them to discover me and come to change me. , as long as they move, I can record how they change the Hunting World consciousness data."

444: "!!"

"You see, I know how they changed it. After calculation and derivation, it seems that I know their key. I can make my own artifacts, and I can change the world at will."

Bai Zhi's voice was faint and sneered: "Look, they themselves caused the bug of Bei Baizhi, and I am a super virus. I successfully lured them to change, and now, I can take over the world."


Everyone will know what these four words mean.

For some reason, 444 heard chills in Bai Zhi's voice.

- She no longer does experiments in this world.

- But in fact, consciousness experiments are not necessarily not experiments.

World after world, they are making this woman stronger.

Sometimes she will explain it to it, but most of the time, she doesn't actually tell it anything. Although 444 is bound to her, it knows it by itself, and it may not know everything about her.

444 For the first time I felt—

Perhaps, she can really explore the secrets of the system space.

Nothing could hold her back.

The day before the leaderboard comes out.

Bai Zhi saw Zhuo Yi again.

Perhaps it can be said that Zhuo Yi came to find Bai Zhi again.

- He came alone.

"You're not dead yet." Zhuo Yi said.

Bai Zhi was basking in the sun. Hearing that, she opened her eyelids and looked at him, raising her eyebrows slightly: "Aren't you still dead?"

Zhuo Yi looked at her with complicated eyes.

He passed the news that this NPC was a big boss to several teams, but he didn't know whether those teams had taken action on this NPC.

A few days ago, he received a message—

Yi Chen's team is looking for him.

Zhuo Yi was confused.

But he sensitively avoided Yi Chen and the others. This was hunting the world. No matter what they wanted to do with him, it couldn't be a good thing.

So Zhuo Yi has been hiding.

Ever since he was killed by Bai Zhi once and all his equipment was taken away, Zhuo Yi's life has been very difficult, and his life has been in danger several times!

If it wasn't for Angelica, he wouldn't have been so miserable!

Zhuo Yi hated Bai Zhi more and more as the days passed.

It's a pity that he doesn't have that strength yet, so he never came back.


Zhuo Yi smiled: "Of course I won't die! I'm lucky, God has favored me, so that I can take revenge, and let me stand in front of you now!"

Bai Zhi slowly sat up and looked at him.

She had it all over her face - where did you get your confidence from?

Zhuo Yi smiled: "Then I'll show you where my confidence comes from!"

He was reciting some formula, golden light appeared on his body, and a set of golden armor appeared!

Then, his outstretched hand grabbed a sword in the air—another divine outfit!

Bai Zhi: "…"

444: "…"


If it's not wrong...

This should be the second of the nine artifacts that Bai Zhi had just sold two days ago.

444: "Pfft haha—"

Barrage: "Can someone explain popular science, where did he get the two artifacts?!"

Barrage: "Picking up the leak, the two people holding the artifact fought, and both were injured. He was in ambush and caught it all."

Barrage: "... luck is really good."

Barrage: "It's just that my head is not good, and I came back to find 'thans' again."

Zhuo Yi sneered: "I didn't expect that I could have two artifacts, right? My name is Zhuo Yi, the one who killed you!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards her.

After a minute.

Bai Zhi sat there, raising her hand, Zhuo Yi's skin was bruised and foaming at the mouth floated in the air.

With a few movements of her hand, Zhuo Yi dropped the equipment.

-Once again, apart from the jacket, even the coat and points are all gone.


"Fuck, why does she seem to be stronger again?!"

"And it feels like she's even weirder now, as if it only takes one...thought to defeat someone who has two artifacts?"

"I feel the same way... it's so **** scary, I got goosebumps all over!"

"Mom, such a strong boss, how can someone win in the future?!"

The barrage is very lively, but the people in the hunting world know nothing.

Bai Zhi's hand pressed down, and Zhuo Yi fell to the ground with a "bang".

Bai Zhi stood up and slowly approached him.

Fear flashed in Zhuo Yi's eyes, then he closed his eyes and waited for death.

- Not really dead anyway.

After returning to reality, he must ask the person in charge of the hunting world, what the **** is going on with this boss? ! Why so strong? !

Bai Zhi looked at him condescendingly: "My name is Bei Baizhi, your nightmare." Repeating the sentence he just said.

Zhuo Yi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her.

Barrage: "...Fuck, this NPC has a name!"

Bai Zhi bent down and looked at him with a smile: "Do you think I'm going to kill you? No, I'm going to give you a gift, don't you want to kill me to drop a prize? Don't kill me, I'll give you a big gift now."

She raised her hand and pointed at him: "Starting today, I will give you the 'eternal life of hunting the world', unlimited, limited, reincarnation, and return."