MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 114 The Fallen Witch in the Master-Apprentice's Love (19)

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Only two low-level disciples came to deliver the letter.

In fact, there are not many high-level disciples in the entire Demon Sect.

Sang Baizhi's theory at the beginning was that "the higher the cultivation, the more wasted spiritual energy", so many high-level monks couldn't bring themselves to go to the Demon Sect.

They have been cultivating for so many years, and the way they have always practiced has been meditation and penance. Now they are suddenly told to change to another way of cultivation. How could they accept it?

Moreover, most of the high-level disciples are the noble wealth of the sect, and they are also the high-ranking of the sect. They enjoy the dividends of the sect. Naturally, they stand with the sect. How can they leave the sect.

However, even if the two low-level monks came from Changtian Xianmen, they were still very confident, with a smile on their mouths and a wrist watch on their wrists, and they entered Changtian Xianmen's territory.

This was absolutely impossible to happen in the past!

Seeing so many Nascent Soul cultivators, the low-level monks knelt on the ground and trembled!

But now, such a thing has happened. Two low-level monks are not at all unnatural, nor are they afraid of them, in front of a group of high-level monks.

They have protective wristwatches, they have a terrifying monster behind them, they are fearless, aren't they?

The two of them stood in the hall, performing the etiquette of the Demon Sect, without bending their waists, just look at you, I said, and said—

"Sect Master Xuanyuan, your lord has an order, you colluded with Hei Jiao and plotted against your lord, the evidence is conclusive.

"For the sake of the peace of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, the Honorable Lord will not do anything to you, but the death penalty is exempt, and the compensation must not be less."

"So the Demon Sect asked Changtian Xianmen for half of its territory as an apology!"

"I also ask Sect Master Xuanyuan to sort out the places that will be allocated to the Demon Sect as soon as possible, so that we can arrange for the disciples to stay."

After the two finished speaking, they stood on the side politely, waiting for Xuanyuan Han's response.

Xuanyuan Han clenched his hands into fists, and the thick ink in his eyes opened for a moment.

"Two people, isn't the Demon Venerable going too far, how can you ask for someone else's territory!" A Nascent Soul cultivator said quietly, his face also very ugly.

Unless it is a competition for resources, very few sects want the territory of other sects.

After all, apart from the Demon Sect, no sect dares to build its own sect next to other sects!

As soon as you open it, it is half of the site. If Changtian Xianmen is given, it will become a joke in the world of immortality in the future!

"This is an order from the venerable lord himself. The head of Xuanyuan is intrigued, and the compensation is also due. The lord said that if the Changtian Xianmen is unwilling to give it, she will come to the door in person to get it!" Take a look.

Another monk said: "I also ask you to decide as soon as possible. Your Lord said that you must get the answer today."

After that, the two turned around and left.

"Bang—" Xuanyuan Han stood up abruptly and smashed the table into ashes.

There is no such thing, there is no such thing!

This was the most humiliating moment after he became the head!

This woman, Sang Baizhi, asked him directly for the site!

If he doesn't give it, she will come to the door in person?

It's knocking on the door!


"This Sang Baizhi is lawless, how can I ask other sects for half of the sect's territory? Isn't this not taking our Changtian Xianmen in the slightest?!"

"Who gave people an excuse..."

"No! We absolutely can't divide our sect to her half. This is the place where Changtian Xianmen has lasted for tens of thousands of years. Sixteen peaks are all developed by great powers. How can they be given to others?"

"We can ask her if she wants something else! This condition must not be agreed!"

Among them, an older Nascent Soul cultivator said quietly—

"We can not give it, what if Sang Baizhi calls over? She can trap tens of thousands of monsters in an instant, but can't she instantly control our entire Changtian Xianmen? At that time, who of you would go up and fight her? At that time, don't say Half of the land, that is, all the land has become theirs!"

The person who was still outraged just now suddenly froze.

They stopped cursing, as if the resentment on their faces had diminished, and they became silent, as if they were measuring.

Xuanyuan Han suddenly looked at the old Yuan Ying cultivator with a sullen face: "Then what do you mean? Are you giving her half of Changtian Xianmen?!"

Seeing him getting angry, the Yuanying cultivator refused to bow his head, but said: "If the head hadn't acted on his own and was confessed by Hei Jiao, we wouldn't be excused by her. Sang Baizhi has strength, but no matter whether it was the right one before. You Nascent Soul Daoist friends, or to the demon cultivator, are still given a chance, and they did not directly put people to death."

Xuanyuan Han stared at him, and the surrounding pressure was terrifying.

The old man was not to be outdone.

All the Jindan cultivators present were forced to turn pale due to the coercion, took a few steps back, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Xuanyuan Han's violent aura caused even the Yuan Ying cultivator to frown.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the others: "What about you? Do you also support dividing the land to half of them?!"

did not speak.

Those who protested loudly just now suddenly stopped talking.

"Speak!" Xuanyuan Han was furious, his eyes dark as ink.

He was obviously different from before. In the past, he was "the number one person in the world of immortal cultivation". He was always cold and immortal, but now he is explosive and irritable, and the spiritual energy around him is restless.

After he finished shouting, they finally hesitated to speak—

"We really can't win against Sang Baizhi. She wants half of the territory now. If she comes, she will definitely want all of it! At that time, will we still be able to survive? You know, we Changtian Xianmen have a grudge against her."

"Yeah, when she fell into a demon in Changtian Xianshan, and was kicked out of the sect by her abolished dantian, no matter who she is, she should hate it, not to mention she is still a demon..."

"And their demon sect is right next to us. The disciple has already run away so much. When she comes to attack us, we don't have much power to fight back. How can we beat her!"

"I was caught by her this time, and I'm afraid she will only admit it."

"Negotiate with that devil first to see if it can be replaced with something else."

"If it doesn't work, give them the worst peaks..."

"Sect Master, weren't you still worried that you ran away so many traitors just now, and haven't any new disciples joined? You can't recruit disciples now, and those peaks have to be empty..."

Yes, before those two people came, they got together to discuss the recent rebellion of countless disciples of Changtian Xianmen.

Originally, Changtian Xianmen had run away a lot of disciples. Later, after Xuanyuan Han killed a disciple, he ran away a lot again. Even if they were strictly guarded, there were still fewer and fewer disciples.

Today, they deliberately counted the disciples of each peak, and it turned out that one third of them had already sneaked away!

This is not a small amount, and they hurriedly reported it.

But I didn't expect that before a charter was negotiated, the Demon Sect would come to ask for compensation!

How can they care about any disciple now, the compensation from the Demon Sect is enough for them to have a headache!

Xuanyuan Han gritted his teeth: "What do you mean... We have fewer disciples, so why don't we just give them our territory?!"

The crowd was silent again.

Of course, not everyone thinks it should be given, and some people still insist on objecting, but they want to object, but they are afraid of Sang Baizhi calling...

They have old grudges!

So his expression became hesitant.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Han flicked his sleeves—

"I am the head of Changtian Xianmen, I absolutely cannot agree!"

The old Nascent Soul said again: "Sect Master, I hope you will calm down a bit, and don't implicate the entire sect because of your mistakes!"

This old man and Wei Daojun were relatives, and he simply disliked Xuanyuan Han very much.

It's not just because of Wei Daojun, their Changtian Xianmen has gone from the first sect to today's situation. Almost everything is paying for Xuanyuan Han's mistakes!

Repenting of marriage, forcing people to fall into demons, abolishing dantian, encircling and suppressing demons, collaborating with black Jiao...

Every piece is made by Xuanyuan Han!

How could he not blame him?

It was he who implicated Changtian Xianmen to the present dilemma!

He and the others were immersed in resentment, so no one noticed that the thick ink in Xuanyuan Han's eyes seemed to infect his face, and even his face began to show traces of blackness.

Suddenly, he suddenly shot at the old man!

His attack was fierce and fast, and it came suddenly. Before the old man could react, he was already slapped!

"Pfft—" Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, the old man couldn't believe it, "Xuanyuan Han?!"

At this time, he actually dared to fight infighting? !

Sang Baizhi is going to take action against Changtian Xianmen. One less Nascent Soul cultivator means a very large loss of power.

Even if there is no Demon Cult, no Sang Baizhi, the sect is not willing to lose any Nascent Soul cultivator!

He actually took action on the Yuanying cultivator? !

Xuanyuan Han was very desperate and started to fight, the old man could only fight back.

He almost made every move to kill the old man. His cultivation base was higher than that of the old man, and he had a good chance. There were many magic weapons. As the surrounding sky collapsed, the old man was caught by him.

"Xuanyuan Han! Don't!" The other Nascent Soul cultivators took action one after another.

However, Xuanyuan Han had already screwed off the old man's head, and even Yuan Ying had been crushed to death.

Everyone looked at him in disbelief, as if they knew him for the first time.

Xuanyuan Han raised his head and looked at everyone, his voice was ruthless, his eyes were filled with thick ink, and strands of black air fluttered at his fingertips—

"I, Xuanyuan Han, will never admit defeat. Anyone who dares to object again will be killed without mercy! Any cultivator who escapes will be killed without mercy!"

"Now start the mountain protection formation immediately, Sang Baizhi, don't you want to get it yourself? Come on then!"

The mountain protection formation was left by the great power to protect the Changtian Xianshan, and it was used once for weakness, so if the sect encountered the catastrophe of life and death, it must not be opened.

Now, Xuanyuan Han ordered the opening of the mountain protection formation.

He wants to see if Sang Baizhi can attack the mountain protection formation!

"Is there a great formation to protect the mountain?" Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, it seems that Xuanyuanhan's attitude is very tough this time. The mountain protection formation of Changtian Xianmen was left by the ancient masters. Later generations of ascending monks continued to strengthen them, which is extraordinary..." Wang Wu said, looking tentatively at Sang Baizhi.

Bai Zhi's eyes flashed with interest, and she stood up: "Let's go, then take a look."

As soon as the voice fell, she took Wang Wu and Xu Er to the outside of Changtian Xianmen.

No one was walking around the lively Changtian Xianmen gate.

That's right, the mountain protection formation has been opened, and everyone knows that Sang Baizhi is also coming. Who else is hanging out?

All the disciples of Changtian Immortal Sect stayed in the mountain protection formation.

In fact, they were more terrified than everyone imagined.

They all know the horror of Sang Baizhi, and the mountain protection formation can only protect them in the sect, unless they will not go out in this life.

The current sects are very thin because of the spiritual qi machine, and even if they cultivate, they will not be able to achieve results.

Staying inside is like waiting to die.

There are countless complaints—

"What's the matter with the head? Can't you give the demon sect a few mountains?"

"It's best that we simply change the place and start a new school. There is a demon in this place, and it will never be peaceful."

"I want to join the Demon Sect..."

"Shh! Don't say it! The sect master has given an order, anyone who has this intention will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes, shut up now!"

However, the voices of whispering complaints continued.

main entrance.

Bai Zhi stretched out her hand, and just touched the barrier of the mountain protection formation, she immediately stepped back a few steps before standing firm.

She was not angry, but smiled: "It's really amazing."

Xiaolong didn't think so. When he saw the thing knocking Sang Baizhi away, he was very angry and made an angry voice "roar—".

Immediately, his body suddenly grew larger, and he began to collide with the mountain protection formation, again and again.



Every time it hits, the situation changes.

Bai Zhi stepped forward, stood on Jinlong's body, stretched out his hand, and patted his head, Jinlong immediately stopped hitting, his eyes were aggrieved.

—As if he was blaming himself for not breaking the mountain protection formation.

There was blood on his forehead. This guy is the same as all demon cultivators. He is stupid and stubborn.

And the mountain protection formation is also a little turbulent. If it hits like this, the mountain protection formation will be broken, but he will not get any benefit.

Bai Zhi stopped him, "Don't bump, I have a way."

As she spoke, she raised her hand, and the green aura was injected into Jinlong's forehead, he immediately became smaller, and the wound on his forehead was visibly healed.

He coiled beside Bai Zhi with a look of attachment.

Bai Zhi patted him again, and then said to Wang Wu and Xu Er: "Connect to the live online class, I will give the disciples of the Demon Sect a class on cracking the formation."

Wang Wu and Xu Er: "!!"

Xuanyuan Han and the others didn't expect Sang Baizhi to come so quickly. They had just received the news, and before they could go out, the dragon began to hit the mountain protection formation. The whole mountain protection formation was in turmoil. scream.

Xuanyuan Han was on the Sect Leader Peak, and when he received the news, he was with Yin Ning'er.

He was furious before and felt uneasy, so he came to Yin Ning'er to relax for a while. Before he really relaxed, he felt that there was someone outside the mountain protection formation.

I didn't expect Sang Baizhi to come so soon, and let the dragon hit the mountain protection formation!

He was angry when he thought of that dragon. At first, he never thought that the dragon could still hatch?

If I knew it was broken, I wouldn't leave it to Sang Baizhi!

"Master, this is a great formation to protect the mountain, nothing will happen..." Yin Ning'er held his hand, as if to comfort him and herself.

Xuanyuan Han said with a sullen face: "It's just a young dragon. This is the formation left by the great master. It is still in its prime. How could it be broken by a young dragon!"

Darkness appeared in his eyes again.

Yin Ning'er looked at him and didn't dare to speak. In fact, she also felt that Xuanyuan Han's decision was wrong. The great formation of protecting the mountain was activated, and it was impossible to open it for a lifetime, and they could not stay in it forever...

This mountain protection formation can only help them temporarily, and even anger Sang Baizhi.

Maybe the final result is the same, it is better to be able to bend and stretch, and promise Sang Baizhi.

However, Xuanyuan Han was obviously in a wrong situation, so she didn't dare to say it.

At this time, someone started to come in and report—

"Report! The devil is explaining to the disciples of the devil how to break through the mountain protection formation!"


All the disciples of the Demon Sect were in the classroom, watching the online class together.

Yes, their "online class" is now broadcast in the classroom, and all the disciples sit down and talk about—

"Oh my god, does the lord really want to break the mountain protection formation of Changtian Xianmen? That was left by the ancient masters. It is said that it is the most powerful mountain protection formation in the entire immortal cultivation world!"

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

"Can your lord succeed?"

"What are you joking about, is it possible that our Lord will fail?"

The phantom appeared, everyone immediately quieted down, and Sang Baizhi's voice also sounded—

"Everyone, I have just watched this formation. Yes, it is the best formation I have seen so far. The setting is very reasonable, and it can naturally arouse a huge spiritual energy and resist external damage, which is stronger than the protective watch."

Everyone stared at the virtual shadow with wide eyes. They also knew that this mountain protection formation was very powerful. Otherwise, how could it be a mountain protection formation? Just what does the Lord mean by saying that?

Can't she do it?

Bai Zhi smiled: "However, there are at least three ways to break the formation."

Demon Sect disciples: "!!" Three? !

It would be awesome to have one way to break it, but there are still three? !

Bai Zhi: "First, all of you have also built a secret realm with me before. As long as the entire Changtian Xianmen circle is within the range of the secret realm, we can instantly drain the spiritual energy, and the mountain protection formation relies on the spiritual energy to maintain. The array naturally fails."

As she spoke, she set it up at the gate, only closed the gate, and only took away the spiritual energy of the gate.

Sure enough, the barrier at the gate disappeared!

Wang Wu and Xu Er immediately stepped forward and walked directly through the gate, and then came their shocked voices—

"It's really possible?!"

"My God, the barrier at the gate has really disappeared!"

When the two came out, Bai Zhi put the spiritual energy back, and the mountain protection formation became intact again.

Wang Wu, Xu Er: "..."

Bai Zhi pushed her glasses and smiled: "I haven't tried the next two methods yet, so let's not break their mountain protection formation."

Demon Sect disciples: "..."

- This is a bit bullying.

-Break open, break open, and even repair it, just to break it twice?

- If they were people from Changtian Xianmen, they would be mad to death.

But they are not!


"Hahaha! Your lord, well done!"

Bai Zhi continued: "Next, I have a second method, which is relatively simple. I made a thing before. There are formations everywhere in the world of immortals, and each one has to be calculated and broken, which is a bit troublesome. So I made it. One—well, let’s call it Wanzhentong.”

She said, took out a card-like thing, enlarged the card, and stuck it on the mountain protection formation.

Immediately, the card seemed to be integrated with the mountain protection formation.

Bai Zhi glanced at Wang Wu and Xu Er, and the two immediately carefully passed the card.


Can you really come over? !

Bai Zhi waited for them to come out, put away the card, and smiled: "After Wanzhentong, I will put it in the Demon Sect's showroom. Everyone can study it by themselves. I hope you can also solve the mystery as soon as possible and make it yourself."

Demon Sect disciples: "!!"

The lord of their family is really...


But Bai Zhi sighed and said to them: "Okay, there is another way, that is, through the combination of mathematics and physics, to completely crack this array!"

"The knowledge I will explain next is not only the basic content, but also the more in-depth content of two subjects. If you don't understand it, please write it down and save it for future research."

She paused, then continued: "Just remember it well, next year's National Universal Examination is going to take the test."

Demon Sect disciples: "..." Ah!

The corner of Bai Zhi's mouth evoked a smile, like a devil whispering—

"Mathematics and chemical biology are very invincible subjects. Now, I will let you witness their magic again!"

Inside Changtian Xianmen.

With the first news, soon, one after another news came in—

"Report! The devil said that there are at least three ways to solve it. She said that the first way is to build a closed space and remove the spiritual energy, and the mountain protection formation will be useless!"

Xuanyuan Han's body shook slightly.

"Report! The devil used the first method to break open the front door, but she returned the spiritual energy, and the mountain protection formation is in good condition again!"

Xuanyuan Han's eyes darkened.

"Report! The devil started to use the second method. She directly used a strange thing called Wanzhentong to open a door for Hushan Great Array! But she put away the strange Wanzhentong, Hushan Great Array. The array is perfect again!"

Xuanyuan Han's mouth was filled with the smell of rust, and he barely stood still while supporting Yin Ning'er.

"Report! The devil has begun to use the third method. Through calculations, we have completely cracked our mountain protection formation!"

"Report! The devil said that the mountain protection formation has completely disappeared!"

"Pfft—" Xuanyuan Han spat out blood.

"Master!" Yin Ning'er stepped forward anxiously.

However, after seeing Xuanyuan Han's appearance clearly, she trembled slightly, her face full of horror.

His face was all black, and the blood he spat out was all black!

This is clearly...

"Yo, Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, I haven't seen you for a long time. Is this the same as me, falling into a demon?" Sang Baizhi's voice suddenly sounded.

Yin Ning'er looked up suddenly.

She brought two disciples of the Demon Sect, followed by a golden dragon, wearing a black cloak, and walked in lazily. She glanced at them lightly, as if she was looking at them, but at the same time she didn't look at them.

—As if, they were never in her heart at all.