MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 290 Fanwai 25 love interview (a lot of bullet screens)...

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Part two and five:

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn 】The netizen excitedly said: 【Why is Qingqing so sweet. 】

【Too sweet, too sweet, you are my rarest doll or something, Mr. Ji, how good you are!】

[Mr. Ji, a professional flirt! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomo ohm qingqing of to always be good-looking, and even took the initiative to give Ji Boss dolls, he is really sweet, who can not love him. 】

[I'm dying, I'm dying, you two are so good at it! 】

[Isn't this **** married? ! 】

[I have moved to the Civil Affairs Bureau, when will you get married? 】

[Please, get married soon, I will really die if I don't see you getting married again. 】

[I'm already crazy, these two people are really amazing, whoever is crazy, I'm crazy! 】

[Man, if it's a shark, let me add to the fun for them two! 】

Lin Luoqing didn't expect that Ji Yuxiao would be teased even if he gave him a doll. The sugar in his heart slowly melted away. He glanced at Ji Yuxiao with uncontrollable joy on his face, and then turned to look at the claw machine. , with a little bit of avoidance, and slowly aftertaste.

Seeing him like this, Ji Yuxiao gave a low laugh, leaned close to him, and said softly, "Which one do you want? I'll help you catch it."

"No, myself." Lin Luoqing said, bowed his head and dropped another coin, but his heart was full of light joy.

It wasn't until 6:00 in the afternoon that the staff reminded Lin Luoqing that it was time for Ji Yuxiao to go back. Lin Luoqing reluctantly bid farewell to the video game city, and left Ji Yuxiao with a bag full of dolls.

Xu Yahui and Qiu Pengpai also got on the dancing machine at this time and walked to them.

Xu Yahui saw the spoils in Ji Yuxiao's hands at a glance, and said enviously, "Brother Lin, you have caught so many dolls."

"The main reason is that he is powerful." Lin Luoqing pointed to Ji Yuxiao.

"That's true, Brother Ji is really the most powerful person I've ever met, Brother Ji, I have a question for you, okay?" She looked at Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yuxiao turned his head, "What?"

"Is there anything in this world that you don't know? Why do I feel that you can't do anything?" Xu Yahui asked curiously.

"That's still a lot." Ji Yuxiao replied.


"Compared to filming." Ji Yuxiao said, looking at Lin Luoqing tenderly, "Qingqing's acting skills are very good, very powerful."

Xu Yahui: "Fuck"! again! You really have a lot of sugar!

[Hahaha Sister Xu has a face full of chewing gum that was caught off guard. 】

[Mr. Ji—Professional compliments on his wife for 100 years. 】

[This kind of behavior of praising his wife is really a toothache. 】

[As expected of you, Mr. Ji, a walking dazzling wife machine. 】

[Mr. Ji: My wife is awesome, hee hee. 】

Lin Luoqing listened to Ji Yuxiao's words and glanced at him with a happy smile in his eyes.

Ji Yuxiao smiled and hugged him, and he got into the car together.

The two, Xu Yahui and Qiu Pengpai, went back to the room where the program was recorded, had dinner, did evening tasks, took a shower and got ready for bed.

Lin Luoqing just lay down, hugged Ji Yuxiao and closed her eyes, and was about to say good night, but suddenly thought of something, opened her eyes in a hurry, set an alarm clock for herself, and then lay down again.

"The sky must never be photographed where it should not be photographed again." Lin Luoqing leaned into Ji Yuxiao's arms and hummed.

Ji Yuxiao smiled, "There's nothing you can't shoot, you're cute even if you're not awake."

"No." Lin Luoqing said.

Ji Yuxiao felt that his childish appearance was also very cute, so he leaned close and kissed his lips, Lin Luoqing actively hooked his neck, and the two kissed for a while in the dark, Ji Yuxiao hugged him Tightening him, kissed his forehead.

"Sleep baby, good night."

"Good night."

Lin Luoqing closed her eyes and fell asleep leaning against him.

When a new day begins, the recording of this program has quietly reached the last day.

The program group specially arranged a couple interview session on this day. Lin Luoqing, Ji Yuxiao, as the popular cp of the program group, the staff arrived at their villa early, and while doing makeup for them, let them have a look at the general content of the interview.

"If there is something inappropriate and you can't ask, the two teachers will let us know in advance, and we will cross out the corresponding question." The staff specially reminded.

Lin Luoqing nodded, and looked at the interview content listed on the paper. They were all common interview questions for couples, and there was nothing wrong with them.

"What do you think?" He asked Ji Yuxiao.

Holding the A4 paper in his hand, Ji Yuxiao said calmly, "I don't care, the questions they ask are relatively simple, so there's nothing they can't say."

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Lin Luoqing returned the interview outline, "Just follow the above."

"Okay." The staff agreed.

She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that real couples are easy to talk to, unlike the fake couples Wang Ruchen, Nie Cheng and Cai Shiyu and Li Jiamao, who are not allowed to ask this or that, there are not many people who can ask on a piece of paper, as expected, The eyes of the masses are discerning, which is true and which is false, and which has the deepest emotion is the best. They have already shown it through the barrage of the number of people in the live broadcast room.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao were the ones with the highest public opinion, and even some staff members of their program group started to lick it quietly.

It is indeed the hottest general cp on the whole network!

When Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao finished their meal, they arrived at the back room and saw the host sitting on a high stool, adjusting the lighting for the camera.

Seeing them, the host instantly showed a polite smile, "Meet you again, did you sleep well last night?"

"Very good." Lin Luoqing smiled, "How about you?"

"I'm fine too, sit down and let's chat."

Lin Luoqing pulled Ji Yuxiao to sit in front of the host, and asked deliberately, "What are you talking about?"

"Of course I'm talking about your teacher Ji's feelings."

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's finally time for the interview! 】

[I wanted to hear Qing Ji always talk about their love story before, but the program team said that they can't talk about it until the recording, and now I can hear it. 】

[Passionate new fans are welcome. 】

[Hahahaha Passionate old fans will never be left behind. 】

[I'm really curious, how did the two of them start? Mr. Ji loves Qingqing so much, he must be chasing Qingqing, right? 】

[It was Mr. Ji who chased him. He said it during the live broadcast before, but he didn't say how he chased it. It's all the fault of the program team, who interrupted him. 】

[I will definitely talk about it today, so looking forward to it. 】

The host looked at his card calmly, and asked Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, "How do you feel about recording the show these two days? Are you satisfied with Fang's performance on the show?"

"Satisfied." Lin Luoqing smiled.

"I like everything Qingqing does, so there is no such thing as dissatisfaction."

"Mr. Ji, you are really good at talking." The host smiled, "Then why do you start, Mr. Ji, and tell me why you like Mr. Lin so much? What qualities do you like most about Mr. Lin?"

Hearing this, Lin Luoqing turned to look at Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yuxiao laughed, "Does this still need a reason? Don't you like him? Who doesn't like him after meeting him? Human beings yearn for beautiful things. He is such a beautiful person standing in front of you, don't say yes. Do something, do nothing, I think everyone will like it, let alone me."

Host: are so good at talking, you really deserve your boyfriend!

[Mr. Ji is good at talking, he is simply a fan of Qingqing. 】

[I said he loves him so much, listen, Qingqing couldn't help laughing at what I said. 】

[Mr. Ji is really good at expressing his love. This kind of person will definitely be very happy when he falls in love. He can feel that he is deeply loved all the time. 】

[The most important thing is that he is not just talking, he is also like this in action. On the first day of the competition, he cleared the customs the fastest. He also helped Qingqing cook. Usually everything is based on Qingqing's preferences. What does Qingqing do? He supports them all, and even Qingqing's painting skills are special, he thinks it's because his paintings have soul. 】

[That's why I fell into their pit hard, they are really too sweet, so easy to drink! 】

[Modama, Mr. Ji, please continue. 】

"Mr. Ji, what qualities do you like most about Mr. Lin?" the host continued.

"There are a lot." Ji Yuxiao said, his eyes softened unconsciously, "He is very gentle, kind, cute, sunny, and everything is full of kindness and tolerance. Shi Zheng once said a word, saying that his appearance Ended his winter early, I think this sentence is very good, because he is indeed like sunshine, his appearance, accompanied me through the darkness, let me still have the sun in the worst days, so my world There will be light."

[Sloppy! ! Boss Ji is good at talking, that's why my world is full of light, it's too crazy. 】

【What does it mean? Mr. Ji, what have you experienced? 】

【The worst days, accompany me through the darkness, has Ji always encountered any bad things? 】

[Ah, ah, is there any old fans explaining, the new fans are confused. 】

[Old fans are also confused. 】

【Ah, I seem to have heard of it, but it’s not true. I also heard from my Fumei friend that Mr. Ji should have been injured before. For a period of time, he had to use a wheelchair and walked without standing up. But I'm not sure, so everyone is not fully convinced, knowing that this is possible. 】

[Sloppy, take a wheelchair! ! My goodness, what a wound this is! 】

[! ! ! how so! 】

[Fuck, I can't see it at all! 】

[Sister, tell me more, what's going on? 】

[I don't know the details, it should be Mr. Ji and his brother who went out together, but something happened, his brother was gone, and he also injured his leg. Not fidelity is not fidelity, everyone eats melons rationally. 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what happened! This is too miserable! 】

[I feel so distressed, this must not be true, I don't believe it. 】

[I remember when you were drawing yesterday, I guess Mr. Ji said that his brother taught him to draw. The brothers should have a good relationship. This is too cruel. 】

[It's really distressing, this kind of parting is too painful, this must not be true, Mr. Ji must have a happy family, Meimei. 】

【So Qingqing walked through that time with him? That's why President Ji likes him so much? 】

"You just said that Mr. Lin accompanied you through the darkness, can you tell me more about this?" The host looked at Ji Yuxiao, not sure.

He didn't expect this kind of plot to appear before. He thought it was a simple and ordinary love affair, but he didn't expect that it would involve "dark days". How dark it is, can you ask in-depth questions, will it make Ji Yuxiao unhappy.

So the host added considerately: "Is it convenient? If it's not convenient, let's forget it."

"It's nothing inconvenient." Ji Yuxiao said suddenly, "It's all in the past."

Since he finished his revenge, those things can finally be hidden in his heart like an ebbing tide, so that he can no longer be trapped in it, can face it, and even bring it up again.

"I had an accident some time ago and my leg was injured. At that time, I was not in a good state. Fortunately, Qingqing was always by my side. No matter what I did or thought, he supported me very much. He will be with me. I was very irritable during that time, but his appearance made me feel at ease, so I passed my most difficult days smoothly and stood up again."

What Ji Yuxiao said was very general, avoiding other things about Jiyu Lingji's family, and only focusing on him, Lin Luoqing. Netizens listened and thought that he was sluggish during that time, and Lin Luoqing's appearance gave him encouragement and hope. So he stood up again.

[I didn't expect Mr. Ji to have such a past, and I can't tell from his current appearance. 】

[Yeah, I see Mr. Ji's legs and feet are quite nimble, and he can run faster than me. 】

[The stronger the person, the more they experience this kind of high-altitude fall, the more unacceptable it is, so Qingqing's appearance is very important, and President Ji cherishes him so much. 】

[That is, you must have a deep memory of the person who accompanied you in your trough. Thinking about it this way, Qingqing Jizong is really very important. 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, this is the plot! 】

[Passion is really too amazing, this beauty, this love process, I have never had such a beautiful love in my life! 】

[Long live the passion, don't worry Mr. Ji, you Qingqing will be together forever! 】

【Yes, you two will definitely get married! ! The whole network is waiting! 】

The host listened, nodded, and said with emotion, "No wonder, Mr. Ji, you like Mr. Lin so much. From this point of view, Mr. Lin is really an important person to you."


"What about Teacher Lin? Why does Teacher Lin like Teacher Ji?" The host turned his attention to Lin Luoqing.

Lin Luoqing smiled, "Because he is also very beautiful in my heart."

After thinking about it, he added: "The most beautiful."

[Tsk, I also specifically emphasized that Qingqing is also a master at making sugar. 】

[Woof woof, woof woof, single dog howling! 】

【Qingqing is really sweet, and she even said it was the most beautiful. If I were Mr. Ji, I would love him too. 】

[I'm not President Ji, I already love him so much! Halal is super warm for a person. 】

[I feel that Qingqing is helping others by filming. From Sister Qin to Shi Zheng to Director Yu, and now there is still a Director Ji, good guy, Qingqing, how many people have you helped. 】

[However, among these people, only Mr. Ji can hold the beauty back hahahaha, it can be seen that our Mr. Ji is amazing! 】

[Mr. Ji is amazing, passionate and beautiful, this locks me up. 】

[Don't worry, 99 layers have been welded. 】

"Then what do you like most about Teacher Ji?" the host asked.