MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 949 Selling practice time

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Hearing Lin Xinghai saying that he would not waste the rest of the training room, the little fat man seemed to have thought of something.

Immediately, he looked over with burning eyes, lowered his voice and asked, "Boss, do you want to use these training rooms to make money? Are you not afraid of revealing secrets?"

No matter how Lin Xinghai did it, the ability to increase the speed of cultivation tenfold is a bit shocking.

If it is announced, it will definitely cause an uproar in the whole country and even the world.

"What do I have to be afraid of now, who would dare to trouble me except for the ruled realm?"

"And the powerhouses at the level of the rule realm, knowing the horror of the abyss plane, will only pay more attention to me." Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

And I know that after fighting in the ruled realm, you will fall into the realm, and there is a system of high adaptive self-healing ability. If you really fight, who will be consumed to death, it is really hard to say!

After the little fat man heard Lin Xinghai say this, he was suddenly a little dazed.

Yup! In just half a year, Lin Xinghai has grown into a big man now.

Needless to say about strength, after forming the Thunder Legion and having a real ace division, it is estimated that in terms of status, it can be on an equal footing with the dean of Donghai Academy.

Unlike them, they are still just a student.

"Okay, I understand, do you need me to let the wind out now?"

"In terms of pricing, how much do you plan to set, boss? Convert it to military merit directly according to our internal price? Or increase the price?" When it comes to money, the fat man's eyes are bright.

After hearing this, Lin Xinghai shook his head, "Money is second to me now, and the most important thing is resources for cultivation."

"You release the wind to the outside world, and other people come to our training room, no matter who they are, they will charge 1 drop of the original liquid of good fortune per hour."

Hearing this request, the little fat man couldn't help but take a breath, knowing that on the market, a drop of good fortune stock solution requires 20,000 Huaxia coins.

If Lin Xinghai opened all 1,500 training rooms, wouldn't he be able to earn 30 million Huaxia coins in one hour?

In 24 hours a day, it is 720 million Huaxia coins.

It's not that quick to steal money.

Now that he has also broken through to the quenching state, he used to think that 200 Thunder Points per hour was a bit expensive.

But now, compared to the price that Lin Xinghai offered to the outside world, it was simply the price of cabbage, right?

"Boss, will your price be a little higher?" The little fat man couldn't help saying.

"Expensive? I think this is the price of cabbage!"

"If you think about the power of the gods and demons, you need 3 million Huaxia coins for a single blood demon pill. With this money, you can buy 150 drops of good fortune stock solution, and come to me to practice for 150 hours."

"This can be equivalent to more than 6 days. With 10 times the acceleration of cultivation, they are directly equivalent to practicing for two months."

"3 million Huaxia coins for two months of cultivation time, isn't this the price of cabbage for the powerhouse of the gods and demons?"

"Trust me, don't say it's the **** and demon realm, even the body-shaping realm will rush to it." Lin Xinghai said.

As soon as the little fat man heard it, he immediately felt that 20,000 Huaxia Coins for one hour of cultivation is indeed the price of cabbage!

At least for the gods and demons, it is a very profitable business even for the body shaper.

After all, the price of a Dragon Blood Pill can allow him to practice for 25 hours, which is equivalent to 10 days under the condition of 10 times acceleration.

As long as three Dragon Blood Pills are saved, it is equivalent to practicing one more month than others.

It is estimated that as long as there is a little savings in the body shaper, they are very willing to do this kind of business.

After all, he broke through to become the God and Demon Realm one month ahead of schedule, so the money he earned in the month ahead of schedule would not be more than 1.5 million Huaxia Coins.

"Okay, then I'll release the news immediately." The little fat man said excitedly.

After being with Lin Xinghai for so long, he already knew Lin Xinghai's character quite well, and he would never treat those who did things for him badly.

This time, if Lin Xinghai earns enough good fortune liquid, maybe they can also benefit.

Watching the little fat man leave, Lin Xinghai also became expectant in his heart.

It is true that the original liquid of good fortune is scarce, but there are more or less in various departments or some large groups, as well as on the black market.

As long as he collects more than half of the original creation liquid from all over the country into his hands, it will definitely be a terrifying number.

Of course, during this process, the price of the good fortune stock solution will definitely skyrocket.

But this has nothing to do with him, he only recognizes the original liquid of good fortune.

Little Fatty, the logistics minister, quickly left the Thunder Legion's line of defense and went to the combat division next door to visit their division commander directly.

In terms of organization, the Thunder Legion is no different from the combat division, and the little fat man is only the logistics director. It is reasonable to say that it is not easy to visit the opponent's division commander.

But as soon as the Thunder Legion came, it became famous, especially Lin Xinghai, who killed more than 50 level-4 mutant zombies in one go. Such a record was too scary.

The rest of the combat divisions simply did not dare to compare with the Thunder Legion.

So when the little fat man revealed his identity as the Thunder even if he was just a logistics minister, he was respectfully received, and he saw the other's teacher without any hindrance.

"Hello, Master Sailor, I take the liberty to come to visit, please forgive me." The little fat man said with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome, do you know what the little brother is doing here?" Shui Guan asked with a smile.

"That's it, our Thunder Legion has a special device, which is a training room. Entering it, the training speed can be accelerated by 10 times, and it is also useful for the gods and demons."

"Of course there is a fee, but it's very cheap. You only need 1 drop of the original liquid, and you can practice in it for an hour."

"Think about it, you need 3 million Huaxia Coins to buy a Demon Blood Pill. If you use this money..." The little fat man immediately moved out Lin Xinghai's concept.

At the beginning, Shui Guan didn't care too much, or he was a little distracted. He was thinking about what really could make the cultivation speed 10 times faster?

But at the end, the little fat man gave him a break. Three days in the training room was equivalent to a month of normal practice, and his breathing suddenly increased.

I also instantly realized what kind of concept is 10 times the speed of cultivation.

"What you said is true?" Shui Guan asked in a short breath.

"It's absolutely true, how do you think all the members of the Thunder Legion came from the Blood Qi Realm? That's because we have a training room!" The little fat man said in a determined tone.

"That's good! By the way, I don't have that much fortune-telling liquid on me? Can I directly deduct it with Huaxia coins or military merit? Or other cultivation resources." Shui Guan asked quickly.

"No! Our boss is not short of money now, but is short of rare cultivation resources such as fortune-telling liquid." The little fat man sternly refused.