MTL - I Am Immortal-Chapter 18 Ma'am

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  Chapter 18 The past is like smoke

   After knocking on the door a few times, the black painted door was already opened.

A guest came today. The door was originally ajar and was about to be opened. A middle-aged man who was over six feet tall but with broad shoulders opened the door. She cupped her hands and said, "Sorry, I was helping to move a vat of sauerkraut just now, but I didn't open the door here, but let Mr. Xiao stand here."

  First open the door, there are tables and chairs next to it, and there are pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table.

Some things have been written on the paper, all of which are the names of the guests and the things they sent, all of which are precious, some are silk from Fucheng, and some are rare golden phoenix paper, which are the best things that literati and elegant guests like. The four treasures of the study are expensive.

  The middle-aged man sat down, asked Qi Wuhuo's name, looked at the mountain goods carried by the young man, and said with a smile:

   "Okay, Mr. Lao is here, heh... the mountain goods at this time are rare."

   "Master and Madam, you are lucky."

   "I just don't know if those of us who work can share some food."

He recorded it with a smile, and then took out an envelope sealed with red paper from the side. It looked like there were at least fifty big coins inside, which could be exchanged for seven catties of pork, or five good writing brushes, or a high-quality ink wat. The middle-aged man said with a smile: "It's just inviting guests to have some light meals, and it's not to make money. It's normal to have back and forth."

   "It's not easy for Mr. Xiao to come here."

   There are already footsteps.

   "Where is Senior Brother Qi? Is Senior Brother Qi here?!"

Li Puyu, who had changed into new clothes, hurried over. Since the last time he met Qi Wuhuo and was shocked by the latter's unintentional exudation of soul, he felt an inexplicable sense of awe in Qi Wuhuo. I waited inside, and when I heard the conversation outside, I ran over quickly.

  When I saw Qi Wuhuo again, I just felt that the latter's breath was gentle and clear, but it didn't have the invisible oppressive feeling before.

  Li Puyu didn't know why, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Brother Li."

  Li Puyu said: "Brother Li, just call me Puyu, come on, don't stand here."

   "Uncle Li, I will trouble you with these things. Come on, Senior Brother Qi, my father is also very happy to hear that you are coming. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Puyu was only a fifteen-year-old boy, and he took Qi Wuhuo's arm and ran quickly inside. When he entered first, there was a stone screen with the word "Fu" written on it, and after going around, there was a narrow corridor. Inside, the view opened up. Li Puyu's father, Li Yuelin, was a kind-hearted middle-aged man. Compared with a wealthy member of staff, he looked more like an old farmer living a life.

  It seems to be exhausting too much, and I have a lot of gray hair.

  After Qi Wuhuo saw the ceremony, Li Yuelin had a kind and friendly attitude, and only cared about the daily life.

   He also said that his son was not promising, and Wuhuo had to take care of him.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Li..."

  The voice paused, and said: "I mean, Puyu is talented and intelligent, so he is naturally auspicious."

  Li Yuelin shook his head with a smile, and said lightly: "How much is he, how can I not know?"

  Li Puyu's face was stiff.

   Hurting his son in front of outsiders.

  Dad, you are really a dear father!

Li Yuelin didn't care about his son who couldn't help but take out a letter of silver from his wide sleeve, grabbed Qi Wuhuo's hand, and said with a smile: "Heh...the New Year's Day is one month away Well, in fact, now I can barely count it as coming to my house to pay New Year's greetings. During the Chinese New Year, our family will go to Fucheng, and today is just right, so I will give you this year's New Year's money."

   "Not much, go buy some meat to eat, look at you, so thin."

   "It's no wonder that you are fourteen years old, and you will be fifteen years later. Is there any girl you like? Have you ever talked about it..."

  Li Puyu's scalp was numb.

   "Father, let's go to Second Uncle first!"

   "Dad, drink tea!"

   "Father, farewell!"

   Pulling Qi Wuhuo's arm, he walked quickly, walked around two courtyards, and then let go, heaved a sigh of relief, and apologized:

   "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Qi, my father is like this."

   "Although you say the same thing about big things, you are so talkative in life."

   "I like to talk big things."

Li Puyu's second uncle is a man who looks younger, but it seems that he has been traveling outside for a long time, and his face has a weathered look. He heard that he was a businessman, traveled all over the world, learned a lot, made a lot of money this year, and returned to his hometown , intending to settle down, when Li Puyu took Qi Wuhuo there, the newly promoted rich man was sitting alone on a mahogany chair in the sun, reclining, and there was a long-necked wine jug on the table next to him. Pour yourself to drink, Po a little lazy and decadent.

   Only when he saw Li Puyu, did he raise his eyes slightly and smiled:

   "Is the uncut jade here?"

   "Second uncle, don't drink any more, why do you just drink like this in broad daylight?"

  Li Puyu snatched the wine glass from his second uncle Li Yixian, and then said: "This is my senior brother... Qi Wuhuo."

   "I'm very interested in the scenery of the capital. Second uncle, aren't you a businessman in the capital? Let's talk about how the capital is like."

   At the end, add a sentence:

   "I'm interested too."

  Li Yixian laughed loudly: "I see, it seems that you respect your Senior Brother Qi very much."

   "Come on, just sit here with me."

Qi Wuhuo thanked him, and sat beside Li Yixian, who smelled of alcohol and was quite depressed. He chatted casually about the scenery of various places, and he talked about things that a simple businessman can get in touch with, which is also the most able to scare Qi Wuhuo Confused by this young man, Qi Wuhuo saw that he was wearing silk and satin, but the decadence on his body was hard to hide, he really didn't look like a businessman who returned home with wealth.

   I don’t know, but the things in the dream are somewhat related to reality.

   is a simple dream.

   Still carrying a bit of deduction about the future?

While listening to Li Yixian chatting, the Li family's family banquet also started. Li Yuelin sat at the top of the table, and the Li family members who came from other towns chatted with each other. Li Yixian stared at the pot of wine , as if he didn't intend to continue talking, Qi Wuhuo took the wine glass, and said suddenly: "However, Mr. Li is very powerful."

   Li Yixian was confused: "Huh?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "Three years ago, the court promulgated the "Dengji Deyin", which said that it should belong to the armies, envoys, etc. who are brokers in villages and towns, and should be the same as the common people. .”

   "Under such circumstances, doing business in the capital can make a lot of money, which is very human."

   This is a decree promulgated by the emperor when he ascended the throne three years ago, saying that when the military and officials are engaged in business, they should not have any preferential treatment and should be treated the same as ordinary people.

  Li Yixian was half drunk and half awake, subconsciously said: "Isn't this a good thing?"

"Is it a good thing? I thought that under such circumstances, the military and officials were acquiescing to do business. Their relationship, power, and even the convenience of knowing the court's movements in advance are not comparable to ordinary people. Ordinary people and them If you cooperate, you will be eaten up, not to mention earning money, even your own business capital will be eaten up."

   "Finally left the capital in embarrassment, unwilling to return home, and often disappeared on the road..."

  ! !

  Li Yixian's spine suddenly felt cold, and the feeling of drunkenness disappeared instantly!

   raised his head suddenly.

  Seeing the boy in a simple blue shirt looking at him, his eyes were quiet.

   It was as if his own experience had been easily seen through by this young man who was far away from the capital.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Mr. Su said so."

   "Ah...this, this way..."

   "Ha, ha, there are such people, but I am different."

   Li Yixian smiled stiffly.

   Then bow your head and eat your wine.

  Now at this time, after Li Yuelin's opening remarks, he began to ask the juniors to show their talents in front of many elders.

  Sitting next to Qi Wuhuo, Li Puyu's body froze.

He has been practicing the piano hard. After visiting Qi Wuhuo earlier, he originally planned to come to find his second uncle, but in the end he was taken away to practice the piano, just to avoid embarrassment on this day. Everyone's attention is on these juniors Regarding the matter of playing the piano, only Li Yi was shocked by what Qi Wuhuo said, and subconsciously paid more attention to Qi Wuhuo.

   Unconsciously said more things, told all kinds of knowledge in the capital.

   and Qi Wuhuo have experienced and heard the names before, and some of them can still correspond.

  However, what happened did not match all of them.

  Like a dream but not a dream, plausible but not real.

  Qi Wuhuo was quiet for a while, and said: "Then, there is a mountain outside the capital called Dingyan Peak, does Mr. Li know?"

   "I know, the mountain is shaped like a tripod, and there is smoke in the daytime, and there is a Taoist temple on it."

   "I went to pay my respects."

   "Really? Then, is the mountain **** Qiongyu enshrined in the Taoist temple?"

   Li Yixian paused while drinking, and said in doubt: "The ones enshrined in the Taoist temple are naturally the patriarchs of the Taoism."

   "How could it be a mountain god?"

   "Qiong Yu? Is this the name of a mountain god?"

  Qi Wuhuo was quiet for a while, and replied with a smile:

   "So that's the case... Then, I must have remembered wrongly."

Qi Wuhuo lowered his head, looked at the ripples in the cup, and suddenly smiled. He had a wonderful feeling that in that capital, those names who had been friends with him and enemies with him, had gone through different experiences with him. I know, a familiar but different life, and even some people's names don't match up with my dreams, it seems true and false, neither true nor false.

   And I am alone.

  Suddenly, he felt an indescribable feeling, as if he had come out by himself, and it seemed like a continuation of that dream.

   Is the dream real or is it true that Qi Wuhuo appeared in the dream, or did he return to his youth after the appearance?

   Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly, a butterfly dreamed of Zhuang Zhou.

Li Yi couldn't hear the boy's question at first, so he looked up suspiciously, and saw the boy in blue sitting there, wondering what he was thinking. The father's frown was getting more and more frowned and the teacher was almost pulling off his beard. He breathed a sigh of relief, pushed the piano aside, and said, "It's your turn, it's your turn!"

  After sitting down, I realized that Qi Wuhuo was beside me.

   not the next clan brother who should be playing the piano.

  Qi Wuhuo had always been poor, so he probably didn't know how to play the qin, but when he was about to speak, he saw the young man in blue shirt pressing his fingers on the qin.

   Use your fingers slightly.

next moment.

  The sound of the piano sounded like cracking silk.

  The room that was chatting trivially fell silent, the sound of the piano was clear and clear, and the whole hall could hear it clearly, as if being seduced.

  Inside and outside the house.

   Humans and non-humans.

   It was quiet for a while.

   "The sound of the piano enters the Tao, and the soul is born?!"

  Outside of Li's house, a Taoist changed his face instantly.

  PS: It comes from the decrees of Emperor Muzong of the Tang Dynasty.

  (end of this chapter)