MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 18 Home cooking

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It’s true that Shen Fu’s thoughts are not so easy to solve. It’s only after ten days, Yang Jianguo is coming again. This time, not only him and Yang Xiao, but also the old Yang’s uncle’s daughter-in-law. Come along.

The car has been driving to the door of the Xiqin restaurant, and Zhao Xuemei has just got off the bus.

When I got off the bus and looked at the Xiqin restaurant, I said, "I haven’t come back for a few years, it’s still the same."

Left and right saw and saw no one to see her, only to put away the contempt on the face and put a smile on his face, and then greeted his son, "Xiao Xiao, come out, let's go see your grandfather."

Yang Xiao slammed down from the door, and actually carried a large box of milk and a bag of cakes that looked very beautiful, and walked to Zhao Xuemei.

If this is called an unsuspecting outsider, I might think that this is the relative of the old Yangtou family who came to visit relatives, but this is milk and cakes. It seems to be somewhat warm.

Yang Jianguo finally got off the bus and swayed behind him and didn't want to go in. Zhao Xuemei came here to mean that others didn't know. Can he not know?

These days, Zhao Xuemei is more and more at home, and she is throwing a bowl of glasses. The words in her mouth are inseparable from the house and the beauty salon that makes more money and earns more money. The owner of the shop is also urging. She, she naturally turned her head to urge Yang Jianguo, but Yang Jianguo can get so much money from now.

The relatives of the family were offended by Zhao Xuemei’s sinful love and wealth, and there was nothing to borrow from him. Moreover, even if this was the case, Yang Jianguo could not open his mouth.

Since this money cannot be borrowed, it can only be placed on the house of Lao Yangtou.

At home, he was pointed at the nose and licked a dog's blood sprinkler. Turned around, Zhao Xuemei cleaned up himself, let Yang Xiao buy something, and brought the two together to return to the place she had not returned for several years.

Yang Jianguo is one hundred unwilling, and now there is no way.

Zhao Xuemei is eating a scale and smashing her heart. If it is not enough, everyone will be better.

The three people in the store are eating, now it is not a meal, but the people who open the restaurant can never eat at the dinner, so there is no one in the store, and the three people are surrounded by laughter and look down. More like a family.

Zhao Xuemei’s eyes were cold and cold, but his mouth was unclear and he called out, “Dad.”

Old Yangtou quickly went back and saw her. She rubbed her hand on the apron and stood up. "Snow plum is coming, have you eaten? We are eating, if not, I will get you." Go."

Lao Yangtou was very polite to Zhao Xuemei. In fact, he did not want to be so polite. His wife died early. When Zhao Xuemei entered the door, he was left alone. The father-in-law and the daughter-in-law, the more polite he said to her, the more respect she showed. She, take her as a part of this family.

Zhao Xuemei’s smile is more and more beautiful. “No, we have already eaten on the road. This time it’s been special to see you.”

As soon as we heard of us, Lao Yangtou saw two people coming out behind, Yang Jianguo and Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao held both hands with his hands. He stared at Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi for a while, then turned to the old Yang head and smiled. He put the things in his hand on the table, "Grandpa."

Old Yangtou stared at the pastry and watched it for a while. The Chinese pastry in this shop did a good job, but the only drawback was that it was very sweet.

Yang Jianguo also stood next to Zhao Xuemei and called out, "Dad."

The family of three here and the old Yangtou over there seem to have separated two fronts at once, and the gap between them is the gap that cannot be crossed.

Lin Yiyi and Shen Fu both frowned.

Zhao Xuemei only looked at Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi when he first entered the door. Then he took the right to sit in the chair and push the things on the table to the old Yangtou. "Dad, this time we come. It’s not to pay for it. The last time Jianguo and Xiao Xiao didn’t understand things, they made you angry.”

This time, I made a ten-tenth, and anyone who looks like a well-behaved daughter-in-law.

Old Yangtou listened to her saying that her face smiled.

Lin Yiyi’s brows were also loose. Only Shen Fu’s thoughtfully reaching out and touching his lips seemed to smile and look at Zhao Xuemei, apparently knowing what medicine she was selling in her gourd.

Lao Yang’s head smiled. “It’s all family. I don’t say anything to apologize and not apologize. Jianguo is my son. Xiao Xiao is my grandson. I can’t really make them angry. If this is the case, then Don't say it, come, sit first, I will pour some water for you."

Lin Yiyi heard the words and stood up. "Grandpa, let me go."

Old Yangtou did not take it for granted, but Zhao Xuemei looked at Lin Yiyi again.

Yang Xiao couldn’t help but want to go up and say something. Zhao Xuemei took it and made a look. Only then did he endure and walked to Zhao Xuemei. Lin Yiyi went to pour water, old. Yangtou is packing up the table, so only Shen Fu will look at this funny scene, and naturally it is sure that this family is not well-intentioned.

"Dad, the restaurant business is still good in recent years."

Zhao Xuemei said openly.

In fact, she didn't want to mention any restaurant at all. The restaurant was broken like this. Can there be several business? If there is a business that can't earn money for so many years? She just didn't want to open the house and provoke the old Yang head to resent, just to find a word.

Lao Yangtou saw that Zhao Xuemei, who never cares about the restaurant, mentioned this restaurant for the first time. She was very happy. She answered her with a smile. "It’s okay, recently, this business is not bad, it’s all for the blessing of these two children. ""

Old Yangtou did not say that Zhao Xuemei had already planned to ask the two people who had come out more. Now Yang Yangtou raised it himself, and Zhao Xuemei also followed the words. "The two children..... ."

When Zhao Xuemei was at home, she didn’t say a few words to Lao Yangtou. It’s a common thing to have a face, so Zhao Xuemei is so good and good now, Lao Yangtou is only good when she has not seen her temper for a few years. Seeing her ask Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi to say it.

"This is Xiaofu, that is a small idea. The two of them are cousins. The little aunt is not there. I saw him alone. I asked him to come to the restaurant to help. For a few months, Xiaofu I have only recently come here, living with two people, and often come to help."

It turned out to be a child who had no mothers. Zhao Xuemei was cold in her heart. She was almost unable to afford it. She also took good care of others. She had the leisure to work hard to earn money. She thought about it, Zhao Xuemei’s face. However, she did not show up at all. She lived with Lao Yangtou for so long. She still understands the old man. Although she is older, she is not weaker than Yang Jianguo. Although the old man is usually warm and temperate, he has some points. The fire, if it is anxious, the house property certificate is written on his name, but if he really does not give them, they can't do anything, so they still have to follow the old man's temper, thinking that Zhao Xuemei laughed again. "Listen to Dad, it’s a poor child."

Old Yangtou became more and more sure that Zhao Xuemei was a temper. After several years of not looking at him, he did not mention it. He asked them, "Do you not go to work today?"

It is still Wednesday, but because Zhao Xuemei said that the wind and the rain have taken the leave, Yang Jianguo even looked up at his dad and didn’t dare to look at it. He lowered his head and promised, "... grace."

When Zhao Xuemei saw that Yang Jianguo was like this, he did not have a little man's appearance, and he could not do anything big.

Zhao Xuemei took a look at Yang Jianguo. Yang Jianguo also did not see it. Anyway, Zhao Xuemei came by himself. If this can be done, he will not need to open his mouth. If it can't be done, it would be good for Zhao Xuemei to die early.

Lin Yiyi took a few glasses of water and opened the curtain and walked out. He handed it to Lao Yangtou first, then Yang Jianguo and Zhao Xuemei, and finally Shen Fu and Yang Xiao.

Yang Jianguo said in the past that he thanked him. Zhao Xuemei didn’t say anything. He didn’t even look at him. Yang Xiao didn’t even pick up. He saw Lin’s intention to squint before he came to him. Lin Yiyi ignored it. He placed the tea on the table in front of him and turned to sit next to Shen Fu.

Although the appearance looks like he is smaller than Yang Xiao, actually Lin Yiyi feels that Yang Xiao’s move is stupid and naive, and he is too lazy to care for him.

Shen Fu saw Lin Yiyi sitting and turned his head to whisper in his ear. "I think this Yang Xiao is really not flattering."

Originally thought that Lin Yiyi would think that he was nonsense, who knows Lin Yiyi looked at Yang Xiao, and then solemnly nodded his head, Shen Fuzhen laughed.

Yang Xiao’s attention was originally placed on Lin Yiyi’s body. Now, first see Shen Fu whispering in Lin Yi’s ear, and then Lin Yiyi looked at him again. This is clearly seen in Yang Xiao’s eyes. Bad words, especially Shen Fu also laughed a little, but it made him feel unbearable.

Yang Xiaoyu stood up and said, "What are you two talking about?!" Not only said that he also reached out and pointed at Lin Yiyi little by little.

Shen Fu's eyes narrowed up, and the young and flamboyant was not amused. The temper was still so annoying, and his grandfather was really a bit like it.

Lin Yi didn't mean to talk, just watching him coldly.

He was so big, the two people on the opposite side only let Yang Xiao feel uncomfortable when he put a fart. The character of his arrogance is not a day or two, even though it is because this character has eaten a lot. Loss, but still has not changed, especially seeing Lin Yiyi is still much smaller than him, he does not want to change, he does not believe, he can not get that high, but also can not get this short?

He was so big and quiet that the two people who were talking were also interrupted. Lao Yangtou did not know what had happened and quickly asked, "What is this?"

Zhao Xuemei also looked over. Her own son's character is the clearest. It must be the last thing that the two men started with him. Now they are looking for trouble.

Zhao Xuemei also wanted to mention this embarrassing thing, but now she is trying to make a good impression on Bo Laoyangtou. I can’t make it difficult for the two outsiders to let Lao Yangtou feel uncomfortable. She looked at Yang Jianguo and wanted Yang Jianguo to come forward.

Yang Jianguo did not intend to help Yang Xiaosheng again. The last thing he knew best was Yang Xiaoxian’s hand, and Shen Fu only pinched his wrist, and there was no point to hurt him. What's more, if This time, Yang Xiao made trouble, and Shen Fu would not let him be so good.

"Xiao Xiao! What are you doing?"

Zhao Xuemei saw that Yang Jianguo did not follow her meaning. Instead, he turned to others and secretly bite his teeth. He thought about going back to count this account. In front of him, of course, the house is the most important.

Yang Xiao didn't help his aunt, and his eyes narrowed. "What am I doing?! They both said behind me that I can't say bad things."

Lao Yangtou looked at Yang Xiao and looked at Lin Yiyi. Finally, he looked at Yang Xiao and said, "He is still small, Xiao Xiao, you let him point."

This sentence immediately ignited two people, but Zhao Xuemei did not say anything, Yang Xiao first blurted out, "Who is your grandson?!"