MTL - I Am A Boss Mommy That Wants To Slack-Chapter 34 traces of their past

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Mrs. Shen looked at him in surprise, her heart sank: "What Chu family?"

In Haicheng, the Chu family is a sensitive word.

Although there are many people with the surname Chu, the first wealthy family makes everyone intimidated.

But she reacted immediately.

The two young masters of the Chu family, Chu Cimo and Chu Ciyuan, she has met, they are not the man in front of her at all, how could it be the Chu family? In particular, this person is extraordinarily delicate and beautiful. Although he is cold, his appearance is comparable to that of Jing Zhen. He must be a young actor who has just debuted.

Although Chu Cichen's aura is strong, but Jingzhen sometimes gives Mrs. Shen this illusion, so she doesn't care at all.

She sneered and looked up and down Chu Cichen: "Are you the father of those two children?"

Chu Cichen: "Not bad."

Mrs. Shen Tai: "Which company are you a newly signed artist? Do you understand the rules of Haicheng! The child is yours and yours, what do you say about the Chu family? One household!"

She pointed up, showing her respect for the Chu family.

Just after saying this, a voice came from the living room: "Brother, what are you doing outside?"

Chu Cimo rushed out while speaking, only glanced at Mrs. Shen Tai, and then looked at Shen Ruojing fiercely.

Mrs. Shen, who saw him going out, was stunned.

Chu Cimo is a famous second-generation gangster in Haicheng, a gangster who eats and waits to die. Since childhood, he led a group of rich second-generation people to eat, drink, and do nothing serious, so many people know him .

Shen Ruotong was stunned, and tugged at Old Shen Furen's arm.

The old lady Shen came back to her senses. She looked at Chu Cichen in disbelief, and then asked hesitantly: "Shen, Young Master Shen... Which brother is this of you? ?"

Chu Cimo rolled his eyes: "Oh, the one who can be called brother by me is of course my brother! Could it be that illegitimate child?"

Mrs. Shen: ! !

She was stunned and looked at Chu Cichen in disbelief. She never imagined that the heir of the Chu family, who is now the head of the Chu family, would be so young!

She looked at Shen Ruojing again, and suddenly thought that when Mrs. Lin went to Shen's house to look for her, she said that Shen Ruojing made a scene at Mrs. Chu's banquet, saying that the child belonged to the young master of the Chu family...

She suddenly understood something, rushed directly in front of Shen Qianhui, and held her hand: "She, her child is... Chu Cichen's?"

Shen Qianhui looked at her desperately.

Shen Qianhui took a fancy to family.

But she knows how to be close and distant!

Mrs. Shen is the adoptive mother, but Shen Ruojing is the flesh that fell from her body, her daughter!

Mrs. Shen Tai's behavior today touched her bottom line.

She is completely awake.

She said indifferently: "...It has nothing to do with you."

I noticed that she didn't even want to call "Mom", and thinking about her behavior just now, Mrs. Shen suddenly came to her senses, and Shen Qianhui was really angry.

She wanted to say something, but Chu Cimo looked at her impatiently: "Who are you? Didn't you see us waiting here? My mother is still waiting to talk about the marriage of the two families. Go ahead if you have nothing to do!"


Seeing that she and Shen Ruotong got into the car, they returned to the living room.

Shen Qianhui blushed and looked at Madam Chu.

What happened just now must be looked down upon?

When she was thinking, Mrs. Chu stood up and walked towards her, took her hand and said, "Mrs. Shen, I have heard about you in Haicheng all these years, but I didn't expect that one day We have such a fate! Miss Shen gave birth to triplets for our family, and the Chu family will never ignore it!"

She said directly: "So let's discuss the wedding date of the two?"

Shen Ruojing was about to say she disagreed when she heard Chu Cichen say, "I disagree."

Mrs. Chu wanted to scold someone subconsciously, but when she saw Chu Cichen's deep eyes, she got stuck and didn't dare to say it, she could only give Chu Cimo an angry look.

Chu Cimo: ?

Chu Cichen looked at Shen Ruojing, thinking of what Mrs. Shen said just now, he couldn't bear it.

Because he gave birth to three children, so he couldn't get married and was looked down upon...

Chu Cichen said sincerely and slowly: "Miss Shen, I can't marry you, but if you agree, I can promise you to live in the Chu family with your three children. ."

Shen Ruojing: ?

She raised her indifferent peach blossom eyes and looked at him fixedly: "By now, you still don't know me, right?"

Chu Cichen frowned: "Yes."

"That's it..." Shen Ruojing paused: "Then you can get out."


Everyone in the room was stunned, no one expected that Shen Ruojing would say the word "go away" to the Chu family!

Chu Cichen's face darkened.

Mrs. Chu opened her mouth, but she knew it was her son who was sorry, so she said, "What about the children?"

Almost as soon as these words fell, Chu Yu's voice came from upstairs: "I want to be with my mother!"

Chu Tianye: ?


There is a flatterer at home, making him slow to flatter!

He hurriedly stated: "Where my mother is, I will be there!"

Chu Xiaomeng nodded in agreement with the two brothers.

Mrs. Chu: “…”

What else did she want to say, Jingzhen stood up, and the tall man had a strong aura: "In that case, Mrs. Chu, please invite."

Chu Cimo jumped up: "Hey, Shen Ruojing, don't go too far! The children belong to the Chu family, how can they be with you? Tell you, we must take these three children away, otherwise If so, just wait for the lawsuit!"

Mrs. Chu reprimanded: "You shut up!"

She then looked at Shen Ruojing: "Miss Shen, I know you are wronged, I will persuade Ci Chen when I go back, but you think about it from his point of view, you suddenly come to the door with your child , he didn't know you before, it will definitely take some time to get used to your relationship, but don't worry, I'll let him accept you..."

Chu Cichen frowned, thinking that she had always said that she liked him and wanted to live in the Chu family, and her voice became even colder: "Miss Shen, this hard-to-play method is enough to play once or twice. , what are you making a fuss about?"

What's going on?

Shen Ruojing looked at him suddenly, and suddenly strode upstairs into the bedroom.

Being puzzled by everyone, she quickly went out again, only this time, she held a photo frame in her hand.

She strode to Chu Cichen, threw the photo frame into his hand, pointed to the person above and asked, "Is this you?"

Chu Cichen lowered his head, his pupils shrank after seeing the photo frame, this familiar scene...

Shen Ruojing's cold and sarcastic voice came from her ear: "Mr. Chu, you said you love me five years ago, but five years later you suddenly don't know me, I also want to ask you, are you making trouble? what?"