MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 85 easy moment

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Lu Xiaoou took the two big eggs that the man-faced ape handed him, and threw the pack of big-nosed wild pork that he had prepared before to the man-faced ape as hard work, and he couldn't always make carnivores vegetarian, which is against the law of biology. scientific.

"Squeak creak!"

The man-faced ape sniffed it and found it was meat. He happily danced around Lu Xiaoou twice before dragging the thing away.

"Not bad." Qi Ya touched the egg, but he didn't feel the density that Lu Xiaoou said, the eggshell was quite cold.

"Boy, you're lucky. This is a rare king egg, that is, the egg of the Grape Spider King. It's delicious." Men Qi walked over and said when he saw the egg in Lu Xiaoou's hand.

After being confirmed by Men Qi, Lu Xiaoou was very happy, and bought another precious ingredient. Many candidates who ate grape spider eggs next to him were very envious.

You know that ordinary grape spider eggs are so delicious, so what is the taste of king eggs? Of course, they can only watch helplessly, that place is really not accessible by manpower.

When I found the man-faced ape coming, I thought it was dangerous, but it turned out that it was a delivery egg. Life is really ups and downs.

"We should go." Men Qi beckoned the few people left behind to get on the spaceship. It turned out that after such a delay, everyone had already gone up one after another.

"Let's go." Lu Xiaoou handed the egg to Xiaojie to put it away, calling everyone to follow Men Qi's footsteps.

"Finally, the second test was successfully completed, and it was all handled perfectly by you, President." The secretary of the peanut man finally came out to show his presence again, which was not easy.

"In my opinion, there are a few promising newcomers who will join us this year." President Nitero thought about the performance of Lu Xiaoou and the others, and was also happy that the Hunter Association will soon join the new blood, not to mention the extremely high talent.

Hunters have extremely high authority, correspondingly, the number is very small, one out of six million people is chosen, this ratio is not difficult.

"It's really exciting." The peanut secretary is also very happy that the place where he works is getting stronger and stronger.

"However, the test has just begun. I don't know how many people will be left in the end. I am looking forward to it, hahahaha." President Nitro said.

For this year's candidates, President Nitro was very interested in Xiaojie and Qiya at first, and then there was Lu Xiaoou who made him more interested.

"Xiao Ou, what test will there be next?" Leo Li leaned against the window and asked casually.

"It must be fun." Xiaojie said.

"It should be pretty good." Qi Ya said.

"It still has something to do with some qualities that hunters need to have. After all, the previous exams came from this way. I think this should be the basis of all hunter exams." Lu Xiaoou said.

The afterglow of the setting sun outside the window sprinkled on people's bodies through the glass, as if they wanted to leave the last bit of warmth in the world, golden and warm.

The night eroded the light little by little, and thick white clouds surrounded the spaceship, making everything look quiet and beautiful.


Sure enough, there was a slight noise in the place I paid attention to.

"It's still here." Lu Xiaoou sighed softly.

There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Some things are destined by the sky.

All the candidates were gathered in the hall by the examiner, waiting for the announcement. Probably because they just passed a test, everyone is still relatively relaxed.

There are 43 people in one room, and the so-called life is full of words. Some stood up straight as if in a military posture; some leaned against the wall, as if they were boneless;

"I am here to congratulate you all. Candidates, you have worked hard. All 43 candidates present have passed the second test." Men Qi first summarized the situation of the second test on behalf of the examiners.

"The next destination, we are scheduled to arrive at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning." Men Qi said.

Originally, everyone was still smiling relaxedly, but when they heard Men Qi's next words, their expressions became more serious in an instant.

The originally relatively relaxed atmosphere froze instantly, and a sense of tension quietly spread.

"This tense atmosphere is really pleasing. Everyone has a good expression." President Netero stroked his beard, feeling a bit like an old urchin.

"President Nitero, if you don't go back to the Hunter Committee immediately, what will happen to the meeting?" The secretary of the peanut man suddenly seemed to remember something, raised his wrist and looked at his watch, only to realize that it was really too late.

Regardless of dignity, he directly pulled President Nitro's sleeve, looking very nervous, and Lu Xiaoou could see the lines on his originally smooth face wrinkled due to entanglement.

"Just find someone to preside over the regular meeting instead of me." President Nitro didn't care.

"But..." Peanut's secretary was still confused.

"I can't control it. This is an unexpected development. I always feel that there may be some problems, so I decided to accompany these candidates along the way." President Nitro didn't waver at all, and thought he had found a very good reason .

Even Men Qi, who was watching the development of the situation, closed his eyes speechlessly, as if he didn't see anything, not to mention the secretary who stayed by the president's side all the time.

"President, don't forget, you are the high-ranking president." The secretary of the peanut man was very anxious to change President Nitro's mind, and completely ignored the current situation.

"cough cough cough"

Men Qi covered his mouth with his hand and coughed twice, interrupting President Nitro and Peanut's secretary's coming and and began to send the candidates away.

"Before the next meeting time, it's free time for everyone. Okay, let's break up." Men Qi announced loudly.

"worn out…"

"So tired."

"You can take a break."

Candidates also don't care about watching the gossip of the high-ranking president. The most important thing is to be able to rest now. After all, it is necessary to ensure sufficient energy to meet the next test. This is the most important thing.

"Xiaoou, free activities!" Xiaojie became happy when he heard the word "freedom".

"Xiaojie, Xiaoou, let's explore in the spaceship." Qi Ya also relaxed his body, thinking it would be better to take this opportunity to relax.

"In that case, let's go together." Lu Xiaoou said.

"It feels really good to be at the scene." President Netero smiled and watched the candidates start their free activities, feeling very good.

Of course, the secretary who failed to persuade the chairman to go back to the meeting must be depressed. This is simply a stain in the secretary's career.

"Let's put our things away first." Lu Xiaoou looked around, found an open space against the wall, and beckoned a few people to come forward and put down his backpack and other things.

"Okay." Xiaojie and the others thought it was a good idea, so they walked to the corner.

Kurapika put down his backpack and sat down, heaving a long sigh of relief, with obvious tiredness on his face.

Leorio also sat down against the wall, with his legs stretched out, in a relaxed state.

"Are you two planning to rest here?" Lu Xiaoou asked when he saw that the two were acting so obviously.

"That's right, we don't have the energy to play anymore." The two said in unison, and they still had a tacit understanding.