MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 79 Grape Spider Egg (Medium)

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"Xiao Ou, what kind of eggs do you think you will use to make boiled eggs?" Leorio is restless, and he can't arrive right away when he gets on the spaceship, so he thinks about the topic of the exam when he is idle.

"There's too little information, so I can't guess anything useful for now, and I don't know what kind of egg it might be?" Kurapika asked.

"No matter what the ingredients are, they should be delicious." Xiaojie thought of the roasted whole pig and the beggar's offal made by Lu Xiaoou before, and thought it should be delicious.

Lu Xiaoou didn't say anything, but it must be delicious. Grape spider eggs must be delicious. If you find a chance, you must grab two more.

Based on this advantage, when he sees precious ingredients, in order to protect them, he likes to put them in his backpack.

"Here we are." Lu Xiaoou knew he had arrived when he saw the crater-shaped mountain.


Several friends squeezed to the window to look outside, no matter how you look at it, it is a bare mountain, not even a shadow of grass, let alone any animals, where even animals don't have eggs?

"We'll know when the time comes, let's go down." Lu Xiaoou said.

"Here we come." As long as he has identified his goal, Xiaojie will be fearless about anything.

After the spaceship stopped, the candidates got off the spaceship one after another and gathered around Men Qi. When they saw Men Qi walking towards the cliff, they had no choice but to follow. After all, even President Nitro was walking there. .

No matter what, they are all examiners, and it is impossible for everyone to jump off the cliff.

Facts have proved that everyone is still too naive.

"Here we are." Men Qi stopped when he reached the edge of the cliff, and raised his hand to signal the candidates to also stop.

"what is this?"

"Why are you here?"

"Isn't it boiled eggs?"

All the candidates discussed, what does it mean to stay on the edge of the cliff, the egg is below? Why not just fly to the bottom of the cliff and then come down, jump off the cliff and take it, isn't it superfluous?

"What is down there?" Tony had just finished his rhetoric, but he still lacked confidence in the face of such a deep cliff. This is what a test is.

"Don't worry, it's just a deep river valley below." Men Qi comforted the messy candidates while taking off the boots on his feet. It wasn't a big deal.

"Okay, let me demonstrate first." Men Qi stood on the edge of the cliff, raised his hands horizontally, and jumped directly to the bottom of the cliff with a graceful posture.


Most of the candidates let out an exclamation, they were really startled by Men Qi's action of jumping off the cliff at the slightest disagreement.

"Xiao Ou, is the egg in the river?" Xiaojie asked.

"No, I think it should be on the cliff. If it's in the river, it's too deliberate to come to the top of the mountain, and I don't want it." Lu Xiaoou said.

"What kind of egg will grow on the cliff, that is, in the middle?" Leo Li scratched his head.

Kurapika was also wondering what kind of animal could lay eggs in the air, it should be a kind of bird, but with so many birds, he couldn't think of what it was for a moment.

Qi Ya was interested in Yao.

"It should be the grape spider vulture." Lu Xiaoou said.

At this point, Lu Xiaoou will definitely not hide it anymore, and Chairman Nitro should explain it to everyone soon.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Xiaoou's voice fell, President Nitero's thick voice sounded over there.

"Grape spiders live in Toad Tiger Mountain, and she is going to pick the eggs of grape spiders." President Nitero said to appease the candidates who were obviously confused by Men Qi's actions.

"In order to prevent the eggs from becoming a delicacy for beasts on land, grape spiders use strong spider silk to hang up the eggs one by one in the valley. As long as you get a grape spider egg, climb up the cliff and come back." The president of the Nitero Club specifically talked about the habits of grape spiders and the main content of this exam.

"Boom boom boom"

After hearing a few sounds, and within the time President Netero said a few words, Men Qi climbed up the cliff, revealing her small head with several braids.

"This is for making boiled eggs." Men Qi held up an egg the size of a goose egg with black dots on a gray background to explain further.

"I advise you to be careful, because the water in the valley is very fast. If you fall down and rush to the sea mouth dozens of kilometers away, it is impossible to save your life." Men Qi jumped from the cliff to the ground lightly with an egg in his hand. Instruct the candidates who are eager to try.

"It's so simple, who has the courage to jump down the valley in one go to seek death." Tony gnashed his teeth and said honestly, wishing he could go up and fight Men Qi again. The aching body reminded him that it was a pity that he couldn't beat Men Qi. .

There is a kind of people who like to impose their own thinking on others. As long as they think it is difficult and impossible, they think that others will definitely not be able to do it, and they will not be able to do it.

He felt that even though he was so powerful, he couldn't do it, and others would definitely not do it, and he didn't know whether it was conceit or self-confidence.

"Great." Qi Ya said excitedly. After all, he was either running or beating pigs before, which wasn't exciting enough for was just waiting for this kind of exam. "Xiaojie is also very happy. Before running, he felt that he did not give full play to his strengths, and this kind of test can reflect it.

"It's much easier to decide the winner by physical strength than making ethnic cuisine." Leorio also looked very happy. After all, he has made sushi many times before, which is really a torture for him who is not good at cooking.

"I agree." Kurapika also rarely agreed with Leorio's opinion.

"Not only physical strength, but also courage, determination, etc." Lu Xiaoou said.


As Lu Xiaoou said, he put his finger in his mouth and whistled, and there was a shadow in the distance, bouncing over.

"Eh? What's the situation?" Leo Li saw that it was a monkey that ran in front of him. There must be nothing surprising about this, but if the monkey had its own face, it would be sour.

Leori's whole body tensed up, looking like he was fighting.

"It's okay, I hired a helper, don't worry about those details." Lu Xiaoou waved his hand.

"It should be that the ape hit Xiao Ou's hand." Kurapika said.

"Oh." Leori scratched his hair, originally thought it was strange to have a face identical to his own, since Lu Xiaoou had no intention of going into details, he stopped asking.

"It's interesting, can a cunning animal like the man-faced ape really be able to drive?" Qi Ya raised his chin, looked at the man-faced ape, and then at Lu Xiaoou.

But the sudden appearance of a carnivore here must have caused commotion among the examinees, not to mention the cunning man-faced ape that had appeared before.

And the man-faced ape scratched his head and stood there, if it wasn't for the different posture now, he would have thought it was two Leori.