MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 73 President Netero (Part 1)

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Lu Xiaoou and the others stood in the innermost part, but they were a step slower when they came out, only seeing a little shadow of Men Qi, which was still fleeting.

"It looks good." Qi Ya carefully looked at the footprint left on the ground. So far, he has not been able to achieve this level, not to mention Men Qi's invisible body that disappears in two or three strokes. It is also very good.

"The examiner is so powerful, and his strength is so strong." Xiaojie also saw the footprints on the ground, and felt that Men Qi's strength was really great.

When Lu Xiaoou heard Xiaojie's words, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the focus is different from others, and it is also unique.

"Well, it's really good." Leorie felt that his neck was a little cold. Fortunately, he didn't force himself before, and he also realized that he couldn't beat the examiner, but he was not as clear as he is now.

Fortunately, he listened to Lu Xiaoou's words. He was so lucky. Now he didn't want to know what it meant to make food. Anyway, what Lu Xiaoou said was right, he didn't need to know.

"It's really good." Kurapika also joined in the fun. Seeing how powerful Men Qi is, he became more determined to become a hunter, which would bring him one step closer to his goal.

Candidates did not relax their vigilance just because Men Qi got to leave. They still stood beside familiar people in twos and threes. After all, it was still in the exam. Dongba was only a killer for freshmen. Will do it.

Of course, not everyone is vigilant. There are always people who are full of self-confidence and feel that the world is the second child and the third child.

"Tch, playing tricks." Tony didn't think much of Men Qi at all. Although he didn't know what she did for an hour, he didn't find it surprising.

But since the examiner said to wait for an hour, they haven't been completely eliminated anyway, so it's better to wait, anyway, he won't agree with Men Qi's previous assessment results.

"What the hell." Tony thought that the only promotion place fell to a kid who he usually didn't notice, and thought that he couldn't even compare with a kid, so he felt angry.

After staring fiercely at Lu Xiaoou a few times, he still felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous in the face of Bharat standing there like a giant Buddha, so Tony could only stare there and kill him.

"What does that person want to do?" Qi Ya, who has always been very sensitive to other people's gaze, quickly noticed Tony's stare.

"It's okay, it's just an irrelevant person." Lu Xiaoou said.

Lu Xiaoou has seen Tony's behavior for a long time, but he doesn't want to pay attention to some clowns, but some people become more energetic the more they ignore them. He decided to teach him a lesson at that time, so as not to offend others in the future.

"Should it be because Xiao Ou was the only one declared to be psychologically unbalanced?" Kurapika analyzed.

"Or go and beat him up." Leori is a militant, looking a little eager to try, but Xiao Ou is his friend, why should he be looked at by him like that.

"Okay, he will be dealt with soon. It's better to be quiet now, and things will definitely change." Lu Xiaoou said.

Although Lu Xiaoou didn't clarify what it was, Xiaojie and the others understood it. After all, they all wanted to pass the exam, and the rest could be settled later.

Lu Xiaoou's place is clean, but President Nitro's place is lively. If you really sing, I will appear on the stage, and the show will continue.

"What are you going to do? They seem to have turned off their mobile phones over there." The little peanut man said with a worried look on his phone.

"That girl has a very strong personality. If she doesn't have a reason to convince her, she won't change her mind easily." President Nitero stood on one foot, holding a glass of juice with the other foot, with an attitude Very laid back.

"However, the reason she said is too subjective. The purpose of the exam is to test the candidates' observation and concentration through cooking." The secretary of the peanut man was dressed in a standard suit, with a worried look on his chubby face.

However, the purpose of the second test he said coincides with what Lu Xiaoou predicted.

"It's useless to say these things now, hahaha, there are a lot of stubborn and eccentric hunters, and these people will be the examiners for scoring. Of course, it is impossible to give points easily. In fact, our committee basically respects the decisions of the examiners. , Didn't there be no qualified candidates for a whole year before, but this time, the problem seems to be Men Qi."

President Nitro put the cup on the table with his feet and put it away, and walked slowly towards the roof where the spaceship was parked. Since the problem was not with the candidates, the committee would not let it go.

Peanut's secretary followed President Nitro step by step, and opened the door leading to the rooftop.

"Whirring whirring"

The strong wind was blowing head-on, stirring up the surrounding air, but neither of them cared, and walked into the spaceship slowly.

"boom boom boom"

The spaceship took off quickly, lifted off in a short while, and began to head towards Biscayne Forest Park.

The turning point that Lu Xiaoou predicted is about to嗖嗖嗖嗖”

Here Men Qi accepted Tony's bet, thinking that he could not only show his strength as a gourmet hunter, but also get top-notch ingredients, which really kills two birds with one stone.

Men Qi continued to quickly travel through the forest, searching for the target, hoping to find the target as soon as possible - the trace of the horned bear.

Finally, fresh footprints were found on a grassland, and Men Qi knew that the prey was about to be caught.


There was a sound in the nearby bushes, and a huge bear with two horns on its head appeared in front of Men Qi.

"I got it." Men Qi drew out his two knives, and faced the horned bear in an attacking posture.

"tick tick tick"

The clock in the examination room ticked by every second, and soon the hour would be up.


There was a slight sound of breaking through the sky.

Lu Xiaoou saw that the second on the big clock was pointing to 12, so he came back on time.

"Isn't it an hour, why haven't you come back?" Tony really did whatever he wanted to incite hatred, and this year he only obeyed Tony in terms of his ability to kill.

"Here we are." Lu Xiaoou said.

"It's almost time, it's time to come back." Xiaojie also heard the voice.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Men Qi ran his hand through his wind-blown hair while raising his arm to greet everyone.

"Just now you said you were going to give us a parting gift, but now you have nothing in your hands." Tony didn't see that Men Qi was holding something in his hand, so he naturally felt that the opportunity had come, and began to shoot without mercy.

"You don't have eyes? Look at this clearly." Men Qi didn't care about Tony's bad attitude, just reached out and took out a glass bottle from his chest and showed it in front of everyone.