MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 64 Sushi (top)

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"It's really amazing to be a hunter." Xiaojie stared at Buhara with his eyes wide open, feeling that he was really amazing.

"It's great, but I don't want to be like him." Qi Ya touched his face with his hands. Although he admired Bharat's strength, it was really unacceptable for him to become that earth-shattering appearance. , not at all.

"It's so strange, it's unreasonable. The amount he ate just now is obviously much larger than his size." Kurapika also finds it incredible, and has no idea where this pig, which is bigger than Bharat, was eaten I went, and no matter how I analyzed it, I couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

"Why do you still study after eating? The most important thing is that Xiao Ou is right, really..." Leo Li felt that after eating, he couldn't figure out why, but it was Lu Xiaoou's magic book The facts are amazing.

"Xiaoou's judgment is too accurate." Xiaojie also remembered everyone's previous guesses, but Lu Xiaoou's words were the most accurate, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, otherwise he would not believe that someone could eat so much.

"I saw it with my own eyes in the anime." If Lu Xiaoou knew what Xiaojie was thinking, he would definitely say so.

There is no other way than seeing it with my own eyes, I simply don't believe that someone can eat something dozens or hundreds of times larger than their own body.

A thing that can bear 400 times its own body weight is already very unnatural, but it is simply weak in front of Bharat, and there is no comparison at all.

"I don't know at all, how did it happen?" Kurapika felt that the person who ate it was already very unusual, let alone the reason why he could predict how much he ate.

"Actually, it's easy to infer. When the examiner said that he wanted to eat whole roasted pigs, did he specifically say how many he wanted?" Lu Xiaoou asked.

"This is not true." Several people shook their heads, indicating that there was no such thing.

"Since this is the case, there are only two possibilities. The first is to deliberately eliminate most of the candidates. This possibility was ruled out when I saw the examiner eat the burnt roast pig. Sex, so there is only the last one left, although it is unbelievable, but even if all possibilities are excluded, the remaining is the truth even if it is impossible." Lu Xiaoou said.

"Exclude all possibilities, and the remaining is the truth no matter how impossible it is. Xiao Ou always speaks in a conclusive way." Leo Li scratched his hair, feeling that something was wrong.

Lu Xiaoou just smiled and said nothing, because there was a new situation on Men Qi's side.

"Bhala, do you mean that every pig you eat is delicious? What kind of examiner are you if you are so picky?" Men Qi held the drumstick for beating the gong and pinched his waist, feeling speechless. Why do you think everything is delicious? It doesn't meet the standards of a gourmet hunter at all.

For Men Qi, who is demanding and pursues perfection, Bharat's looseness is simply unacceptable.

"What's wrong, anyway, the number of people has been eliminated by me, and this test is not their culinary skills." Bharat stuck out his tongue and licked it, still feeling a little unsatisfied, if it wasn't for his stomach. , I really want to eat some more, but all the pigs I hunted have been eaten up, which is not bad.

After looking around, he found that there was indeed no roast pig that had been missed, and Buhara let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that he could take a rest.

"You are so easy to talk to. Don't forget that you are a food hunter. You should be obsessed with your taste that is different from ordinary people. There is really nothing you can do about it." Seeing that Bharat did not intend to change the result, Men Qi did not agree with it, but Still support your partner's decision.

"Dangdang crotch"

Men Qi walked up to the gong and struck the drum stick down, making a loud noise.

"Seventy-one people passed the roast whole pig cooking test." Men Qi raised his voice and announced loudly.




All the candidates showed happy smiles, and everyone was very happy to pass the test.

"Xiao Ou, that's great." Xiaojie was very happy.

"It's really good." A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Xiaoou's mouth. It is one thing to know, but another to hear the announcement. His mood must be different.

"Okay, just keep going." Leorie was full of enthusiasm, and felt that it was a certainty that he would get the hunter's license.

Kurapika and Kita also looked happy, which is something to be happy about.

The atmosphere in the audience was peaceful and excited.

At this time, it is necessary to give a shot to Mr. Saci, the off-site judge, who is dedicated to guarding the tree, no matter the wind or rain, and resolutely does not move. This kind of spirit cannot be justified without a close-up shot.

"Seventy-one people are indeed a very good number. Although the forehead of that kind of pig is a fatal weakness, it is not difficult to catch it once you master it, but you still need a lot of courage and instant judgment to attack a ferocious wild boar. You must have a talent that is different from ordinary people."

"But now is the real difficulty. This girl is a very difficult examiner. Because this girl has become a gourmet hunter at such a young age, and she has also won the title of the best gourmet chef. A gourmet hunter, Men Qi, is one of the few in the world. One of the cooking masters, she brings her artistic taste to the fullest in cooking, and her innate curiosity allows her to taste all kinds of ingredients in the you taste it once, it will last forever Imprinted in my mind, although I am only 21 years old, I am already a talented leader in the food hunter world."

"However, although her talent is different from ordinary people, her personality also has an elusive side. Maybe the candidates will immediately fall into a dilemma."

Sa Ci is very familiar with his colleagues, especially the food hunters who are scarce, and directly revealed a lot of news, but there was no one around.

Only God knows, Sa Ci knows, Dashu knows, and then Lu Xiaoou who knows the plot knows, wasting a lot of saliva, but Sa Ci has no mouth, so he doesn't know if there is such a thing as saliva.

Sa Ci's judgment was very accurate, and Men Qi immediately posed a problem for the examinees.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, the second test is about to begin." Men Qi patted his hands to attract everyone's attention before continuing.

"I'm different from Bharat. I'm not so talkative. My review is very strict. In the second half of the second test, the menu I ordered was sushi." Men Qi made two rounds in front and ordered sushi firmly. topic.




Candidates repeat it again, with different tones, but the same thing is doubts, what kind of food is this.

"What kind of food is it?" Hisoka also looked confused. He is an expert in fighting and deceiving people, but what the **** is this sushi.

"Do you know?" The three Amorite brothers also asked each other, but no one knew what it was.

"What should I do, I can't grasp the direction at all." Todo gritted his teeth, not knowing what to do.

"I don't even know what to cook, what should I do?" Bao Kuer looked serious, not knowing how to start.