MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 61 Bharat's Stomach of Another Dimension (Part 1)

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"It makes sense, you can try it, it doesn't take too much effort anyway." Qi Ya heard Lu Xiaoou's analysis and thought it made sense, so he planned to catch a few fish first to prepare, it's okay, anyway, it's nothing to be idle.

After Qi Ya almost threw the roast pig into the fire and turned it into charcoal directly, Lu Xiaoou let him rest aside, this would be boring.

"Yes, one step ahead, then it's not a question of one plus one equals two, it's worth a try." Kurapika also felt that Lu Xiaoou's analysis just now made sense, although there are still risks, but there is no risk in anything, thinking If you don't take risks, you might as well go home and wrap yourself in bed.

"Then let's go." Xiaojie has long wanted to go fishing. If he hadn't been stuck in the exam, he might have wanted to try it when he saw the sparkling river. It would remind him of his happy time at Whale Island.

"Xiao Ou's share of fish is mine."

Leorie felt that since Lu Xiaoou was very sure, then this matter must be close to ten, anyway, he doesn't know how to roast pigs, so it's good to do something else.

As for why there are sea fish in the river in the Forest Park, Lu Xiaoou put on a face and said that this is a small problem, which is not important at all.

When Lu Xiaoou was cleaning the pigs before, he had poked and poked them. Occasionally, some of them jumped out of the river. He really saw the colorful fishes, which looked very good under the sunlight. At first glance, they were tropical fishes. There is also a freshwater fish that looks like crucian carp. It is drunk to think about it. This freshwater fish and seawater fish live in harmony, no less than sparks hitting the earth.

However, Lu Xiaoou had observed this river before. It was winding, wide and long, and he didn't know where it led, maybe it might lead to a sea.

Xiaojie is talented in fishing, so if you entrust this matter to Xiaojie, there may be unexpected gains.

Over there, Xiaojie and the others have already started fishing in full swing. Some jumped directly into the river to catch them. Represented by Leorie, they also fished with a fishing rod. After a while, a fish jumped ashore by itself.

"This kid's speed is good." Hanzo was surprised when he saw the afterimage of Qi Ya when he went to the river with his big-nosed pig.

"These brats think it's just playing tricks. The more food the better, isn't it for roasting a whole pig? What kind of fish are you catching?" A muscular man glanced at Xiaojie and the others with disdain.

Many people who have spare time have discovered Xiaojie's unusual behavior, but it's okay to laugh secretly at the same time. After all, Lu Xiaoou discovered the weakness of the big-nosed and mad pigs, so they took advantage of it. So feel free to laugh at it.

"It's really a delicious little fruit." Hisoka was quite excited to see Xiaojie and the others catching all fishes from a distance, showing their abilities. This is a fruit that he found to be worth cultivating. I wonder how delicious it will be when it grows up?

Hisoka licked his lips, feeling that the blood in his whole body had begun to boil, thinking about it was something to be excited about, with Xiaojie and Kurapika.

Wait, Hisoka frowned, as if he forgot something, but it seemed that there was nothing, it shouldn't be important, so he just didn't think about it, anyway, he couldn't remember.

"Xiaojie, Leorio, Kurapika, Kiya, well, we should go back." Lu Xiaoou saw that the candidates had almost hunted the wild boar, and started the final roasting When I was working, I felt that it was almost time, so I called a few people over.

The most important thing is that the pig has almost been roasted. It is not easy to roast such a large pig.

Although in the original plot, Bukhara would eat anything as long as it was delivered to him, whether it was roasted, burnt, or half-baked, it all went into his stomach.

But for Lu Xiaoou, even if his craftsmanship has not yet reached the top, he will never allow the food from his hands to be half-baked, which insults the dignity of being the top food hunter in the future.

Leorie and Xiaojie came back with several fish together, and each of them had one left. It seemed that they had gained a lot.

"Xiaoou, we caught a lot of fish, and Qi Ya also caught a very special fish." Xiaojie walked up to Lu Xiaoou with the fish in his arms.

so many fish...

Most of them are common grass carp, the kind that Leo Li stole from Whale Island before, with blue scales.

Then there are two red fishes that are one meter long. Xiao Ou doesn't know this kind of fish, but the appearance is fat and tender, a bit like salmon on earth.

Lu Xiaoou looked carefully, and there were actually two more precious fish.

One, half silver, half black, bright, half a meter long, half a meter long, this is a precious sea fish, Bafang starfish, the reason why it is called Bafang, is because the head of the fish is octagonal, but the star character is very special , this kind of fish will only appear when there is a star in the night sky of the hunter world.

Jilu star is the world of hunters, which represents an inauspicious star, so Bafang star fish is also called "unknown fish". The specific taste and function are unknown, because no one except Lu Xiaoou would want to stew this kind of fish. When the boatman saw the star, he turned around and went home, let alone catching fish.

And the other one is red all over, much shorter than the previous Bafang starfish, and has a flat body. Lu Xiaoou guessed that this should be the red fish, the treasure by the river, that the captain said.

Lu Xiaoou's knowledge of the fish in the hunter world is all from the red-nosed captain, and his knowledge of plants comes from the vicious fox.

Others include bluefish, small swords, and baldheads, but they are also rare.

"The harvest is good." Lu Xiaoou was delighted to see the hunting heart. He didn't expect that Xiaojie, Qi Ya and others could catch the precious red fish and Bafang sea fish. This forest park in the examination room was his luck. .

"There are a lot of fish in the river." Leo Li held the fish and handed it to Lu Xiaoou for him to choose, and his eyes were glued to the whole roasted pig.

"It smells so good!" Leorio asked as soon as he came back, it was more fragrant than before. The skin of the pig's whole body was browned and crispy, which looked very appetizing.

It is estimated that if this is not an exam work, Leorio would want to take two bites first, it is really delicious.

As for the others, they also looked like they wanted to eat, but unfortunately they couldn't.

"Let's go, or it will be too late." Lu Xiaoou saw that even the usually calm Kurapika wanted to try it, so he knew that his cooking skills had improved a little, and this was a little closer to his goal .

The few people saw that some people beside them had already started to finish their work, so they stopped moaning and ran towards Men Qi and the others holding their whole roasted pig with both hands.