MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 54 Lu Xiaoou Chicken Soup with Heart

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"It's like this, Xiao Ou." Kurapika tried to use brief sentences to explain the matter of Hisoka acting as the examiner and the matter of capturing Leorio.

"Oh, if that's the case, Leorie shouldn't be in danger. Let's go over and have a look." Lu Xiaoou calmly comforted the two who were already in a hurry, fearing that something might happen to Leorie.

"Xiao Ou, how do you know?" Although Xiaojie felt that Leorio would be fine, he didn't know why he had such an idea.

Kurapika exhausted too much energy in the confrontation with Hisoka, and he hasn't recovered yet. His mind is not as clear as it was at the beginning, and he didn't realize it for a while.

"As you said, Hisoka wants to kill people, it's a piece of cake, so why bother to take Leori away and kill him? Isn't it superfluous? And he finally said that you are qualified, sure At present, he will definitely not do anything, although Hisoka is capricious, but judging from your description, he is a madman with a strong purpose."

"For lunatics, we can't analyze them according to the logic of ordinary people, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very formal, and under normal circumstances, they will not do things beyond their formality."

"It's like Hisoka, who keeps emphasizing that he is an examiner, he is taking the test, not killing people." Lu Xiaoou carefully analyzed and calmed the emotions of the two of them, too tense would not be good for the test later.


Hearing Lu Xiaoou's words, the two of them were really relieved, and there was no longer a tight bow like before.

It's just that both Xiaojie and Kurapika felt in their hearts that 'Lu Xiaoou knows too many things'.

"But we still have to hurry up. According to my guess, there should be a time limit for crossing the wetland this time. Otherwise, it can be done at any time. The difficulty of the hunter exam will definitely be reduced, and Hisoka will not leave so soon." Lu Xiaooudao.

"Yes, then let's hurry up." Hearing Lu Xiaoou's words, Xiaojie immediately accelerated his pace and rushed forward.

Kurapika also silently quickened his pace.

"By the way, Xiao Ou, Hisoka said a few words at the end, that is, he said that Leori and I were both qualified. What do you think he meant by saying this?" After running for a while, Xiao Ou relaxed Jie, thinking of what Hisoka said before, still feels brooding.

"He said before that he wanted to play the examiner game, which means that Hisoka is using the opportunity to test your skills." Lu Xiaoou said.

"I think Hisoka probably meant the same thing." Kurapika also echoed.

With Lu Xiaoou by his side, Kurapika felt a lot more at ease, and even his clever brain regained its calm state, making it easier to analyze things.

"Test? But Hisoka just stared at my face." Xiaojie was very confused. Isn't it possible to see his skills only by fighting?

"Didn't you let him catch your fishing rod before?" Kurapika asked.

"It's true to say that, but Leori was beaten so badly by him, so he is qualified." Xiaojie said.

"Hisoka has an abnormal body like a superman, and he is also a genius with amazing talents, especially for the strong desire to fight. That guy is far more than us. A martial artist who takes fighting for granted, at the moment when he is gearing up , you will definitely feel the scent of the opponent first, feel the experience, strength, and other scents of the opponent, Hisoka may feel the same fighting breath as himself in you and Leorio." Coola pickup road.

"Same smell?" Jay asked.

"That's right, maybe he thought it would be a pity to kill you now." Kurapika gradually substituted himself into Hisoka's state at the time, and the analysis made sense.

But Xiaojie's complexion was not very good-looking, and he didn't know what he thought of.

"I'm sorry, what I said didn't take your feelings into consideration." Kurapika stopped and apologized solemnly.

For not considering his companion's feelings, Kurapika seemed to blame himself, which was something that the gentle him could not bear.

"No, Qi Ya once said similar things. He said that people of the same kind can be understood just by taste." Xiaojie was a little depressed.

"You and Hisoka are definitely not the same kind of people. At least I think that person is too cruel to be a hunter." Kurapika retorted excitedly.

"Is that so?" Xiaojie was a little confused.

"Xiaojie?" Kurapika didn't know what to say.

"When Hisoka approached me step by step before, the strong sense of fear made me want to run away, but at that time I didn't have the strength to turn around. Just at the moment when I thought, this time might be over, I knew that I might be killed today. Kill, the situation is very critical, and it's strange to say that I was a little bit excited at that time." Xiaojie analyzed his mental state at that time in a low tone, trying to figure out what was going on.

This hadn't happened in his 12 years of life, so he didn't know what to do with it.

"Xiaojie?" Kurapika didn't know how to comfort him, he had never encountered such a situation himself.

"It is worthy of inheriting the blood of Jin. When you meet the strong, you will be strong. Now it has slowly begun to show its glory." Lu Xiaoou couldn't help feeling Xiaojie's uniqueness in his heart. UU reading

"Little Jie, you have to know that battles are divided into levels and types. This is different. If you don't fight, it doesn't mean you don't fight. The similarity between you and Hisoka lies in the fact that you both have a keen fighting intuition, which is a good thing. "

"You will be stronger than him in the future. This is determined by talent, not who is the same as who. This is the excellent blood inherited from your father. Didn't you say that your father is very powerful? You are his son, and you It will be very powerful, which is normal. As for the taste that Qiya said, it is different from the taste we are talking about now, and you will know it in the future."

Lu Xiaoou saw that the two of them were almost done analyzing and venting, so he stepped forward and patted Xiaojie on the shoulder, intending to make him relax.

Having just experienced the first battle in his life, it is normal for him to be a little too tense. No matter how talented he is, he is still just a fledgling young man, and he needs someone to guide him.

"Talent? Well, I will work hard." Xiaojie smiled again and ran forward, "We have to work hard, hurry up Xiaoou and Kurapika."

"Wait for us." Lu Xiaoou and Kurapika smiled at each other, and both chased after Xiaojie.

A few people chased after each other and began to march bravely towards the second test venue, which would delay a lot of time. If you don't hurry up, it may really be too late.

Lu Xiaoou counted the time, thinking that he had just passed a relief pillar, that place was already very close to the second venue, and now he should be arriving at the venue soon.

Feeling that he didn't blush or breathe all the way, Lu Xiaoou knew that his body had been exercised to a certain extent, and he was no longer the weak person who needed to use the fruit of face to run a little.

This should be a good sign.