MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 5 Reserve "face"

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Xiaojie was stunned, he felt that he didn't know Ah Gong that well.

The two were resting on the spot as dead bodies. Lu Xiaoou felt that Xiaojie's stomach was comparable to that of the hat king Lufei. After a while, he stood up and began to jump.

Xiaojie can't stop, that's right, but Lu Xiaoou feels very sad, obviously the grilled fish he eats is at most a fraction of Xiaojie's.

About half an hour later, Xiaojie suddenly looked in one direction.


Even the ground seemed to be shaking together, Lu Xiaoou also noticed it, this movement must be the return of the fox and bear.

Sure enough, in a short while, I saw a large brown ball from far to near, with two paws waving, and there was a green ball on one of the hands, which was very conspicuous.

When he got close, the fox bear Agong handed a green mass wrapped in large leaves to Lu Xiaoou.

It can be seen that the fox and bear made it very carefully, and even wrapped it with two layers of leaves. When Lu Xiaoou opened it, he saw six longan-sized fruits mixed with purple and white.

The water is clear and clear, and it looks very appetizing, not to mention that there is a faint fragrance after opening, which is refreshing.

"It's water hyacinth fruit." Xiaojie raised his voice, recognized the fruit, and said, "I've only seen it once."

Under Xiaojie's extremely fast explanation, the specific reason for the growth of water hyacinth fruit is unknown, but it is rare, and it has an excellent therapeutic effect.

Lu Xiaoou finally understood the preciousness of this fruit, which is the holy medicine for healing. These things are not found in anime, but Lu Xiaoou has psychological expectations.

Because it was said at the beginning of the anime, monsters, precious beasts, treasures, secret treasures, magic realms, secret realms, the brilliance of the word unknown has attracted many strong people, flocking to it.

Therefore, it is quite normal to have miraculous plants beyond the knowledge of the earth, not to mention that according to Xiaojie's description, the efficacy of water hyacinth fruit is not as good as that of many precious medicinal materials on earth.

Whale Island is too small, not only can't hold Xiaojie, but also can't hold his fruit of face.

After saying goodbye to Agong the Fox and the Bear, Lu Xiaoou and Xiaojie returned to Aunt Mitt's hotel.

Time is always like running water, fleeting.

As the hunter exam was approaching, Lu Xiaoou studied his mind ability more comprehensively and meticulously. First of all, it should be clear, just as he guessed, the more expensive the ingredients, the more face he will gain.

The processing of the same culinary skills will also make the ingredients exchanged for more face.

For example, if you eat a cucumber raw for Xiaojie, you can only get 1 point of face, but if you cook the cucumber and make a cucumber, you can get 2 points of face for Xiaojie.

When Lu Xiaoou realized this, he volunteered to help Aunt Mitt and help in the kitchen. After three days, he learned a few side dishes.

There is also a point of cognition about the fruit of face. The food you give to the other party does not have to be made by yourself. As long as this thing belongs to you, you can achieve equal face.

To put it simply, if you invite someone to a meal, the money is given by Lu Xiaoou, which is the same.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, that is the day when Xiaojie was released in the original plot.

Lu Xiaoou and Xiaojie bid farewell to Aunt Mitt and the fox bear who caught fish very quickly, and embarked on the journey to the hunter exam. The difference from the original book is that Xiaojie carries a big bag of things on his back.

After several hours of long journey, Lu Xiaoou and Xiaojie finally arrived at the port of Whale Island.

It was about three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived. Lu Xiaoou knew that the Poseidon sailed at six o'clock, and there was still time. Leorio and Kurapika were both on the island, so he could save some face.

"Xiaojie, let's look separately and ask where to take the boat. You go this way, and I will meet you here after I go this way." Lu Xiaoou arranged.

"Okay, see you later." Xiaojie followed the direction Lu Xiaoou pointed.

"Give me an apple." Lu Xiaoou suddenly shouted.

One thing about Xiaojie was really nice, he didn't ask why, took out an apple from the big backpack behind him, and then continued to walk forward.

Looking at the back of Xiaojie leaving, Lu Xiaoou thought for a while, the Poseidon should be in that direction.

He is going to find a fake hunter now. Lu Xiaoou followed the scenes in the plot and found a dilapidated temporary arena where a fake hunter was domineering.

Leorio had no travel expenses, and he also challenged on stage because of the prize money, but because he was so hungry, he didn't have the strength to lose for a while.

Xiaojie has keen eyes and ears, and he heard Leori's stomach growling, so he gave Leori an apple, and that's how the two got to know each other.

Now Xiaojie went in another direction, so Leorio couldn't eat the apple, and collapsed on the ground hungry.

"You lost because you were hungry."

A male voice suddenly came from Leori's ear, that's the fact, so Leori looked up to see who had such a vision, and then he looked up and saw a red apple.

"Eat an apple." Lu Xiaoou said.

Leorie was startled, then quickly took a few bites of the apple and ate it, then turned and left without saying thank you.

"As described in the original book, with a hard mouth and a soft heart, he ate Xiaojie's apple and then helped Xiaojie." Lu Xiaoou said, adding one to UU Reading's face storage.

Almost forgetting the business, Lu Xiaoou looked around, and in the small restaurant next to the ring, he found the target person—a fake hunter who cheated a sum of money and was eating.

"Master Hunter, I admire you very much, can you please give me a chance, and I will treat you to this meal."

Lu Xiaoou felt that Oscar owed him a movie star. The hunter's appearance was really a bit too euphemistic, and the yellow hair and green hat was a bit of an eyesore, but what Lu Xiaoou said just now was an expression of an admirer.

Blonde hair is a kind of belief, think of Kurapika, think of Namikaze Minato, blond hair must have color.

"I'll give you this chance, boy, if you work hard, you can become a hunter." The fake hunter was arrogant, and even pretended to encourage him.

The boss took the card and charged the fee for the fake hunter.

"Hunters, you are usually invisible, so you have to show respect to me like this kid." Looking at the adoring eyes of others, the fake hunter felt even more proud, and made a few more loud noises before leaving.

As a trading place, Whale Island Harbor is still very prosperous. Although it is not as safe and comfortable as the hotel near the hotel, the bustling has a special flavor. The endless hawking made Lu Xiaoou feel the hustle and bustle atmosphere even more personally.


Taking a deep breath of the sea-smelling air, Lu Xiaoou finally felt that he was truly in the world of hunters.

With dazzling golden hair, emerald green eyes, a very distinctive ethnic costume, and exquisite facial features, such an iconic figure finally appeared.

"Guest officer, don't move. This is a poisonous spider. If you don't move, it will leave after a while." The fat boss said with a terrified expression.