MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 470 meet happy

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Just as the two groups of people were rushing towards Lu Xiaoou's location, a lot of changes took place in the lair.

Not only is the queen's belly getting bigger and bigger, it is basically invisible from before, but now a small green bubble-like sac is arched in the belly, because it has just been conceived, it is still very weak, But there are already a little bit of black spots wriggling inside.

"I know you will be the most powerful king in the world. You can definitely rule the world. I will definitely eat a lot of nutritious food and take good care of you. Don't worry, click." The Queen looked very Gently stroking his belly, General took the pile of meat **** beside him and bit them.

In order to provide nutrition to the child in her belly at any time, the queen basically never leaves the throne now, supplementing nutrition continuously, hoping to give birth to a very healthy king.

At this time, the second member of Wang's direct guard finally broke out of his shell.


A slender body wrapped in gorgeous and beautiful huge wings suddenly appeared on the ground, and soon the figure disappeared from the spot.

At this time, Neferbit was sitting on the outer wall of the castle with its tail flicking boredly, using its strong perception to be vigilant.

When the king was not born, it was the job of these guards to protect the safety of the queen, so Neferbit would work as a police dog from time to time to ensure the safety of the castle.

Suddenly it felt a fluctuating air in the side, and a figure suddenly appeared, with complicated patterned wings and two short tentacles on its head, which looked like a butterfly. It is also closer to human beings, and the body shape is more similar.

"Who are you?" Nephibit tilted his head, as if he was very puzzled why a creature appeared out of thin air.

"I'm Xiaoyapf, one of the king's direct guards." The butterfly-shaped ant Xiaoyapf was a very polite ant, and he put his hand on his stomach and bowed slightly in the air.

"Oh, Pufu, you finally came out. Is Yubi coming out too?" Nephibit seemed very happy with Xiaoyapov's appearance, and also concerned about the news of other companions.

"Almost, but it will take some time." Owlyapf matched its appearance quite well, speaking more politely.

"Then let's just wait. The time when the king was born is still early, so we just need to guard the lair." Nephibit was only interested for three seconds, and soon he leaned back against the wall in boredom, flicking his tail I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Ding ding dong dong"

On the contrary, Xiaoyapf was very leisurely, and he didn't care whether he was in the air or not. He did not know where to find a violin and started to play, so he almost didn't have a concert.

It seems that Xiaoyapf might have been engaged in music work when he was a human being. An ant can play such beautiful music, which shows how powerful he must be when he is a human being.

The ants are developing in an orderly manner. Although two division heads and several army heads have been missing, most of the division heads are independent and have their own ideas. No one cared, even if they didn't come back, it was guessed that the possibility of staying outside or hunting was relatively high, and there were no ants to pay attention to.

Ant's side is dull, but Lu Xiaoou's side is very lively.

"Hahaha, long time no see, how are you, Xiaoou?" Leorie, who was far away, waved at Lu Xiaoou and the others.

If Xiao Shuang hadn't landed yet due to being in the air, he probably could have just jumped off and ran over.

Xiaojie next to him might as well give way, jumping on his feet, as excited as Leorio, "Xiaoou, Kiya, I'm back with Kurapika, we meet again."

"It's good that you all come back." Lu Xiaoou greeted Xiaojie and Leo Li, and set his sights on Jin who appeared with them.

Unshaven and covered in dust, but his back is straight, and his spirit has not been damaged by the dust on his face. This is Jin.

"Extraordinary." Lu Xiaoou murmured to himself.

For Jin, it is better to be famous than to meet him, and his strength is well-deserved. Lu Xiaoou can feel that powerful aura without getting close.

As for Jin, logically speaking, the first thing he saw should be his disciple Kate, but Wudu's keen intuition felt Lu Xiaoou's scrutinizing gaze, and immediately cast his gaze on him.

He frowned slightly. It was the first time Jin had seen such a person. If Lu Xiaoou was strong, it would be impossible, but if he was not strong, it would be a fantasy. It was weird, and he couldn't see through it for a while.

Jin is not a person who is entangled. If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. No matter how weak the person who can get here is, it is impossible to be so weak. What's more, with Xiaojie's endorsement and Jin's intuition, he believes that Lu Xiaojie Ou will definitely give him many surprises.

"I met the teacher." Kate strode forward, the expression on his face was no longer calm, and he was obviously very excited about Jin's appearance.

"Yes, long time no see, you have improved a lot." Jin patted Kate on the shoulder and was quite satisfied with Kate's current strength.

Next, Xiaojie also gave a brief introduction to the two parties. In addition, Jin himself is not a very difficult person to get along with. Lu Xiaoou and Kurapika are both very knowledgeable people, and they chatted very vigorously together.

Time passed before I knew it.

"Hahahaha, it seems that I came a lot late." President Nitro's voice was as loud as ever, and could be heard from far away.

Across the cave, Lu Xiaoou had long felt the familiar wave of thought power, and it really only took a few seconds for a person who had never been seen to appear in the cave.

The three people who came were Mo Laowu, Nobu and President Nitro.

" You are finally here." Lu Xiaoou stood up first to greet him, followed by Kate.

As for Jin, he doesn't like socializing, but out of respect for the president, he still stood up, Xiaojie and the others obediently also stood up and said hello.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for more than a year, and it seems that the progress is not small." President Nitero's eyes swept over everyone present, especially pausing for a while on Lu Xiaoou.

You must know that ever since Lu Xiaoou took the hunter exam, Chairman Nitero has always had high expectations for him. Although Lu Xiaoou's performance in the exam was very impressive, he just felt that something was wrong.

It wasn't until the whole line of the brigade was arrested that Chairman Nitro felt that this was indeed the case. The chimera ant incident is still within the controllable range, and Lu Xiaoou also contributed a lot.


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