MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 446 price of escape

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"Since we know the place, it should be easier to find it, right?" Qi said. &1t;/

He didn't know much about the place ng1, thinking that as long as he knew the place name, it would be much better than running around like a headless chicken. &1t;/

"You probably don't know this place, it's a little bit special." I still know a little about ng1 Kurapika. &1t;/

"What do you mean?" Qi really hadn't heard the introduction of this place, mainly because it was too remote, probably like a small mountain village, and naturally no one would take a closer look. &1t;/

"The autonomous country named ng1 is located at the western end of the Mitai Federation of the Balsa Islands. The country is surrounded by vast oceans. The country aims to protect nature and has abandoned mechanical civilization. The main means of transportation is horses. 99% of the citizens It is a member of a group called neogreen1ife, and the remaining 1% of citizens are volunteers who come to support. So it is named after ng1."&1t;/

"The ng1 autonomous country is known as "the most difficult nature reserve to enter the country", because before entering the country, you must cross the river between ng1 and the neighboring country Rocario, pass the checkpoint and embassy built with big trees, and Accept extremely strict entry inspection, including the three steps of visit reason inspection, item inspection and precision inspection. Among them, in the process of precision inspection, medical machines are even used to check whether there are prohibited mechanical items hidden in the body of the immigrant. "Lu Xiao Ou told about the situation of ng1 that he knew. &1t;/

"It sounds really troublesome. So many things can't be used. Isn't it hard to find?" Qi frowned, but he didn't expect such a country to exist. &1t;/

"You can imagine such a country that respects nature. Maybe if you tell them about the Chimera ants, they will say that this is the survival of the fittest in nature. Don't bother, it will be troublesome then." Kurapika said. &1t;/

"It's quite possible." Qi looked a little serious. Although he hadn't been there yet, with Lu Xiaoou's detailed description, what Kurapika said might really happen, and it would be a big trouble. &1t;/

"What should we do?" Kurapika frowned slightly, obviously feeling a little helpless about the current situation. &1t;/

"We'll talk when we get there first," Lu Xiaoou said. &1t;/

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and everything is better to let nature take its course. Maybe if you are lucky, you will meet the queen or king as soon as you enter, and it will be perfect. &1t;/

"What's that?" Qi was about to stand up and leave when he suddenly saw something shining on the scorched ground not far away. &1t;/

"I asked the Queen to leave something as a souvenir, otherwise it would be a waste of time?" Lu Xiaoou said very lightly. &1t;/

"It's still Xiaoou who is amazing. I'm the one who is really cheap to the queen. She slipped away without leaving anything behind. It's really outrageous." Qi's face changed into a smile in an instant, and he was depressed by the queen's pressure and beating before. The child has eliminated a lot. &1t;/

"Is it the claw that came at me earlier?" Kurapika stood a little further away and didn't see Lushan's true face, but it didn't hinder his guess. &1t;/

After all, I was hit by a bit of poisonous mist before, and I didn't have time to expel it from the body. The queen came aggressively again, and was almost seriously injured. If it wasn't for Lu Xiaoou's intrusion, then the queen's counterattack before fleeing would definitely fall on me body. &1t;/

Kurapika was very self-aware. Based on the situation at the time, if Lu Xiaoou hadn't made a shot, he might have avoided the deadly position at most, but the degree of injury would have been immeasurable. &1t;/

"I haven't thanked you yet," Kurapika said. &1t;/

"No, it's because I underestimated that ant, otherwise I wouldn't be able to escape." Lu Xiaoou was still a little depressed when he said it. &1t;/

This was the first time she suffered from being dumb, and it was the first time a big girl got on a sedan chair. She never expected that this queen, who had never had contact with humans, would be so cunning, and she didn't follow the routine at all. &1t;/

At the end of the day, there was another one, which almost seriously injured the little friend, which is simply Lu Xiaoou's dark history. &1t;/

"Actually, we didn't expect it. We were careless. We will definitely not do it next time, and the queen will suffer a lot." Kurapika looked at the two claws that Qi took back, which were about one meter long. road. &1t;/

That's right, Lu Xiaoou cut off both of the claws that the Chimera Ant Queen had used to attack Kurapika, which was enough for the Queen to feel pain for a long time, and I don't know how much food he would have to eat to make it up. &1t;/

"It was just a fluke. If I had reacted faster at that time, maybe I could have kept her." &1t;/

Even though he said so, Lu Xiaoou also knew that the queen's life-saving and escape skills were still very powerful, even he was blinded for a while in the last thick fog before he could see things vaguely, which shows how powerful it is . &1t;/

"Then shall we go directly to ng1 next?" Qi grabbed two big paws, as if he was holding the queen in his hands, and finally relieved a little. &1t;/

Of course, although he did not cut off the claw himself, Qi said that this issue is not important at all. &1t;/

"I'll make a call first to inquire about the situation." Lu Xiaoou found out that the Beetle planned to call Nitro, the old fox, as he spoke. &1t;/

Now that I have met the Chimera Ant Queen face to face, and it is still a mutated species, it is necessary to tell the president. &1t;/

Of course, Chairman Nitro was quite surprised when he received the call from Lu Xiaoou, but he was still very concerned about the situation of the chimera ants he mentioned, and he readily told him about some hunters near ng1 that he knew The situation of the team. &1t;/

"I have already given Kate your new license. He happened to be going to a place called Khaki Country to do some ecological surveys. You happened to bring that paw there for everyone to study. I also have a meeting here to organize people to go there. This issue You have to take a look." Chairman Netero's voice was rare and dignified. &1t;/

Having dealt with Lu Xiaoou several times, he knew that this guy is not a person who is aimless, since he can think of telling himself, the situation will become very serious, and it is worth paying attention to. &1t;/

"Well, we will follow up here first, and you have to be faster there. The earlier the time, the easier it is to control. After all, the force value in that place is extremely Lu Xiaooudao.&1t;/

"No problem, I'll do it as soon as possible." The president hung up the phone after speaking, probably to inform someone about the meeting. &1t;/

"How, what did you say?" Qi asked. &1t;/

"Let's go to Khaki Country first, join Kate and the others there, and then enter ng1 together to investigate the situation." Lu Xiaoou said. &1t;/

"Kate is there too? Couldn't it be another new species to investigate?" Kurapika remembered Kate, after all, she was very powerful. &1t;/

"That's right, it's right there, you can see it this time." Lu Xiaoou said. &1t;/

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