MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 42 New job for rookie killer

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"Then Mr. Dongba, do me a favor. Please recite the rest of the way. I know that Mr. Dongba cares about us novices very much. It's definitely fine." Lu Xiaoou said.

"This brat really thinks I'm a good person, really..." Dongba felt very uncomfortable and planned to refuse, but after a second thought,

"This kid is very evil. You can't be mistreated by him every time. Otherwise, if you observe closely, you may be able to find out what's wrong."

After all, according to Dongba's prediction, the test should be over in a short time. Taking advantage of this boy's request, he took the opportunity to investigate and avoid attracting attention. "It's a good idea."

"The most important thing is that I can also show my ability. My physical strength is very good. The ten thousand year loser also has dignity. The ten thousand year loser also needs to be paid attention to. The ten thousand year loser is also a stage that needs to be displayed."

It is impossible for Dongba to refuse this kind of situation.

"Since Xiao Ou has said so, if I don't help and it really doesn't make sense, then you come up." Dongba said while squatting down, with a thoughtful look.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, Mr. Dongba." Lu Xiaoou said, then unceremoniously climbed onto Dongba's back, and stayed firmly on it.

"Xiao Ou, do you want me to help?" Xiaojie looked worriedly at Lu Xiaoou who was so tired that he lay directly on Dongba's back and suggested.

Qi Ya frowned and glanced at Lu Xiaoou, who also leaned over. Although he didn't speak, he still showed it in his actions. It was the first time to express kindness to others. For him, he didn't find any good way. It was impossible to betray someone Yes, Qi Ya has never learned to carry people back in his life.

"No, Mr. Dongba is a good person who is willing to help others, and how can he need your help, Xiaojie, if he has sufficient physical strength, he definitely doesn't need it." Lu Xiaoou said.

"It's okay, I'll be Xiaojie, I'm notorious for my physical strength." Dongba smiled honestly, very simple and honest.

Xiaojie scratched his head and stopped talking, but he still stood in front of Dongba, as if advancing and retreating together.

"It's okay? After careful observation before, I feel that Xiaoou's behavior is nothing special, but why is he so big on face?"

Leo Li murmured to himself, but he was very envious in his heart, if he was so embarrassing and still bothered to take the exam, he would just let the examiner make it difficult for him.

In the end, Leori's thoughts turned into one sentence: "Xiao Ou, what a good boy."

Lu Xiaoou, who was silently issued a good person card, didn't know what Leorie was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely say, "If it weren't for the fact that I don't have the ability to find such precious ingredients to make food for the examiners, I don't want to follow the steps. took the test."

Of course, not to miss the excitement along the way is also the reason why Lu Xiaoou persuaded himself not to take shortcuts.

"It's very fun, and it's not boring at all." Qi Ya showed a smile, and felt that it was indeed the right choice to go to the hunter exam to play, and it would make a person with bad intentions willing to help.

Here must pay attention to Kurapika.

"Could it be that I was wrong before, is this Dongba still a good person? He always agrees when he is carrying an exam." Kurapika rubbed his temples, feeling the need to sort out his thoughts.

Although Dongba's performance before always made Kurapika feel that something was wrong, after all, those who can pass the hunter's test have gone through hardships and hardships. Still a veteran who has participated many times.

However, when Lu Xiaoou made this request, seeing Dongba's face before was not very difficult, and there was a tendency to agree, which made Kurapika doubt his previous speculation, and now he agreed unconditionally, which is simply surprising.

Helping others while taking the exam by yourself is a proper self-sacrifice and a good Dongba.

The top ten moved hunters must have a Dongba.

"Let's go." Dongba carried the road on his back and Xiaoou called the people who had stopped to continue walking.

After all, Lu Xiaoou was still young, and because of his short stature, he didn't weigh much, and Dongba's ability, who had been able to participate in 30 official tests, was unquestionable, so carrying him was a breeze.

"Xiao Ou, you don't usually exercise much, and the test is still a test of endurance. How do you usually train?" Dongba started to inquire after he left soon, wanting to see if there was anything weird.

"No, just go to the forest with Xiaojie to play, make friends with animals, and then eat." Lu Xiaoou replied very casually, anyway, he basically did these things, and found differences from these trivial things if he had the ability.

That's really powerful Hunter's Dongba!

"Play? Eat?" Sure enough, I'm still a child, I just know how to eat and play, so there shouldn't be anything important, UU reading www.uukanshu. Being popular among children doesn't mean they are capable.

Therefore, Dongba was more relaxed towards Lu Xiaoou, and felt that there was no need to be so defensive, and he would definitely find a way to defeat these people next time.

Dongba, who thought he had found the reason, didn't inquire any more, and ran forward slowly with the large army.

As for Lu Xiaoou, he must be obediently nestling on Dongba's back, closing his eyes and starting to recharge his energy and prepare for the Mile Wetland. That is much more dangerous than running, plus what he has to do Certainly not without energy.

Apart from paying attention to Xiaojie and the others, Lu Xiaoou quickly entered the recovery state. I believe that after recovery, because of this exercise, his physical endurance will be stronger than before.

"Tap Tat Tat"

Everyone is trying their best to hurry, but the closer the end is, the more and more people are eliminated.

Although the frequency of Saci's steps has not changed, the distance between each step is getting bigger and bigger, and it feels like Luffy's hands and feet have become longer.

There are more and more people falling behind, which of course also indicates that the end is getting closer.


Like an old cow, Leori kept panting heavily, as if doing so would relieve some of his fatigue.

Since Leorio refused to skateboard, he has basically relied on willpower to constantly break through the limits of his body to achieve his goal. Tiredness is certain, and the most important thing is that the potential of his body is really coming to an end.

Leo Li became a little more anxious.

"Leori will be there if you persist a little longer." Lu Xiaoou said.

"Okay, got it." Knowing that it was almost the finish line, Leorio was finally relieved, otherwise it would be a difficult end, after all, he asked not to skateboard and not to help.