MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 36 Kind Dongba (Part 1)

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Lu Xiaoou looked up his watch. It has only been more than two hours now. In the original plot, it ran for six or seven hours. It is about time to activate the backup plan.

Without the job of bug analyst in Baixia's previous life, Lu Xiaoou had considered many things. He knew that his physical strength was not particularly good, so there was absolutely no need to fight for the first place.

Of course, this is modesty. In fact, it is very good that Lu Xiaoou can pass this test.

Moreover, Leori's breathing began to become rough, and he had to wait for Dongba to come to help.

"Okay, Xiaoou." Xiaojie was obedient, and slowed down to run beside Lu Xiaoou.

Many people surpassed Lu Xiaoou and the others at once.

"The distance should not be short, and it's best to maintain your physical strength." Dongba said very carefully.

It's true that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be there soon, and I don't know where they went before. There are too many people, and even Lu Xiaoou didn't notice Dongba's trace for a while.

This will appear again to increase the sense of presence. It seems that they are targeting Lu Xiaoou and the others. After all, the higher the strength, the more fulfilling the attack. This should be the pride of being a "new killer".

"It really didn't take any effort." Lu Xiaoou was secretly happy, and welcomed Dongba's behavior of giving pillows when he was sleepy.

"Since Mr. Dongba has participated in so many hunter exams, he should know a lot of people. He must know a lot about everyone's strength. Tell us about it." Lu Xiaoou said.

Since you have bad intentions towards them, you have to extract all the remaining value before you can deal with it. Otherwise, it will be a waste of resources. You must know that 'wasting is shameful'!

"Mr. Dongba must know many people." Xiaojie also said.

"It is." Although Dongba tried his best to restrain himself, there was still a bit of arrogance in the corners of his eyes and brows. It should be the pride of being a ten-thousand-year-old student?

"Can you tell us, everyone must be very powerful people." Xiaojie was very excited when he heard Dongba's confirmed answer. Maybe the keen fighting consciousness in his body also told him, "Know yourself and the enemy and you can win a hundred battles."

"Let me introduce you. First of all, No. 103, the snake envoy Babu, he is a person with deep obsession." Dongba saw the man running to the side of several people from behind and was slowly overtaking.

Wearing a gray-green turban, a dark purple scarf, a gray-white coat, and a big No. 103 number plate, he is indeed the snake envoy Babu. From his choice of clothes and accessories, it can be seen that he is indeed a serious and persistent person. But thinking of the snake in the room on the Warship Island, Xiaoou couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle even though he was as firm as Lu Xiaoou, not to mention that he had ruthlessly tricked Leorie on the island of Warship.

Do I have to buy some frog meat to carry on my back? No, is there any frog in Hunter World? But even if there are no frogs, taking a step back, there should be mice.

"Amen, Leori." Thinking of how Leori was bitten by thousands of snakes at that time, Lu Xiaoou couldn't help but sympathize with him first.

"Then there is Kiyosato, a martial artist at No. 76, who is very good at martial arts. Todo, No. 255, has not only strength, but also a good brain. No. 197 to 199 are the three Amory brothers. They are very well matched and can achieve good results." Dong Ba I really know a lot of people, and I can count as familiar faces in the hunter exam, and the generalization is relatively accurate.

Of course, Lu Xiaoou has a different opinion about No. 255 Toduo. The big fat man, with a small braid tied behind his back, looks very big, but sometimes 'the limbs are well developed, and the mind is relatively weak'.

After all, in the end, he daringly questioned the examiner, Men Qi, who was just a gourmet hunter and was not qualified to test them, and was then pared down by Men Qi as cannon fodder. It is not without reason that he has well-developed limbs.

"Then, over there is No. 384 hunter Greta, who can catch all kinds of creatures with only a dart and a stick, which is quite powerful." Dongba looked around and finally found the target person.

Greta must have heard Dongba's introduction, and turned around to smile at Lu Xiaoou and the others.

Even if a few people have poor eyesight, they can see that Greta's smile is really very distinctive. She is completely black and wears a pair of big sunglasses. It is absolutely inconspicuous in the dark tunnel, but it is absolutely conspicuous when she smiles and shows her big white teeth. up.

"These are regular customers of the test." Dongba looked around and introduced everything he could introduce, so he planned to shut up. If there are too many introductions, he will become a really good person.

But Dongba thinks too much. Youlu Xiaoou can't be a good person in Dongba. He must go as far as he can on this road.

"It turns out that everyone is very good." Xiaojie said with emotion.

After all, Xiaojie has not met many practitioners in Whale Island. This is the first time he has seen people with different abilities, and he feels very excited.

"As long as you are qualified." Leorio is the kind of person who won't let go of his goal.

"Xiaoou?" Xiaojie said.

"Well, don't worry, as long as we work hard, we can pass." Lu Xiaoou said.

There is no one who knows Xiaojie's potential and explosive power better than him.

"hush huh"

The sound of gears sliding on the ground, the next second Qiya was paddling his skateboard I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, passing in front of Lu Xiaoou and the others.

I don't know what I did for so long just now. Although it is much later than the original plot, Qi Ya and Xiaojie, the fateful friends, finally met as expected.

"It's amazing." Xiaojie admired Qi Ya sliding the skateboard smoothly.

"Boy, how despicable, isn't this a foul?" Leorio shouted.

There is no way that Leorio can't run now, and seeing Qi Ya leisurely traveling on a skateboard must be envious and jealous.

"Who are you and how old are you?" Xiaojie asked.

Xiaojie, who rarely sees his peers, is of course very happy.

"Where did I make a foul?" Qi Ya asked.

"This is a test of endurance." Leo insisted.

"No, the examiner just said to follow him, isn't it Xiaoou?" Xiaojie is an honest child, he will say what the facts are, and of course he will not forget to ask Lu Xiaoou's opinion.

"No matter what the method is, as long as it is passed." For the following idea, Lu Xiaoou will definitely agree with Xiaojie's statement.

And as far as Lu Xiaoou is concerned, he himself feels that it doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat. "As long as the goal is achieved, the process can be changed. "All roads lead to Rome." The reason why he didn't buy a skateboard or skates in advance was because it seemed too buggy. Predicting the future is so exaggerated.

"Xiaojie, Xiaoou, whose companions are you?" Leo was in a panic, and it felt really bad to have no one to support him.

"Companion?" Qi Ya's dark green eyes were a little confused. For him who was raised as a killer since childhood, his world should have no companions.