MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 29 Engage in 1 big event (middle)

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"This is the hunter test. Unexpected things will always happen. There are millions of participants, and there is only one person in 10,000, which is the chance of reaching the official venue. As newcomers, you have done a good job , if it were you, I would be more than happy to lead the way for you next year."

Mr. Fierce Fox did not enter the private room, and stood at the door with a serious tone. Mr. Warcraft is kind, but at least he has some confidence in them. This year will definitely pass, and there will be no next year, Lu Xiaoou thought to himself.

"Swish Swish Swish"

Mr. Vicious Fox took out four cards from his pocket and threw them to the four people one by one. Sure enough, even though some things have changed, some things cannot be changed.

Even though the number of people arriving at Doli Island has increased a lot due to Lu Xiaoou's sacrifice to the sea, and the date has also been advanced, but Xiaojie's number has not changed.

As in the original plot, Leorio got number 403, Kurapika got number 404, and Jay got number 405.

"No, there are still changes." Lu Xiaoou held the number plate number 406 and said to himself secretly.

"Work hard, rookie." Mr. Fox finally smiled and waved goodbye.

Lu Xiaoou and Xiaojie looked at each other, they walked forward tacitly, stretched out their hands and said, "Mr. Fox, thank you."

"You're welcome, see you later." Mr. Fox was stunned for a while, then smiled, rolled his eyes and reached out to shake hands with Lu Xiaoou and Xiaojie respectively.

In fact, not being able to be distinguished is also very lonely.

"Thank you? That's great." The vicious fox greeted the boss and walked out of the restaurant. After staring at the hand he shook for a while, he smiled and said to himself, with a happy expression.


"Everyone, the steak set menu is here." The waiter's voice was as sweet as a yellow warbler leaving the valley after hearing it a few times.

The two of them and the boss each brought two set meals and walked into the box to distribute the food to everyone.

"It's rare for you to arrive early. If you don't have enough, you can add at any time." The boss of Futai also showed a smile, very polite.

"Thank you boss, thank you very much for your hospitality." Lu Xiaoou said.

Others also expressed their gratitude to the boss.

"Xiaojie, give me that orange package." Lu Xiaoou said to Xiaojie.

"Yeah, okay." Xiaojie didn't look back, he directly reached into the backpack with his backhand, and found out what Lu Xiaoou wanted after a while, a small orange package, but the size of two adult fists.

Lu Xiaoou took it and opened it, revealing the pink and white fruits inside, which were round and plump, about the size of a plum, and looked very appetizing.

Although I don't know what this fruit is, but Lu Xiaoou took advantage of the guarded beast to be scared away by the vicious fox and came back. I think it must be a good thing to have a wild beast guarding it.

"Boss, thank you for your hospitality. This is a thank you gift. Please try it. Of course, this beautiful lady has worked hard, so you can also try it." Lu Xiaoou handed it to the boss with a polite look.

"Hahaha, thank you, I won't be polite." The waiter smiled happily, then stretched out his hand and squeezed one into his mouth, his almond eyes narrowed immediately, "It's delicious."

The indescribable feeling cannot be described simply by sweet and sour, it is rich and profound, making people addicted.

"Of course it's delicious. This is Tianluo fruit, which grows in a very strict place and is very precious." The boss laughed out loud, reached out and patted Lu Xiaoou's shoulder, and took the bag of Tianluo fruit, "Not bad, boy. I am willing to take out a precious fruit."

Lu Xiaoou smiled indifferently, and remembered the name at the same time. It turns out that this kind of fruit is called Tianluoguo. On the road before, he asked Fierce Fox that Hunter World does not sell fruit or plant identification albums. , but not specifically.

There is a small notebook in Lu Xiaoou's arms, and he wrote down all the information he learned through inquiries along the way. When he becomes a gourmet hunter, he will publish a food identification guide to benefit the vast number of foodies in the hunter world.

The boss stuffed one into his mouth quickly, and felt that it tasted better than the one he had eaten before. The boss, who was in a better mood, immediately said generously: "I will add some other food for you later, uncle is here to fill you up." Then he called the waiter out.

The steak that is still sizzling with oily smoke is very attractive, and the aroma is constantly coming from it, luring people to eat it.

"It smells so good."

The reason why Leori didn't envy Tian Luoguo was because of the steak in front of him. As a carnivore, Leori obviously attracted his attention more. So he was the first to start. The knife and fork are very smooth, and it feels like being in an operating room. His surgical skills will definitely not be bad in the future.

"It's started." Xiaojie cheered and began to eat the food in front of him.

Lu Xiaoou was thinking about the big things he was going to do, so he finished his meal. Seeing the steaks that the other three hadn't touched much, he decided to do it himself first.

" guys eat first, I'll ask the boss for a favor, and I'll be back in a while." Lu Xiaoou said hello and was ready to go out.

"Xiaoou needs help?" Xiaojie put down the tableware in his hand and said seriously.

Hearing this, Kurapika and Leorio ignored the food they were fighting for, and looked up at Lu Xiaoou, their intention to help was obvious.

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you if something happens, we are partners." Lu Xiaoou was stunned for a moment before smiling.

In fact, ever since he came to Hunter World, Lu Xiaoou felt insecure. He prepared all kinds of things and actively developed his mind ability, just hoping to have more protection and a sense of security. Very good, blood, passion.

Seeing that the three of them continued to eat with their heads down, Lu Xiaoou opened the door and went out to discuss things with the boss.

"Boss, do you have time now? I want to discuss something with you." Lu Xiaoou found the boss at a corner of the bar.

Probably before the time for the official test, the boss was still relatively leisurely, sitting there leisurely, holding a cup of steaming things in his hand, Lu Xiaoou smelled a fresh smell, which was a bit like tea, which he hadn't had before. I've smelled it, but I can't judge it, and I don't know if it's the unique tea of ​​Hunter World.

"What's the matter?" The boss said slowly, but he didn't refuse. After all, he just took such a rare fruit from others, so he had to show face.

"Boss, it's actually a trivial matter. I just want to build a good relationship with other candidates. You can give me face, it's like this..." Lu Xiaoou said as he approached the boss, and slowly elaborated.

In order to prevent himself from dying in the hunter test, Lu Xiaoou took great pains, and finally thought of a good way.

On this side, Lu Xiaoou is preparing to make a big deal, and on the other side, Xiaojie and the others have also had differences...