MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 22 Water Monster Egg

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On the other side of the lake, there was a tree whose roots were exposed to the water. Right below it was a hole the size of a millstone, half on the shore and half in the water. Inside the deep hole lay a few water monster eggs quietly.

This water monster is like a snake, and this season is the golden time for snakes to lay eggs. Combining the places where water snakes and pythons lay eggs, Lu Xiaoou made this guess before, so he desperately searched for it.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaoou really found it. According to visual inspection, the water monster is more than ten meters long. Its eggs must be more precious than water hyacinths.

"It can be cooked, strange custard, or scrambled eggs with orange vegetables." Lu Xiaoou arranged in his heart.

Orange vegetables are vegetables that Lu Xiaoou ate at Aunt Mitt's. It tastes a bit like celery, but the appearance is very different.

It's just that vegetables are mainly fresh, so they are not placed in Xiaojie's backpack.

"Crop crop"

The sound of water splashing on the boat awakened Lu Xiaoou, who was in reverie. The boat itself is fast and the distance is far away, so the opportunity is only for a moment. Xiaojie's execution ability is very strong, so just as Lu Xiaoou finished speaking, the fishing line made a 'swoosh' sound, and the fishing line accurately caught the water monster egg.

With another pull, the water monster egg the size of a volleyball fell into Lu Xiaoou's hands accurately.


Leori did not disappoint Lu Xiaoou's trust either. Originally, it took about half an hour for Xiaojie and Kurapika to row to the shore, but after being stimulated by the water monster, Leori directly exerted 100% of his combat power , It took only ten minutes for one person to reach the shore, not to mention chasing the water monster, even the stern of the boat could not be seen.


The boat crashed into the sand dunes, landed on the beach, and finally reached the shore safely. It was not easy to see Leo Li gritting his teeth.

"Leori, we're here." After Lu Xiaoou put the water monster egg in his backpack, he greeted Leori who was still paddling.

Xiaojie also picked up the suitcase and handed it to Leorie, and they got off the boat immediately.

"This vast lake was rowed with all my strength, and I passed it smoothly." Leo Li took the suitcase and tidied up his attire, and changed back into an elite look.

"This seems to be a stone tablet with words, come and see what is written there?" Lu Xiaoou called everyone to look at the monument of the Mo clan ruins, completely ignoring Leo Li's pretending to be deep .

"Is this a relic?" Xiaojie approached with interest.

"It seems to be something from the ancient Mo tribe." Kurapika recognized it through his vague self.

"It is indeed something of the Mo people, and it has a very long history." Lu Xiaoou affirmed.

"Then Xiaoou still has Kurapika, can you understand it?" Xiaojie looked at the stele and found that he couldn't understand it.

Lu Xiaoou said: "Understand a little."

"The weathering is very serious, and many handwritings are no longer clear. It may be some incidents of saints offering sacrifices to gods at that time. It is not very clear, but it can be seen that the civilization that built this monument is not bad. On the contrary, it should be relatively advanced." Cool Lapika took up the conversation, and it was obvious that he was very interested in these things.

If Lu Xiaoou has seen the plot, then Kurapika is really accumulated knowledge.

"Xiao Ou, I used to like these historical sites too, and I know a lot of things."

"Kurapika knows a lot of things, and he's also very good." Xiaojie smiled, as if saying that he was very good, very happy.

"What's more important than this is which one-way street the old lady said." Leorio asked.

Compared with any ruins, Leorio felt that finding the guide woman as soon as possible was the most important thing.

"As far as the road is concerned, it should be this way." Lu Xiaoou pointed to the winding path around the lake.

The path is a dirt road, probably because it wasn’t raining, but it was dry and not muddy. It twisted and twisted around half of the lake, and it was so dark that it couldn’t be seen clearly in the distance.

"It's a very winding road. Didn't the old lady say it was a one-way road?" Leorio frowned suspiciously.

"Although it's a one-way journey, it doesn't necessarily lead directly to the destination." Kurapika said.

"Thank you for your detailed explanation." Leo Li curled his lips and stopped talking.

Lu Xiaoou said: "Now there is only this road, if you have any problems, you have to go."

"Yeah." Xiaojie nodded quickly.

For what Lu Xiaoou said, Xiaojie was always the first to nod in support, always full of confidence.

Kurapika didn't say much, but walked directly in the direction Lu Xiaoou said, expressing his support with practical actions.

"Xiaoou, let's go too." Xiaojie flicked the fishing rod, pulled Lu Xiaoou and caught up with Kurapika.

Leo Li saw that the three of them had left, not to mention that there was really no other choice as Lu Xiaoou said, so he also walked forward together.

After walking for about 20 minutes on the path, he saw a dense forest. In Lu Xiaoou's opinion, it almost caught up with the real primeval forest.

It looks more vast than the forest of Whale Island, tall and towering trees, tangled shrubs, etc., UU Reading www. looks old.

"It should be almost time to go through the forest." Lu Xiaoou led a group of people into the forest.

What I didn't notice was that there was an animal about four or five meters squatting on a tall tree far away, with a pair of blood-red eyes, long hands and feet, and a pair of big erect ears, which looked a bit like a fox.

Unfortunately, the distance was too far, and the animal only stayed for a few seconds before flying away without attracting the attention of the group.

Of course, Lu Xiaoou's plan to sneak a look at the vicious fox first also fell through. In the original plot, the vicious fox also observed Xiaojie and the three before returning to the tree house.

Lu Xiaoou originally planned to find the vicious fox first, maybe he could save some face, but he didn't find the vicious fox that should have appeared.

"twitter chatter"

The forest at night is also very lively. Although no large wild beasts or monsters were seen, there is no shortage of chirping insects and birds.

From time to time, some birds were startled by the footsteps of a few people and flew to other places, but they were not lonely.

The four of them walked for about an hour, and another notice board appeared in front of them.

"Look, pay attention to the warning signs of monsters again, can you really walk to the venue if you walk like this?" Seeing that he walked for a long time, his eyes were full of green, and it seemed like he was going to the deep mountains and old forests, Leo Li still had a feeling Suspect.

As soon as Xiaojie arrives in the forest, he will be very excited. He likes to stay in the forest and make friends with all kinds of animals when he has no choice but to be in Whale Island. Now he is in this vast forest, he naturally seems like a fish in water.

"Xiaojie, you look full of confidence, but remember not to meddle in other people's business all the time." Seeing Xiaojie's smiling and excited face, Leorio couldn't help reminding him.