MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 15 Monkeys in the Himalayas

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Matthew stole the rhinoceros and left first. It was so sudden that no one except Lu Xiaoou could react.

"We are companions, Mr. Matthew wants to go together." Xiaojie said.

"Who is your companion? The naive child actually believes that there are so-called companions in the hunter exam." Matthew said without turning his head: "I'll take a step first, what kind of road is that? Thank you, Rhino, wait for me I will thank you if I succeeded in the hunter exam."

Matthew rode on the rhinoceros and laughed non-stop, his tone was so smug, the angry Leorio spread his legs and chased after him.

Lu Xiaoou was not angry either, but calmly looked at the back of Matthew leaving, and asked, "You must be very familiar with Liang Jingru, she gave you so much courage."

Matthew didn't hear Lu Xiaoou's words at the end, and then Leo Li didn't catch up, and he didn't think about it, two legs can run more than four legs.

Reluctantly unable to catch up, Leori had to come back: "Damn it, I was taken advantage of by this kind of villain."

"It's okay, at least we have seen the character of that Mr. Matthew clearly." Lu Xiaoou said: "Well, let me tell you a story for fun."

Leorio pursed his lips and muttered 'not in the mood'. Xiaojie agreed happily, although the matter of Matthew made him feel down for a while.

Lu Xiaoou began to speak—

[It is said that at the foot of a big mountain, there lived a group of mountain people. They worked hard at sunrise and sunset, but they worked hard but got little. One day, a tourist came from outside the mountain, and he said to the mountain people: "I know a mantra, as long as you face the mountain and recite this mantra silently in your heart, a lot of nuns will appear in front of you. I can teach you the mantra Here you are, but you must first give me a nun as a reward."

So the mountain people managed to collect the precepts and handed them over to him, and then sat on the ground and listened attentively. The visitor from outside the mountain began to teach the mantra, and reminded: "When you recite this mantra, you must not think of the monkeys in the Himalayas, otherwise the mantra will be invalid."]

Although Leorio said he would not listen, but when he heard the word "Ji Ni" in the story, he still couldn't help listening.

[The mountain people said: "Sure, sure. Who would think about the monkeys in the Himalayas." The tourists left, and the mountain people got ready, and everyone faced the mountain and chanted a mantra devoutly. However, that **** monkey in the Himalayas always came to mind, and the more they reminded themselves not to think about it, the clearer the monkey's memory became. In the end, no one appeared before the nun. The mountain people thought: He was right, the spell really didn't work. ]

"These mountain people are so stupid, this is an obvious deception." Leo said vigorously.

"Why don't you find someone who doesn't know about this matter, just give him a spell, and let him try to see if a nun will appear, and if it really doesn't appear, then go find that liar." Xiaojie said: " Because no one doesn’t want monkeys in the Himalayas to try it, so it’s not necessarily true that the foreigner is a liar.”

Xiaojie's thoughts are always very direct, he has goodwill towards everyone, and he inspires people a lot. He is indeed preconceived, including Lu Xiaoou himself, who thinks that I can see through this scam at a glance. This must be using people. The mentality of not wanting to think more and more, but no one has really thought about it. What if it is true?

After Kurapika heard this story, he felt that Lu Xiaoou was very powerful. A small story can sum up the weaknesses of human nature vividly. At the same time, he also has a great affection for Xiaojie's kind thoughts.

Closer to home, Matthew shuttled through the forest very quickly on a male rhinoceros. There was no beast that didn't have eyes and dared to come up to find fault, so the speed was extremely fast.

"That kid's method is very effective. Such a powerful beast is obedient, but what is the meaning of the formula that can't be said?" Matthew let down his vigilance, thinking suddenly in his heart.

Then immediately, shaking his head, put the thought behind him.

Soon the outline of the town could be seen from a distance, and Matthew was very excited, "It's just a group of kids, I'm smart enough to get here without any effort, and I will definitely get a hunter license this year."

Another walk.

Matthew boasted, and he might have exaggerated his feelings.

"The brat does whatever he says. I really think too highly of myself. I, Matthew, just don't believe that you, a kid who pretends to be a ghost, can have any consequences if you say a word." Matthew cursed in a low voice.

"Himala... No, wait, I can't say it now." Matthew suddenly stopped the car and swallowed the remaining words.

With victory in sight, Matthew suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Will you not let me say this, which is the formula of the magical animal taming technique. That kid has so many tricks, and he said it because he was afraid that I would find out. It must be so."

Animal taming is simply a divine skill. With this divine skill, even if you can't become a hunter, you can still earn a lot of nuns.

With this in mind, Matthew was going to give it a try.

"In the Himalayas... No, maybe this sentence is a trap."

In the end, the desire to become a hunter overwhelmed the desire to tame animals. UU Reading Matthew rode a rhino to the small town. He wanted to say it many times on the way, but he was dead. I held back and endured very hard.

"Hahaha, I'm here, Matthew." Matthew looked at the quiet rhinoceros, thinking that he had already spoken half of the words before, it was nothing, it must be a lie.

In the end, Matthew still couldn't hold it back. The temptation to win two birds with one stone, and his huge curiosity, whispered to the rhino:

"Monkeys of the Himalayas."

As soon as Matthew's voice fell, the rhinoceros, which was originally galloping smoothly, suddenly went berserk, kicking its legs on the ground, like a fast-moving off-road sports car. Although Matthew dodged subconsciously, the incident happened. It's too sudden, and it's just passing by.


Huge force, even passing by, there was a clear sound of bone shattering, Matthew couldn't bear it, spit out a big mouthful of blood, his complexion suddenly became tired, and now he didn't have the strength to think about it even if he wanted to regret it , can only lie half dead on the street at the entrance of the small town.

The white rhino 'hummed' again, turned around and headed for the depths of the forest.

On the other side, Lu Xiaoou and his party also set off.

"Come on, Xiaojie, Leorio, Kurapika, come up quickly, let's go, it's getting late." Lu Xiaoou greeted them as he climbed onto the back of the rhinoceros.

"Here we come." Xiaojie cheered and jumped onto the rhino's back cautiously.

"Thank you." Kurapika's movements were not slow, and he landed on the rhino almost at the same time as Xiaojie.

The rhinoceros probably felt that everyone was coming up, so it immediately stood up straight, put down its hooves and ran forward.

"Wait for me, I haven't gone up yet." Leorio was a little dumbfounded, why did he bully the older people all the time, didn't he just move slowly.