MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 110 103, one and one

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"From disappointment to the last straw."

After Sylvia returned to the camp, she said goodbye to the Weasleys and returned home. With so much turmoil at the World Cup, she wanted to get back to her family before Rita Skeeter's scandalous report came out, lest they worry. The Ministry of Magic was a mess, and Sylvia's mind was a mess, but nothing could change Hoddle's plans to leave England that day.

Even if the noseless bald head is coming back, life has to go on. This is what annoys Sylvia the most.

Yesterday the night sky was pitch black, and Sylvia was worried that it would rain today. But it seems that Merlin is admiring his face again, and the luck of Hoddle's guy is really good. Although it is summer, the sun is not scorching, it is even breezy.

"Brother Bird! It's time to eat!" Sylvia roared and opened the skylight, but she didn't have time to sit down and chat with Brother Bird today, and put the feed bowl on the roof, She went back to the room.

"Merlin's wig! I lost weight!" Sylvia looked at herself in the mirror, the corners of her mouth grinning to her temples. She quickly took a short skirt from the closet and tucked the dress back in her hand.

"Let me think about which guys say I'm fat all day long and slap my face?" Sylvia looked at her outfit today and gave two thumbs up with satisfaction. Every time she went out to see Hoddle, she had to dress up. Again, she didn't want to show weakness at all in front of Hoddle.


Sylvia put on makeup and hairstyle and checked the time, it was already ten o'clock. She quickly put on the small satchel, put on the small leather shoes and the beret, and the moment she pulled the partition, she wished to jump directly.

Maybe you should get yourself a slide? Sylvia is seriously contemplating this plan.

"Yo! My pretty girl." Dora slapped Sylvia's **** hard as she came up the stairs. "Going to see Wulflin?"

"There is no prize for the right answer, you rascal." Sylvia patted Dora on the shoulder. She turned around to let the folds of her skirt unfold in front of her sister before continuing downstairs.

"Looks like we're going to start worrying about whether Searle will be kidnapped by some boy." Ted looked at his energetic little daughter, smiled and said to Andromeda, "She It's getting prettier, isn't it?"

"Our little Sil has always been beautiful." Andromeda responded to her husband with a smile, then looked at her daughter who was waving goodbye to her, "You haven't eaten breakfast yet! Darling!"

"I'm going out to eat! It's too late!" Sylvia stretched out her arms and waved to the world, "Goodbye! Mom and Dad! Goodbye! Dora!"

"Wouldn't it really be abducted by that Wulflin?" Dora stuck her head upstairs and smiled at her parents.

Damn, this pier is too remote.

Sylvia thought bitterly. She got on the knight bus and drove all the way to the port where Hoddle was about to embark.

Hoddle wore a Muggle-like vertical-striped shirt and long trousers, his coat dangling from his arm and his suitcase in the other hand. The beautiful young man under the blue sky and white clouds attracted many girls to turn back frequently. He looked like a young nobleman who had escaped from his manor, especially when he raised his eyes and gave those girls a polite smile.

"Sorry! I'm late!" Sylvia ran to Hoddle, and the girls who stopped and watched whispered.

"It's late, Miss Tonks." Hoddle looked at his watch and said, but didn't seem to care.

Sylvia doesn't know if Hoddle goes wherever she goes, it will become the center of public opinion. She didn't realize that the two of them looked like a perfect match now, like a young lady and a young master who had escaped from their manor and eloped.

It's outrageous.

Sylvia never liked this kind of attention.

"You can't blame me. It's too crowded here. I walked a long way after getting off the Knight Bus." Sylvia said depressedly. Hoddle looked at the thin beads of sweat on the girl's neck and the bangs drooping on her forehead, listening to the slight rudeness in her words, and laughed secretly in her heart. It seemed that he had spent all his effort in dressing up, and Hoddle seemed to be the only one who never hid his emotions in front of her.

"I didn't blame you. Did you eat breakfast?" Hoddle asked casually, just as he expected, Sylvia shook her head, "I just finished watching the game yesterday. Apparated back to London with Sirius. Woke up to the Daily Prophet in the morning."

"You know I eat brunch regularly during the summer vacation. It was scary last night, but it's all over. Everyone is fine at least." Sylvia looked at The watch suddenly looked up at him, "Should you go?"

"I'm on a boat to Shanghai at 6 o'clock in the afternoon." Hoddle said briskly, took out the ticket from his pocket and showed it in front of Sylvia.

"Your ticket at 6 o'clock in the afternoon is so good for me to send you at 11 o'clock in the morning?" Sylvia raised her fist and wanted to beat it, but in the end she just stomped her foot symbolically.

"Come on, let's go to dinner." Hoddle made a gesture of invitation, and Sylvia followed with a smile. The girls who were standing in the distance giggled, as if everything was as they expected.

"You cost me precious sleep time, Mr. Waughlin. How can you pay me?" A crisp sound.

"I'll give you a meal. You can't ask for anything but food anyway?" Hoddle pushed open the restaurant door for her. When Sylvia walked in front of her, the fruity fragrance from the ends of her hair made him slightly stunned, but he quickly followed with a smile.

"Why do you want to treat me to French food?" Sylvia really had a table of delicious food that couldn't stop her babbling. Hoddle raised an eyebrow to indicate that he was listening. "French food is so expensive, I still can't get enough." Sylvia put a piece of foie gras in her mouth and continued, "Do you often invite those ladies to dinner? You eat like Fred and George. I'll just be a buddy, don't do this too ritualistic. I just like to eat roadside ice cream and French fries, I like to eat all the way."

"Well, I remember." Hoddle smiled and motioned the waiter to pour white wine for Sylvia.

"You won't get drunk if you drink this, right?" Sylvia picked up the glass and thought for a while, "I haven't seen much of the world. Which degree do you say this has a higher degree of fire whisky?"

"Of course it's Firewhiskey. Don't you know how to drink?" Hoddle laughed, "Then you should be more cautious. You're drunk outside with your brain, and you're probably going to be dead. The first is different."

"Aren't you there? You can at least send me back to Twelve Grimmauld Place intact." Sylvia put another piece of foie gras into her mouth. Why does French food have to be served together? Sylvia found herself really unfit to be an elegant person.

"When did I become so helpful in your eyes?" Hoddle sneered, "You may wake up to find yourself hanging on the sail, no doubt, I must have done it."

"In my eyes, you have always been very helpful." Sylvia was excited to welcome the arrival of the next dish, and picked up the fork and pointed at Hoddle, "I know you It's been so long, you still don't know? Aren't you a dead duck with a tough mouth?"

"Why aren't you? You have helped me a lot." Sylvia put down her knife and fork, and looked straight at Hoddle with her gleaming eyes, "I don't Can say sensational things. But, but you, I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you. How could I have gotten an O in Potions in O.W.Ls without you? Speaking of which, you said Snape next term Will I go into shock when I see it again in class?"

"Hey! There's more!" Sylvia didn't even give Hodel a chance to complain, and continued, "I couldn't make a visible potion without you! You know, you If I do it now, I may not be able to do it. But Sirius is also very kind to you, I don’t know if you think you are his nephew.”

"There's more!" Sylvia's eyes brightened, as if using some special magic, Hoddle couldn't move his eyes, "You remember the two of us watching together Got a whole cabinet of old books? Good guy! Basically it's all written in ancient rune! But I'm also to blame, my ancient rune is no worse than yours. Of course, I want to study alchemy and curses , you helped me a lot."

"Also, there are many more... You taught me too much. Fortunately, I met you by accident, otherwise I would be stupid to do many things alone." Via shifted her gaze to the street outside the window.

"Is there anyone who can say something more emotional than you? Miss Tonks?" He keeps a nice smile no matter what he's being laughed at.

"I'm always thinking, how should I thank you. But I really have nothing to help you." Sylvia looked back again, and Hoddle saw her eyes There was a bit of a downturn.

You can travel the world with me.

Hoddle clenched his fist lightly, but restrained himself and did not say this sentence. Every time the topic was talked about, the atmosphere between them would get inexplicably anxious, and if he could, he wanted the day to be full of joy.

"I said, I have no obligation to help you." Hoddle raised his eyebrows casually, "There is only one reason I do something, and that is I want to do it."

"Thank you." Sylvia showed an extremely gentle smile, but immediately returned to her original expression in the next second, "Speaking of which is your first stop to go to Shanghai? I didn't If you've been there, I can give you some advice. Be sure to check out the old Shanghai in the alley! I know you'll love places like that. Go for some local Shanghai food and you'll know I'm talking about Chinese food here in the UK I'm not lying to you! And... oh, your sister lives in Shanghai, right?" She seemed to suddenly remember something, her excited tone weakened. Hoddle looked at her like this and couldn't help laughing.

"I'll go." Hoddle lightly clenched his right fist in front of his lips to block his uncontrollable smile, "I'll go wherever you say."

"Really?" Sylvia laughed too.

"Of course it's true. I envy you!" Hoddle made a very awkward expression.

Sylvia and Hoddle walked slowly and for a long time along the street, the summer sun still likes to irritate passers-by's faces even in the evening, and the sea breeze blows into the air The sultry heat, I don't know if it's an illusion, young boys and girls feel a little breathless because of this.

Is this guy making me cry? Sylvia felt that her mood was gradually depressed, and the corners of her mouth were almost unable to pull out a smile.

"The next Potions class should be studied hard, the N.E.W.Ts exam is not easy. Of course, as long as you can follow the courses taught by Snape, there is absolutely no problem. I leave your notebook for you Have you kept it well?" Hoddle put on his jacket and sighed while looking at the sea.

"Just wait! My transcript is definitely better than yours." Sylvia raised her little head. Her long hair fluttered and she had long lost the look she had when she went out, but she didn't care.

"Take it, don't say I'm not good to you." Sylvia took out a box of Bubble Gum from the bag and threw it to Hoddle.

"I never said I liked this," Hoddle said, putting the candy in his coat pocket.

"I said it, our friendship is worth this." Sylvia raised her head again, she pursed her lips tightly, trying not to make her expression too ugly. But when Hoddle laughed, so did she.

"If you are so reluctant to part with me, walk with me." Hoddle said this sentence lightly, as if he was talking about going to the Astronomy Tower to review together at night.

"Who hates you? Get out of here!" Sylvia smiled and pushed Hoddle, and he took two steps back. It must be that he was too weak and not me too violent, Sylvia kept telling herself.

"You..." Hoddle looked at his watch and then at the ship that was about to take him across the ocean to realize his dream, and heaved a long sigh of relief again.

She has walked too much today, and her feet have long been rubbed by small leather shoes.

"Goodbye, Miss Tonks." Hoddle turned to go to the wicket, but he was as slow as he could get a leg-lock spell.

"You must be the best Auror, or you will regret not joining my plan." Hoddle didn't look back, just waved his hand.

Say something, Sylvia Tonks, why don't you speak so loudly all day?

Hoddle's footsteps stopped suddenly after hearing a long sigh. He turned around suddenly and walked quickly towards Sylvia, pulling her into his arms.

I always wanted to hug you.

Sylvia felt herself surrounded by a pungent smell of smoke and a faint smell of fabric softener. Her head rested on Hoddle's thin chest, and her heartbeat seemed to be saying goodbye. Hoddle gently stroked the soft hair on the back of Sylvia's head, not wanting to let go for a long time, nor did he want to turn his head to see her expression.

Who can calmly accept that a friend who gets along day and night leaves his side?

Sylvia didn't reach out to give Hoddle a hug, but she slowly sang "Farewell". This was the first time she sang "Farewell" so seriously, without out-of-tune or broken notes, it was so beautiful that she wanted to cry herself. Unable to take it any longer, Hoddle rested his forehead on Sylvia's shoulder.

I don't want to leave you.

Hoddle seemed to forcibly cut a hole in his heart, so **** that he could no longer escape this fact.

If I don't hug you again, I will regret it.

"I admire you, Mr. Waughlin. You're so handsome when you say you want ideals and no bread! You never know what you want, and you never say anything superfluous Don't do superfluous things. I admire you very much, and I also want to say to my friends like you: 'It's okay'." Sylvia tried to calm herself down, "I still have a lot to learn from you, and Lots of books I want to read with you, and…”

Also, I really really want to travel around the world.

This is the only truth I can't tell you.

"You..." Hoddle didn't expect that it was himself who choked first.

"You remember to write to me." After Sylvia raised her head, Hoddle released her gently.

"I'll be back, I think about..." Hoddle wrinkled his nose and said, Sylvia made a husky gesture to interrupt his next words.

"There is a saying that goes like this." Sylvia looked at him with a big smile, "Parting doesn't ask about the return date. I don't know how you understand it, but we never have much between the two of us. Talk nonsense, Mr. Waughlin."

Hoddle did not hesitate, took Sylvia's face and placed a kiss on her forehead. He didn't stop, either, turned and left, as if England had nothing left for him to miss.

"Good luck."

These were the last words he heard Sylvia say. After boarding the ship, he went straight to his single room. He also deliberately bought a single room with a window facing the dock, but now he doesn't have the courage to see Sylvia again.

They are all birds.

They each have their own piece of sky.

Hoddle has long realized that being too smart and rational is not necessarily a good thing. He is not an old Gryffindor who can never turn back for his lover, he is just an old Ravenclaw who is piled up with books and yearns for the distance.

It was only then that Hodl realized that there was no grass and blue sky, no sunset mountains and mountains, no long pavilions and ancient roads, no evening winds blowing willows, only a cold iron steamer with a boy Go to his romance, his distance.

And left the girl in this unsatisfactory night.

It's raining.

Sylvia held up an umbrella for herself and watched the ship leave. The rain came at the right time, and it slammed down with a mighty force, as if for fear that Sylvia would not feel how lonely she was.

Irritated things always like to come together, right?

She went back to a cafe she passed by during the day and ordered a caramel macchiato with lots of vanilla syrup. If it was Hoddle, he would definitely do it. Maybe Merlin knew how that guy could be so sweet? She shook her legs gently trying to free herself from the oppressive atmosphere, but she couldn't seem to do it. She wanted to put everything that had just happened, especially the sudden kiss.

Hoddle told himself in high spirits that he wanted to travel around the world, as if it were just yesterday.

At that moment, Sylvia deeply realized that he was just a teenager with a dream.

If Hoddle asked again if he wanted to go on a round-the-world trip with him, Sylvia was afraid that she would go wrong and agreed.

She felt that she was bound by the missions she imposed on herself, and she also yearned for freedom and the other side of the world.

She is much more playful than Hoddle.

It was like the first time Hoddle asked her: "Do you really want to be an Auror? Why?" At that time, Sylvia looked at his beautiful peach eyes and couldn't tell So come.

I can leave on my own, it is not my obligation. Such a thought flashed past. But Sylvia knew very well that she couldn't keep her friends and family out of the way, knowing they would be in danger. She couldn't pretend she didn't know anything.

Sylvia sighed. She was just too tired, she just thought about the next few years, and had a little idea of ​​escape.

She is also just a young child.

The rain is still falling.

Sylvia returned to the street, the heavy rain had long given no room for passersby. She raised her wand in the dim darkness and boarded the knight bus.

When she pushed open the small wooden door of her garden and squeaked loudly, she saw a red head sticking out of the skylight. Sylvia was stunned for a while, then quickly stepped over a few puddles and opened the door. After putting down her umbrella, she simply greeted her family and ran to her room for a while.

"Fred?" Sylvia climbed up to the attic and closed the partition again, "Why are you here?"

Sylvia saw the feed pot with fodder scattered on the ground, she knew it was knocked over when Fred came in through the window. The intruder's long hair was wet by the rain and dripped down the ends of the hair onto the wooden floor. The sound sounded terrifying.

"I thought you were going with him." Fred said in a slightly hoarse voice, his face couldn't look worse.

"Follow him? Of course not." Sylvia looked into Fred's eyes and said blankly.

"I thought you were going with him."

Fred repeated it again, his face more gloomy than before. Sylvie took a slow step forward and tugged at his cuff.

But Fred did one thing.

He held Sylvia's shoulders and pushed her back a small step, keeping them a short distance away.


Sylvia's voice trembled, it was the first time she saw Fred show such a complicated expression. He looked furious, but unusually calm, just like yesterday's night.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. Sylvia only felt that the rain was not beating on the skylight, but was beating mercilessly on her body that could hardly be supported.

The author has something to say:

Brother Huo went to chase his dream, friends, don't be sad, he will come back, he will. He will also have a role in the scene, the second male is the second male, and the line will not be lost!

A chapter full for Horsey! When I wrote this chapter, it was the beginning of December last year, right? Later, it was revised and revised too many times, and finally it showed what it is now. I think the mood and romance are just right.

Once the relationship is not two-way, someone will be hurt.

I have experienced a friend who has known me for many years and confessed to me that he has liked me for a long time, but he has not said it for fear of destroying the relationship between his friends. It ended up being that I didn't really like him, my feelings for him were friends from start to finish, and we never got in touch again. I think it's a pity, because we have known each other for ten years, right? But I couldn't take it back, I couldn't face him casually. So does he. It even affected our mutual friend relationships and we stopped offering to hang out together. (This kind of story of becoming a stranger due to the confession between friends is more than once on me and by my side)

And the relationship and experience between Searle and Huo Ge is so cherished. My little things can't compare at all. But in fact, you say that if I write a second male lead, he will definitely be injured, right? So I'll still give a relatively perfect he, really, except that they're not together (ah I know that's cruel enough! Stop scolding, stop scolding!

But feelings are the most uncertain thing. I always feel that girls should conform to their own hearts. Love is not a necessity, it is a luxury. It may be difficult to obtain, but this is life, everyone knows how cruel it is. The same goes for boys! The boy's love should also be reserved for the girl he loves!

I actually want to say that I believe in pure friendship of the opposite **** because I have. Searle doesn't have that kind of love for Brother Huo, but she also likes Brother Huo. It is the love of their teachers and friends.

I promise again that Hoddle and Sylvia will be great friends from start to finish! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-06 16:15:08~2021-08-09 10:15:08~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of cheesecake with milkshake; 1 bottle of vinyl chloride;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!