MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 58 Pope His Majesty the Holy Light

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The minister is drinking tea again today.

Take a sip of tea, read a report on the case, and put a stamp on it. The life of the civil servants of the local government is so beautiful.

Task executor, No. 666. File number, 0003.

Seeing this person who pays special attention to it, the minister carefully put down the teacup.

Derived plane, no emotional line. This is the principal I specially chose for him. This time, there should be no scorpions. The minister nodded secretly.

The task completion degree is 100%, and the plane running stability is 100%. Special case: Plane upgrade.

The minister narrowed his eyes and found that the words were still the same. He did not believe in evil eyes and blinked his eyes. How could it be a plane upgrade!

This upgrade is not a trivial matter. Although the original plane of this derivative plane was upgraded, it was discussed and approved by many confidential departments at the regular meeting. The plane upgrade procedure is extremely complicated. In addition to the fact that the plane meets the upgrade conditions, it has to undergo multiple calculations to prove that it will not cause any chain reaction, and then the upgrade limit will be unlocked by the control department.

This derivative plane is not the same as the original plane after it has become a parallel plane. The upgrade of the native plane can not be upgraded. It does not conform to the program's plane upgrade, but it may cause the bite chain to collapse.

The minister was almost shocked and stunned. Since he joined the 666, he has had a few more white hairs. Last time, I also went to the Minister of Meng Po to inquire about the maintenance tips. I was sneered back and sneered.

No matter what abnormal situation occurs on the 666, don't deal with it privately and report it directly to me.

The Minister remembered the confession of the last judgement on the 1st. He took a few deep breaths and called up the database on his computer. Sure enough, the plane chain is very stable and there are no signs of a breakdown.

The minister began to report upwards in the ten-point flight. As for the closing report, he found out the pending seal.

Lu Heng, who received the pending evaluation, has a complicated mood. Originally, this task can be upgraded with another S. In the next commission, the assistant has more authority to find information in the database, but actually has a pending chapter.

"Little assistant, this time there is no emotional line of the son of fate, and there is no emotional line. How is it yet to be determined?"

"I don't know anything, who am I, where am I, what am I doing?" The little assistant turned himself into a salted fish and spread it on his desk.

"what happened to you?"

"I suddenly lost my dream."

"So, please tell your dreams." The time for the client to come to the door was quite boring, and Lu Heng began to talk to the little assistant.

"My dream is to bring out a 3S-level executor. However, I gave myself a small goal before I upgraded the memory after the commission was completed." The little assistant is still a salty fish. "However, this is pending." The chapter ruined everything."

Lu Heng’s heart was slightly embarrassed, but it was only when the sensation was outcropped, and the client who was pushed in was interrupted.

When this person appeared, Lu Heng felt that there was an impulse to stand up and salute him. He had a light golden hair that was as warm and soft as the morning sun, and he was dressed in a neat bun hanging behind him, wearing a white rug on his body, a light golden robes, and a gold hollow scepter. .

The oppressive feeling brought by this overly gorgeous dress disappeared without a trace when the person smiled. Only the feeling of gentleness and holiness is full.

"The light is with you. I am José Belleglio VI."

Joseph Belleglio VI. From a magical plane, this face is rich in races, races, dragons, elves, dwarves, orcs. Each race has its own **** of faith, the largest number of races, and the light of God.

The bright Pope, of course, became the plane, the most powerful force. His Majesty the Pope of the Pope can be said to be the most high-powered person on the mainland. Above the mainland, the west is the Bega empire, and the east is the Republic of Nesri. Among the two superpowers, there are dozens of small mini-states attached to the empire or the republic.

Apart from those small principalities, it is the Holy See that has the smallest footprint but will not be ignored by anyone. The size of the Holy See is small, but the position is important. Whether it was the coronation of the emperor or the inauguration of the Prime Minister of the Republic, the necessary procedures were to receive the power of the Holy Light from the Holy See.

In addition to these human states, they are the elves who live in the forest of the elves of the mainland. However, it has been a long time ago. Now the white elves have stepped out of the elves and slowly integrated into the human society.

There is also a dwarf who lives in the boulder mountains. It is also a trade with humans. There are many exchanges. In the main cities of mankind, it is not unusual to see the figure of the dwarf.

It is a goblin family that lives in the megalithic mountains with the dwarves. Only the Jingjing people have always lived underground, and the relationship with the dwarves has been in turmoil.

If you don't communicate with humans at all, there is probably only the dragon family that lives on Long Island. Long Island is suspended over the mainland, and human beings have no way to go up. The dragons have always been proud and lazy, and they are too lazy to interact with the human race.

The news of the last time I heard the dragon was already two hundred years ago, and it was not the floating island that always showed its presence. The legend of the dragon family may not be found in the poetry of the bard.

At the northern end of the mainland is the feud of the Terran, the territory of the Orcs. Because of the humiliating history of being a slave by the Terran, the Orcs have always regarded the Terran as a deadly enemy. The territories of the Orcs are never allowed to enter the human race.

At the junction of the Terran and Orc territories, there is a wall of arbitrarily built with dead branches, and the wall built of dead branches naturally does not have any defensive effect. This is just the human race that the orcs want to break into in order to shock the daring. Feel free to build. On each of the towering branches, there is a human head, which is a human being who has entered or deliberately broke into the Orc territory.

The Orcs, the Goblins, and the Black Elves, who are said to remain in the depths of the Elves, were drawn into the evil camp by the Terran.

Joseph B. Gallio VI was the first and only one in history to be punished by the Pope. His crime is to collude with the race of the evil camp, betray the Terran, and intend to confuse the Holy See.

After the imprisonment was executed, the bright pope quickly fell. Above the mainland, this is a warrior who is vindictive, masters the elements of the mysterious master, and priests who believe in the light of the gods. After the defeat of the Pope, the priests who believe in the power of light gradually disappeared on this continent.

People thought it was no different, and there are also vindictive magic for practice. However, a nightmare is coming.

The Undead Legion tore the boundaries between life and death and came to the continent from the Dark Portal. Without the natural power of restraining the undead, the creatures on the mainland can’t stop the momentum of the defeat.

The entire continent has almost become a boundless place of death. The surviving creatures have been huddled in the original Pope's territory, relying on the remnant light of the gods to protect the fire of life. After a hundred years of stagnation, an opportunity emerged, allowing the soul to blow the counterattack horn.

After expelling the Undead Corps and re-establishing order, the dark years were called the Scourge Era. The fact that José Belleglio VI colluded with the evil camp was revealed and became the unveiling point of the Scourge Era. The arrival of the Undead Legion, historically, was described as the ambition of Pope Joseph Galioo.

Naturally, this is not what Joseph did. On the contrary, the opportunity for the mainland to blow the counterattack horn is the piece that Joseph had laid out. The arrival of the Undead Legion, the Holy See, has been passed down by the gods. However, if Joseph’s office was not finished, he was publicly sentenced.

"My entrustment is to find a way to complete the game, and before the arrival of the Undead Corps, do not let the Pope's Pope fall, there is a bright power, this will enable the souls on the mainland to wait until the moment the board plays a role."

Lu Heng nodded: "Entrusted me to take over. The Department of Purification of the Soul Department, number 666, to serve you."

After the client left, Lu Heng routinely asked the assistant to find useful information in the database.

"The world of such a large plane is really a trace of the son of fate." The little assistant said after searching.

"who is it?"

"The Emperor of the Bega Empire, His Majesty, this man is a ambitious man. The Pope’s public execution has basically the shadow of his operation." The little assistant looked at the information while he was amazed.

"Say, why did he kill the pope?" The little assistant was a bit puzzled. Although the Pope of the Pope was noble and unpretentious, he never interfered in the internal affairs of the human state and should not hinder the imperial emperor. .

"For the extreme ambitions, the power of the gods is higher than the imperial power. It is absolutely unbearable." This kind of psychology, as a small assistant to the system, is of course incomprehensible. Lu Heng can answer one or two for it." Ok, what is the bureau that the Pope wants to lay?"

"It's a pity to tell you that the permissions are not enough."

"Little assistant, how do I feel that after I advance, the permissions have become smaller. At the beginning of the two commissions, the world line story can be detailed." Lu Heng felt very strange.

"That is the novice welfare." The little assistant said.

Lu Heng thinks that it is not a new-handed welfare, but a trap to lie to newcomers to become a cow. It is easy to give a new person an easy illusion. But there is no way, the task is still to be done, you can only put it in, take a step and take a step.

I don't know what role this person played in this plane. Lu Heng has some expectations. As for whether the person will definitely have such a thing, Lu Heng has no doubts.

He said that waiting for him, it will definitely appear.