MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 70 Stone of Life 4

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According to Amuro Toru's request, Xin Haikong recounted what happened at that time.

His presentation is as objective as possible, without any personal emotion.

The more Amuro listened, the more solemn his face became.

Sure enough, Xin Haikong was also tricked into the haunted house by the same reason as him.

This person hiding behind is too good at manipulating people's hearts, and he can control his and Xin Haikong's thoughts so perfectly.

It's really unsafe to let such a person who knows his identity but doesn't speak out, has been hiding in the dark and staring at him and Xin Haikong, and continues to stay in the winery.

He did have the idea of ​​withdrawing from the winery at first, but...

This morning, he was invited out by the organizers.

Recalling that text message, Amuro Toru still has lingering fears to this day.

Knowing that he might be exposed, he did panic for a while.

But soon, he figured it out again.

Although this M knows his identity, it seems that for some reason, he does not intend to tell other people in the organization.

This made him very puzzled.

For this kind of behavior, he can only guess in two directions.

In one direction, this M has a very nasty personality, and likes to see the police undercover struggling under his hands.

This speculation is outrageous, but such people do exist in the organization.

He once learned that a member with a code name kept two undercover agents by his side, and he took pleasure in teasing the two undercover agents every day.

Of course, the final outcome of those two undercover agents was not very good.

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

Another direction is the factional struggle within the organization.

M clearly belongs to the faction on the Gin side, while Toru Amuro belongs to the other faction in the organization.

It is very likely that M deliberately allowed his undercover agent to continue to lurk in that faction. After all, all the information he could get was actually limited to the faction he was in. The enemy of the enemy was in turn a friend.

No matter which direction it is, the conclusion that Amuro can draw is—

It doesn't matter if you continue to be in the organization.

M will not do anything to him for the time being.

So, when he received the text message from the organization's upline this morning, he only hesitated for a moment, as if nothing had happened, and went to the appointment as scheduled.

The risks he took in making this decision were undoubtedly enormous, but equally the rewards were enormous.

He confirmed his guess.

The upline who asked him out did not seem to know that he was an undercover agent at all. His demeanor, words and deeds were the same as usual, and he assigned him a new task with confidence.

M really did not say whether he was an undercover agent or not.

But this secret, the other party does not know how long it can keep.

He must hold on to this time difference and do his best to find out who M is.

" there anything special about it?"

The black-haired youth frowned and asked carefully.

Amuro regained his senses and stared at the junior in front of him.

Should I tell my juniors about the news that I suspected to be exposed?

If he said it, the other party will definitely focus on his safety and persuade him to leave the organization.

But his business isn't over yet, and he can't leave the organization just yet...


The blond young man smiled and shook his head.

"It's late at night, go back to bed early."

Xin Haikong looked up at Amuro, suppressed the waves in his heart, and said with a smile:

"Okay, Mr. Anshi, I'll go first."


The black-haired youth got up and left, and the door of the apartment was politely closed by the other party.

Toru Amuro stood up, took a hot shower in the bathroom, and washed away the cold air from his body.

Then, he took out the wet rag from the bathroom and wanted to wipe the coffee table.

When he got to the side of the coffee table, he noticed that the cup of cocoa was still on it.

When you touch it, the side of the cup is completely cold, and the liquid inside is still full, which will be level with the mouth of the cup.

It's not drinking at all...

Amuro couldn't help but smile.

The younger generation was careless enough, and Recoco was patronizing to warm his hands, and he completely forgot about it when he talked.

He took the mug away and wiped the coffee table.


"Little-Lan-, Lord Kidd is finally coming to Tokyo, so just accompany me, accompany me."

In the cafe, Suzuki Sonoko put both hands on Xiaolan's body and dragged Xiaolan around, her face full of desire.


Xiaolan sighed helplessly.

"But it's Thursday, and we have to go to school."

"But the gem exhibition doesn't start until the evening, so we can go there in time after class."

"Gem Exhibition?"

The blond youth held the tray in one hand, and with a bright smile on his face, moved forward enthusiastically.

"Is it the gemstone exhibition to be held at the Rice Flower Art Museum tomorrow?"

"Yes! Is Mr. Amuro also interested?"

Sonoko's sky blue eyes followed Amuro, and her eyelashes kept fluttering.

"Well...the legendary 'Stone of Life', I'm really interested, but that exhibition seems to require an invitation to enter."

The blond youth frowned sadly.

Sonoko was not used to seeing the handsome guy and was unhappy, and patted Amuro Toru on the shoulder with a smile.

"What's so difficult about this, as long as you want to go, I will definitely deliver the invitation to you."


An overjoyed smile appeared on the handsome young man's face.



The night on the horizon is like smudged ink, spreading little by little.

The passing vehicles drove in the direction of the Rice Flower Art Museum.

A tall young woman with long black hair draped around her waist held a young man who was a little stiff in action.

The man is in his twenties, with gray hair, looks a little too trendy, and has a thin body. He is quite handsome because of his outstanding facial features.

"What are you doing. Be normal."

The woman stroked her long black hair, and rudely tugged at the clothes of the man beside her, put her next to the man's ear, and said in a low voice:

"How much to charge and how much to do, I thought you understood this truth."

The man was still stiff and straight, his thin lips opened and closed, he was hesitant to speak.

"Miss Er Gong, you are here!"

The gate of the art museum has been replaced by the Ninomiya family's own bodyguards, and a big man in a black suit greeted him.

"Miss Ninomiya, Mr. Ninomiya has already gone first. By the way, this is..."

"This is my boyfriend."

Yuko Ninomiya looked up at the bodyguard and said with a smile that was not a smile.

The bodyguard blinked and looked at the tall, thin young man beside him. He was wearing simple casual clothes, and the hood of the gray sweatshirt was not even turned up neatly.

"This... it's better to—"

Be neat and tidy.

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by another person.

"Of course it's fine."

Another security guard with a smaller stature stepped up and interjected, with a big smile on his face, he folded his hands and guided the young couple inside.

The skinny security guard turned his head and glared at the other security guard, and said with a sneer, "Are you stupid, isn't the Ergong consortium still the eldest lady in the end? Do you care about the future male owner like this?"

The security guard's voice didn't lower, maybe he said that on purpose, hoping to make a little impression on the future rulers of the Ninomiya consortium.

The corner of Yuko Ninomiya's mouth rose a little, then pressed it down again, her dark eyes looking straight at the door of the hall.

Of course she will be the heir of the Ninomiya Consortium, and she will be the only heir.

All those who stand in her way will be swept away.

The man beside her heard this sentence, and the whole person was even more uncomfortable than before.

The young man in the couple is Kuroba Kaito.

Three days ago, he accidentally learned about the "stone of life" because Qingzi's bag was stolen.

He immediately made up his mind to steal this gem, on the one hand because it was indeed his target, and on the other hand, it was undeniable that there was also the element of youthful spirit.

After a detailed investigation, he learned that this gemstone exhibition was not actually held openly to the whole society. In fact, if you want to enter the exhibition, you have to show an invitation letter at the gate.

Kenzaburo Ninomiya sent a lot of invitation letters, including celebrities and rich people from all walks of life. It is not complicated for him to get the invitation letters.

But the problem is that a person who is not on the invitation list shows up with an invitation letter, isn't he telling the world that he is the phantom thief Kidd?

So the only way is to choose a target and enter the exhibition in his appearance.

Coincidentally, the front desk of his hotel looked exactly the same as the legendary boyfriend of Ninomiya Yuko, the eldest lady of the Ninomiya Consortium.

It turned out that the "poor boy" reported by the media was working in this hotel!

This is really effortless.

Based on the principle of maximizing the use of resources and starting the closest approach, he chose this "poor boy" as his target without hesitation.

First, simply disguise yourself and use the way of gossip and gossip to set the words of this "poor boy".

To be honest, this goal is really the one that Kuroba has seen in his life, the best one to talk about.

Kuroba Kuito was just holding an entertainment tabloid reporting the relationship between the poor boy and the rich lady, leaning against the front desk and pretending to wait for someone.

Then he pretended to be surprised and asked the front desk as if his acting skills exploded:

"Hey hey? Why do I think you look familiar?"

The black-haired youth wore a pair of huge black-rimmed glasses on his face. Through the glasses, his big blue eyes were full of doubts.

He raised the gossip newspaper to the front desk's face, put down the newspaper again, and looked at the front desk's face carefully.

"Why do you look exactly the same as the photos in the newspapers? Are you the petite husband of this wealthy eldest lady..."

Standing in the front desk, a light blush appeared on the white face of the young man dressed as a waiter, and he lowered his head and responded.

"Huh? Is it really you?"

The black-haired young man took advantage of the situation to pursue, and he threw himself on the front desk, supported the table with both hands, tilted his head and asked:

"Do you really know the eldest lady of the Ninomiya family?"

"Yes. Miss Er Gong is a very good person. She doesn't think I have no money. She is very kind to me. She bought me a lot of clothes and often invites me to dinner. She is also very gentle to me. I'm for Xiaocheng and never get mad at me. No matter how stressful work is, I'm always gentle with me..."

The young man with a gray grandmother seemed to have no guard at all, as if he was pouring beans, he talked about his legendary love experience with the rich and powerful young lady Yuko Ninomiya. He dragged Kuroba Kuito and talked for a whole hour, and in the end, afraid that Kuito would not believe it, he raised his arms and showed the famous watch hanging on it.

"Look, Yuko bought this for me too. This is a token of love between me and her."

Kuroba Kaito became more and more happy at first, but became more and more impatient later.

He glanced at the clock hanging in the hotel lobby from the corner of his eye. Seeing that the time was almost up, he tricked the young waiter into the men's toilet on the pretext that he couldn't find the public toilet in the hotel, and then changed into this The appearance of the waitress.

In the end, he did not forget to find the other's mobile phone and watch from the male waiter's body.

He buckled the watch on his hand and unlocked the phone with the waiter's fingerprint.

Sure enough, there was a text message inviting this guy to the art gallery at night.

This time things really went so well, it was great!

Overjoyed, Kuroba Kuito dressed up as a male waiter and went to the place that the wealthy eldest lady had made an appointment with in advance.

However, he soon realized that something was wrong.

As soon as the eldest lady saw him, there was no girl who was overjoyed when she saw her lover. The pair of black pupils were calm and calm, she gave him a cold look, and asked someone to pull him to make a model.

Yes, the sloppy sportswear on him is the clothes that the eldest lady picked out by herself. This is completely aimed at making Kenzaburō Ninomiya angry.

The love words and knowledge that he had forcibly memorized, should be completely useless at this stage.

Why is it so strange for a couple to get along? Is this really reasonable?

That waiter should not be the boyfriend that the eldest lady bought with money.

It didn't take long for such an idea to appear, and it was confirmed by the short sentence the eldest lady said next to his ear.

Really bought it.

How much to take, how much to do.

He said it!

How can there be someone as eloquent as that waiter in this world.

It's no wonder that when the guy talked about his love experience, there was an endless stream of love words. It turned out that all of them were prepared in advance, and he was there to memorize the manuscript.

The waiter probably regarded him as a media who came to inquire about the news.

What a bloodbath and misunderstanding.

It's just that I don't know what the eldest lady has dealt with this waiter. It would be fine if she just pretended to be her boyfriend.

Kuroba Kuito didn't pay attention to the word "male host" that the security guard spoke out loud behind him, and his body staggered.

The eldest lady grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt in time and dragged him back.

Kuroba Kuito's neck was sorely strangled.

He felt uncomfortable rubbing his throat.

If you just pretend to be a boyfriend, it shouldn't affect him from stealing gems...

It doesn't matter!


Inside the art gallery.

Because the originally scheduled time has not yet come, the gem has not been released.

The guests who arrived early gathered together to chat in twos and threes.

"Hey, have you heard of that thing?"

"The one from the Ernomiya family? I heard that he found a waiter at a hotel, and I don't know what to think."

"Hey, isn't that hard to understand? If she doesn't find another one soon, she'll be married off soon."

"It's really miserable when you think about it carefully. The Er Gong Consortium was still her grandfather's back then, but all of them died. There is only one father left, and his heart is still in the Pacific Ocean."

"That's right, as soon as my wife died..."

"so annoying-!"

Suzuki Sonoko took Xiaolan's hand and walked to the side angrily.

"Let's stay away from these guys. If we stay any longer, our minds will be filled with the shortness of those parents!"

"OK OK."

Xiaolan stroked Sonoko's shoulder and showed a gentle smile.

"By the way, Sister Sonoko, is what those people say true?"

Conan pushed his glasses, and a hint of curiosity flashed in the blue eyes behind the black-rimmed glasses.

"Is that Ninomiya Yuko sister abused by the stepmother who married later? Is she Cinderella?"

"What Cinderella! You little bastard... That matter is very complicated, and I won't be able to explain it for a while."

Sonoko stretched out his finger and lightly tapped Conan's forehead, smacking his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Oh! The teacher is indeed right."

Conan sighed pretending to be mature.

"You bastard, what are you sighing for?"

Sonoko's curiosity was aroused, and he bent down to look at Conan.

"What did your teacher say?"

"Our teacher said, "Oh, this matter is very complicated, and it will be unclear for a while."


The garden laughed angrily.

"I want to listen to gossip when I'm so old. I'll just say it. All I know is that the first company of the Ninomiya Consortium was originally founded by Yuko Ninomiya and her grandfather. Her grandfather has only one daughter like her mother, so He recruited Kenzaburō Ninomiya from the young people of the company as his son-in-law. Yuko and her grandfather died of illness when she was eight years old, and a few years later, her mother also died in a car accident.”

"It's not easy for Miss Yuko to be alone."

Xiaolan lowered her head, her eyes were a little touched.

"More than that. In the second year of Yuko's mother's death, her father married a new wife, Ninomiya. They gave birth to their youngest son, Ninomiya Tianbao. I usually hear some news, It seems that Kenzaburō Ninomiya is going to leave the company to his youngest son, and then he is planning to marry Yuko."

"It's too much!"

Xiao Lan clenched her fists in indignation.

Conan lowered his head, recalling the scene when he just saw Yuko Ninomiya and her "boyfriend", thoughtfully.

I don't know if it was his delusion, but the woman named Eriya Ninomiya seemed to be suppressing something.

"Huh? By the way, why hasn't Mr. Amuro come back? Why did he go to the toilet for so long..."

Sonoko suddenly remembered that there was Toru Amuro, and patted his head.

The two of them came in together, but as soon as they entered the main hall of the art museum, Amuro Toru made a very uncomfortable look, saying that he had an uncomfortable stomach and ran to the toilet alone.

Although Mr. Amuro didn't tell him, Conan knew very well - this guy would definitely not get on Sonoko's car for no reason.

The reason why Mr. Amuro wants to come to the exhibition hall must be some kind of mission, and that mission is likely to be related to the organization.

As early as last night, after learning that Mr. Amuro was going to the art museum with Ran and Sonoko, Conan instantly understood the logic of the whole day.

So without hesitation, he immediately resorted to acting like a spoiled child, and came to the scene of the art museum with Xiaolan.

But... the young detective frowned rather maturely.

A gem exhibition, even if it has a relationship with Kidd, why does the organization also focus on this gem?

Is there anything special about this gem?

"Oh, I wanted to introduce these paintings to Mr. Amuro."

Sonoko beside her looked annoyed.

Conan glanced at her and suddenly thought of a point that he had to complain about.

In the end why ah!

Why is it that Mr. Okiya, Mr. Amuro, and that phantom thief Kid, like to use Sonoko as a cover up so much?

But Conan, who created "The Queen of Reasoning", doesn't seem to be qualified to say this.


"Officer Xinhai, are you sure that this arrangement is enough?"

Jiro Ninomiya asked in disbelief.

He is really not sure, is this young policeman in his twenties really capable of stopping the attack from that rival?

Although the Ninomiya consortium he belongs to is a formal enterprise, the people who do business these days are somewhat dark.

He had already heard about that organization.

I heard that as long as that organization makes a move, it is rare to miss it.

This time, when the main family photographed this gem under great pressure, they told him that people from that organization would definitely come to grab the gem.

Although I don't know why, but what the master said, there is nothing wrong with it.

He and the main family worked together for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that they might not be able to keep this gem with their own strength.

Since you can't keep it on your own, it's better to ask others to help...

At first, they tried to contact other underworld gangs in the country, but after they heard that the enemy they were fighting against was that organization, no one was willing to accept their commission.

There is no other way, the only resources that can be used are the police.

They bought all the media, hyped up information about this gem, and announced to the world that they would publicly exhibit the gem on December 9th.

The original plan was to forge a notice letter from Kaitou Kidd, but unexpectedly... Kaitou Kidd actually sent them a real notice letter.

It was so awesome that they called the police immediately and called the police for help.

Use the police to fight against the organization, and even if they lose both, they can still reap the benefits of the fisherman.


Jiro Ninomiya raised his eyes and glanced at the black-haired policeman in front of him secretly.

Can such a decent police officer really resist the pervasive invasion from the organization?