MTL - How Dare You Attack My Support!-Chapter 38

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"What the **** are you doing? Don't you say you want to go to the infirmary?"

Gu Zixing took Qiao Xunzhou all the way out of the training room, and walked all the way from the east to the west of the building and ended up without even seeing the picture of the infirmary.

"Why did you stop? Didn't you say you want to go to the infirmary?" Qiao Xunzhou turned his head and looked at Gu Zixing, seemingly waiting for him to give himself a reasonable explanation.

"Little Joe."


"I'm here in Donglou Road now to give you the first lesson after being in the team."

"You say."

"There is no infirmary in the club."

"..." Qiao Yanzhou got stuck, "then you just now!"

"I said that my hand hurts, I have to find a reason," Gu Zixing smiled bitterly, shaking his hand in front of Qiao Yizhou twice. "It hurts."

"So why are you looking for a reason ..."

Qiao Yanzhou originally thought that Gu Zixing was still in trouble and found nothing, but after shaking his hand in front of him for a few times, Qiao Yanzhou really found that Gu Zixing's joints had become red and swollen, and it seemed quite serious.

"I fuck!"

"Holding points."


Qiao Yizhou suddenly felt that he admired Gu Zixing a little, and his hands were swollen like this, and he was joking.

"If you do this again, you won't be able to participate in the semi-finals." Qiao Yanzhou snorted, as if to remind Gu Zixing of the seriousness of the incident, but Gu Zixing remained unmoved.

"What then?" Gu Zixing's tone was full of carelessness.

By comparison, the situation at first glance at this time looks more like Qiao Xunzhou is about to stop playing because of a hand injury.

Gu Zixing smiled: "Otherwise Joe will play for me."

"Go fight Stg for you?" Qiao Minzhou snorted as he took Gu Zixing's hand. "You might as well kill me with a knife."

Gu Zixing's hands are a bit cold but tender but don't look like a boy's hand, and even though Gu Zixing had just undergone such intense training just now, there is no sweat on the palm of the palm for some reason. His fingers are very long but the knuckles are very swollen. Sometimes, when he accidentally touches the joints, a very weird "gaba gaba" sound will be emitted. It seems that the problem did not take place every day or two.

"Is this so difficult?" Watching Qiao Xunzhou fiddled with his own hand, Gu Zixing did not refuse, but instead supported his elbow on the window sill next to him with his other hand, turned his head and looked at Qiao Xunzhou.

"Isn't it hard for you to know better than me? It wasn't me who was almost stung by Stg anyway before." Qiao Yanzhou pursed his lips, his frown suddenly wrinkled and looked at Gu Zixing, "Tensileitis?"

"Well, let you guess that Dr. Qiao is the doctor." Gu Zixing nodded, and let Qiao Xunzhou turn his hand over to adjust the look. However, he did not expect that the next second after Qiao Xunzhou was a theologian, he accidentally turned Gu Zixing When it hurts, the guilty Gu Zixing "sighed" and recovered his hands subconsciously, then handed them over after half of them.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Qiao Xunzhou was also taken aback. He took Gu Zixing's hand carefully and looked at his voice with some worries: "I heard that this disease is serious enough to undergo surgery."

"Really, how do I feel that you can go to surgery after two more plays."

Looking at Gu Zixing who was still joking, with a small expression on his face, Qiao Xunzhou was excited.

"Don't believe it, one of my aunts played Guzheng later and got this problem before they stopped playing!" Qiao Yizhou's tone was slightly too high, and it seemed that he wanted to use a sincere speech to impress Gu Zixing, who was not able to get into the oil and salt. The diseases are all geriatric diseases, what do you do now if you get young! "

"In the future, marry a daughter-in-law to support me," Gu Zixing smiled. "I will sit up and move by myself."

"Are you perverted? I'll ask the police to arrest you."

"Knowing that I'm an old pervert, I've been making my hands." Gu Zixing lowered his head to indicate with color the hands of Qiao Yizhou were still entangled.

As soon as Qiao Xunzhou heard these words, he left Gu Zixing's hand aside, and Gu Zixing, who was in pain, "sighed" again, like a snake.

However, after seeing this, Qiao Zhenzhou had a certain understanding of Gu Zixing's hand injury. He also had to admire the confidential work of these clubs so well in place. Such severe tenosynovitis made the outside world completely unaware. God's hand amputated these teams without concealment last year or two is not a problem.

Maybe Gu Zixing's other hand is a prosthetic hand, otherwise it is impossible to move so fast.

"I remember that when I had tenosynovitis, someone gave me a massage." Gu Zixing reached out and placed it in front of Qiao Yanzhou, and then started pointing with his left finger. Chixue, this is ... "

"Who gives you a massage, your girlfriend?" Qiao Xiuzhou, who is on two channels with Gu Zixing, asked.

"That's right," Gu Zixing pouted, "the one you just saw."

"The one I just saw ... Qi Shen or Yao Le?" Qiao Xunzhou glanced suddenly, eyes widened suddenly, "couldn't it be coach Chen !?"

"My left hand."

Qiao Xunzhou did not resist raising his leg and gave Gu Zixing a kick.


Gu Zixing was pushed out of the training for the rest of the day today, but they just went a little bit and watched it when they were training. He just went to the team meeting in the evening and went back after a while.

Because the training content of this afternoon and the meeting content of the evening related to some of the tactical strategies and line-up issues that eg will use during Tuesday ’s game, Qiao Chengzhou went to the pet supermarket to buy a bun in the afternoon to avoid suspicion. Some cat litter cat food and cat scratch board and other things, after shopping and settled down, sat down and played live for an afternoon.

For the first time in the eg team's room, Qiao Yanzhou was a little nervous.

When Gu Zixing returned in the evening, Qiao Yizhou was playing the second half of "Escape 1", which he had previously played live. Looking at this sub-game, it should have been less than ten minutes, but he had already scared Qiao Yizhou's soul.

"What are you doing?" Gu Zixing saw Qiao Xuzhou's room door half-covered, and there were always rumblings of ghosts, so he walked curiously.

"Ah, ah! You're finally back!" Qiao Xunzhou heard Gu Zixing's words more closely than he heard his dad's. He got up before he even had time to turn back, and turned off the game in less than three seconds. Guan Live also said to the camera before, "That's all for today, audience friends, bye!"

For the retention of the audience and the surprise they showed after hearing Gu Zixing's voice, Qiao Yanzhou chose to turn a blind eye.

It was a lot of question marks for Gu Zixing.

"How do you feel like being stung by a dog ..."

"It's okay." Qiao Xunzhou smiled a little awkwardly, but even more embarrassing was that he suddenly remembered that he hadn't had time to save after just playing for ten minutes.

The smile on his face instantly changed from awkward to forced, and he had to play again.

Gu Zixing didn't say much, turned around and went to the hall to sit on the sofa, and Qiao Yuanzhou chased after him.

"How is your hand?"

"It's better." Gu Zixing closed her eyes.

Although Qiao Yanzhou knew he hadn't had much training this afternoon, looking at Gu Zixing's face could still feel him very tired.

This is no wonder, even though Gu Zixing now has no training due to a hand injury, but the mental labor can't stop for a moment, and the burden of the team's game command is still on his shoulders.

Qiao Xunzhou sometimes always feels that eg is gone without Gu Zixing.

What is it called the eg team, the sub-star team is not very good.

"You said today what's from this acupoint in your hand?" Qiao Xunzhou sat next to Gu Zixing and asked.

I do n’t know when it started. Qiao Quzhou ’s nervousness when facing Gu Zixing at the beginning was completely gone. It may be because Gu Zixing has never dealt with any kind of rack. Cooked.

"Why do you want to massage me?" Gu Zixing had a smile on his tired face. He turned to look at Qiao Xunzhou, leaning his elbows on the back of the sofa with his palms on his head.

"I just think you are a bit pitiful," Qiao Minzhou said, "if you can trust me, I will press you."

Gu Zixing passed his hand to Qiao Xunzhou without thinking: "You can rub it casually, just don't hurt."

The hand of the world champion, just give it to me as a plasticine. Qiao Yanzhou looked at Gu Zixing's generous hand and suddenly felt a little flattered.

In fact, when Qiao Chenzhou's aunt committed tenosynovitis, Qiao Yizhou had really watched his aunt rub his hands with his aunt. Although it is not clear exactly what steps were followed up to now, they can still remember a little bit.

"Little Qiao." Gu Zixing narrowed her eyes.

"You said, Master Zhou Yu."

"It's okay, I just want to call you."

"Neuropathy." Qiao Xunzhou "stuck" a moment, and his body moved back slightly.

Although he was careless in his mouth and his tone seemed to be joking, only Qiao Yanzhou knew that Gu Zixing's tone had indeed made his right half a bit itchy. The most frightening thing was that this feeling was no longer For the first time.

It may be that Gu Zixing was born with this feeling. Especially when he was tired, his soft and awkward smile combined with his smile made people feel itchy and indescribable.

Qiao Xunzhou is sometimes fortunate that he is not a girl. If she is a girl, everyone who has such a small amount of admiration and affection for Gu Zixing must not be able to withstand such agitation, and at least her face will be red.

Although Gu Zixing himself may not even realize that he is soliciting anyone.

He might even think he was pure like a white lotus.

"Why are you blushing?"

"Because it's too hot." Qiao Xunzhou said this completely without even thinking about it. "Don't always look at me, you look at me hotter."

After Qiao Yuzhou said this sentence, he regretted it at the time, as if Gu Zixing's sight made him want to burn himself.

Actually, there wasn't any, but it was a little itchy in my heart.

As for why blush?

How the **** do I know why I blush!

Qiao Yanzhou didn't dare to look up at Gu Zixing any more, and Gu Zixing didn't speak again.

The sudden silence in the room instantly revealed Qiao's heartbeat at this time.

The atmosphere seemed more ambiguous.