MTL - House Witch-Chapter 600 599. Mirage

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  Although Dorothy didn't do it on purpose, she now found that she really seemed to perfectly meet the so-called Vine Girl's standard.

  Young and beautiful, multi-talented, top talent, even very homely, doesn't like to go out, don't worry about hats or anything.

   Well, this is even a top vine girl.

  The house witch realizes that she seems to be a good material for a rich woman.

  After all, those who are self-defeating and actively choose to become vine girls usually go to the rich woman. They don't want to work hard anymore, and turn to seek the rich woman, hungry, and food.

   But when it comes to rich women, Dorothy also thinks of Senior Mia, the golden princess who will be the biggest rich woman in the witch world in the future.

   It’s just that if Dorothy wants to get close to this rich woman senior, she doesn’t seem to need any vine girl physique to add points. As long as she nods now, the senior may immediately move the Civil Affairs Bureau to her.

It's a pity that obviously not all vine girls can be as lucky as her. Most of the vine girls are sad all their lives, especially those witches who are forced to become vine girls. The forbidden bird is a caged sparrow kept in an exquisite birdcage, and it may even be simply a reproductive tool.

  Without strength, they cannot control their own destiny. They are powerless to resist and can only drift with the flow.

   And Teng Nu, who was born in a ghostly place like Huajie, knows without thinking that 99% of it will not be voluntary, but forced.

   Thinking of this, Dorothy frowned slightly.

  Although she is here to travel and doesn't want to interfere with the family affairs of Dongying Island, as a grand judge, she has the responsibility and obligation to bring this evil illegal act to justice.

  It seems that maybe I have to work a little overtime.

  The house witch thought so in her heart.

   "There are still people raising vine girls in this flower street?"

   This was not Dorothy's question. Before she could speak, Teacher Spider suddenly asked.

At first glance, the squinting-eyed witch who looked like a gentle married woman opened the closed eyes slightly. Although they were not fully opened, the half-opened spider ghost eyes were scary enough. It's weird.

  This is what a demon witch should look like.

  The nerd witch looked at her teacher, but was a little surprised that this teacher, who is usually not a decent teacher, reacted so violently.

  But after thinking about it carefully, she suddenly realized.

  I almost forgot that my teacher is also a grand judge, and Madeleine was given the job quota by her.

   It’s just that Teacher Spider is a grand judge who belongs to the Demon King’s faction, and it’s not in the same system as Longma and her Dragon King’s faction.

  Now that the teacher has come forward, Dorothy is not in a hurry to expose herself. She listened to the chat of the two elders in front of her, and was ready to wait and see what happened.

   "Rose, you are the same as before, you still have such a sense of justice, you are not evil at all."

   Yaezi looked at this old classmate with a smile, then shook her head.

   "However, those things are already in the past, and you righteous people don't need to take action. Those corridors have already suffered their own retribution."

   "Keeping a vine girl is actually a very risky thing. After all, anyone who can become a vine girl is a genius, and geniuses have infinite possibilities. There will always be some evildoers that cannot be measured by common sense."

  “A fragile birdcage can focus on the weak bird in the cage, but it can’t hold the mighty tiger or dragon.”

   "Taifu Ibuki is that fierce tiger. She has endured as a vine girl for many years, secretly accumulating strength, but just when the corridor was about to sell her for a good price, she suddenly became violent and started a counterattack."

   "In the middle of that night, Yoshihara was destroyed. Those verandas where the vine girls used to be kept were wiped out one by one by her alone. After that night, this Yoshihara Flower Street also changed its owner."

"Nowadays, the real owner of this flower street is Taifu Ibuki. Naturally, there will be no more verandas raising vine girls under her nose. The word vine girl has even become taboo on this street. .”

  The blond witch explained this.

   "It's beautiful, I think I really appreciate this oiran."

  Hearing the old classmate's explanation, Noel Rose nodded, she closed her eyes again, and then said this with great interest.

  Well, she just likes those who are capable and talented, to the point where it can even be said to be a double standard.

  The deeds of this Miss Oiran who has been dormant for many years and finally rose to power in the last day really fit her taste.

  However, she glanced at Yae Zi once more, and said slightly sarcastically.

   "The lords and law enforcement officers of Dongying Island are relieved, they all rely on evil to fend for themselves."

  The blond witch didn't care about the ridicule of this awkward old classmate, she just folded her fan and covered her mouth, then said with a smile.

   "Listen to what you said, didn't the master send someone to repair the Yoshiwara Flower Street in the end, and gave the entire Flower Street to Taifu Ibuki as the victim? Justice has not disappeared, it is just a little late."

   "Hehe, what if Taifu Ibuki didn't make things worse?"

  Noë Rose still said with a sneer.

   And Yae Zi's fox-like eyes narrowed slightly.

   "Then naturally everything is well. After all, evil that is not exposed to the sun is not evil."

   "It's the same in Dongying Island, and it's the same in the outside world, isn't it?"

   The blond witch asked.

   But this time, Mr. Spider was silent for a moment, but had nothing to say.

   "Hmph, Zi, you are still so sharp-tongued after all these years."

  She turned her head angrily, not wanting to look at this **** classmate again.

  But Yaezi stepped forward directly. The tall and tall she directly blocked the shoulder of the Spider Witch, hooking her shoulders like a good buddy.

   "Okay, okay, don't talk about those unhappy things, today is a good thing, you guys don't spoil the fun, let's go, let's drink and see beauties together."

   As she spoke, she forcibly dragged her old classmate into the luxurious high-rise building in front of her.

  And Dorothy paused for a moment, and she looked up and looked around.

  Yoshiwara Flower Street at night is several times more lively than during the daytime. The street is full of laughing guests, and the tourist houses on both sides of the road are also brightly lit.

  All kinds of melodramatic sounds radiated from the house, and in the open space not far away, there were also some beautifully dressed girls performing dances, which attracted the guests on the side of the road to stop and watch, applauding from time to time.

   Anyway, it's a scene of singing and dancing.

  Well, it seems that this place has always been like this since ancient times. If Aunt Zi hadn't said that this place had been destroyed once before, the house witch really couldn't see the slightest trace.

  So, the former prosperity is still there today, and will the former shadow really die down, or will it revive sooner or later?

She raised her head and looked at the tall wooden building in front of her with the signboard saying "Mirage". the most central.

However, when Dorothy's gaze continued to extend to the distance through the brightly lit tall building in front of her, she was a little surprised to find that there was a figure far taller and more magnificent than this mirage. A hundredfold building.

   That's even a castle, a Japanese fortress.

   That is the center of Dongying Island, and it is called the castle tower.

   It's just that Dorothy remembered that the lord of Dongying Island should be the shaman of Amaterasu Shrine, and the shape of the castle tower doesn't look like a shrine.

   But if it wasn't for the residence of the witch, why is it located in the center of the island and built so magnificently? Who are the people living there?

  The house witch is slightly curious.

   "Senior Sister, Second Aunt and the others are leaving soon."

  Seeing that the senior sister next to her was distracted again, the little fox reached out and poked the senior sister's arm, and then reminded her with a doll.

   "Oh, let's catch up quickly. Let the adults see the beauties tonight. Let's have a good taste of this Japanese delicacy."

  Dorothy came back to her senses, she shook her head, she was too lazy to think about it, after all, she was just a tourist, eating and drinking was the main thing, so she quickly followed her junior sister by the hand.

  The bright moon hangs high in the night sky, and the soft and bright moonlight shines on the earth, which also makes the shadow of the tall and majestic castle tower extra large, and the entire Yoshihara is in that shadow.

   It's just that the bright lights on Huajie cover everything. Tourists are fascinated by the fiery lights, but no one cares about the shadow of the sky hidden under the lights.

  As soon as she entered the mirage, a more lively scene broke into the sight of the house witch. The hall on the first floor was a luxurious scene like a pool of wine and meat.

  Countless beautiful sisters in ragged clothes walked through the wine pool, serving those unrestrained guests, surrounded by silk and bamboo bodies, and on the stage not far away, the dancers danced even more.

   Even a guy like Dorothy, who has no worldly desires, feels a little blood rushing at this time

   Forget it, it’s over, it’s boring.

  Beside her, the little fox was so shy that he stretched out his big fluffy tail to cover his face, and even the caring junior sister separated two tails to help the senior sister cover it.

  Secret technique, the fox covers the eyes.

   Too weird for these good kids to watch.

   "Junior Sister, how can I walk like this, Teacher and the others are going to go far again."

  The otaku witch took away the fox tail in front of her eyes a little speechlessly. She looked at the two elders who didn't look like elders at all, and found that they didn't stay on this floor, but walked towards the stairs.

  She quickly glanced at the wine pool and meat forest in front of her for the last time, blinked her eyes a few times quickly, and then blushed, and Audrey, who was about to become a steam girl, followed.

And when I came to the second floor of this mirage, it has been elegant for a long time, and even people who don't know it may think that this is some kind of poem written by a literati, but there is nothing romantic about it. The belts are also neat, like a lady of every family.

   It's just that Dorothy's eyes are a little too good, so good that she can see the messy hands and feet under the table.

   "Bah, you are a beast in clothes, so exciting, ah no, you are so shameless."

  The otaku witch cursed in her heart, but seeing that the teacher and aunt still didn't intend to stay, she had no choice but to wink at the beautiful sisters dancing like fairies, and then followed her again.

   When we reached the third floor, the first thing that caught our eyes was a tall banquet hall door, and there were also two formidable-looking guards waiting at the door.

  However, seeing the two top witches, red and green, Dorothy recognized that they were the two oiran servants who supported the oiran and held the umbrella for the oiran during the day.

Seeing the four people coming forward, the two guardian witches also looked at them, but when they saw the eightfold purple, the two quickly showed a respectful expression, and then pushed open the heavy door from left to right, and then He also bent down respectfully and bowed, welcoming everyone to enter.

   This made Dorothy understand that her Aunt Zi is really not an ordinary person in Dongying Island.

  However, when the four of them passed through the door, Dorothy was keenly aware that the eyes of the two guardian witches stayed on her for a few more seconds, even with surprise in their eyes.

   This made the house witch slightly proud, she stretched out her hand and patted the coffin floating behind her in satisfaction.

   Sure enough, as long as she carries this thing, she will be the most shining cub in the crowd wherever she goes, let alone in this occasion.

  Hey, have you seen my new coffin? It looks good. It is very expensive.

  The upstart Dorothy thought so proudly in her heart.

  Of course, if she can, she doesn't want to continue to carry a coffin around the kiln.

   Sophilia did not enter the island through formal procedures. If she came out casually, she would easily cause trouble. Although she was resurrected now, she still had to feel wronged that the White Witch slept in the coffin for a while.

  However, Dorothy thoughtfully expanded the inner space of the coffin into a layout of three bedrooms and one living room for her roommates. It is also a luxuriously decorated version, so it will not be uncomfortable to live in.

And Dorothy has always been blessed to share, and it is difficult to be a good sister, so naturally, such a good thing as going to the Flower Street cannot wrong her good sister. She even dug a hole in the coffin. Take a look at this flower street scene with yourself.

  So, it was inconvenient to put the coffin in her pocket, so she had to keep carrying it with a bit of shame.

  What is a peerless good sister? That is, in order for a good sister to feast on her eyes together, she even overcame social fear.

   And when the house witch ignored the faint sound of sharpening the knife coming from the coffin behind her, and was moving herself for her sacrifice, a somewhat surprised voice interrupted her thoughts.

   "Uh, little elf, Audrey, why are you two here?"

  The rich woman is puzzled.

  I fell asleep again last night. I am too old to stay up late