MTL - House Witch-Chapter 598 597. The Dangerous Oiran

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   Chapter 598 597. The Dangerous Oiran

  The oiran team was still advancing slowly, and Dorothy watched the parade continue with great interest.

   This is a huge team of about a hundred people, and some witches with monster masks are walking in the front of the team.

  The house witch looked at these masks and found that they were some monsters that are very common in Japan, that is, foxes, kappa, tengu and so on.

  These weird witches were the forerunners of the oiran team. They were dancing weird dances that looked like gods to Dorothy, and they were still humming some weird songs.

However, although the song and dance were a bit weird, the effect was really good. It seemed to be some kind of mysterious ritual. Anyway, Dorothy could feel that the emotions of the onlookers were also mobilized with the singing and dancing of these forerunners. They obviously became a lot more excited, so the scene also seemed a lot more lively.

   "This seems to be some kind of war dance, but it weakens the effect of strengthening the fighting spirit, but it still makes people easy to get excited."

Dorothy commented on these songs and dances, and said in her heart that this Japanese witch really knows how to play. The battle dance that was supposed to raise the morale of the soldiers on the battlefield, was used in such a weird place at this time , this is really a talent.

  emmmm okay, to a certain extent, this oiran team seems to be about to "go out", it's just that the battlefield is a little bit special.

And behind those goblin forerunners, there are some bands playing with various musical instruments. Among them, two witches holding Japanese characteristic shamisen are walking in the front. These two are skillfully leading the whole band to perform. .

  Similarly, these musics are not ordinary, and Dorothy can hear traces of good "sound magic" from them.

  In this magical world of idealism, sound also contains powerful power, and the magic that can bring out this power is sound magic.

   The simplest and most common voice magic is actually known to all witches. After all, magic spells need to be chanted.

   And the slightly more professional sound magic has two branches.

  One is the sound killing technique, which uses sound as a weapon to kill directly, such as the Lion Roar Curse, Ghost Cry Curse and so on.

  The two are phantom sound techniques, which use sound as a carrier to cast spells to affect the target's body and even spirit. Usually it is a variety of illusions, but there are also enhanced auxiliary magic such as war songs.

   Now the house witch can hear the smell of ghost sound from this band, but she only knows a little about ghost sound, so she looked at the little junior sister beside her.

  Audrey, as an actress and witch whose dream is to be on stage, is very good at voice magic.

   "Well, indeed, and the realm is not low."

  The little fox nodded, then manipulated the puppet and said.

  So Dorothy nodded, and continued to look back.

   Immediately after the band was a team of bodyguards. There were about 30 people in them. They wore battle robes that looked like feathers, with swords on their waists and sticks in their hands.

   "Good guy, all the big witches, am I shopping in the flower street or visiting the battle group?"

   After roughly perceiving the magical aura of these bodyguards, the otaku witch couldn't help but secretly gasp, exclaiming in her heart that it was outrageous.

As a martial god, she can see through the posture of these bodyguards and witches when they walk, how good their respective combat skills are, and these bodyguards and witches are not bad, basically they have condensed martial spirits and achieved the realm of martial saints .

   There is one thing to say, such an elite armed group is really inferior to serve as a bodyguard for an oiran here. This level of combat power is thrown to the front line, and it is enough to easily conquer a medium world.

After the bodyguard group was a group of maids carrying lanterns. There were only about ten of them, and they were divided into two rows. Each of them was holding a red lantern with the pattern of "Ibuki", with their heads lowered, small and Move quickly.

   "Okay, after the assault regiment comes the bombardment regiment."

  The otaku witch has calmed down, and her eyes quickly skipped over the ten "handmaids with lamps" whose magical auras are all around 50w mana, and looked back again.

   Now we are at the center of the team.

   Immediately behind the maid with the lantern is a pair of little girls in red clothes who look exactly the same. They seem to be about ten years old. Their chubby little faces are like jade carvings, very cute, and they look like beauties.

  The one on the left of these two little girls is holding a long bong, and the one on the right is holding an exquisite tobacco box.

  Dorothy thought about the oiran team specifications she had seen in her previous life, and knew that this was the so-called "bald".

   "Bald" is the personal maid of the oiran, usually a little girl in her teens, because her body hair has not yet grown, so she is called "bald".

   "Bald" is not only an oiran maid, but also a future oiran candidate. Generally, "bald" who can follow the oiran in the oiran way has the potential to become a future oiran.

   And now the two twins in this team are "bald" and they look very promising. After all, twins are a super bonus item.


   "A ten-year-old girl around emmmmm15w Mana?"

  The house witch looked at these two powerful "bald", and then looked at herself who was only 5w Mana, and couldn't help feeling sad.

  Is the female gaming industry so introverted these days? The oiran needs to be a genius witch?

  After these two "bald", they finally became the absolute protagonists of the whole team.

  The oiran lady who seems to be named Ibuki finally appeared at this time.

  She was wearing a heavy but gorgeous gorgeous oiran gown. The bright red gown made of the highest grade silk and satin mixed with gold thread was embroidered with patterns of hundreds of flowers, which was extremely extravagant.

  Her crow-like black hair was also rolled up high at this time, and all kinds of precious hairpins were inserted on the hairpin, just like a peacock with its tail open, dazzlingly gorgeous.

  Her white, tender and slender feet were wearing a pair of three-tooth clogs with high soles. The tall solid wooden soles looked very heavy, and they were definitely not something ordinary people could handle.

Of course, that refers to mortals. If it is a witch, this level of weight is actually not a burden. However, what made Dorothy feel a little speechless was that she carefully looked at the material of the clogs and recognized that they were famous. It is a high-level spiritual wood of "Meteorite Ironwood".

  This kind of wood is generally only used for forging top melee weapons. As long as a little wood chips are added to the weapon, the weight and hardness of the weapon can be greatly improved.

But now, such a whole piece of meteorite iron wood has been made into a pair of shoes. Let alone the luxury, the weight alone is enough to make the witch in the house call the warrior who dares to walk in these shoes "" You're a real bitch."

  The weight of these shoes is not much lighter than two 10,000-meter mountains.

  Anyone who can wear these shoes and still be able to walk is definitely a real girl who is literally capable of pulling mountains and surmounting the world.

   But in fact, this pair of heavy shoes is currently worn by a charming beauty.

  The beauty can even walk gracefully with a special oiran footwork called "Waibawen" without changing her face, but it is still pretty.

  Well, good-looking is good-looking, and slow is really slow. Normally, it takes ten minutes to walk, but it takes at least an hour to walk there with this kind of oiran walk. The oiran is as slow as a cow.

   And this Ibuki oiran is served by two tall witches, one in red and the other in blue.

  The oiran puts one hand on the shoulder of the witch in red for support, while the witch in blue holds a long-handled umbrella to shade the oiran from the sun.

   "Well, the two peak martial saints are also top witches, very good, very good."

  Looking at the red and blue duo, the house witch nodded expressionlessly.

   Then, her eyes met the charming eyes of that oiran lady.

  Dorothy realized that her skill of keeping water through a mirror had been seen through.

But this is a matter of course. It's not that her magic is not powerful, it's just that her goal is too super-standard. She is just a little witch with only 5w mana in magic power. It's already very powerful, but this oiran lady is a peak.

  Well, a real peak witch, not a parallel peak like a certain dean.

  Although the eyes of the two only collided for a moment, the feeling of this oiran lady to Dorothy was no less than that of Mr. Spider or Miss Maria of the Apocalypse.

  Also has about 10% of the stress level of my own dragon mother, which is really terrifying.

Fortunately, Dorothy had no grievances with this oiran lady, so the eyes of the two quickly staggered, and the oiran lady blinked in surprise, then a smile appeared on her charming face, and she continued to walk. Follow the elegant oiran steps and continue to move forward slowly.

  The house witch was lost in thought.

When the "Furisode Shinzao" who is the last eight in the oiran team, that is, the evolution of "bald", the real oiran candidates also walked gracefully, twisting their seductive waists, staggering from Dorothy looked up again when she had passed.

  These new Furisodes are also about the same age as her, maybe fifteen or sixteen years old, and they have just come of age, but there are more than 200,000 witches per capita.

  Mom, is Flower Street such a scary place?

  The house witch looked up at the sky, lost in thought.

   "Sophia, what do you think about this?"

  Dorothy turned her head to look at the lady roommate next to her, and asked.

   And the White Witch was also a little surprised.

   "Miss, I don't think you are lucky to accept that kind of oiran, your small body can't stand people's torture."

   Sophilia spoke with a venomous tongue.

   "Senior sister, I think the president is right."

   Even Audrey, who has always trusted her senior sister, said so while comforting her frightened tail.

  The beauty of the oiran did not surprise the three sisters, but the strength of the oiran brought so much impact to the three of them.

  The house witch also rolled her eyes at this.

"What are you two talking about? When did I say that I was interested in that oiran? That's a peak witch, and she must be a few hundred years old. Let's do it."

  Dorothy said so.

But this is a lie. In fact, for her, as long as she is beautiful enough, she is a big sister. She is absolutely fine. Anyway, the big witch is almost immortal. The age gap of several hundred years is really not a big deal for immortals. question.

   It's just that you can think about this kind of thing in your heart, and it's easy to be regarded as a pervert if you say it.

But it's not all a lie, at least she has no interest in this lady oiran. After all, she is not as beautiful as her junior sister, and she is still an oiran with such high strength. Farther away is better.

  Of course, the most important thing is that the battle just now was very expensive at first glance, and it was far from what a poor little witch like her could afford.


Not far away, Ms. Ibuki, who hadn’t gone too far, almost sprained her ankle because of Oiranbu’s tortoise-speed movement speed, but her professional professionalism and terrifying peak strength made her return to normal quickly, and then continued to keep her face unchanged. Elegant marcher.

  Well, his expression didn't change, it's just that his silver teeth were almost crushed.

  Miss Oiran, who was in a good mood today because she met an interesting little guy, is now a little angry because of a comment from an old woman.

  However, during working hours, she can't mess around. She needs to be calm and not be irritable, otherwise it would be bad if she ruined the whole street or something.

   "Then Miss, do you want to continue shopping in this flower street?"

  The oiran team gradually went away, and the pure white witch looked at her eldest lady, and then asked with a smile.

   "Of course it is."

Dorothy had to admit that she was a little stimulated by the sneer on her roommate's face, "Miss, can you do it?", but she still forcibly suppressed the Goblin King's reply of "Why don't you try it yourself", Then choose Congxin.

  Well, this flower street is really a bit scary, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t go shopping.

   "I think I'm still young, and maybe it's really not suitable for me to stay in such an exciting place for a long time. Let's go back."

  The house witch is ready to go home without looking back.

   As for the quality of the oiran team just now, Huajie here is a ghost, I am afraid it is not read as Huajie and written as barracks.

  It was only a few hours after stepping into Dongying Island, but Dorothy had already realized very deeply that the water on this island was really deep.

  She just came here to travel and relax, not to cause trouble, so don't get involved in this kind of troublesome place.

  The main purpose of her trip is to look for immortal fate, but no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for immortals to be in this flower street. It is better to go to temples or shrines in the mountains to look for them.

  The house witch thought so in her heart.


  After half a day, the house witch who followed Aunt Zi and was about to go to the restaurant for a meal looked at the familiar flower street and was speechless for a while.

  My dear aunt, are you sure you want to entertain old classmates who have been reunited for a long time and nieces who have met for the first time? Are you inviting us to dinner in this kind of place?

  The house witch is in a daze

   Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tk



  (end of this chapter)