MTL - House Dad’s Literary Life-Chapter 1204 Broken sunny doll (1/3)

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In the morning, when I went to school, I still smiled and my mood was just as happy as the birds singing on campus. In the class, the good relationship was very good. She walked into the classroom. Many students greeted her. The little girl smiled slyly and responded with a loud voice.

However, after Jiang Chen’s seat, he was almost hit by Jiang Chen again!

Jiang Chen, a good-moving, naughty guy, couldn’t hold his inner impulse. He used to stretch out his feet and wanted to scare and scare those beautiful girls. But since Yang Lan had several parents complaining to the class teacher, Jiang Chen converges a lot, but he changed another way to "crash". they.

To put it directly, the hormones are doing things, but some boys try to show their good side to the beautiful girls. Just like the peacocks open the screen, Jiang Chen is not knowing how to be good or bad, not knowing shame, always wants to tease. The girls, either sticking out their feet or putting some small bugs in their drawers, are all sorts of tidy means to see the girls frightened and eclipsed, and he is proud of it.

This is not, when he was just about to pass by him, Jiang Chen would suddenly stand up from his position, then turned around and faced his desk, squeezing his buttocks. past.

However, Jiang Chen had some miscalculations. He was faced with embarrassment. Although the little girl did not expect this guy to do such annoying movements, her reaction was very quick, and she subconsciously stepped back two steps and hid. .

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" He snorted, and then asked with enthusiasm.

Jiang Chen still does not admit that he said with a cheeky face: "What is it? Can I not write a pen?"

I saw him throwing a pen on his desk directly on the floor, bending over to squat, and then screaming like a **** that won the battle, proudly squinting at his same table and another naughty boy. .

"You..." is a sigh of relief, but the little girl still remembers what Dad said. Don't pay attention to these naughty children. If it is too much, you can tell Dad or the teacher.

Therefore, I felt that I had not been affected, and I ignored it. I walked through the two seats and bypassed Jiang Chen to return to my seat.

I have escaped a "robbery", but Lu Xiaoyu does not have such a good skill!

Lu Xiaoyu is also a beautiful, beautiful girl. She is a little late than when she came by Jiang Chen’s same table. The little girl is happily calling her name.

But Jiang Chen’s same table actually learned Jiang Chen, so the technique was re-applied, got up, turned, and licked!

Lu Xiaoyu didn't pay attention. He was up to his waist and Lu Xiaoyu couldn't help but hit the table next to him!

"Little fish!" He witnessed this scene with her own eyes. She exclaimed and stood up in a hurry.

Lu Xiaoyu was not very badly hit, and it was not particularly painful, but she panicked and heard a crisp sound. She turned her head and looked at it. The pair of sunny dolls that had been hanging on the bag had already been Crushed!

Suddenly, Lu Xiaoyu was panicked and saddened. The little girl took a sniff and squatted down. Two small hands were placed on her knees, her head buried, and she cried.

"Little fish, are you okay?" He ran quickly and asked with a worried look at Lu Xiaoyu's side.

"What happened to the little fish?" Lan Xin also saw the movement, the enthusiastic little fat girl stood up in her position, groaning.

"They, they bully people!" He saw Lu Xiaoyu cry so sad, could not help but see the red, tears beads rolling in his eyes, pointing to Jiang Chen and his table said.

In fact, when I saw the girl crying, Jiang Chen’s desk was a bit flustered. They just wanted to tease the girls. They didn’t want to scare others, scare them, and the problem rose to another level!

Jiang Chen still plausibly said: "What is it about me?"

At this time, Cao Ruolin, who was re-elected as the squad leader, put down the textbook and stood up from the chair and called out: "I will tell the teacher!"

After that, she ran out quickly.

"Don't tell the teacher..." Jiang Chen's desk was anxiously looking at Cao Ruolin, but he only saw Cao Ruolin's disappearance outside the door. He couldn't help but muttered. "I, I didn't mean it. No, she doesn't hurt..."

Lu Xiaoyu cried very sadly, and her comfort was useless until the class teacher, Mr. Li Ruojun, was called.

"What is going on? Yang Lan, how did Lu Xiaoyu cry?" Li Ruoxi may feel that his ability to express is good, he can describe things clearly, and he asks what he is.

I didn’t disappoint the teacher. I saw the little girl pouting a small mouth and stood up. First, pointing to Jiang Chen, they said, “It’s Jiang Chen and Liang Wenjie. They like to suddenly stand up and hit us. Just now Jiang Chen almost hit. I, but I escaped, and then, the little fish was hit by Liang Wenjie, the little fish hurts, she cried!"

Perhaps inspired by the embarrassment, two girls sitting behind also stood up and accused Jiang Chen and Liang Wenjie.

Li Ruojun understood, she was helpless, and some angry pointed at the two boys who were pulling their heads and said: "You two, how did the teacher tell you? Come to school, study hard, don't tease classmates!"

"This morning's class, Jiang Chen and Liang Wenjie, you go to the back of the classroom and stand up for class!" Li Ruoqiu looked up and said seriously.

Of course, she will also inform the parents of Jiang Chen and Liang Wenjie that this is not a problem twice. The students who are not obedient will only make them worse. Only teachers and parents can cooperate with the lessons to be effective.

Two of the stalkers were punished, but Lu Xiaoyu was still very upset.

"My sunny doll, hey, it's broken!" Lu Xiaoyu licked his small mouth and, at the teacher's inquiry, finally said why he was sad.

"It turns out that it doesn't matter, it's just two little dolls. Don't worry too much, as long as you don't fall." Li Ruoxi sighed with relief and smiled and comforted him.

The angles of adults and children looking at the problem are still somewhat different. Li Ruoxi does not know how important these two sunny dolls are for children. Lu Xiaoyu changed a schoolbag and still hangs the sunny doll on a new schoolbag. How much she likes these two porcelain dolls!

Seeing that Li Ruoxuan was worried that they would cut their hands or put them on their feet, they all smashed the broken sunny doll tiles and threw them into the trash. Lu Xiaoyu’s tears fell.

Under the teacher's persuasion, Lu Xiaoyu returned to the position with the aunt, but Lu Xiaoyu still said sadly: "Hey, what should I do? My sunny doll is broken."

He also felt sad for his little friends, and his brow wrinkled and said: "Oh, yes, it’s all broken, it’s not sticky."

"Hey, hey, this is my favorite sunny doll, and then it was given to me by Xiaowei sister. If Xiaowei sister knows that I broke it, hey, what can I do?" Lu Xiaoyu weeping Said, "Would she blame me and say that I don't protect her gift? I knew that I knew that I would be at home, just at home!"

This has long been known for a long time. After all, it’s been half a year since Xiao Wei sent a sunny doll. Who can think of this problem at such an early age?

No, I have raised such concerns before.

I licked my little head, although some disappointment, but for the little friend, she whispered: "Or, or else! Little fish, I will give you a sunny doll, give it to you? You hang one on the bag, and then Xiao Wei’s sister will not be unhappy. Then you can have a sunny doll with me...”

“Is it really ok?” Lu Xiaoyu screamed in tears and looked at him with surprise.

I nodded. She saw her little friend happy, and her mood improved a bit. She smiled generously: "Yes, yes, but which one do you like? Blue, or red? I will take it tomorrow. Give it to you!"