MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 43

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Hearing this, Guiliu was stunned. Although the covering monster was the first monster Chen Mo had summoned, Chen Mo's next expansion was too strong, so he directly summoned the monster called Friend Xia. Last round, there were two more powerful monsters on his field: God Xinyuxia and Rainbow Chaolong, which made him subconsciously ignore this covert monster of unknown meaning.

Gui Liu is very curious now, what kind of monster is Chen Mo covering.

"Reverse Summon the Holy Magician!"

As the card face was opened, a female magician appeared on Chen Mochang.

holy magician

Rating: 1 star

Attack Power: 300

Defense: 400

This monster is obviously from the magician family!

Regardless of Guiliu's expression, Chen Mo calmly announced the effect of the holy magician.

"When this monster is Flip Summoned successfully, you can add a Spell Card from the Graveyard to your hand."

"Magic cards in the cemetery?" Gui Liu was stunned, the effect was simple enough.

"I remember that the magic card in your graveyard has a mask change, the future..."

The expression on Gui Liu's face suddenly changed, and the voice began to tremble.

"Future Fusion, Future Fusion and... Heaven's Drop!"

After saying the name of the last magic card, his face had turned pale and there was no blood at all.

"That's right, I activated the effect of the Holy Magician to add the Heavenly Arrival card from the graveyard to the hand."

In an instant, a strong sense of dizziness flooded Gui Liu's heart, and he almost lost his footing.

However, he didn't know that the nightmare had just begun.

"I activate Angel's alms from my hand, draw three cards from the deck and discard two from my hand into the graveyard."

Speaking of which, Chen Mo drew three more cards from the deck, and then sent two cards to the graveyard.

"The cards I sent to the graveyard are EHERO Skyman and EHERO Shadowmist Girl. When I activate the effect of Shadowmist Girl and send this card to the graveyard, I can add a hero monster from the deck to my hand, and I will add DHERO Blood Magic D is added to the hand."

"Then activate the Sky Man in the Graveyard from the hand, and my effect activates Sky Man. When this monster is successfully summoned, it can destroy the number of Spell and Trap cards of the number of hero monsters on the field other than him. I Destroy your fold!"

With the activation of Sky Man's effect, the turbine behind Sky Man on the field rolled up a whirlwind, destroying the cover card of Ghost Willow, which was a ripple shield with the power of waves.

Good guy, you also carry this kind of **** card for feelings, right?

The effect of this ripple shield's wave power is that when he directly attacks him, he bounces all the monsters in his attack position back into the deck. In a sense, this is more uncomfortable than destroying all the monsters.

Seeing that the card that he hid and used to turn the game was destroyed, Guiliu's face was also a little ugly, and now he can only rely on the Earthbound God.

"I activate the effect of Gorefiend D to release three monsters on the field from my hand to Special Summon!"

"I special summon the ultimate D, DHERO Gorefiend D with Sky Man, Holy Magician, and God Xinyuxia as sacrifices!"

"Nani? He even used the monster he finally merged as a sacrifice!"

Looking at Chen Mo's operation, Guiliu, I couldn't believe my eyes. Not only Xuenai and Ludger were stunned by Chen Mo's operation, you can understand the masked hero Dark Claw as a sacrifice, but What do you mean by taking the **** Xinyuxia as a sacrifice, is this a **** loss to the point of an explosion?

That's right, this is losing the card, but Chen Mo will let them know what the real ultimate loss card is today!

After Gorefiend D appeared on the field, the monster position on the field was immediately vacant, and Chen Mo immediately opened his mouth and said: "It's now! At this moment, I have collected seven kinds of precious jade beasts in my graveyard, and the summoning conditions of this card have been met! Come! The ultimate treasure **** RAINBOWDRAGON!"

With Chen Mo's chanting, seven gems appeared on Chen Mo's field. With the illumination of the seven gems, a giant dragon that was quite similar to the Rainbow Beyond Dragon appeared on the Chen Mo's field.

"It's not over yet! Due to the effect of high-level dark field magic, all the seven treasure beasts in my graveyard have become dark attributes, so the summoning conditions of another card are also met, and I will remove all seven treasure beasts in the graveyard. Come! RAINBOWDARKDRAGON, the ultimate treasure and jade god!"

With the exception of the seven precious jade beasts, a giant dragon that was exactly the same as the rainbow dragon but was pitch-black also came to Chen Mochang.

"Then I will liberate all the three rainbow dragons on the field as sacrifices!"

"Are you crazy!!"

These three rainbow dragons were summoned using future fusion, seven precious jade beasts, and a high-level darkness to change their attributes, and now you actually treat them all as sacrifices?

This is equivalent to losing twelve cards! Twelve for one, what the **** is this ultimate loss card strategy!

The face of Ludger, who was watching the battle, was completely distorted. He couldn't understand Chen Mo's thoughts at all. He only felt that his brain was shaking!

Could it be that this is the duel of the duel king!

"Dark duelist, see clearly with your eyes! The real Kami!"

Guiliu was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed wildly. He needed to use three monsters as sacrifices, and he could also be called a god...

"Masaka! Could it be the legendary card of the gods!"

With Guiliu's exclamation, the BGM God's Wrath rang out, and the building began to shake violently as if it were about to collapse at any time.

After finishing the chant, Chen Mo slapped the card in his hand on the duel plate.

"Come on! Obelisk's giants!"

A huge blue beam of light penetrated the heavens and the earth, and then a blue giant with a height of 1,000 meters appeared outside the building, more than twice as tall as the earth-bound **** CCAPACAPU.

The summoned giant soldier glanced at the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU, his eyes bursting with light, if Chen Mo hadn't given an attack order, he would have punched him.

In the face of the giant soldier's anger, the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU, who was in a defensive state, didn't respond, but just held his body and his hands tightly tightened silently.

"That's the legendary card of the gods, Obelisk's giant **** soldier!" The ghost willow fell into deep shock when he saw the giant **** soldier's figure even bigger than the earth-bound **** CCAPACAPU.

"Dark Duelist, don't you think this is the end, the coming of God has just begun! I activate the Heavenly Treasure Card, and both sides draw six cards in my hand! My hand is now 0 cards, so I can draw Six cards! Draw cards!"

Chen Mo fiercely drew six cards from the deck, and now there is only one card left in his deck.

Now Guiliu has only two cards in his hand, so he can also draw four cards. At this time, if he activates the ability of Masked Hero Dark Claw, he can let Guiliu randomly discard a card in his hand, but it is no longer necessary.

Guiliu looked at the cards he had drawn, and replenished four cards in his hand in one go, allowing him to draw a lot of good things. As long as he could last until the next round, the victory would be his!

"Dark Duelist, I know what you're thinking, but I said it, you have no next turn! The effect of Gorefiend D is that when he exists in the monster zone, all face-up monsters on the opponent's field are The effect will be nullified!"

"Most of the sacs!"

"If the effect of the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU is negated, then the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU can be selected as an attack target. After the Giant God Soldier destroys the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU, the direct attack of Gorefiend D and Dark Claw will cause a total of damage to me. 4300 points of damage, which means... I lost!"

"That's right, Dark Duelist, you have already lost, but the way you lost is not like this. I activate another effect of Gorefiend D, once per turn, you can capture a monster on the opponent's field to become Gorefiend D. 's equipment card! I will capture the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU to become the equipment card of Gorefiend D!"

Gorefiend D flew to the wings outside the building and shot out countless blood-colored tentacles, wrapping the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU. Although the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU wanted to resist, under the shackles of the duel rules, no matter how strong he was, he had to be obediently beaten. Gorefiend D sucked into the body, and after absorbing the Earthbound God CCAPACAPU, Gorefiend D's body instantly soared, and it suddenly rose to a height of several hundred meters.

"Then I activate the effect of the DHERO demon in the graveyard to remove him from the graveyard, and summon the last demon in the deck!"

With the exclusion of the second demon, Chen Mo also drew the last card in the deck and placed it on the duel plate.

Seeing that Chen Mo had summoned another monster, Gui Liu's throat began to dry up, and he said with difficulty: "Gorefiend D, Dark Claw and Demonic Man, there are three monsters on the field."

"That's right, but there is one more thing to do before that. Unfold the card and activate the Temple of the King of Permanent Magic! According to the effect of this card, my trap card can be activated directly after it is set!"

"I activate the Trap Card Reversal of the World and the Underworld! This card can only be activated by paying 1000 health points when there are 15 or more cards in my Graveyard, and its effect is that both sides combine the cards in the Graveyard and Deck. exchange!"

Hearing this effect, Gui Liu's pupils shrank immediately. Due to the ability of Dark Claw, all the cards he sent to the graveyard just now were removed, which means that there is not a single card in his graveyard now!

"In this case, the cards in my deck will become 0, and I will automatically lose the next round because I have no cards to draw."

"And not only that, since Darkclaw is still on the field, all the cards you send to the graveyard will be banished, that is to say."

Chen Mo pointed at Guiliu and shouted loudly, "I will exclude your deck!"

Following Chen Mo's announcement, all the thirty or so cards in the Guiliu deck were sent to the exclusion zone.

"Activate the double summon of the magic card. I don't need to say more about the effect. In this round, I can perform two normal summons. I will release the blood demon D, dark claw, and demon as a sacrifice!"

"Come on! The sky dragon of Osiris!"

The originally good night sky outside the building began to be covered with thick dark clouds, and thunderstorms rolled in them, and the red sky dragon showed his body in the dark clouds of thunder.

"Dark duelist, the next step is the last, I activate the return of the trap card from another dimension, and pay half of the life value to summon the banished monsters to the field as much as possible, and I will banish three of the precious jade beasts special. Summon, then activate the Magic Card Summoning Chain, and I can perform the third Normal Summon this turn based on the effect of this card!"

"I will liberate the three precious jade beasts on the field as sacrifices!"

"Come on! Pull the Winged Dragon!"

A huge golden sphere descended from the sky, exuding brilliance like the sun. As the sphere unfolded, the Wing Divine Dragon also showed its true posture like a phoenix.

At this moment, Chen Mo has gathered all three phantom gods on the field, and his hand cards have all been used up. In this round, he emptied his deck, and then used the reversal of the world and the underworld to empty Guiliu's deck. .

In one round, emptying two decks with a total of about 80 cards made up the three phantom gods. This is the real ultimate loss card!

Chapter 84: Stuff the Giant God Soldier in

The huge three phantom gods outside the building roared separately. In this roar, it seemed that the world was shaking. The scene where the three phantom gods gathered in reality was absolutely shocking.

The ghost willow standing in the duel arena can directly feel the pressure from the gods, feel this powerful pressure, and then look at his empty card deck and the only remaining eternal eternal on the field of unknown meaning. Cannon, Guiliu gave up thinking.

"Dark Duelist This is the real last. I activate the effect of the Giant Soldier. According to the effect of the Giant Soldier, I liberate the two monsters on the field as sacrifices. This turn can increase the attack power to infinity!"

There is no doubt that this is not the real card version, but the effect of the animated version of the giant gods. The OCG-shaped Three Illusionary Gods are really trash fish. Who would use the OCG-shaped Three Illusionary Gods in a formal duel except for feelings.

The Giant God Soldier is better, at least he still has a certain degree of resistance, plus the basic attack power of up to 4000 points, it can be said to be the most practical God card, and the strongest winged dragon in the animation is that Will it be cut into **** directly?

The effect of a single card has been dismantled into a whole set of cards. More importantly, he has not completely dismantled it, and some of its effects have been cut off, which has made Wing Shenlong directly from the card of the strongest **** to the one of the most useless god. Card.

Even Chen Mo wouldn't put this kind of thing into the deck to control his own hand. He is now using the Three Phantom Gods of Muto Games!

With the activation of the giant soldier effect, the sky dragon wrapped around the body of the giant soldier, and the winged dragon also turned into an image of a phoenix standing on the shoulders of the giant soldier. the same in the pyramid.

Obelisk's Giants

Rating: 10 stars

Attack Power: ∞

Defense: 4000

Although the three phantom gods still exist on the field, in fact, there is only one card in his deck area. If this operation is included, he really has emptied two decks and swapped out a monster. .

Of course, he can also choose to liberate the three phantom gods to summon the creator **** of light and declare victory directly, but this is really unnecessary. The word of the creator **** must be at least a character of the level of the king of the underworld.

"Impossible! The attack power is actually infinite! Is this the power of the card of the gods!" Ludger roared in disbelief as he looked at the attack power of the giant soldier.

This duel has completely shattered his concept of dueling, and there is no longer the sneer on his face at the beginning, but only a distorted expression.

Hearing Rudegger's roar that was close to collapse, Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction. This is the real duel. Okay, Guiliu is happy. I'll bring you a smile.

Chen Mo turned his gaze back to Gui Liu, and then saw Gui Liu's empty expression that seemed to be broken, which made Chen Mo stunned for a moment.

After a while, Chen Mo sighed, this guy has given up thinking.

"It's over! Cammy's attack! GODHANDCRUSH!!"

Following Chen Mo's attack command, the giant **** soldier raised a huge fist and slammed it out, and the winged dragon that turned into a phoenix on his arm rushed towards Guiliu.

Looking at the flame of the phoenix, Guiliu's eyes regained a ray of light. At the last moment of his life, he remembered what his friends once said, dueling is something everyone can enjoy happily.

He didn't understand the meaning of this sentence before, but now he seems to understand.

Dueling should be a happy thing, this is not a duel!


The building where the flames of the phoenix swept across, Ludger raised his hand and the mark of the Dark Marker continued to glow, struggling to keep himself from being hurt.

As for Yukino and the others, a thousand-year-old sign appeared at their feet, helping them offset the damage.

After a period of time, the flames dissipated, and the ghost willow figure also disappeared. What else could happen if the giant **** soldier used the infinite attack power to directly touch his face.

After seeing the ghost willow disappear, Chen Mo turned his head to Xuenai and said, "Girl, do you understand now, the true power of the hero deck."

Xuenai was stunned for a moment, then recalled what Chen Mo said at the beginning, showing a stunned expression.

It turns out that Mr. Muto is playing a hero deck!

She almost forgot about it.

Xuenai felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to reply to Chen Mo. Didn't all the heroic monsters in this duel become sacrifices in the end? Could it be that the real power of the hero deck is to be a sacrifice to the **** of summoning?

"Mr. Muto, I..."

"You don't need to answer the girl, I already know your answer, you just need to remember a little bit."

"Okay, Mr. Muto, please speak." Xuenuo nodded.

"When you play pure hero decks in the future, put a giant soldier in there."

ah this? Can that be called a pure hero?

Xuenai opened her mouth to say something, but seeing Chen Mo's serious expression, she could only swallow what she wanted to say, nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Muto, I understand."