MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 268

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"Maybe we're not making excuses."

"What do you mean by this...Fuck!"

Zheng Zha said with an extremely shocked expression: "Brother Chen, wouldn't you say that the Time and Space Administration really exists?"

"Sarah, who knows."

This dumb riddle made Zheng Zha very uncomfortable, **** it! Why be a riddleman at this time!

"But didn't you say that you are cultivators!"

At this time, Yan Xuyang also had a smile on his face.

"Perhaps it is because we are cultivators that we were selected by the Time and Space Administration? After all, doesn't the Time and Space Administration have its own selection criteria?"

Everyone suddenly took a deep breath!

Because of their astonishing discovery, if what Yan Xuyang just said is true, then everything will be true!

Damn it, think about it!

"Chen...Brother Chen, you're joking, right?" Zheng Zha said stiffly.

"Hahaha, young man, the water in this world is very deep, so just take it as a joke."

The more you are like this, the less I dare to take this as a joke!

Seeing that the identities of Ye Chen and Yan Xuyang are stacked more and more like a stack of buffs, Zheng Zha and the others feel that they can no longer bear the pressure!

"Okay, Shi has already borrowed it, Zheng Zha, please arrange the next action."

"Huh? Why do you want me to arrange the next action?" Zheng Zha said with a puzzled face.

Ye Chen was speechless.

"You're the captain! If you didn't arrange it, who else could arrange it!"

Hearing this, Zheng Zha was stunned for a long time and then suddenly woke up.

Yup! I am the captain!

Everyone also remembered the identity of Captain Zheng Zha. It was obvious that Ye Chen only focused on Zheng Zha's identity a few hours ago. Why did they forget it all in a blink of an eye?

How strange!

After hearing Ye Chen's reminder, Zheng Zha pondered for a long time and then turned his eyes to Ye Chen again.

"Brother Chen, we..."

Ye Chen raised his hand to interrupt him.

"Stop, I'll put the words here first, don't ask me! I don't understand the layout!"


The corners of everyone's mouth twitched wildly, God TM doesn't understand the layout, think we are stupid!

Ye Chen's words are really not being modest, he really doesn't understand the layout! So far, have you seen any counter-intuitive tactics he has arranged? no!

He is not a tactical master of the heart, and it is all reckless to fight monsters!

If he hadn't known the plot, he and Yan Xuyang wouldn't even be able to tell the details of the coconut!

As for why everyone doesn't believe that he doesn't know how to make layouts... This is another kind of talent!

To have this talent, social **** is a necessary premise!

After being rejected by Ye Chen, Zheng Zha could only take a step back and turn his attention to Xiao Honglu.

"Xiao Honglu, what are your thoughts?"

"Captain, since you want to ask me this, let's not speak secretly. If there is something I will ask directly, who is stronger between you and Brother Chen? This is related to my next layout." Xiao Honglu Straightforwardly.

Xiao Honglu had already learned to call him brother at this time. He was only in his early twelfth years, and his edges and corners had been smoothed out by the sinister society!

"This..." Zheng Zha looked at Ye Chen with a somewhat embarrassed expression, not knowing how to reply.

Ye Chen saw Zheng Zha's difficulties, and as a person who supported Zheng Zha, he immediately helped him prop up the scene!

"Of course it's the captain! I'm just a research scholar, and I don't have the power as him."


You yo started!

Chapter 483 The most real damage in the whole game

After a period of time, Zheng Zha and the others agreed on the next plan. Everyone was idle and had nothing to do, so they made trouble with their parents.

"Brother Chen, I didn't expect that the main **** space even has steel battle suits. It seems that the things in the main **** space are much richer than I thought." Xiao Honglu said.

Listening to his brother-in-law, Ye Chen threw a meaningful smile at him.

The guy is very good!

Xiao Honglu scratched his head and returned a modest smile.

Where, where, this is what I should do!

Although he looks humble on the surface, his mood at the moment is sad.

It took less than a day to go from being arrogant when you first entered the main **** space to being smoothed out by life!

He is still a child! What's the matter with vigor!

Zheng Zha obviously didn't notice Xiao Honglu's complicated mood, and after hearing Xiao Honglu's question, he replied, "This is nothing, as long as you have enough points in the main **** space, let alone the steel battle suit, even Gundam can be exchanged. !"

Having said that, Zheng Zha turned his eyes to Ye Chen.

"But Brother Chen, you are too rich, right? That's a steel battle suit! It's worth thousands of points to change a set!"

Technology exchange is different from bloodline exchange. Although this type of exchange cannot directly improve physical fitness, it is the most cost-effective exchange!

Let's put it this way, 3,000 reward points and 2 C-level side stories are needed to exchange for a Heart Destroyer, but 3,000 points and 1 C-level side story are needed to exchange for an ultra-miniature nuclear bazooka!

A miniature nuclear bomb can cover a range of several kilometers at least, but a martial arts master in a novel can't knock down even a building with one shot.

An ordinary person can easily destroy a martial arts sect with an ultra-miniature nuclear rocket launcher, but how many reward points does it take to strengthen an ordinary person into a martial arts master!

"Oh, you said that, that thing is not expensive at all. If you want it, I will give it to you!"

After speaking, Ye Chen took out the steel suit from the storage and threw it to Zheng Zha.

Whether it is a rookie or a senior, they gasped, this is a steel battle suit! You actually said you gave it away!

"Brother Chen... this... this is not suitable."

Zheng Zha's words are a little awkward, even a veteran like him with thousands of reward points for a horror movie would not dare to be so rich!

"It's okay, it's just a gadget, let's play with yourself." Ye Chen smiled.

"...The boss is so arrogant!"

What can he say other than that!

Zheng Zha excitedly fiddled with the steel suit in his hand, but within a few seconds, the excitement on his face was replaced by suspicion.

"Brother Xu, there is something wrong with your steel suit."

"Have it?"

"Of course there is! This thing can't be used for fighting at all!"

A smile appeared on Ye Chen's face: "Zheng Zha, have you seen the special film?"

Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment.

"Shouldn't this be..."

"That's right! It's what you think! A high-tech leather case from the Lord God! Cow!"

Zheng Zha was stunned, how could he do this? !

It seems that not only the rules of the main god, but even the exchange of the main **** has been thoroughly played by you!

Hey, if you want to talk about this, then Qi Tengyi has something to say! Boiled water-flavored dumplings, have you ever tried it?

Seeing Zheng Zha's surprised look, Ye Chen shook his head.

Zheng Zha's words just now didn't go through his head! Only a thousand points? You are too naive!

A Green Goblin skateboard needs a B-level side story and 4,500 bonus points. You can imagine how expensive that set of steel battle suits will be!

Of course, with Ye Chen's current financial resources, it's not really unaffordable, but it's just bluffing. There's no need to spend thousands of reward points and B-level side stories to exchange for a real steel battle suit, okay?

No matter how rich he is, he doesn't spend it like that!

People, you have to learn to consume rationally!

"Okay, it's getting late. The mayor should have almost prepared the room. Everyone who just arrived is tired after doing a lot of things. The body is the capital of the revolution! Let's rest early today, let's go, let's go back to the city. go to the center."

Hearing this, everyone showed a puzzled expression, are we... tired?

At night, in front of Ye Chen's room, there was a knock on the door.


Ye Chen walked to the front of the room and opened the door, and the neatly dressed Qin Zhuiyu appeared in front of him.

"It's Zuiyu, what's the matter with me so late?"

Qin Zhuiyu gave full play to her acting skills and said with a lovable look, "Brother Chen, do you know that I'm actually a very insecure woman.":

Ye Chen understood in seconds, and he coughed dryly: "Zuiyu, since you want a sense of security, you can go to Zheng Zha, you can see the strength he showed during the day, one punch is a kid! And He has the highest status in our team, he is the captain!"

Hearing the rejection in Ye Chen's words, Qin Zhuyu said eagerly, "But brother Chen, the captain's sense of security is less than one ten thousandth of yours!"

Ah this...

Ye Chen scratched his head and didn't know how to reply to this, but Qin Zhuyu immediately chased after the victory: "Brother Chen, don't you look down on me?"

Looking at Qin Zhuiyu's tearful eyes, Ye Chen showed an embarrassed look.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's just that I'm not very convenient now."

Um? inconvenient? What's the inconvenience of this? Could it be that there is already someone in Brother Chen's room!

Thinking of this possibility, Qin Zhuyu's face changed.

Who will it be? Is it Zhan Lan? Hmm... It's unlikely, that woman with glasses is clearly on Zheng Zha's mind, and Zhao Yingkong doesn't look much like her. Could it be Ming Yanwei?

Qin Zhuiyu couldn't guess who it was after thinking about it for a long time, and finally he could only ask directly: "Brother Chen, there will be no one in your room."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then sighed, and opened the door completely.

Yan Xuyang sat in front of the coffee table and coughed twice: "Perhaps, it was the wrong time for me to come."

Qin Zhuiyu blushed instantly.

"excuse me!"

After speaking, he fled from the door of Ye Chen's room without replying.

Ye Chen shook his head and sighed, closed the door again, and returned to the coffee table.

"Ye Chen, yes, spring is here!" Yan Xuyang said meaningfully.

"Brother Xu, this is meaningless."

"What's the matter, everyone else has sent it to the door, why are you being hypocritical?"

"But it's not love!"

Yan Xuyang was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "I don't see that you are quite ambitious."

Ye Chen shook his head: "I can't talk about pursuing anything, it's just that there must be a bottom line in being a person."

Yan Xuyang and Ye Chen were silent, yes, the bottom line, who can not have a bottom line.

Marven Ye is actually a very talkative person, which can be seen from the fact that he has participated in so many networking events.

As for why Marven Ye doesn't have a girlfriend yet, I can only say that the extremes are the opposite. Sometimes if you are too arrogant, you won't be embarrassed, but others will be embarrassed!

After coming to the main **** space, he could create a person to play with, but he didn't, nor did Yan Xuyang. Why is this?

Because they have their own bottom line as a person!