MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 234

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The blond man waved his hand and hurriedly opened the blood-colored barrier in front of him. With a loud sound, Ai Hayasaka kicked the barrier fiercely.

A wave of air exploded in the air, and the blond man's complexion changed instantly.

"This power!"

"Oh, did you stop it, so that's it!"

Hayasaka Ai slammed **** her feet, and a gelatinous blue flame suddenly spewed out, pushing the blond man's blood-colored barrier over little by little.

The kicking force of CROSS-ZCHARGE is 34 tons, which is higher than the final form of many Kamen Riders in the first ten years of Heisei!

Of course, it's good to look at things like panel data. After the real fight, it depends on the strength of their respective abilities.

Countless jelly pipes are distributed in the battle suit of CROSS-ZCHARGE, which can spray changing gel solids from all over the body to strengthen the attack, and the higher the danger level, the stronger the increase!

This is also a major feature of the BUILD series Kamen Rider!

A person's strength is largely affected by the danger level, the higher the danger level, the stronger the strength.

And Hayasaka Ai, who has the EVOLTO genetic factor, has a natural advantage in raising the danger level. Although she has not fully developed her potential, it is still no problem to fight a vampire count during the day.

Even if this kind of vampire won't die in the light of the light, its strength will definitely be weakened during the day.

Looking at the flying kick that was gradually approaching him, a red light flashed in the blond man's eyes.

"Don't read me all over!"

He waved his hand violently, and the blood-colored barrier suddenly increased, pushing Hayasaka Ai away, and then summoned a group of bats to pounce on her.

Hayasaka Ai used the thrust to turn around in the air and squeeze her left hand, summoning CROSS-ZCHARGE's dual-weapon destroyer.


Hayasaka Ai stretched one arm forward and used the double-destroyer shelling mode to shoot continuously into the air. One after another blue light penetrated the bat group and shot towards the blond man, creating a passage in the bat group.

"It's now!"

Hayasaka Ai put her right hand on the Double Destroyer and pushed it down, popped the striker and pulled out the Dragon Squeeze bottle from the squeeze drive, filling it in the Double Destroyer's kill slot.


The blue energy gathered towards the tip of the striking device, and Hayasaka Ai squatted and jumped forcefully through the hollow of the bat colony.

Seeing Hayasaka Ai's attack, the blond man was not to be outdone, he raised a blood-colored sword with one hand and slashed towards Hayasaka Ai.

Just as his sword of blood was about to collide with Ai Hayasaka's double destroyer, Ai Hayasaka's feet suddenly spewed two blue gel flames, taking her body into the air to make a 360° rotation staggered. attacked by the blond man.


"My lord, times have changed!"

Then the thrust of the energy jet came to Hayasaka Ai above the blond man, raised his fist and slammed it down.


The blue energy spun wildly at the tip of the striking device, and as Hayasaka Ai threw a punch, it slammed into the blond man.

The spiral blue energy and the blood-colored barrier collided wildly, and the blood vessels of the blond man swelled, supporting the energy barrier desperately, but it was too late.


The sound of shattering sounded, and the striking device pierced through the barrier and scraped off his shoulder, slicing off his entire arm.


With a scream, the blond man released the hand that was holding Shinomiya Yunying and covered his removed arm.

"Tsk, did you miss it?"

Hayasaka Ai smashed her tongue, and then turned her attention to Shinomiya Yunying who fell from the sky.

Well, at least the goal has been achieved.

She didn't continue to stay in the air, and with the remaining energy to kill, she rushed to Shinomiya Yunying and stretched out her hand in the air.

"I want to save people! It's not that easy!!"

Just when Hayasaka Ai was about to catch Shinomiya Yunying, the blond man roared, and a large amount of black mist gushed out, instantly blocking Hayasaka Ai's sight.

A sound of breaking the air sounded from below, and when she reached the position of Yunying in the fourth palace, she caught the air unexpectedly.

"Block that man for me!"

What does this mean? Does this person have accomplices?

Just when Hayasaka Ai was still thinking about this question, a figure was already rushing towards her in the black mist.

Hayasaka Ai directly kicked it with a roundabout kick, and screamed that the figure was kicked out on the spot!

However, not long after this talent died, the next figure rushed over again.

"It's endless, isn't it!"

Hayasaka Ai put his hand on the squeeze driver trigger and pressed it hard.


The fatal sound sounded, and she jumped into the air and rushed down in a flying kick posture. The blue gel flame quickly spread to her whole body with her feet as the center! Hit the ground hard!


The blue flames burst, and the black mist was swept away in a dozen screams, and the sun shone down again.

Hayasaka Ai looked up into the air, the blond man had long since disappeared.

"Did you escape..."

Hayasaka Ai took down the squeeze driver with a helpless look on her face.

"It's troublesome now."

Chapter four hundred and twenty first brotherly love

In a luxuriously decorated room full of medieval European style, Shinomiya Yunying curled up in the corner of the room, staring at the bathtub in the center of the room and gulping.

Sigong Yunying is the young master of the Sigong family. He is used to staying in various high-end hotels. No matter how high-end indoor baths are, they should be commonplace to him, but the bath in front of him makes him feel Unfamiliar!

The entire bath is made of an unknown grey-grey stone. The overall shape is round. The ground expands along the edge of the bath and is engraved with densely packed mysterious runes. Countless runes are connected end to end to form a huge magic circle!

I don't know what principle is driving the magic circle, and it keeps exuding scarlet light.

The lights were not turned on in the room, the curtains were tightly drawn, and the red light of the magic circle became the only light source in the room.

This scene is bizarre enough! It is no exaggeration to say that it is a place of worship for a cult!

However, this is not the most terrifying thing. What is even more terrifying is the bright red viscous liquid in the central bathtub of the magic circle!

From the iron smell that filled the room, we could tell that it was not a red wine bath, but a genuine blood pool!

After a period of time, the light on the magic circle became brighter and brighter, and the blood in the blood pool began to boil!

Bubbles emerged one by one, the blood in the pool quickly faded, and the iron smell in the room gradually faded.

When the bright red completely faded, the blood in the pool turned into whey, and a naked blond man stood up from the pool. It was the vampire Count who had been maimed by Hayasaka Ai, but his body had already recovered. As always.

The blond man twisted his regrown arm and walked out of the pool.

Seeing the blond man's bodybuilding champion-like figure, Shinomiya Yunying took a deep breath, and couldn't help but glance at his lower body.


A piercing killing intent spread throughout the whole body, and Yunying in the four palaces immediately retracted his sight, curled up into a ball and huddled in the corner, shivering.

The blond man snapped his fingers.

A streak of blood wrapped around his body and turned into a tuxedo, and the chandelier in the room also lit up.

The blond man walked to the corner and lifted Si Gong Yunying up, and said with a cold expression: "I paid a lot for your blood food, you can rest assured that I will not let you die so easily! "

After speaking, the blond man showed his fangs and bit towards Shinomiya Yunying.

"Qiaodou sack! I have something to say!" Shinomiya Yunying shouted in horror.

"Oh? Do you have any last words to say?" The blond man stopped and said jokingly.

After living a long time, one has to find some fun to pass the time, and teasing the prey is one of the great joys in his life.

"That, Lord Count, why do you like me? A rough-skinned old man like me knows that blood is definitely not good to drink!"

"You said this, it is true that there are many people in my clan who are very particular about not eating handsome men and beauties, and some people with mental cleanliness even only **** the blood of virgins, but I am different from them, you know who I am. What is the greatest advantage?"

Sigong Yunying shook his head.

The blond man showed a healthy smile: "I'm not a picky eater!"

Sigong Yunying's heart instantly cooled down.

"If there is nothing else, I will continue to eat, and I will have to wait for dinner if I drag it on."

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

"What else?" The blond man showed an impatient look, no matter how much he likes to play with his prey, he still has to eat!

"Lord Count, I am actually the young master of this country's big chaebol. If you are willing to spare my life, I will definitely be able to help you a lot!"

The blond man was stunned for a moment and then showed a thoughtful look.

Si Gong Yun Ying looked at the blond man nervously, with cold sweat on his forehead. This is what he came up with in a hurry. As for whether it was useful or not, he didn't know.

Who knows what values ​​vampires are!

The atmosphere in the room was extremely tense. Sinomiya Yunying stared at the blond man and didn't dare to say a word. After a long time, the blond man put Sinomiya Yunying down.

"I'll leave for a while and then come back. I advise not to run around. If I bump into my fellow clan, I can't guarantee that they will talk like me."

Si Gong Yunying nodded frantically: "You can rest assured that I will not run around!"

The blond man nodded and turned and left the room.

Sigong Yunying suddenly let out a sigh of relief and slumped down as if he had exhausted all his strength.

I finally managed to survive, and I don't know if my people have found the Great Tang monk, this is his only hope.

After a period of time passed, there were footsteps outside the room, Si Gong Yun Ying's expression tightened, and he turned to look at the door.

After a while, the door opened, and a middle-aged man with silver hair with an elegant temperament walked in, while the blond man who caught him followed the middle-aged man with a respectful face.

From this point alone, you can see which of the two has a higher status.

Sigong Yunying swallowed and said nervously, "I don't know who you are?"

The blond man glared at Shinomiya Yunying.

"This is Lord Platinum Marquis! Why don't you hurry up..."

The Platinum Marquis raised his hand to interrupt the blond man's words, looked up and down Si Gong Yun Ying and said, "I heard Wilke say about you, so I asked directly, you are willing to help our blood race control this country. Right?"

Hearing that the Marquis of Platinum went straight to the topic, Shinomiya Yunying quickly nodded.

"Of course, but Lord Marquis, I'm not the eldest son of the Sigong family, and I don't have a high voice in the Sigong family. My father is already old, and now the main ruler of the Sigong family is my elder brother, so... "

A look of interest appeared on the face of the Platinum Marquis.

Want us to help him seize power? So humans are really interesting.

"You guys catch my big brother too!"

The smile on Marquis Platinum's face instantly froze.

"Are you sure you didn't say anything wrong?"

Si Gong Yunying sighed and said: "You don't know, Lord Marquis, my relationship with my eldest brother has been very good since childhood. I haven't seen him for so long, and I miss him a little. If you can arrest my eldest brother. If you come to accompany me, then I will not be so lonely."

"At that time, I will definitely use all means to persuade him to do things for the blood clan!"

The Platinum Marquis and Wilke were dumbfounded. Is this the thinking of normal people? ! If they were Si Gong Yunying's eldest brother, they would definitely kill their good brother!

"You just sold your brother?" Wilke couldn't help asking.

A smile appeared on Si Gong Yunying's face: "Lord Earl sees what you said, it's my eldest brother's honor to be able to sell this and that, to help the noble blood family! I believe that after he knew that it was me who introduced him, he would definitely I was moved to tears!"

Chapter 422 The young master was captured by the demon!

The Marquis of Platinum and Wilke were greatly shocked. They had never heard of people who thought about their own brothers, they had never seen them before!

After a long time, the Platinum Marquis sighed.

"Forget it, I'll leave this matter with Wilke to you."