MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 23

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As an existence in the Old Testament that has smashed countless swordsmen's towers, Brother Red Sword can be called the God of War in Tomorrow's Ark, and naturally there will be many people who cosplay him.

They have also seen many cosplays of Brother Red Knife before, but what should I say, it's not that flavorful!

It can't be said that Li Gui bumped into Li Kui. After all, everyone is just a cosplayer. If you really want to say it, it's all fake!

It's just that the red knife brother in front of him is more reminiscent of the 59 ruins than the outer ring of Longmen.

Just when everyone was about to go forward to take a photo with this Brother Red Sabre, a person rushed forward. This person was naked, holding a knife in his hands and carrying a big bow behind his back.

People who have played Sekiro after seeing this image quickly reacted, it turned out to be Kanichiro.

Seeing Naiichiro's actions, everyone was a little unhappy, and this person was not polite at all, so let's line up.

"What's the matter with you? If you want to take a photo, you have to be polite."

A crowd dressed in ancient costumes planned to go up to be the light of the righteous path, but as soon as his words fell, Ichiro stabbed himself in the neck.

The huge amount of bleeding looked like it definitely cut the carotid artery.

This ancient costume crowd was dumbfounded on the spot.

Brother, I just said a word, it's not like this! !

Chapter 47 Cubs! Look directly at me!

After reacting, this costumed crowd no longer cares about being a righteous light. Without saying a word, they took off their newly bought costumes and hurried forward to block Kanichiro's neck, shouting loudly: "Who hurry up and call 120!"

Hearing this person's words, the people around immediately moved, some contacted the security and some called 120.

Many people came up to help.

The costumed crowd looked at Ichiro and sighed: "I said, brother, if you have something you can't think of, just say it, you see why you are looking for short-term views when you are so young."

Kanichiro seemed to have heard the words of this ancient costumed crowd, and said intermittently: "As a result... I still failed to protect the reed name."

The people in ancient costumes were stunned for a moment, and they were all hurt like this. This brother still has the strength to speak. Sure enough, people's physiques are different and cannot be generalized.

And this brother seems to speak Japanese, but I didn't expect him to be a foreign friend.

Although this costumed crowd can't understand Japanese, he can still hear the word reed name, and he doesn't know how many weeks he has been reading the wolf.

Hearing this familiar word and the dress on Heiichiro's body, the costumed people are speechless. This person is playing games to the point of becoming obsessed. When is this time still thinking about the reed name, brother, are you poisoned? How deep!

"Brother, stop Weiming, Weiming is dead! You should talk less and save your energy. Someone called 120 just now. The ambulance from Huaxia is coming very quickly. Hold on!"

I don't know if it was because I understood the words of this ancient costumed crowd. After he said these words, Naiichiro's eyes stared and he died.

Seeing Naiichiro's neck crooked like in the TV series, his hands drooped down, and the costumed people were anxious.

"Brother! Brother! Don't scare me, it's my fault, your Wei Ming is not dead yet, brother, open your eyes and look at me! Wei Ming is still waiting for your rescue!"

The costumed people were completely panicked, but they did not dare to touch the body of Ichiro. Although he did not understand medical knowledge, he also knew that it was absolutely not advisable to go to the doctor in a hurry. If the first aid measures were not right, it would make the patient more injured .

All he can do now is block Naiichiro's neck, slow down his blood loss as much as possible, and even use the psychotherapy he learned on TV, but this psychotherapy doesn't seem to have much effect. As a result, Sakuichiro is already dead.

But this ancient costume crowd still refused to give up, because he always felt that Naiichiro's wound was still very strong, as if he had been pushing outward, and he could not hold back with all his strength.

This brother's carotid artery is too energetic! He must be alive!

In an emergency, this costumed man had no time to think about anything at all. He only wanted to help Ban Ichiro to stop the bleeding. When he saw a few other people who came over to help, he immediately said: "Come and help, this brother's blood It's so powerful that I can't hold back!"

When these people heard it, it was amazing!

One after another, they took off their clothes and went to block the wound of Ichiro, which fully reflects what it means to support one side in difficulty and all sides.

After feeling that the thrust on their hands weakened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The thrust was too strong just now, so many of them could hardly hold back, and they didn't know how long this brother's blood vessels were.

Although the thrust was pushed back by them, it was not the time to relax, and everyone's hands were still **** Hanichiro's wound. Now that the ambulance hasn't arrived, that's all they can do. .

At this time, the thrust came from Naiichiro's neck again, and everyone was shocked and immediately pressed the clothes together, but as the thrust continued to increase, everyone began to struggle a little. Their clothes could no longer hold up.


With the sound of clothes being torn, the clothes stuck on Kanichiro's neck were pierced, and a hand came out.

A look of shock appeared on everyone's faces, and they looked at the hand that was sticking out from Sakiichiro's neck in disbelief.

"Fuck! What's the situation! Why is there a hand sticking out from his neck!" A crowd cried out, completely unable to understand the current situation, could it be that this person has a hand in his carotid artery!

Just when everyone was shocked, the hand sticking out from Sakiichiro's neck!

"Fuck! This hand is still moving!"

This frightened everyone, how dare they continue to block Naiichiro's neck, and immediately ran away and opened a distance from Naiichiro.

Seeing such a bizarre scene in reality is much more exciting than watching a horror movie!

At this time, other people at the comic also realized that something was wrong. After the robbery incident, the people in the magic capital became well-trained. Seeing this, they took out their mobile phones and turned on the recording mode.

I saw the hand sticking out from Naiichiro's neck grabbed the knife in his hand.

"This is my poor grandson...the last wish."

As the words fell, a man emerged from Naiichiro's neck, holding Naiichiro's knife, wearing a shirt with a big chest and a helmet on his head.

Looking at this familiar image, everyone immediately reacted. They had been tortured by this 'Spear Saint' a lot at the beginning, and now seeing him again is naturally fresh in their memory.

"It's Reina Isshin! This is definitely the real Aishin!"

"Fuck, I just said why the thrust was so big just now, it turned out that we blocked Aishina!"

The site of the comic exhibition is completely boiling. If this reina isxin came from other places in the comic exhibition, they would call the big guy cosplay awesome, but the problem is that this reina isshin came out of the body of Xian Ichiro. !

There might even be a cosplay here!

Which cosplay can drill out of another cosplay body!

This is not something a human can do!

"I have to revive Ashina again."

"Therefore, Sekiro..." Aishina turned around and looked at Chen Mo while holding Sian Ichiro's sword: "I'm going to kill you!"

After speaking, Reina Yixin paused, looking a little dazed at Brother Hongdao in front of him.

"Who are you? Where's the wolf?"

After arriving, Ashina felt an unusual aura. At first, he thought it was the aura of a wolf, but who would have thought that when he turned around and looked, it was such a person who came into his sight.

Wearing a hood and wearing a cloth towel, he looks like a rat with a hidden head and a tail, and he can't see the spirit of a strong man.

Looking at the knife in Brother Hongdao's hand, Aishina Yixin's face turned cold. It seems that times have really changed. The juggernaut who used to be the shogunate of the shogunate, but now a nameless person dares to face him with a sword. !

Weina Yixin pointed at Brother Hongdao and said, "I long for a worthy opponent, young man, you still can't satisfy me, the wolf is there, call him out!"

In the face of Aishin's questioning, Brother Hongdao slowly raised his head, the eyes under the hood skyrocketed with red light, and he responded with five words.

"Boss Cub! Look directly at me!"

Chapter 48: Ashi name swordsmanship is invincible

The people at the comic show didn't care about global warming anymore, so they gasped, how could this Red Saber be so brave! Didn't he see that Ashina Isshin came out of Kanichiro's body!

Even if you have never played Sekiro, as long as a normal person sees the scene just now, he should realize the seriousness of the matter.

This red knife brother is simply looking for a dead end!

Everyone looked at Wei Ming Yixin nervously, fearing that he would let Brother Hongdao blood splatter on the spot in a fit of anger. However, after a while, everyone at the comic found that nothing happened, and Wei Ming Yixin did not do anything at all. It meant that he just stood there and looked at Brother Red Knife suspiciously.

Now they were also puzzled. When did this Juggernaut's temper become so good, and when someone scolded him face to face, he always didn't respond, and then they realized something.

Although they can understand what Brother Hongdao said just now, it doesn't mean that Reina can understand it with one heart. Brother Hongdao speaks Chinese! And Ashina Isshin is a neon man!

Everyone was speechless. They also said who gave this Brother Red Sabre the courage. It turned out that he did not have courage, but bullied the 72-year-old old Sword Saint who did not understand foreign languages!

Chen Mo was also a little confused at this time. He thought that after he said this sentence, Wei Ming would definitely draw a knife and cut it on the spot, but who would have thought that the opposite side would look at him with a puzzled look. He was a little suspicious himself.

Isshin Ashina, why are you just watching?

Chen Mo thought about it for a while, and then synchronized with the other people in the comic exhibition. Damn, the Chinese he uses, of course, the Neon Sword Saint can't understand it!

This is **** embarrassing. Chen Mo switched his language and said again: "Mr. Cub, look directly at me!"

Now it's the turn of everyone at the comic exhibition. What did Brother Red Knife say just now?

After hearing what Chen Mo said in Japanese, Aishin's face turned dark, and his eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Chen Mo.

"When I was young, I didn't know how high the sky was, and I didn't take me seriously at all!"

After that, it was a sword-drawn slash, and the undead slash in his hand slashed towards Chen Mo at a very high speed.

In the face of Ashina Yixin's ultra-high-speed slashing, Chen Mo didn't have any special reaction, but the hand that raised the knife slowly waved upwards.

Seeing Chen Mo's actions, Wei Ming Yixin showed a look of disdain. As the so-called layman is watching the fun, and the expert is watching the door, although he was resurrected from Huangquan in a young peak, but so many years of swordsmanship experience has been preserved intact. As soon as Chen Mo made his move, he could see how much he weighed.

When this person swings the knife, his forehand is weak, his backhand is not precise, his steps are loose, his reaction is slow, and there is no decent movement, so he still wants to fight him? Simply a daydream!

Wei Mingyi didn't hesitate to cut off Chen Mo's head before he picked up the knife and fell. The world's martial arts are all strong but fast! The essence of swordsmanship is a quick word!

How can Chen Mo's sluggish knife be compared with his sword-drawn slash, and his head is already in a different place before his sword has reached him!

Wei Ming's goal was Chen Mo's head. When he wanted to come, he would kill Chen Mo with his sword. After waiting for resistance from his hand, he was stunned. He didn't know how many people he had killed for decades. Now, the feel of the knife entering the human body has long been engraved in his bone marrow.

It was only for a moment that he noticed something was wrong. This was not the feel of slashing people, but the feeling of fighting between swords. When exactly was it!

However, before Wei Ming could think about how Chen Mo came first, when he blocked himself with the slow swing of the knife, a huge force came from his hand, and then he flew upside down like a cannonball. go out.

After seeing Ashina Yixin rushing towards Brother Hongdao and then deflated at the speed of light, all the people around were dumbfounded.

Now everyone understands why that Brother Red Saber dares to be so mad. No wonder they always feel that Brother Red Saber is very imposing, like a real person. It turns out that he is Brother Red Saber himself!

real! It's all **** real! Just that they are fake!

"Fuck, Brother Hongdao fights Weiming Yixin, what the **** kind of dream linkage is this!"

"What's going on recently? Not long ago, someone crossed the robbery in the magic capital. Why are Brother Hongdao and Wei Ming Yixin crossing into the real world now? Could it be that the big guy accidentally took the dimension while crossing the calamity? Has the wall been pierced?"

"No, this is unscientific! Isn't Brother Hongdao an elite unit in the plot, why is he so strong! With one knife, Wei Ming's heart is smashed?"

This person onlookers asked the idea. In the plot, Brother Red Sabre is indeed an ordinary elite unit. In theory, the intensity should not be so outrageous, and Chen Mo is indeed just an ordinary Brother Red Saber. It's not such a mess of Yanke.

As for why the red knife he played is such a supermodel, there is a reason.

Hearing the words of this passerby, Chen Mo calmly glanced at the BUFF on his body.

Rough Stone Environment: Stimulation III, Rough Stone Environment: Active III, Rough Stone Environment: Erosion III, Target: Crushing Blade III, Target: Raging Blade III, Target: Aggressive Blade III, Anti-Mobility, Anti-Swarm, Anti-Armor.

What is God of War? This is the coming of the **** of war!

After being knocked flying by Chen Mo's sword, Wei Ming responded quickly and inserted the undead slash into the ground and stabilized his figure, but he still retreated several steps under the might of Chen Mo's sword, and the ground was also pulled out by the undead slash in his hand. Deep scratches.

Seeing his trembling hands, Ashiname's eyes showed unprecedented shock.

A knife, just a swing of a knife, almost broke his hand, what kind of power is this!

At first I thought it was a young man who was overbearing, but now it seems that he is blind.

Recalling Chen Mo's ordinary but powerful knife just now, Aishina Yixin's eyes flashed with unprecedented excitement, he was eager to fight against such a strong man!

Wei Ming looked up at Chen Mo's mouth with a smile.

"Young man, that knife just now was very good, but Ashina's swordsmanship is invincible!"

After speaking, Reina Yixin took out a musket from his arms and shot Chen Mo with a six-shot of Reina's black technology!

Do you call this the reed name swordsmanship?

Chen Mo's one eye flashed red, as if he had a shark's heart.

He didn't know if the times had changed, but he knew that today, Aishina Yixin would die at the Magic City Comic Exhibition!

The knife in Chen Mo's hand swung an afterimage, instantly severing all the lead bullets that came over, and then slowly walked towards Reina Yixin.

Seeing that his swordsmanship didn't work for Chen Mo, Wei Ming resolutely threw away the musket in his hand, and slashed it around his waist to charge up, waiting for Chen Mo's arrival.

Just as Chen Mo walked in front of him, the Immortal Slash suddenly came out.

Mystery Dragon Flash!

Looking at the terrifying sword move that Wei Ming made with one heart, Chen Mo didn't bother to do anything fancy with him, so he raised his hand and slashed it with one knife.

Today he is going to teach Wei Ming Yixin what it means to break all laws with one force!

Chapter forty-ninth serious knife

After a long period of accumulating power, Reina Yixin's stunt secret, Dragon Flash was further enhanced, and the ultra-high-speed slashing and rubbing the air pulled out a vacuum blade and rushed towards Chen Mo.

The power of this vacuum blade is enough to cut gold and stone, not to mention a person, even a car can easily cut in two with one stroke.