MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 229

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of course not!

Substitutes will attract each other. Shiyu Xiazhiqiu always remembers this sentence. In fact, she did meet another substitute, that Xia Chuan Zhenliang who has an indissoluble bond with her in various senses.

And her encounter with Ying Lili is not one or two times. Although Ying Lili has never shown any special reaction to her stand-in, this level of coincidence makes her really can't believe that the other person is an ordinary person.

But she definitely couldn't explain this kind of thing in detail with Kato Megumi.

"Well, let's take it like this. There are too many women around Yingri-ri, and the water is too deep. I don't want you to get caught up in it too."

Ying Li Li, who was rushing towards the street and alley, suddenly shuddered and turned to look around.

"Is it an illusion? It always feels like someone is ruining my reputation."

She shook her head and continued to rush towards the depths of the alley. She wanted to find a place where no one was there to transform.

Hearing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words, Kato Megumi shook her head and said, "Don't worry, Kasumigaoka-senpai, I have no interest in this regard, and I will keep the matter between you and Eiri a secret."

Kasumi Hill Shiyu nodded.

"That's good, I've finished what I have to say, and I still have some things to do next. Let's separate here."

"Well, it just so happens that I also have some things to do. Goodbye Xia Zhiqiu-senpai."


The two greeted each other and left in opposite directions. However, not long after they separated, Kato Megumi turned on the stealth mode and returned to the original path with the shortest route. Kasumigaoka Shiyu also took out his mobile phone and followed the map instructions to detour towards the house just now. Go to the jewelry store.

In the jewelry store, looking at a group of people who suddenly broke into the door, the employees and customers were stunned.

But looking at the hoods on the faces of the group, they realized what was going on.

Customers screamed and employees kept calling for security.

"Security! Security! Someone robbed!!"

Hearing the shouts, two strong men with batons rushed out, watching the group of people wearing masks rush forward.

"What do you want to do!"


One of the robbers fired a shot into the sky, the jewelry store was silent for a moment, and the two security guards also stopped.

The man pointed the gun in his hand in the direction of the security guard and said coldly, "Put down the weapon and squat down with your head in your hands."

The two security guards looked at the guns in each other's hands and then looked at the baton in their own hands and swallowed. The gap between the equipment is a bit big.

"Come on! Don't make me say it a second time!"

The robber roared loudly, and the two security guards immediately dropped the baton in their hands and squatted in the corner with their heads folded, not daring to speak.

It's not that they admit to cowardice, it's that they can't fight at all!

They are not the king of retired soldiers, nor are they the personal masters of the school flower!

It's just an ordinary security guard who gets some basic salary for a month. It's okay to deal with some gangsters. Isn't it courting death to deal with robbers with real guns and ammunition!

At this time, the words that their predecessors had said to them appeared in their minds.

Security, can't protect anyone!

Satisfied that the security guard was so knowledgeable, the robber nodded and turned his gun on the others in the store.

"Don't make noise later, don't you hear me?"

Even the security guards knelt down, and these ordinary employees and customers naturally dare not resist.

"Listen...I heard." The person in the store trembled.

"can not hear!"

"I can't hear you at all!"

"You still want to be a hostage in such a low voice! Come back!"

A group of robbers stepped forward with their guns, and the people in the store were so frightened that they repeated what they just said in the loudest voice.

"heard it!!!"

Hearing this reply, the robbers were satisfied.

The robber who seemed to be the leader gestured to the others, and the robbers divided into two teams. One team took guns to deter others, and the other team stepped forward and smashed the glass on the counter and started buying at zero yuan.

Looking at the strings of jewelry packed into sacks, the faces of the robbers under the hoods all showed smiles.

Although the risk of doing this business is indeed a bit big, but wealth is at risk!

After finishing this vote, they can all go home to retire!

Chapter four hundred and thirteenth replenishment staff

The mood of the robbers is very happy now. No matter how many digital festivals and Double Eleven, the happiness brought by zero yuan purchase cannot be compared!

The security guard squatting on the side watched the robbers put a lot of jewelry in the counter into bags, and wanted to say something, but after making eye contact with each other, the two still did not dare to speak.

After all, they are just ordinary people, and it is not worth it to risk their lives for that little salary every month!

The leading robbers were quite content to see the situation developing so smoothly.

Their robbery this time was not an impromptu intention, and they came prepared one by one.

Long before the action, they stepped on the dots several times and did countless simulation exercises.

Even the location of the robbery was carefully selected. This jewelry store is quite far from the police station. Even if someone called the police at the scene, they would have already finished by the time the police arrived!

Moreover, the items in the jewelry store are very valuable, and they are very easy to obtain, as long as the spot is looted, it is not like robbing the bank and going to the vault to get the money, which is a lot of trouble! At this time, the police would have surrounded the bank with water!

The robber in charge of shopping shook his body and loaded jewelry into the bag. His attitude was extremely arrogant, as if he had returned home. Under the threat of firearms, all the customers and staff could only tremble and dare not express any opinion. .

After packing all the jewelry in the store, the robbers in charge of shopping returned to the line and placed the bags full of jewelry in front of the leading robbers.

"Boss, now we've made a fortune!"

The leading robber looked at the pile of valuable jewelry in the bag, and nodded with satisfaction. This time the zero-yuan purchase was quite rewarding.

"Very good! Prepare to retreat!"

The group of robbers retreated towards the door of the store carrying bags together. This jewelry store installed a lot of mirrors in the store so that customers could see how they were wearing jewelry at any time.

When the group of robbers were retreating towards the door, one of the robbers happened to pass by one of the mirrors. When he turned his head and saw the image in the mirror, he was stunned for a moment.

Is it me in the mirror?

At this moment, what he saw in the mirror was not a robber wearing a hood, but a strong man nearly two meters tall and wearing bright silver armor.

Just when the robber didn't understand what happened, the strong man in the mirror suddenly raised his fist and waved at him.

The robber subconsciously stretched out his hand in front of him, and then...


A crisp sound of broken bones came out, and the robber flew out instantly.

"What's the matter! What happened!"

Seeing that his partner was suddenly knocked into the air, the robbers present were startled, looked around nervously, and quickly noticed the mirror the robber was looking at just now.

I saw a strong man in bright silver armor standing in the mirror, nearly two meters tall, punching out of the mirror, and his fist stretched out through the mirror!

In the stunned look of the robbers, the Kamen Rider in the mirror retracted his fist and slowly walked out of the mirror.

Needless to say, how famous the three special photos are in Neon, even people who have not seen the dragon rider can recognize the other party as Kamen Rider from the other party's dress.

"This this…"

The leading robber's eyes were about to pop out at this time.

Before implementing the action, he envisioned countless possibilities and made all preparations. He even planned how to retreat after the action failed. However, the reality used an unimaginable method to break him. all the preparations!

If he had known that he would meet Kamen Rider, he would not have done this line of work!

Ying Lili looked up and glanced at the robbers in the store and wanted to say something, but before she could make her voice, the leading robber turned around and shouted at her accomplice.

"Look at what you all did!"

This roar not only stunned his accomplices, but also stunned Ying Riri and the others in the store.

What is this for? Do thieves call to catch thieves?

However, the leading robber didn't care about the strange eyes of others, and continued his lecture.

"You people! Just because of greed and greed, you do this kind of evil! Ask yourselves, are you worthy of your family and the teacher's teachings!"

A robber whispered: "Boss, didn't you drop out of junior high school and become a gangster?"

The leading robber stared, "How dare you talk back!"

The robber immediately shrank his neck and did not dare to answer.

"A good day is not a bad one! Do you want to learn along with me, Shixiang!"

"Have you ever thought about how much trouble doing such a thing would cause other people? No! You haven't! You only care about yourself!"

"Hurry up and return all the things! Apologize to the people in the store!"

After speaking, the robber boss came to Ying Lili.

"Mr. Kamen Rider, I have taught these **** a hard lesson. They are still young, and they only do such stupid things when they lose the direction of their lives for a while. Can you please give them another chance? I can take all the responsibility for it!"

Hearing this group of robbers understands the meaning of his boss, he is protecting them!

"Boss! You!!"

"Shut up! Hurry up and return it to me!"

The leader of the robbers drank the words of the others, and the robbers looked at their boss with tears in their eyes, and began to return the goods without saying a word.

The boss is willing to sacrifice himself to protect them, how can they live up to the painstaking efforts of their boss!

They came to the counter and put the jewelry back in the bag, while telling the clerk about their tragic life and seeking sympathy.

What kind of orphan, the family is poor, the parents are terminally ill, no matter how miserable it is, a major robbery case has just been turned into a miserable conference, and no one's parents are still intact.

The customers and staff in the store are indeed filial.

Yingli Li's eyes were also attracted by these dutiful sons. To be honest, she has been fighting crime for so long, and she has seen a lot of outrageous scenes, but today she has to admit that she has opened her eyes again!

This is the first time she has seen such an outrageous robber!

After noticing that Ying Lili's eyes were attracted by the group of dutiful sons who were returning goods, the face of the robber boss suddenly changed under the mask. He glanced at the street outside the store through the mirror and made sure that the police did not catch him. After that, he ran without saying a word!

The rushing sound of running immediately attracted the attention of others, and the robbers were dumbfounded.

Didn't you promise to take all the responsibility? Why did you run away first!

If the robber boss knew what they were thinking at this time, he would definitely be disdainful.

Anyone who has run the group knows that friends are for consumption!

Chapter 414 As long as you can reach that place

On the street, Kato Megumi is rushing towards the jewelry store. To be honest, she still doesn't know what she can do when she comes back.

Although she experienced several assassin journeys during the synchronization process, it was only synchronization after all, and it was completely different from her own appearance!

The enemies Altaïr faced were only cold weapons, and those robbers had guns!

Not to mention that the Assassin skills she currently has are far from being on a par with Altaïr's, even if she really learns Altaïr's abilities completely, how useful these Assassin skills can be in the face of modern firepower ? And with her current physical fitness, how much of Altaïr's strength can be brought into play?

These are all unknowns!

Just running back like this, in the end, maybe she can't do anything. If so...why did she come back?

Kato Megumi is also looking for an answer to this question. If it was before, she would definitely hide as far as possible when encountering such a thing, but now the thought in her mind is not to avoid but to come back. She is related to Altaïr Sync.

Chen Mo is not interested in being the mastermind behind the scenes. The Eden Apple he processed is absolutely natural and harmless.

What kind of personality erosion, such messy things will never happen.

Kato Megumi will have a feeling after experiencing what Altaïr has seen and heard, and what she wants to do is entirely up to her to decide.

What happened in her mind at that moment, whether it was the numb civilian in Damascus, or the old man who was stabbed to death by a random knife, only she knew, but in the end, she chose to act!

Kato Megumi was thinking about how she was going to act later as she walked towards the jewelry store, but before she reached the location of the jewelry store, a man with a gun and a mask rushed over.

It was the robber boss who escaped from the store.

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future