MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 827 The death of Satan

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But when she left in the deepest and strongest part of her life, this feeling was like alcohol, buried deep in his heart, not only did not fade, but became more and more intense.

As soon as he thought of meeting her again, his heart began to tremble. An unprecedented strong feeling filled his chest. He almost had the urge to cry.

But he resisted. He put the sly hair under his lips, kissed it gently, then shook his hand, and a golden flame floated out, wrapping the hair and floating in the air.

He kept chanting the spell, his hands kept licking the law, and he said that he was carrying endless thoughts.

The golden fire slammed out a golden aperture, then the second, third, and one together, like Buddha light.

The flame suddenly grew up, and it was as tall as an adult. There was a strange picture in the flame. Among the pictures, there were some tall fairy mountains. Among the mountains, there were countless beautiful fairies, riding a variety of All kinds of spirit beasts fly by.

This is... fairyland?

Deep and squinting, the brow wrinkled deeply and said: "I have been to the fairy world, but I have not found her."

I thought quietly in my heart: Maybe she didn't want to see you at all.

However, I don't want to say this.

The picture changes, and it stops on a fairy mountain. There is a fairy house in the fairy mountain. In the depths of Xianfu, there is a fairy sitting cross-legged on the futon. The long skirt of her dress spreads out like a rogue. river.

The hand of the condensation was slightly trembling.

"It's her," he said. "It's really her!"

He was so excited that the airflow around him violently flowed, and at the same time, he flew sand and stone, and the table and chair benches in the house were scattered around.

I whispered, "You are calm."

Taking a deep breath and deepening, this calmed down and the surrounding furniture fell. He stared at the picture tightly and said in an indescribable voice: "Why...when are you going?"

The fairy in the picture seemed to have found something, and suddenly turned around, I was shocked at once.

Ok, so beautiful.

I have never seen such a beautiful woman, even if I was in the fairyland of Yaochi, the beauty is like a cloud, I have never seen such a beautiful fairy.

No wonder I have been obsessed with her for so many years. If I have such a wife, I can't bear her.

The beautiful woman's face sank, and the hand waved, the picture disappeared at once, and the hair was burned out and turned into a pile of ashes.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, full of anger, and there was a flowing liquid flowing inside.

He said in a word: "Why? Why don't you see me? Why do you hate me?"

He waved his hand and put all the ashes on the ground in a small bag, put it close, and turned and left.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Go to her," he said.

"Wait." I stopped him and said, "Have you promised me something?"

He paused and said: "The hair has been destroyed."

After all, he reached out and took me in his arms, rushed out of the house and ran towards the former building.

A few minutes ago, Yin Yi and Tang Mingli did not catch up with us, but Satan chased them. They had no choice but to take up arms and deal with Satan.

But Satan's strength is very strong, at least it has reached the point where there is no great Luo Jinxian. Yin Yin and the two are just gods. In front of it, it is really not enough.

Moreover, there are so many ghosts and ghosts, surrounded by two people, the two had to summon the jade, only to block their attacks, not to be killed by them.

But the two soon suffered injuries, backed to the back, holding a long sword in their hands, with a blood, like two killing gods.

Satan squirmed in the air and shouted loudly: "Give it back to me! I will return my treasure to me immediately! I can make you die a little bit better. Otherwise, I will torture you slowly and let you taste it." The most painful criminal law in the world kills you again!"

Tang Mingli stunned it and erected the middle finger.

Yin Hao laughed and said, "I didn't expect you to have this side."

Tang Mingli snorted and said: "You don't know more things."

Yin Hao clenched the black sword and said: "I didn't expect that I would die with you."

Tang Mingli snorted again, and Yin Xiao smiled and said: "Do you have a problem with your nose?

"Shut up!" Tang Mingli angered. "Are you a duck? Is it so noisy?"

"Globe! Mix!" Satan screamed, "I want to kill you these despicable bugs!"

At this moment, he ran to Dongyang, and he held a handful of killing Dan in his hand, all of which I gave him to defend himself before.

He threw all of the murderous murders on Satan's body, and blew it up when he killed Danton.

To Dongyang showed a happy color, but after the dust disappeared, Satan did not hurt.

The killing Dan I gave to Dongyang was used to deal with the aliens below the **** level. It was used against Satan, certainly not.

To Dongyang’s face changed dramatically, Satan immediately made a weird cry, and several monsters were drilled out of the ruins of the city.

Turned to Dongyang and ran, and Satan’s surroundings thundered and thundered, and the electric light kept moving. The two men took the jade to the front and condensed their eyes, preparing for the final battle with it.

The black thunderbolt hit the two, and at this moment, Satan, who floated in the air, made a scream of screaming and squirming painfully.

"No! Bastard, you actually ruined my treasure!" Satan screamed again and again, the dark gray body began to slowly drift around.

"No! Master!" The believers in the black cloak also screamed in horror, and the ghosts and ghosts all fled. They feared that after Satan’s death, other lords would attack the army and attack them. Kill all.

When we arrived, we just saw such a picture. Yin Yin and Tang Mingli looked at each other and pulled up the sword and slashed the past toward Satan.

At this time, Satan has no power to fight back. The black long sword and the golden long sword have been cut and cut into several segments, which has accelerated its demise.


A loud noise, Satan, who has been in the midst of **** for so many years, is so devastated and destroyed!

No one thought of it, it was so easy to die.

He said to me: "I promised you that I have done it. I want to go back to the mortal world, go back to China, and go to the fairyland."

I frowned. "We haven't found the pole yet."

And Ning took out a bracelet from his own Qiankun bag and handed it to me, saying: "This bracelet can open the space channel once, remember, only one chance, when you get rid of the pole, come back immediately, **** is not A place to stay for a long time."

When I nodded, I saw that he had stepped back and his body was swaying. He lost his sight, and he must have broken the void and went to the mortal world.

At this time, Yin Yi has captured several priests wearing black cloaks. Their strength comes from Satan. Satan is dead. Although they are still alive, their strength is low, and they are not much different from ordinary ghosts.

Yin Yin **** several priests with a golden rope, holding a whip in his hand, and the whip hit them. They immediately gave a scream of screaming, and the place where the whip had been hit was bursting with blue smoke.

"Say, where is the extreme?" Tang Mingli sighed, the pressure from his body, the pressure of these ghosts could not be lifted.

Yin Yi went down with a whip and beat several priests to cry and shout.

"Your master is dead." Tang Mingli said, "Do you still have to be loyal to him?"

"Even if you beat us away, we will never say it!" A priest roared.

Yin Hao snorted: "The stubbornness!"

He injects aura into the whip, and it is a whip to fight. This whip is thousands of times more painful than the previous whip, and the ghosts are almost fainted.

But they are ghosts, how can they faint?

Just then, I came over and said, "Let me come."

Two people are happy, said: "Jun Yao!"

Yin Hao came to me, took my hand, and looked at me up and down, saying: "Isn't it a problem with you?"

I shook my head and said: "He has his own difficulties and has left Hell."

Tang Mingli looked at the appearance of our relatives, and snorted, and his face was not good.

He spread all his anger on the ghosts and said to me: "I don't need you to come, I am leading the world, can't cure these little devils?"

He said, he took out a piece of paper and painted a character on it. He hit one of the ghosts. The body of the ghost immediately burned. The black dark fire burned his body. The pain is incomparable, tumbling on the ground, but always unable to escape.

They are ghosts, and as long as they don’t fly away, they won’t die.

If you don't die, you will suffer forever.

The other ghosts were scared and shivering. They had been in **** for many years, and they used all kinds of cruel means against other ghosts. When they arrived, they felt the bitter fear.

"I beg you, bypass me." The tortured ghost screamed, "I said, I will tell you everything."

When Tang Mingli's finger flicked, the Zhang Fuyu flew up, and the ghosts were soft on the ground, and even the spirits began to become transparent.

"Say." Tang Mingli said coldly: "If you are right, I can spare you a life and let you leave."

He said, he turned his head and looked at the other ghosts and said, "And a few others, I will kill them and let them taste what is hell."

The other ghosts all showed the color of fear. Tang Mingli’s mouth was hooked and said: “Now, let’s talk.”

The other ghosts bite their teeth and immediately said, "We also said!"

"Very good." Tang Mingli pointed to one of the ghosts with a sword and said: "You."

"I said, I will say this." The ghost said, "The Chinese man, he is hiding in the mourning land to the west."