MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 2

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The huge amount of information made Kiana's brain circuit crooked.

The chat area also exploded.

Theresa: Kiana, say it! When did you take refuge in the collapse! He turned away from Saint Freya and entered the Devil's Nest in the Far East. At first glance, this name is not a good place.

Kiana: You're wrong, Auntie, I'm just a little B-rank Valkyrie who doesn't know anything.

Qiyana wanted to cry but had no tears, and felt that she was more wronged than Dou E, which made Leidian Yayi hurried to comfort her.

Rita: Everyone, let’s pay attention to the topic first. This is called a system thing. Although there is no set time, it does not mean that we can keep dragging it.

Rita Roseweather, the vice-captain of Destiny's strongest Valkyrie unit "Blade of Inextinguishable", the trusted lieutenant of Hollander, a mysterious warrior with both strategy and skill.

The focus of consideration is often sharp, and now she locks herself in the room, and doesn't even dare to meet Otto in person, just in case.

Kiana: The system mentioned my name. Let me answer the question this time.

Kiana is a kind child who will not push her own dangers to others.

Hearing this, no matter whether it is a diver, a worried person, or a fearful person, there is no opinion.

A few, such as Teresa, Immeasurable Takiko also held back, waiting for Kiana's answer.

In the Valkyrie's dormitory, Kiana was holding Bronya's leg and asking for help.

"Sigh... As expected, paramecia can't do it." Bronya sighed helplessly, and the duel helped Qiana analyze the problem.

"The core point of this question is to save the word, and the object of saving is a city, so what is the reason for the destruction of the city, this is the key to our answer."

"Among the four answer options, at least three organizations are involved, A is destiny, C is anti-entropy, and D is the eastern magic cave..."

Having said this, Bronya stopped talking, looking a little embarrassed. Except for option D, the other three options were suspected of being involved in the Herrscher.

"Bronya believes that A and C can be ruled out, and Destiny and Anti-Entropy are the front lines against the collapse."

"In option A, the helper is the Herrscher of Consciousness, which is inconsistent with the concept of destiny and is a false proposition."

"In option C, the anti-entropy leader Walter Yang inherited his power from the Herrscher of the first agent. With the concept of anti-entropy, it is difficult to imagine attacking a city."

After a pause, Bronya took a deep breath and spoke again.

"Of course, this is Bronya's own opinion. If any party betrays human beings, then the hidden darkness, just relying on your own strength, Kiana, is very difficult to fight against.

Kiana offended the destiny and anti-entropy, the two top forces.


Bronya's analysis stopped at this point. There was too little information, and it was already reluctant to be able to filter out two wrong answers.

At least until you understand what kind of organization the Far East Demon Cave is, there is no need to analyze this topic.

Theresa: Bronya is worthy of being my student of Saint Freya, and she has inherited my wisdom.

Bronya's analysis was simultaneously sent to the chat area, ready to brainstorm ideas, and a series of analyses convinced everyone.

"B and D..." Kiana was tangled, she chose one of the two lucky ones, and then she showed a smile, reassuring her friends who cared about her, pointed her thumb up, and said confidently, "I'm very lucky. Yes, I can't analyze it anyway, just imagine my luck."

"Bronya recommends choosing B." Bronya suggested.

"Why?" Kiana asked, and Raiden Mei was equally curious.

"Bronya doesn't think Paramecium's IQ can crack the control network of the anti-entropy mecha."

Justified and convincing.

Everyone who knew Qiyana showed a clear look.

Except for the bug himself.

There is a saying that Bronya did not bring up. If option B is correct, then it means that Kiana will become a Herrscher in the future.

When Kiana was arguing and refuting, Raiden Mei and Bronya looked at each other, their eyes full of astonishment.

No one knows the Herrscher better than Leidian Yayi, because she, Leidian Meiyi, is the third Herrscher, the Thunder Herrscher.

"Yeah, Kiana, choose B. After all, if you answer wrong, you will be punished that I don't want to bear."

Regarding the issue of punishment, Raiden Mei advised.

"Yi, even you..."

Kiana feels that life is not worth it...

"Forget it, just believe Bronya's suggestion, but explain, this lady is not stupid at all." Kiana put her hands on her hips: "After all, this lady is the Valkyrie who saved a city."

"Hey! What system is this, I've made a decision and choose B."

Chapter 3 Sky Ranger

[Kiana Kaslana submits the answer and chooses B. 】

【correct answer. 】

[Reward: Amplification Core Sky Vault Ranger]

[Amplification Core·Sky Ranger: After being equipped, it can guide the power of the Herrscher of the Sky within the body and enter the Herrscher mode. The duration is determined by the host's mental and physical endurance. 】

[Sky Ranger: Obtained when the shattered queen was sealed with blood, and the girl who had been sleeping for a long time woke up from her dream. The teacher's last words have become the most distant hope. He healed himself through pain, suffered erosion and fell into the abyss. So the blue pupils were dyed with cold gold, and the pain of erosion showed the power of collapse.

She once allowed herself to be immersed in the beautiful daily life, but when the doomsday came, she turned into a ruthless warrior under the sky, standing above blood and enemies. 】

Rita: Not so much a ranger...

Einstein: Rather, it is a warrior with a sense of sacrifice.

Immeasurable Tajiko: I'm curious what the phrase 'Teacher's last words' means, does it refer to me?

There was a lot of discussion in the chat area.

In the Valkyrie's dormitory, the three were looking at the booster core.

"The power to guide the Herrscher within the body? I'm not a Herrscher."

Looking at the azure blue ball that appeared in her hand, Kiana scratched her head with a speechless expression.

She clenched her palms subconsciously, the amplification core turned into a stream of light and merged into her body, the Herrscher's energy burst out from Kiana, and the surging collapse made Bronya and Raiden Mei's eyes widen.

The clothes on her body have changed, with black and white gloves on her pair of gloves, a white undershirt on her body, a black long-neck coat, orange armor on the sides to cinches her waist, long shorts and socks wrapping her legs, and the inscription five The mantle of the star danced.

The eyes of one gold and one blue gave Qiyana a unique aura, like a warrior who had experienced hardships and had awakened, and was completely different from her usual appearance.


If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Raiden Yayi would not have dared to imagine that the person in front of her was a white-haired dumpling who was greedy for her body.

"Sister Yayi, don't get close to her." Bronya stopped Leidian Yayi, stared at Qiana, and said word by word: "Kiana, now the Herrscher."

She has only seen the quality and quantity of the Honkai Energy that spread out once, second only to the amount of Thunderbolt Meiyi in Changkong City that became the Herrscher of Thunder.

"The Herrscher? Where's the Herrscher! Why didn't I see that, Ya Yi, you've run so far... eh? When will my clothes be changed, um, um, the taste is good, it suits Miss Ben's temperament."

When the atmosphere gradually became tense, Kiana opened her mouth to break the silence, which made Bronya feel that she, who was so serious just now, was an idiot.

Just then, a video suddenly started playing on the screen.

[In the video, Kiana, wearing a hooded suit, jumped gracefully above the tall buildings like a ranger. The anti-entropy mechas along the way noticed the arrival of the intruder and activated the enemy mode.

Afterwards, Kiana climbed and jumped to the roof of a tall building, her eyes fixed on the shining top of the tower-like building in front of her.


Facing the incoming mecha, she took a deep breath, opened the zipper, lifted the hood, revealing the iconic braid, took off her obstructing coat, and summoned a baseball bat from the void.

"I'm not free, I'm here to accompany you!"

In the firm words, Kiana stepped forward quickly, jumped, and with the help of cranes and iron cables, she jumped forward and gliding in various high-rise buildings.

The mecha will not stop because of Kiana's words.

A large number of missiles flew towards her, Kiana was not afraid, and with her flexible movement, she dodged from the missile group.

Under the acceleration of gravity, one foot smashed the control room of the mecha, and with the help of the baseball bat, he moved flexibly, destroying many mechas one after another.

However, the two fists were no match for the four hands. When Kiana leaped with the help of the rope, it was too late to dodge, and at the expense of the baseball bat, she rushed to the middle of the tower.

Faced with the mecha's siege, he gritted his teeth and looked painful, his right eye instantly turned into a golden pupil, borrowing the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to counteract the mecha's attack.

The mecha in the distance was not idle, and the overwhelming missiles flew towards her again.

Actuated the time-space rupture effect of [Domain Equipment Bai Lian], and Kiana stepped on the missile, getting closer to the roof.

Near the end of the time-space rupture effect, she flipped beautifully in the air, and came to the top of the tower with the help of the strong airflow generated by the explosion of the missile.

In the center of the roof, a spherical bomb reflecting purple light exudes an extremely ominous aura.

Anyone watching the video can clearly feel its danger.

"It's here, the bomb must be solved quickly."

However, Kiana stepped forward without any hesitation, her target was the bomb in front of her.

However, when she was still a few steps away from the Honkai Energy bomb, the Honkai Energy that overflowed from the bomb was like a storm, resisting her approach. Kiana also groaned in pain.

"What a powerful Honkai effect!"

She gritted her teeth, her expression was very painful, her right eye quietly turned into a golden pupil, and Kiana stretched out her right hand to get closer.

However, before she got too far, purple lines appeared on her palm, and Honkai could erode Kiana's body more and more.


The outstretched right arm was deflected, and Kiana's body was forced to slide back a certain distance, and the tingling sensation from the arm was like a worm eating the marrow.

The body also made a clack, an overwhelmed sound, she gritted her teeth and clenched her right arm tightly. Kiana did not give up, and stepped forward step by step against the storm of Honkai Energy, grabbing the Honkai Energy bomb.

The moment she grabbed the bomb, an even bigger Honkai could follow her body contact and poured into her body, and her left eye instantly turned into a golden pupil.

The right arm's [Domain Dress White Training] armor gradually collapsed and turned into dust under the erosion of Houkai energy.

The unspeakable pain is beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.

But she and Kiana are not the past. Compared with the physical pain, the sorrow at the Destiny headquarters, the confrontation between the virtual and the real, and the pain in the soul are the burdens that Kiana cannot bear.

She covered her left eye with her left hand, and she closed her pupil tightly, as if to prevent something from running out, but the yellow particles gradually overflowed from her pupil.

Suddenly, an illusory arm stretched out from the side and placed it on her trembling palm, and Kiana showed an expression of disbelief.


A mature and gentle voice of yours rang in Kiana's ear.

Her pupils widened suddenly, and Kiana turned her head to look at the sound.

"Ji Zi... teacher..."

Infinite Takiko with an illusory figure stood beside her and looked at her quietly with a gentle smile.

Chapter 4 This Is... My Promise


Tears flowed from the corners of Kiana's eyes, and the spirit that had been disintegrated by the pain condensed again. Her expression was no longer confused, and completely turned into firmness.

"I promised you... I'll turn this imperfect story into what we want it to be."

The power surged into her body again, and Kiana held the bomb in both hands and pulled it up with all her strength, pushing the Honkai Energy bomb that could destroy the entire Sky Dome City into the sky.

Kiana followed closely, flying in the air, her body began to change, pure white long hair fluttered in the wind, and the clothes representing the law of the sky appeared on her body.

However, her eyes were no longer golden pupils, but turned into clear blue.

Blue is a beautiful color because it symbolizes hope.

At this moment, the girl named Kiana Kaslana has mastered the power of the Herrscher.

Above the sky, a purple meteor streaked across.

In the sky city, people looked up at the night sky and prayed for the twinkling meteors, unaware that the stars that brought joy to them were the gods of death that could destroy their daily lives.

The pictures flashed one after another, the corners of Rita's mouth raised a radian, the thunderbolt Meiyi was worried and prayed, and the world snake frowned...

The meteor broke through the clouds, broke through the night sky, and finally came to the high sky that did not affect the city.

Kiana's strength was nearly exhausted, and she still insisted on gritting her teeth.

Suddenly, the wings of Yakong shattered, the upward trend stagnated, and his face showed a little confusion, but it became firm again in an instant.

The girl didn't stop, she used her last strength, the archon spear stabbed into the bomb, and detonated the Honkai Energy bomb in the high altitude.