MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2132 Attack on the Devil's Forest

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(Thank you very much for the reward of ‘q Yongjiang Yiqin q’, ‘yyyu’!)

Seeing one after another of the shackled sons coming down from the military helicopters, they were arranged neatly into a team, facing the scene of the Devil's Forest. In the conference room, all the representatives of the country slightly increased their eyes.

"Ip is the 3rd starting think tank."

"The ip is the 4th starting point of Pluto."

"The starter of the 6th ip ranked multiple eyes."

"The ip is the 7th starting point tornado."

"The ip leader of the ninth place is small killer."

"The ip leader of the 10th place hits the sea."

One by one, the nickname of the initiators who almost resounded the world, appeared in the conference room one by one in the sound of the representative countries.

Even Wood and the Son of Heaven looked at the face of a familiar girl in front of the neat group of starters on the LCD screen, and fell into horror.

After all, even in that, even Xia Shi and Yan Zhu are in the line, and the images are very clearly reflected on the screen.

In addition to the starters of the top ten in the ip rankings such as Xia Shi and Yan Zhu, the remaining starters are also very famous in the group consisting purely by the beggars.

Among them, there are many starters of the top 100 ip rankings.

As a result, how can the representatives of the countries present in the country not know these girls?

As for the wood, it is even more clear to these girls.

As the acting president of the fairy tail (airy_tail), Wood can tell everyone clearly that the children in the group are all the top starters in the fairy tail (airy_tail).

Purely ip ranking, then no one is not in the thousands.

And these starters, at this time all gathered before the Devil's Forest, one of the three major worlds of the world, the number is absolutely more than five hundred.

That is to say, in addition to the promoters and the starters of thousands of foreigners, the highest fighting power in the fairy towns all gathered together.

Led by a young girl.

Looking at the front of the team, a dress in the wind, a silver-colored hair, a pair of eyes, turned into a cold, scarlet girl, almost all of the country representatives can not speak. .

"The black starter of the first place in ip ranking."

The person who leads the starter of the fairy tail (airy_tail) within a thousand is exactly the grace.

"This... what is going on here?"

"Is the starting point of thousands of people in the fairy town all gathered in the Devil's Forest?"

"What are you going to do?"

All the representatives of the country have risen up.



Wood is also speaking to Noah with the Holy Son, his face full of surprises and doubts.

In this regard, Noah only gave the two people a reassuring look, but the words made the audience even more embarrassing.

"As you can see, the annihilation action initiated by our fairy town this time, the goal is the Devil Forest!"

In the first time I heard this sentence, all the representatives of the country only produced an idea.


It’s ridiculous and astounding.

"...Noah's president." Qi Wuzong Xuan silenced for a while, then looked at Noah.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"How?" Noah's face does not change the color of the opening.

“Does President Qi Wu think that this is not realistic?”

"Isn't that taken for granted?" Qi Wuzong Xuan did not know whether he was merciful or ironic.

"If the three great devils are so annihilated, humans have already recovered all the land and destroyed all the gut animals. How can we wait until now?"

Following the words of Qi Wuzong Xuan, the representatives of the countries present at the scene also made a sound.

"As President Qi Wu said, human beings currently do not have the ability to break into the three magical worlds."

"For example, the Devil Forest, even if it is not the original gut animal, is at least the existence of stage iii, only the level of regenerative ability, that is not something we can overcome by fighting with metal."

"If it is a dozen or 20 such gut animals, then it can be considered. In the Devil's Forest, there are thousands of such gut animals."

"Although the fighting power of the fairy town is amazing, it is impossible to destroy the magical forest at this stage."


"Absolutely impossible."

This is the voice of the representatives of a number of countries.

It’s not just the representatives of all countries, it’s that Mu and San Tianzi agree with this statement.

The lineup of the Fairy Township is amazing, but it is also part of today's world.

The three great devils are evaluated as collecting the dangers of all the forces in the world today.

After all, the gut animals there are not only very high grade, but also the level of regenerative ability is extraordinary and very difficult to annihilate.

Even if the ability of the initiator is strong, there is no means to kill the gut animals, then there is nothing to do.

This point can be proved from the original battle between Noah and Maxwell in the box.

However, now, Noah is trying to get hundreds of starters in the fairy town to explore such a dangerous situation?


Except for Noah, everyone present was thinking this way.

At this moment, the representatives of the various countries have forgotten the original purpose of convening this meeting. All of them have been talking up and shaking their heads.

"Noah..." Mu and the Son of Heaven both cast their worried eyes on Noah.

However, Noah’s expression has never changed.

"Since everyone thinks so, then you can waste a little time, look at this annihilation battle of the fairy town." Noah smiled softly.

"Okay, it's time to start."

After that, Noah turned and looked at the LCD screen behind him.

The representatives of the countries that were present were also face-to-face, and all turned their attention to the LCD screen.

At the same time, before the Devil's Forest, the starters of a group of goblin towns that had been lined up all set up weapons in their hands.

With the grace of the team, the starters of all the fairy towns have all made a squeaky voice, and they have gone to the Devil Forest.

Moreover, the speed is amazing.

The distance of hundreds of meters was almost zero in the blink of an eye.

Then, the starters of each one rushed into the Devil's Forest. Like an agile cheetah, they bounced back and forth between trees, ground and rock walls and rushed into the depths of the forest.


As if to perceive the attackers, the roaring roar and howling roared in every corner of the Devil's Forest.

In the next second, the body is huge and the shape is extremely different. There is no place for people to feel comfortable under the body. It is like a living animal that combines dozens and dozens of animals from the forest. Appeared in front, like a violent charge.

"The stage iv of the gut animal!"

In the conference room, a representative of the country shouted the grade of this gut animal.

When you first entered the forest, the initiators of the fairy township faced a stage iv of the gut animals.

The huge gut animals roared and smashed one tree after another and trampled on the ground, rushing like a flood.

In the face of the rushing stage of the iv, the original intestines, the starters of the fairy town did not have a look of fear.

Then one person rushed out.


A light dress, plus a coat of Yanzhu fluttered through the space, with a crisp and crisp voice, instantly arrived in front of the intestines coming from the charge.

Immediately, if the lightning and the lightning strike, it was released on Yanzhu’s feet.


The heavy squeaking sound resounded.

The powerful kick that was released from Yanzhu’s feet directly blasted the intestines that came from the charge, and shredded the raw sausages into a pile of minced meat. It landed on the ground.

After the minced meat squirmed a few times on the ground, it was completely lost in an instant.

Yanzhu, who fell on the ground, did not look at the broken meat on the ground. He joined the non-stop marching team and continued to move deep into the forest.

Bloody smell is permeated throughout the forest.




The whole magical forest seemed to be completely rioted, and the sounds of the gut animals were heard everywhere. (To be continued.)
