MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 271 Small influencers and big bosses (3)

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After Lu Yanzhou finished his class, he went to the door of the company to wait for Xie Chengze. When Xie Chengze came downstairs, he smiled and invited Xie Chengze to have dinner with him.

The original leader had done this a few days ago, and Xie Chengze readily agreed. When he went to invite him, would Xie Chengze refuse?

Xie Chengze actually wanted to refuse.

Lu Yanzhou's extreme disgust, even called hatred, made him very repulsive.

But when he saw Lu Yanzhou's face, he couldn't say anything if he refused.

Xie Chengze said: "Okay."

Xie Chengze finally realized how much he liked Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou hated him so much, he couldn't bear to refuse Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze couldn't understand why Lu Yanzhou hated him so much.

He had offended a narrow-minded person before, and that person hated him so much, but he felt the other person's emotions at that time, and it was not as intense as Lu Yanzhou's current emotions.

Lu Yanzhou hated him so deeply, as if he killed Lu Yanzhou's son and robbed Lu Yanzhou's wife.

In fact, he should stay away from Lu Yanzhou, so that Lu Yanzhou's hatred of him may slowly disappear.

But he still couldn't help but agree.

Lu Yanzhou invited him in front of the rest of the company. He didn't agree to make Lu Yanzhou lose face. That's how he agreed...

Tell yourself this, Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou leave the company together.

Watching Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze leave together, several internet celebrities who had just signed a contract with the company were a little jealous.

Except for Zhen Shuai who is a big fat man, the other four of them are handsome men and beautiful women.

Although their looks are incomparable with the stars of the entertainment industry and Lu Yanzhou, they are far superior to ordinary people, and their fans are more than Lu Yanzhou.

They are better than Lu Yanzhou in every way, but after signing the contract with this company, their agent told them that Lu Yanzhou who signed with the company first was very popular with the boss, and let them have a good relationship with Lu Yanzhou...

Of course they were dissatisfied, and they didn't pay much attention to seeing Lu Yanzhou before.

However, Zhen Shuai took the initiative to befriend Lu Yanzhou, and was even willing to give Lu Yanzhou some traffic.

Seeing that Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze left together, one of them said to Zhen Shuai, "You tried to curry favor with others, but what happened? They went to dinner with the boss and ignored you."

Zhen Shuai said: "I don't know the boss. He and the boss have dinner together. It's right not to take me."

The person who was talking to Zhen Shuai sneered when he heard this: "You have such a good temper."

Another person said: "He looks like this, how can he mess with his temper?"

"Oh, he is willing to give Lu Yanzhou some traffic, isn't it because Lu Yanzhou's path is different from his, so he can't take away his fans!"

"Yes, he is too special, and he has absolutely no competition with Lu Yanzhou who sells good looks."

These people ridiculed Zhen Shuai for a while before leaving.

Zhen Shuai sighed and walked out slowly.

He has been fat since he was a child, and has been excluded because he is too fat.

This also made him develop a character of being kind to others and unwilling to conflict with others.

So the agent asked him to befriend Lu Yanzhou, and he went to befriend him.

But now... he really thinks that Lu Yanzhou is better than others.

Lu Yanzhou, who was considered very good by Zhen Shuai, wanted to invite Xie Chengze to eat at his residence - he cooked the food himself.

Xie Chengze really wanted to eat Lu Yanzhou's own cooking, but Lu Yanzhou hated him so much...

Before, someone disliked him far less than Lu Yanzhou, and that person wanted to deal with him. Lu Yanzhou hated him so much, who knew if he would suddenly attack him?

Xie Chengze still cared about his own safety, but he refused: "I'm a little hungry. It's too slow to go to your place to eat and cook by myself. Let's go to the restaurant I often go to."

Lu Yanzhou: "..." Of course, there is no problem in going to the restaurant that Xie Chengze frequents, but the point is... he has no money!

Xie Chengze actually thought of this, and said with a smile, "I'm your boss, how can you let me pay for dinner? I'll invite you."

"Thank you boss." Lu Yanzhou was a little embarrassed, but that was all he could do.

He is really poor!

He must find a way to make money!

It's just that this world is being watched by Xuanwu, and he must be extra careful. Before he collects enough merit, it's best not to be detected by Heavenly Dao and rejected.

Xie Chengze asked the driver to drive and took them to dinner.

It's a six-seater business van, and both of them are seated in the second row of airline seats.

As he got closer, Xie Chengze felt Lu Yanzhou's emotions more clearly, and his heart was heavy.

Lu Yanzhou didn't know anything about these things. He smiled and talked to Xie Chengze about what happened in the afternoon class, and said that he planned to shoot a short video with Zhen Shuai.

Xie Chengze has a deep impression on Zhen Shuai. In fact, no one has a deep impression of Zhen Shuai after seeing him.

Obviously so fat, but still called Zhen Shuai.

That's okay, in the short video he made, he was still a peerless beauty.

The life of a peerless beauty is so magnificent... Xie Chengze has always remembered this sentence after watching several videos of Zhen Shuai!

"Mr. Xie, this is delicious, you can try it." Lu Yanzhou served Xie Chengze some vegetables.

Xie Chengze ate, and absently continued to think about Zhen Shuai.

Only by thinking about this can he ignore the deep hatred from Lu Yanzhou.

"Mr. Xie, what are you thinking?" Lu Yanzhou couldn't help asking.

Was he spoiled by Xie Chengze before? Suddenly encountering Xie Chengze ignoring him, he was a little uncomfortable.

Xie Chengze said, "I'm thinking about Zhen Shuai."

Lu Yanzhou laughed: "Mr. Xie, if you think of him when I eat with me, I will be jealous."

Lu Yanzhou's words sounded a bit like flirting.

But Xie Chengze was unmoved. After all, when Lu Yanzhou said this, his disgust became even stronger.

The feeling that Lu Yanzhou gave him was... the kind that he didn't particularly want to touch him!

Xie Chengze always felt that Lu Yanzhou's acting skills were not good, but at this moment, he felt that he had made a mistake.

Lu Yanzhou's acting skills are clearly very good, looking at his eyes, it seems that he loves him deeply.

Lu Yanzhou obviously hates him so much, why is he acting so affectionately in front of him?

Xie Chengze was disillusioned, but showed nothing.

He has the ability to read minds, but others don't know, he should have some reactions at this time...

Xie Chengze said with a smile: "I think it's the plan of the two of you. It's good for you to shoot short videos together."

"I think so too." Lu Yanzhou began to talk about his next plan, and shared with Xie Chengze the ideas he discussed with Zhen Shuai in the afternoon.

During the meal, Xie Chengze didn't talk much. After eating, he said, "I'm not feeling well today, so I'll go back first."

"Are you uncomfortable? Where are you uncomfortable?" Lu Yanzhou asked with concern.

Xie Chengze can't see anything wrong in this world. Is his disease the kind that can't be seen from the outside?

Xuanwu came to this world early, is it possible to aggravate his condition?

If this is the case, he must quickly accumulate enough merit!

Of course, there is no delay in pursuing Xie Chengze. After all, after getting close to Xie Chengze, he can know Xie Chengze's physical condition, and it is convenient for him to do anything.

"It's okay, it's an old problem, I'll go back first." Xie Chengze said.

Lu Yanzhou chased Xie Chengze out: "Mr. Xie, you must pay attention to your body."

Before Lu Yanzhou was still surprised, why Xie Chengze hadn't been close to the original owner, but now he understood the reason.

Xie Chengze was not feeling well today, so naturally he was not enthusiastic.

He shouldn't invite Xie Chengze to dinner, he should let Xie Chengze go home earlier to rest!

Lu Yanzhou regretted a little. After Xie Chengze left, he took a taxi to the supermarket to buy some ingredients, and planned to make snacks and bring them to Xie Chengze tomorrow.

However, Lu Yanzhou didn't send out the snacks.

As soon as he arrived at the company the next day, his agent approached him with a look of surprise: "Lu Yanzhou, the company arranged for you to participate in the company's self-produced TV series and play the fifth male role in it! This is a good opportunity! The company even I'll give you a salary of 300,000 yuan! The 300,000 yuan is all for you, you only need to pay the tax, and you don't need to give the company a share!"

The brokers were so happy that the company made it clear that they wanted to support Lu Yanzhou!

Although it is said that because this is the company's self-made drama, Lu Yanzhou will not get the commission after signing the contract, but when Lu Yanzhou becomes popular, will he still be short of money?

The agent couldn't help but said, "Lu Yanzhou, President Xie absolutely loves you!"

Don't look at the small number of people in their company, they are actually well-known in the entertainment industry.

Who doesn't know that Ze'an Film and Television specialize in boutique dramas?

Netizens have been saying that Ze'an's dramas, just rush forward with your eyes closed, just watch it directly, it's absolutely beautiful!

And those stars also believe in Ze'an very much, and they are scrambling for each other.

Under such circumstances, even if it is only a male No. 5, it is very difficult to get it. Lu Yanzhou is just an Internet celebrity and has no previous acting experience. Xie Chengze definitely took a great risk by giving him such a role.

This also shows that Xie Chengze attaches great importance to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou: "..." He really doesn't want this kind of attention at all!

He wants to be with Xie Chengze, but if he is going to film... Will he be separated from Xie Chengze in the future?

This is too cruel!

Lu Yanzhou wanted to talk to Xie Chengze very much, but the agent said, "The time is very short, let us leave today, we will leave immediately!"

Lu Yanzhou: "..."

Lu Yanzhou wanted to meet Xie Chengze before leaving, but it was not only him who wanted to leave, but also other people, he couldn't delay others.

And he asked about it, Xie Chengze didn't come to the company today.

Lu Yanzhou could only reluctantly get on the CMB that went to the crew.

He saw Zhen Shuai on CMB, and some other people who should be staff.

When Zhen Shuai saw Lu Yanzhou, he immediately said hello, and then was a little dazed: "Lu Yanzhou, didn't the company say that we should continue to shoot short videos? Why do you suddenly let us shoot movies now?"

Lu Yanzhou was also puzzled! He doesn't even want to go to the crew to film!

At this time, a middle-aged woman said: "This is the company's plan to train you! Don't worry, you still have to continue to shoot short videos and will not stop. We have brought a photographer who specially shoots short videos for you in this car. Editor, makeup artist... That's the photographer, Xiao Liu, introduce yourself first!"

This middle-aged woman introduced the people in the car to Lu Yanzhou and Zhen Shuai. These people were specially recruited by the company to shoot short videos for them. With this configuration, there is no problem in shooting online dramas!

Zhen Shuai's previous short videos were all shot by himself, and he thought about editing them. Now he is a little flattered to see that the company has given them such a good configuration.

Lu Yanzhou was helpless.

He wants to be inseparable with Xie Chengze day and night, what about Xie Chengze? Who cares about his career and throws him on the set.


The middle-aged woman said again: "Lu Yanzhou, your original manager needs to be trained. I will take you with me for the time being, and Zhen Shuai has also transferred to me. Then you can listen to my arrangements."

She asked Lu Yanzhou and Zhen Shuai some things, and chatted with the others: "Liu, you go to the crew and say that you are shooting a short video for Lu Yanzhou and the others, but this is actually because the company wants to train you and let you follow the crew. The people here learn..."

These people were very excited: "Sister Wang, we must study hard!"

After chatting with them later, Lu Yanzhou realized that these people were originally filming online dramas, and they were doing well. Not long ago, Xie Chengze signed them down and asked them to make short videos.

They were a little unhappy at first, but when Sister Wang said that... They felt that the company was mainly to let them study in the crew, and by the way, they filmed a short video for Lu Yanzhou and the others, so they were not at all dissatisfied.

Everyone was very happy, except Lu Yanzhou.

Sister Wang, however, attaches great importance to Lu Yanzhou: "Little Lu, the role you play this time is the male lead's classmate, a young and famous person, the director is more strict, you must be more careful when you act... Your role should be overdone. The filming will only take place in the day, you can follow the study first, if you are not comfortable with it, then the company will invite you an acting teacher to teach you in the crew..."

Lu Yanzhou also felt that Xie Chengze really loved him.

If the filming is not good, please ask the teacher to teach on the spot, shoot a short video and give it to a team that can shoot online dramas... This is a great treatment!

But what he wants is really not this!

Sister Wang said a lot after arresting Lu Yanzhou, but explained very little to Zhen Shuai.

In that online drama, there was no suitable role for Zhen Shuai, Xie Chengze asked them to bring Zhen Shuai last night, and had a video chat with the director, and finally decided to add a role to Zhen Shuai.

Well, it's just a classmate with a protagonist who doesn't have a role in it.

The protagonist of this play has to take the imperial examinations, and there are many scenes studying in the academy, so adding a classmate is nothing.

For this reason, Zhen Shuai didn't even have a script, but Lu Yanzhou and Sister Wang gave him a script so he could watch it.

After instructing Lu Yanzhou, Sister Wang went to chat with Zhen Shuai, but the questions were all about short videos. Let Zhen Shuai work harder and try to shoot a short video every day.

Seeing what Sister Wang said, Zhen Shuai knew that the focus of his next development was still on short videos.

As for being able to get into Ze'an's crew for filming... He should have been in the light of Lu Yanzhou.

Although he only played an unknown small role, Ze'an's TV series are all starred, and every one of them is very popular. For Internet celebrities like them, even if they can only play a small supporting role in the drama, it is not enough. Worth talking about!

Especially like him.

The crew was filmed in a small studio in the suburbs near the company.

CMB drove for three hours, and they came to the vicinity of the film and television city, and were then arranged to stay in the hotel next to them.

Lu Yanzhou and Zhen Shuai were both assigned single rooms, and Lu Yanzhou's room was very large... This is definitely a preferential treatment given by Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze has made so many arrangements. He must not betray Xie Chengze's trust. Lu Yanzhou is determined to shoot well.

As for other things, he can only do it in the interval of filming.

Xie Chengze is really cruel, throwing him so far, I don't know if Xie Chengze is thinking about him now...

Lu Yanzhou took out his mobile phone and started texting Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was really thinking about Lu Yanzhou.

He gave Lu Yanzhou such good resources and also supported Lu Yanzhou's Internet celebrity career. When Lu Yanzhou comes back, he shouldn't hate him as much as before, right?

Just thinking about it, Xie Chengze received a message from Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou thanked Xie Chengze first, and then said, "Mr. Xie, I won't see you for a long time, I will definitely miss you."

Xie Chengze's heartbeat quickened again.

Lu Yanzhou hated him so much yesterday, and he may not be sincere when he says this now.

But Xie Chengze still wanted to chat with Lu Yanzhou.

The two chatted like this, and the more they talked, the more they talked.

Xie Chengze unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yanzhou was really likable. After chatting with Lu Yanzhou for a long time, he liked Lu Yanzhou even more.

Of course, this also has something to do with Lu Yanzhou, who has been flirting with him.

Could it be that Lu Yanzhou doesn't hate him anymore? Is that right to him?

Although Xie Chengze knew this was impossible, he still held out hope, and he was very enthusiastic when chatting.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yanzhou was completely relieved.

Xie Chengze was indifferent to him yesterday, definitely because of his health!

And if he wants to cure Xie Chengze's body...he must have enough merit!

Lu Yanzhou was pondering how to obtain merits when Sister Wang came and asked Lu Yanzhou and Zhen Shuai to go to the crew to watch the filming of the film by the director tonight.

"The script of the short video, Chen Yuluoyan closed the moon and shame flowers, has been able to shoot eight. Tonight, we will try to discuss all the eight scripts. We will shoot together tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then slowly publish one a day. As for the future... We have been working together to make videos, those led by Zhen Shuai are posted on Zhen Shuai's account, and then we will think about some videos led by Lu Yanzhou, preferably a series..." Sister Wang is very dedicated.

Lu Yanzhou sent a message to Xie Chengze while listening to the answer.

Sister Wang couldn't help but said, "Little Lu, did you hear what I said?"

"Sister Wang, I heard it clearly!" Lu Yanzhou repeated what Sister Wang said.

"You will do two things with one heart." Sister Wang said, "Forget it in front of me. I won't talk about you. When you are in front of the director, don't be like this."

Lu Yanzhou agreed.

Sister Wang asked again: "Who are you chatting with? Our company does not prohibit love, but love must be reported to avoid any problems."

Lu Yanzhou said, "I'm chatting with President Xie."

Sister Wang: "...then it's alright, you can continue talking."

Lu Yanzhou smiled and continued chatting.

Zhen Shuai was even more grateful to Lu Yanzhou. He felt that it was all because of Lu Yanzhou that he could be treated so well.

His former manager asked him to befriend Lu Yanzhou, which is especially true!

Too bad no one else listened.

Lu Yanzhou and Zhen Shuai arrived at the crew, only to find that the crew was very different from what they thought.

Not only that, the two of them are a bit unwelcome in the crew.

This is not surprising. This TV series has attracted much attention since the project was established. The main actors are all famous and good actors. Now that a male No. 5 is airborne, everyone will be somewhat dissatisfied.

After all, the character of this male No. 5 is very good.

In the script, when the male No. 5 first appeared, he was the best student in the academy.

Although he initially had a conflict with the hero because of a misunderstanding, but later the misunderstanding was resolved, and he helped the hero a lot.

More importantly, the male protagonist participated in the imperial examination with him, and he has not yet passed the examination!

This TV series is based on the original novel. In the original novel, this male No. 5 is the most handsome one, and later he became a princess... Because of this reason, there were even Xiao Xianrou who offered to participate in the performance by lowering their salary.

It's normal for the company not to want that little fresh meat. After all, that little fresh meat has no acting skills, but the company chose an internet celebrity to act, which is too much.

This Internet celebrity named Lu Yanzhou may not even be able to match that little fresh meat in his acting skills.

The director was actually a little unhappy, so he stopped Lu Yanzhou during the filming: "Your name is Lu Yanzhou, right? I'm free now, you can change your clothes and come over for a performance."

He planned to see Lu Yanzhou's level.

If the level is really not good... even if he rolls around, he must let Xie Chengze replace him!

Lu Yanzhou also understood what the director meant, he agreed with a smile, and went back to change his clothes.

The director is someone who has watched Lu Yanzhou's short videos before. He has to admit that Lu Yanzhou's appearance is indeed good, but Lu Yanzhou's temperament is too different from the cold and arrogant hero in the novel!

If Lu Yanzhou was really allowed to act, the final effect might be horrific.

The director was worried when Lu Yanzhou came back.

He was wearing the uniform blue robe of the academy, with a hat on his head to hide his short hair.

He didn't make up or put on his hair, but even so, he just stood there, giving people the feeling that... the fifth male was alive!

He is like a lonely young man who came out of a painting!

The director was stunned for a while.

This Lu Yanzhou doesn't say anything else, this outfit is absolutely insane!

He said that Xie Chengze was not a nonsense person, and that Lu Yanzhou might have some skills!