MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 205 Wealthy Old Man (8)

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Lu Yanzhou knew why Xie Chengze asked him that, and he must have wanted to give him money.

If Xie Chengze's physical condition is very poor, then he will take the money no matter what, and then help Xie Chengze save enough merit as soon as possible.

But now Xie Chengze's physical condition is fairly stable.

The second is... Mr. Tan has his eyes on Mr. Xie, and Xie Chengze uses money in many places.

Even if he wants Xie Chengze to spend money in exchange for merit, he should wait until the crisis of the Xie family is over.

The most important point is... He has been making money crazy during this time, and he has actually paid off his debts.

"I did owe a debt before, but that's nothing to me. I fell in love with you at first sight, so I quit the house and used this as an excuse to approach you." Lu Yanzhou said with a smile.

Xie Chengze's face was a little hot: "I am so old, you still fall in love with me at first sight..."

Lu Yanzhou said, "I like you just like that."

Xie Chengze kissed Lu Yanzhou and suddenly realized that Lu Yanzhou, as an orphan, might be a little lacking in love.

Many people who lack the love of their fathers will find a partner who is several years older than themselves. Is this the case with Lu Yanzhou?

It's getting late, Xie Chengze wanted to find a place to eat with Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou refused: "Aze, I still have some work to do today, let's go home for dinner, I'll make it for you."

"Okay," Xie Chengze agreed, and was a little curious, "What work do you still have to do?" Lu Yanzhou leaves early every day and needs to work overtime at home?

"It's nothing, just a little thing." Lu Yanzhou said.

Lu Yanzhou obviously didn't want to say more, and Xie Chengze didn't ask any more.

Lu Yanzhou's cooking...he was looking forward to it.

During this time, Lu Yanzhou made breakfast and lunch for him in different ways every day. The food he made was not only delicious, but also rich in nutrition. I don't know how Lu Yanzhou developed such a good cooking skill at such a young age.

In the evening, Lu Yanzhou said some bad things about Tan Shaojun to Xie Chengze while cooking, so that Xie Chengze must be on guard against Tan Shaojun.

This person Jiang Mi... Lu Yanzhou has seen the memory of the original owner, and probably knows what kind of person he is.

He was very well protected by the original owner. Although he was an orphan, he had lived a carefree life since he was a child, and he had cultivated a good temperament. In addition, he was cute, so he was naturally likable.

But peeling off this shell, Jiang Mi actually has many problems, such as vanity.

The original owner's job is to run sales, he knows all rich people, and his peers also like to compare, so he gave Jiang Mi a high living cost at the beginning.

But at that time, he was not prepared to buy too expensive clothes and shoes for Jiang Mi, and even the original owner at the time wanted to save money to buy a house.

It was Jiang Mi who deliberately or unintentionally brought up what other people eat and used, and also showed his loss in time... The original owner liked him, and he didn't see him feeling uncomfortable, so he would buy this and that for him.

And Jiang Mi can accept all this naturally, it can only be said that he is not only vain, but also selfish by nature.

But no matter how selfish Jiang Mi is, he won't do illegal and criminal things. In contrast, Tan Shaojun ignores the law a bit.

Lu Yanzhou investigated the Tan family during this period of time, and found that although Tan Shaojun was the president, the Tan family was still managed by his father as a whole, and whether it was Tan Shaojun or Tan's father, their methods were a bit ruthless.

"I will guard against him." Xie Chengze assured him seriously.

Lu Yanzhou put his freshly fried food on a plate: "I'm afraid Mr. Tan is uneasy and kind to Mrs. Xie."

Xie Chengze said: "It is true."

"Aze, is there any way you can turn down the Tan family?" Lu Yanzhou asked suddenly.

Xie Chengze thought for a while before saying, "There must be a way."

"Aze, I know some inside information about the Tan family, maybe I can help you!" Lu Yanzhou said.

According to the original owner's memory, in the next time, Tan Shaojun and Xie Ruanxin will continue to be confused, Jiang Mi is very dissatisfied, and then Tan Shaojun gave Jiang Mi the reason that Xie Ruanxin got the handle of the Tan family, and he could not Do not perfunctory thank Ruan Xin.

And the so-called handle... Tan's tax evasion was a lot. When Tan's father made a fortune, he also involved embezzlement of state-owned assets.

Jiang Mi trusted the original owner enough, so she told the original owner.

There is no evidence that the original owner seems to understand, but he has heard it, but Lu Yanzhou is very clear that this is a terrible thing, and he will tell Xie Chengze about it at this moment.

Xie Chengze was surprised. He didn't expect that the Tan family was actually involved in such a thing.

Lu Yanzhou said again: "Aze, there may be evidence in your sister's hands."

"I will investigate." Xie Chengze said.

After getting along with Lu Yanzhou these days, Xie Chengze confirmed one thing, that is, Lu Yanzhou disliked Tan Shaojun very much, and even wished that the Tan family would go bankrupt.

Tan Shaojun's actions are indeed too much. Just because of a little thing, Lu Yanzhou lost his job.

If Lu Yanzhou wants Tan Shaojun to be unlucky, maybe he can help.

Xie Chengze looked at the food on the table and had already figured out in his mind that he wanted to buy the Tan family.

Tan and Xie are actually complementary. Tan's swallowing Xie is of great benefit to Tan, and Xie's swallowing Tan is also of great benefit to Xie.

His life will come to an end soon, but Lu Yanzhou is still young.

It would be a disadvantage for Lu Yanzhou to let Lu Yanzhou accompany him.

It's okay for Lu Yanzhou to ask for money, but Lu Yanzhou still doesn't want money.

He can only do things that make Lu Yanzhou happy, as compensation for Lu Yanzhou.

After the two had eaten and exchanged a kiss, Lu Yanzhou went to work.

Xie Chengze smiled and went back to his room to get busy.

In addition to Xie, he has other industries to manage.

Xie Chengze was busy, and someone from Yaoshi contacted him, saying that they had recently contacted a big man with top technology.

Xie Chengze registered a special investment company, set up several layers of shells, and then went to control Yaoshi. In addition, Yaoshi was not listed... Few people knew about his relationship with Yaoshi, and there was no connection between the two sides. many.

If you find him there, it must be a big deal.

This time it is really not a small matter. Yaoshi recently contacted a person who provided very high-end technology. If what he said was true, Yaoshi could even produce the most top-of-the-line chips.

The key is that when the person gave them the technology, the chip was still attached!

Yaoshi suspects that this person is a researcher of some high-end foreign research institutes, and now he stole the research results and sells them for money, otherwise... people with such technology cannot be unknown.

Of course, if he can come up with such a technology, he must have participated in the research himself, and even has a thorough understanding of it... Maybe he was controlled and forced to do research, so he chose this way?

"What does he want?" Xie Chengze asked.

"He wants money."

"As long as it is verified that the technology is real and we can use it, he will give it if he wants!" Xie Chengze said.

He is dying, money is just a number to him.

He doesn't mind spending money and doing things that benefit the country and the people.

When Xie Chengze made his decision, Lu Yanzhou had already begun to discuss cooperation with Yaoshi.

He wants to sell technology, as for how to sell... Anyway, he just wants money.

As for how to give the money... He intends to let the other party donate it directly, and it is difficult for him to deal with it, which makes people suspicious.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Lu Yanzhou has been in this world for two months, and his relationship with Xie Chengze is getting better and better, and his life is on the right track.

Today, he is in a very good mood. He gave Yaoshi the technology, which Yaoshi has verified, and then according to his request, he donated 50 million as the money to buy the technology.

A large amount of merit was recorded. When he was working in the Xie family, he was more motivated than usual, and his hands were dancing on the keyboard almost quickly.

It's just... Why didn't Xie Chengze chat with him today?

Lu Yanzhou glanced at his phone from time to time, feeling a little lost.

Xie Chengze, who didn't chat with Lu Yanzhou, was a little dazed at the moment.

It was Xie Chengze's decision to buy technology from Yao Shi, and he actually took a lot of risk in doing this.

A careless one may even be investigated for breaking the law.

As a result, the entire transaction process went very smoothly, and that's fine. The person who sold the technology didn't even accept the money, but asked them to donate the money instead.

At this moment, Xie Chengze only felt that he should not have maliciously speculated about that person before.

Then maybe he really is a person who doesn't want fame and fortune, and doesn't want money.

Xie Chengze was very happy when Yaoshi encountered such a thing, but the people who investigated Xie Ruanxin and her mother gave him some bad news.

Whether it is Xie Ruanxin or Xie's mother, the financial situation is very poor, especially Xie's mother, who still owes a lot of money outside.

After his father was diagnosed with cancer, he had been fighting the disease and lived for another ten years before he died. During these ten years, Xie's mother had been taking care of him.

Therefore, before his father died, he left a lot of money to Xie's mother, and the shares left to Xie Ruanxin received large dividends every year.

Whether it's Mother Xie or Xie Ruanxin, if they just squander, there won't be any big problems. Unfortunately, Mother Xie is being coaxed into making investments everywhere.

Ten years ago, she had gone to an economically underdeveloped place to open a factory and build a real estate. She didn't know how much money it cost. In the following ten years, she did a lot of throwing money.

It was also because they ran out of money that they would turn their minds on him.

They united with the Tan family and wanted to get the Xie family and the money in his hand.

Xie Chengze thought this was ridiculous.

The Xie Corporation was indeed handed over to him by his father, but the Xie Corporation back then was not as large as it is now!

Because of him, Xie's dividends increased year by year, and other shareholders were very satisfied with him.

His sister also cooperated with the Tan family... They are not good people.

If one is not careful, his sister may be devoured by the Tan family.

But Tan didn't last long.

Xie Chengze has already begun the layout and collection of information on Tan's crimes.

Xie Chengze began to investigate the Tan family, and Tan Shaojun... He has been paying attention to Xie Chengze since a long time ago.

If Xie Chengze was healthy, Tan Shaojun and his father wouldn't have put their minds on Xie's head, but Tan Shaojun accidentally got to know Xie Ruanxin, and also learned about Xie Chengze's body from Xie Ruanxin's mouth. situation.

Xie Chengze didn't live long!

The success of the Xie family has a lot to do with Xie Chengze. If Xie Chengze fails, the Xie family will finally fall into the hands of Xie Ruanxin... They can get the Xie family easily!

Therefore, even if Tan Shaojun hates Xie Ruanxin, he still coaxes Xie Ruanxin.

As for what he really liked, it was Jiang Mi.

Tan Shaojun was in a good mood recently. Lu Yanzhou, who was always vying for Jiang Mi's attention, was finally driven away by him, and Xie's side also made progress.

But today…

Tan Shaojun looked at the photo in his hand and was a little lost.

Xie Ruanxin is very mindless. He likes to ask him for ideas when he encounters things. A month ago, he told him about Xie Chengze's love affair.

He thought it was impossible at the time, thinking that Xie Ruanxin must have made a mistake.

Xie Chengze was in poor health, so he dyed his hair probably to hide it. As for the roses in the car... Maybe he just likes roses.

Xie Chengze was thirty-eight years old. In the past thirty-eight years, he had never been in love. Now that he is so poor, how could he suddenly fall in love.

But Xie Ruan Xin said so... Tan Shaojun still asked someone to check.

Xie Chengze was not easy to investigate. The person he sent to investigate didn't find anything at first, and only gave him the exact information today.

Xie Chengze was really in love, and the object of his love was a man, and the man he knew was Lu Yanzhou.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou liked Jiang Mi very much, to the extent that he was willing to give everything for Jiang Mi.

He disliked Lu Yanzhou, but sometimes, thinking that Jiang Mi loved himself more than Lu Yanzhou, and even loved himself for nothing, he would feel a strange sense of satisfaction.

Recently, Lu Yanzhou disappeared. He has been curious about where Lu Yanzhou went. It turned out that he went to Xie Chengze?

Tan Shaojun looked at the photo in his hand again.

In the photo, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze are holding hands, which is indescribably close, but Tan Shaojun does not think that Lu Yanzhou will really get together with Xie Chengze in such a short period of time.

There must be a reason for Lu Yanzhou to do this. As for what reason... Is Lu Yanzhou trying to get money from Xie Chengze to pay off the debt?

Lu Yanzhou might still want to rely on Xie Chengze to deal with him! Or stimulate **** rice!

Tan Shaojun is thirty-one this year, and people often praise him for being young and promising, but compared with Xie Chengze, he is nothing.

It is precisely because of this that he has always hated Xie Chengze.

After so many years, Xie Chengze has never been in love. Now that he is so close to Lu Yanzhou, he must like Lu Yanzhou very much.

It is estimated that the old house is on fire and cannot be extinguished.

At this time, if Xie Chengze knew that Lu Yanzhou didn't like him at all... how uncomfortable would it be?

Can his body stand it?

Tan Shaojun gave Jiang Mi the photos of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze that night.

Seeing the photo, Jiang Mi was stunned.

Who is this man with Lu Yanzhou? How could Lu Yanzhou be with others?

At this moment, Jiang Mi felt that he had lost something.

"Jiang Mi, I know you've been looking for Lu Yanzhou, so I searched for you, but when I found him, he was already with Xie Chengze, the president of the Xie family. He should do this to repay his debts. It's not good for him or for President Xie," Tan Shaojun said, "Go and persuade him to stop doing such a thing. I can help him repay the debt he owes."

Jiang Mi nodded absentmindedly.

Tan Shaojun added: "Wait, you go to him directly, it's too embarrassing for him, you better not go to him, go to Xie Chengze. Xie Chengze is a person with a head and face, if you know that Lu Yanzhou has someone he likes, I will definitely break up with him."

After a few words, Tan Shaojun coaxed Jiang Mi to find Xie Chengze for a showdown.

a few days later.

Xie Chengze was going to sign a contract with someone today, so he didn't eat at the company at noon, but went to a nearby private club.

The food here is very delicate, but when he eats it, he feels that it is not as delicious as Lu Yanzhou's.

In just two months, Lu Yanzhou has become a part of his life.

Halfway through the meal, Xie Chengze went to the toilet to give himself insulin, but as soon as he walked out of the toilet, he was stopped by someone.

What stopped him was a cute boy who was much shorter than him, less than 1.7 meters tall, with a thin body and a baby face.

Xie Chengze's first reaction when he saw the child was that the young man's skin was so good, and the man's eyelashes were so long.

If he looks like this... forget it, Lu Yanzhou likes mature men.

However, Xie Chengze had to admit that he envied the young man in front of him.

The years are just right, and there is still a lot of time to splurge.

It's just... what is this person doing to stop him?

Xie Chengze asked, "Little boy, is there something wrong?"

"I... my name is Jiang Mi, do you know me?" Jiang Mi asked.

Xie Chengze frowned slightly, this person didn't say his name, he really didn't know that this person was Jiang Mi.

His sister had previously said that Tan Shaojun likes men. He thought at the time that since Tan Shaojun likes men, he would kick him and choose a better one. Unfortunately, his sister still wanted to die for Tan Shaojun.

It was useless for him to persuade him. He thought that after a long time, his sister would naturally wake up. Only later did he find out that there was other cooperation between his sister and Tan Shaojun.

And Jiang Mi, the man Tan Shaojun likes, is also Lu Yanzhou's former friend - Lu Yanzhou has said that he no longer regards Jiang Mi as a friend.

"You know me, did Lu Yanzhou tell you? What did he say about me?" Jiang Mi asked.

"What's the matter with you looking for me?" Xie Chengze asked. He didn't have a good impression of this Jiang Mi. After all, this person did nothing when Tan Shaojun dealt with Lu Yanzhou.

Jiang Mi glanced at Xie Chengze cautiously: "That's it, can you break up with Lu Yanzhou?"

Xie Chengze suspected that he had heard it wrong, but Jiang Mi continued: "Lu Yanzhou doesn't like you, he is forced to be with you, it must be painful for him to be with you, and it's not right to lie to you... you and him Break up."

Xie Chengze was a little speechless, but he was not too young to care about a child: "How do you know he will suffer?"

Lu Yanzhou is obviously very happy every day.

"Brother Yanzhou likes me, but I can't accept him..." Halfway through Jiang Mi's words, he saw Xie Chengze looking at him calmly, as if he was looking at an ignorant child.

Xie Chengze obviously doesn't believe him, and may think he is talking nonsense!

Jiang Mi couldn't stand Xie Chengze's eyes. He took out his mobile phone and showed Xie Chengze his chat record with Lu Yanzhou: "I didn't lie to you! What I said is true!"

Xie Chengze didn't believe Jiang Mi's words. This Jiang Mi was Tan Shaojun's boyfriend, but said that Lu Yanzhou liked him... What a mess!

Jiang Mi wanted to show him the chat records, but he didn't want to.

But even if he didn't want to see it, he still saw it, and after seeing it, he frowned.

What is Jiang Mi trying to do by forging chat records with Lu Yanzhou?

Is Tan Shaojun planning to do something?

Xie Chengze thought so, took Jiang Mi's phone and looked at the chat records.

The Lu Yanzhou inside is simply a licking dog, but... this is not Lu Yanzhou's account at all.

"I still have our group photo here." Jiang Mi said again, and opened the photo album to show Xie Chengze the photo of Lu Yanzhou and him.

There are many photos of them together, some of them were taken by Jiang Mi to anger Tan Shaojun, and they seem to be very close.

Xie Chengze froze.

When Xie Chengze returned to the box, his face was not very good.

That Jiang Mi Lala said a lot of words, and there is no point, but he still extracted the meaning.

Jiang Mi persuaded him to break up with Lu Yanzhou, and told him not to tell Lu Yanzhou what happened today.

This person also felt that Lu Yanzhou was with him entirely for money.

Lu Yanzhou didn't take his money, but the relationship between Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi seemed to be different from what Lu Yanzhou said.

In fact, if Lu Yanzhou liked Jiang Mi before, it was nothing. Jiang Mi was already with Tan Shaojun. Lu Yanzhou had forgotten that Jiang Mi was with him, which was normal.

But those chat records, as well as some words Jiang Mi said intentionally or unintentionally...

Xie Chengze was uneasy for no reason.

He had never investigated Lu Yanzhou before, but at this moment, Xie Chengze suddenly wanted to know about Lu Yanzhou's past.

Xie Chengze couldn't hold back, and asked someone to go to the place where Lu Yanzhou worked before and ask about Lu Yanzhou's situation.

If Jiang Mi lied to him, he will apologize to Lu Yanzhou.

If what Jiang Mi said is true... Xie Chengze still thinks that Jiang Mi is lying.

He took out his phone, glanced at it, and saw that Lu Yanzhou had sent him several messages.

Lu Yanzhou has always cared about him very much, especially considerate, how could he not like him.

But... a young man in his twenties, if he has never been in love, how can he be so considerate?

He's also good at cooking, knows how to arrange a date, and is particularly good at kissing.

Xie Chengze closed his eyes, then opened them again.

That Jiang Mi must be lying to him.

Xie Chengze didn't want to believe what Jiang Mi said, but he asked Lu Yanzhou's former colleagues to ask about Lu Yanzhou's situation, but he asked a lot of things related to Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou's former colleagues all said that Lu Yanzhou didn't spend much money when he was frugal, and all the money he saved was spent on Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou's former colleagues also said that Lu Yanzhou is usually Jiang Mi when he opens his mouth and closes his mouth, and always says that he wants to make money so that Jiang Mi can live a good life.