MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 136 Impossible cannibalism

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  Chapter 136 Impossible Cannibalism

  In the dead of night, in Ted's "private laboratory".

  Ansu and Parker were still watching him, lest the professor or Filch find out.

  Actually, Ted and Mrs. Norris have a very good relationship now, and now cats and cats come to Ted to eat snacks without telling Filch. Especially interested in the white mice, which made Ansu very upset, and often swooped down in the corridors of the castle to retaliate when no one was around~

   Filch thought his cat was sick, so he didn't eat, and took him to the school hospital to ask for medicine.

  Under the light of the fire, there were still a few mice and the long-tailed monkey in the cage.

   It is said that Ted's experiment has been completed, and the long-tailed monkey with a rough face and a thunderous mouth should be put back.

  The question is, isn't this new experiment coming again?

  Professor Kettleburn: My monkey is gone! Has anyone seen my monkey? !


  Ted has been secretly studying Azeroth's water-making and food-making skills in recent days.

   From Ted’s point of view, these two magics are almost the most difficult to transform into native magic.

  If it wasn't for Ted's knowledge of transforming as a druid, he wouldn't have dared to try it.

   Other water and fire magic, any magic suppression, and even "awakening" can be traced.

  Awakening can restore a large amount of magic power in the body in a short period of time. If you follow the path of the wizard's blood, it is not impossible.

   But water making and food making are different.

  Water making is better, at least in the local area there is the magic spell of "clear spring is like water", which can conjure water.

  The difference is whether the water can be drunk, and whether it can restore magic power and physical strength.

   But the cannibalism is completely different.

  Can the magic world use magic power to conjure food out of thin air?

able! Can't.

  The reason why it can be said is because it can still be transformed.

   Saying that it can’t be done is because it has been transformed into a superficial appearance, and it cannot be eaten.

   In the field of transfiguration, there is a well-known basic law of Gamp transfiguration.

  There are five major exceptions, the first of which is that food cannot be conjured out of thin air.

  You can turn raw materials into food. For example, if you have flour and water, you can turn it into bread, which simplifies the steps.

   Like Aunt Molly does every day at home, most house witches are quite skilled.

   It is said that water can be transformed, why can't food be transformed?

  Ted has done an experiment, and the water he created with the water-making spell is drinkable.

   Both the white mouse and the long-tailed monkey can prove it~

   But not the food.

  The little white mouse ate the donut that he had created, and died of pain in less than five minutes.

  After the autopsy, it was found that the stomach had been greatly damaged, and there were no food residues. There is a problem here.

  Ted used the water-making technique again to create a magic spring that could restore magic power, and fed it to the mice.

  The three mice had different doses and different performances.

   Two of them were in great pain, running around and screaming.

  The last one was so excited that it started dancing wildly in the cage...

   This one survived yesterday's experiment. Of the eight mice that have been used as test subjects, only one is "fortunate" to participate in the third round of experiments.

  Five minutes later, the other two mice died, with protruding eyes and slightly swollen bodies.

  Take it out and dissect it with a knife. The muscles and blood vessels are all damaged in different ways, but there is nothing wrong with the brain.

   "Like the consequences of excessive magic power infection?!" Ted was not sure.

  He recorded the experimental process and data in his notes, and wrote down conjectures and subsequent experimental steps.

   Ansu on the side looked at the two dead mice, and shook his head distressedly: "The death is so miserable, I must not eat it, I have to throw it away, what a waste, quack~

  The long-tailed monkey in the cage covered its mouth with its paws, and leaned against the side of the cage with a terrified expression, keeping as far away from Ted as possible, wishing to stuff itself into the iron bars.

   Its IQ is not bad, at least it can be seen that many mice have died in the past few days, all of which were watered to death by this boy~

   And he still wants to pour himself!

  Long-tailed Thief Monkey: Help! Someone killed the monkey! Come on, I don't dare to steal anymore~~~

   "Clean up here, and bury the little white mouse in a remote place outside the castle." Ted ordered, then performed an invisibility technique on himself, and went back to bed.

  Ansu followed naturally, flapped his wings silently, and disappeared into the corridor.

  Psicrystal Kappa moves his legs and feet, and then uses psionic power to direct the invisible servants created by magic to work.

  Two invisible human-shaped energy bodies floated out of the window with the dead mouse, and went to the edge of the forbidden forest in the distance, digging holes to bury the mouse.

  Invisible servants are very easy to use, they don’t eat or drink, don’t complain, and don’t need to be paid.

  The only bad thing is that the intelligence is average, and you can't give too complicated orders.

  But Psicrystal Parker can direct them in detail, which makes up for the shortcomings.


  The next day, Ted came outside Professor McGonagall's office after school.

   "Boom boom boom~"

"Come in."

  Ted pushed the door and entered.

  Professor McGonagall looked up, and it turned out to be Ted.

   Yo, rare customer!

  She sat up straight, took off her glasses and wiped them with a fine cotton cloth, and looked at Ted unkindly.

  Ted got into a lot of trouble this year, and was fined to go to the Forbidden Forest.

  If it weren’t for the rapid progress in his transformation technique recently, it seems that he has put in a lot of effort, and I have to deal with him~

   "Ted, what can you do?" Professor McGonagall continued to wipe his glasses, even unwilling to look up at him.

  Ted showed a very sunny smile, just like when he was taken to Diagon Alley by Mag.

   "Professor, I have some questions about Transfiguration that I would like to ask."

   I don’t know whether it was Ted’s bright smile that made a difference, or Professor McGonagall’s hard work on transfiguration, she finally put on her glasses and looked at Ted.

   "Sit down." Professor McGonagall waved lightly, and a chair appeared behind Ted.

  Ted sat opposite the desk, holding a thick notebook, very well-behaved.

   "Tell me, what questions do you have?" Ted's pretentiousness worked, and Professor McGonagall saw him more or less pleasing to the eye.

   "Professor, I would like to ask about Gump's basic deformation laws, especially the first of the five exceptions..."

  Professor McGonagall pushed his glasses and looked at Ted carefully: "It's too early for you to know this."

   Gump's basic deformation rules are extracurricular extension knowledge for fifth graders.

  But she thought about it, even if she didn't say it herself, with Ted's character, she might look it up by herself. Doesn't he already know something?

   "Well, do you have any questions about not being able to conjure food?" she asked.

   "Professor, can you really not conjure food? I mean, can you really not eat it?"

  Professor McGonagall stared into Ted's eyes, "Listen to you, you've already tried it, right? You're not stupid enough to eat what you conjured up, are you?"

  Ted sneered: "Of course not. But why is the water from a clear spring like water drinkable?"

   "Fool, because clear springs like water are spells, not Transfiguration..."

  For the extra training of good students, Professor McGonagall told Ted a lot about Gamp’s basic transformation rules, especially the "conjure food" that Ted asked.

  Transfiguration can only conjure familiar things most of the time, and most of them are not permanent.

   This is why the transformed food cannot be eaten. After the magic effect fades, it will be difficult to say what is in your stomach.

  Magic power can even cause unpredictable and terrible damage and consequences.

  This is why Gamp's basic transformation rules stipulate that food cannot be conjured out of thin air.

   Actually can it?


  Just as Newton’s three laws also have limitations, Gamp’s basic deformation laws are naturally only relative to the normal state.

  The cutting-edge polymorph technique can conjure food, but it's very, very, very difficult!

  The difficulty is completely out of proportion to the benefits.

   At least one has to be a master of transfiguration to be eligible to attempt research in this area.

  Even Professor McGonagall never thought of such an unreliable research direction.

  Are the ingredients so expensive? There is absolutely no need to conjure up food!

  You can definitely produce fruit on a fruit tree.

  Although it cannot be born out of thin air, it can accelerate growth, and it can also use growth spells and expansion spells.

  The productivity of the wizarding world is very high, as can be seen from Hagrid's Halloween pumpkin.

  Once this powerful productive force is put into production, there is no need to worry about the survival materials.

   This is why many wizards are weird, they have no pressure to survive at all. Food, clothing and housing are not a problem at all, so naturally you can do whatever you want.

  Think about Professor Quirrell putting the spirit of studying the blood of magical animals on improving species.

  That’s true: a fat pig is better than an elephant, but with a short nose, and if the whole school kills one bite, it’s enough to eat for half a year.


  No matter what, Ted at least learned that the magic world also has a magical effect similar to creating food. It's just very high end.

  You can still continue your research.

   It's nothing more than more design experiments and attempts.

   Write, I need more guinea pigs!

  (end of this chapter)