MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 10 No wonder Voldemort chose Neville

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  Chapter 10 No wonder Voldemort chose Neville

  With the ability of the memory palace, Ted can also claim to have a photographic memory. The learning efficiency is almost ten times higher.

   After all, you can write down the notes first, and then go back to digest slowly at night.

  And after he became a psion, he is also developing the related abilities of psion.

  The psion he worked for should have originated from DND, that is, a certain world in the world view of Dungeons and Dragons. It also has its own power list.

   Except for the abilities of those special branches, you can try to develop other abilities by yourself.

   But the strange thing is that Ted asked in the Muggle world, this world does not have the classic fantasy theme of Dungeons and Dragons. Not even the much older Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

   I understand you don't have Harry Potter, not even Lord of the Rings and Dungeons and Dragons?

  Fortunately, I didn’t embark on the path of being rich on Wall Street at the beginning, and the world event of love has not changed. As a result, the details of culture and entertainment are completely different.

  The road to becoming a Wall Street millionaire is hard to say, maybe you will become a loser.

   Psions naturally want to study their own psychology, so Ted found two books on psychology in Muggle bookstores.

   "Psychological Type-Individual Psychology", the author is the famous psychologist Jung.

  Jung's own writing is straightforward and unambiguous, full of hints and inspirations, which are conducive to self-growth and increase understanding of others and things.

  The other book is "Social Psychology" by the famous American psychologist Olbo. This book marks that social psychology has officially become a science.

  To be honest, Ted felt that he had learned a lot, but compared to the content in the book, it was only a small part.

  If there is a chance, it is better to go to a Muggle university to study psychology.

  However, his self-study is also rewarding, especially now that he has just awakened psychic powers, which is the fastest-growing stage of psychic powers.

  Ted thus developed three small abilities.

  The first one is reading skills, which can instantly bring the words and patterns that you know to your mind.

  Psionic energy accelerated his brain's reading speed of text and images.

   Pick up a book and flip through it casually to memorize it all. Quick reading of quantum fluctuations belongs to yes.

  Although it is not very useful, it is very useful when combined with the memory palace.

  So he has been frantically picking up books in the bookstore these days, and the warehouse of Lihen Bookstore is Ted's favorite.

  He organizes and reads books and stores them in his brain like a hardworking little squirrel. Voluntary overtime even during non-working hours. Even the owner of the bookstore was embarrassed and wanted to raise his salary.

   Of course, it may also be the reason why Ted's charm value has increased, making it easier to gain the favor of the boss?

  Speaking of goodwill, the second psionic ability is goodwill, which uses a peaceful and friendly state of mind to influence other nearby mental bodies to have a weak goodwill for themselves.

  This ability cannot be comprehended by those lonely and sinister psions. Instead, they can appreciate the ability to make people actively distance themselves, or fear themselves.

  Favorite is a resident ability that does not need to be activated.

   And the last one is the "active skill" - hiding thoughts.

   Use psychic powers to shield your own mental activities, so that people cannot see through your thoughts and emotions.

  Turn this on, Ted would be right on the lie detector.

  Of course, he is not sure whether he can resist those powerful instigating thoughts.

  In terms of magic, he started to read another book "Give Your Enemy a Little Surprise". This is a book that teaches "black magic".

   Don't be nervous, the meaning of black magic is very broad. Includes jinxes and curses.

  The so-called curse is a curse with a certain amount of malice. Those mischievous spells fall into this category.

  The content of this book is also about this.

  Ted learned the long teeth curse, and the incisors of the spell are a big stick!

  The incisors of the recruits grow as long as carrots and can directly prop up the mouth.

   For this reason, Ted caught a mouse and fed it for two days. But when it was let go, it was still cursing.

  If Ted could understand, he probably wouldn't have let it go.

  After learning this prank spell, Ted added "Black Magic LV1" to his skill bar.


  Old Tom now has a new look at the little handyman he kindly took in.

  Working four jobs a day, and learning textbooks and magic spells by myself at night by the light. This persistence lasted for more than twenty days.

  This kind of self-discipline and perseverance are incomparable to ordinary adults.

   And Ted's magic talent is very high! very high!

  Old Tom had seen him teach himself the Descaling, Restoring, Watermaking, and Teething Charms.

  For a young Muggle-born wizard to be able to do this level of self-study, this kind of talent is already very amazing.

   "Maybe this is the child from a poor family who heads home early? He will enter school this year, maybe he can get to know Hannah." Old Tom muttered.

  Afterwards, Ted's meals improved a lot, and he could still eat meat and small cakes occasionally.

   Within two days, he also met Old Tom's granddaughter——Hannah Abbott. In another month, they will be classmates.

  Ted meets Hannah, a ruddy little girl with two golden braids.

  Ted couldn't help thinking to himself: Hannah Abbott!

  Unfortunately, even the iron hat king failed to keep the pure blood of this world! The savior Neville is really unexpected.

  However, it made Ted even more unaware of what was going on behind him.

   On the last day of July, Ted finished his job of processing medicinal materials in the pharmacy. Before the time came, he wandered around Diagon Alley to improve his progress in exploration tasks. Now the progress has reached 87%.

   There are only a few shops that I haven't entered yet, and this task is coming soon.

  When I have time, I am familiar with various shops, like a street sneaker.

   Just as he was looking at the Floo Pom headquarters that sold Floo powder, the door had never been opened, a male voice came from not far away.

   "Harry, what do you think of this Nimbus 2000? Shall I buy you one?! Of course, birthday presents are included."

   "No, I don't like broomsticks, and I don't like Quidditch either. Give up on it."


Ted's heart was shocked, and he turned around quickly, and saw a well-dressed, long-haired middle-aged man with a mustache, an elegant and quiet beautiful woman, and a young girl who was about his age and wearing glasses. girl.

  Although the little girl wears glasses, her expression is lively and unusual, and she is not the honest type at first glance.

   Something is wrong, what is wrong!

   Before Ted could think about it, he heard the clerk in a broom shop call the man Mr. Black.

  Black? Sirius? !

  This little girl is Harry? No, it's Harley? !

   This is a bolt from the blue! Butterfly wings...the solar storm strikes again!

  Forget it, Harry has become Harry!

   No wonder Voldemort didn't choose her.

  With Voldemort's character, he definitely wouldn't think that his "enemy" would be a girl.

   Wait, does that mean Voldemort is sexist?

  Where is Boxer? punch him!

   Just when Ted's thoughts were complete and his mind was in a mess, Blake seemed to be cynical with someone over there.

   Taking a closer look, it was the father and son who were facing the three of Harley.

  Both father and son are dressed in sleek and sleek clothes, with platinum-blond hair, and a bit of aristocratic high-class people.

  Sirius had a cynical smile on his face: "Oh, Malfoy, are you shopping in person too? Could it be that you came here to collect rent?"

  Old Malfoy maintained the so-called aristocratic demeanor, and he didn't change his expression in the face of ridicule: "I'm at least your cousin-in-law. Are you talking to me like that, Blake? How about your demeanor?"

   Those who quarreled with Sirius were undoubtedly Malfoy and his son.

  (end of this chapter)