MTL - History’s Strongest Shopkeeper-Chapter 1797 Wild, intelligent, isolated primitives and initial levels...

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Looking at the many powerful people around the initial creature 'Tao' carefully cautiously, Zhou Yang's heart appeared in a remote corner. He did not hesitate to directly run his own exercises and madly absorbed the origin of 'Tao'. .

How can he let go of such an excellent opportunity?

At this time, the initial creature 'dao' is like a spiritual pulse placed in front of the cultivator. No one can refuse the big opportunity in front of him.

"Who is this?"

Not far from Zhouyang, a group of strange black fog composed of humanoid special life, the gaze of the eyes suddenly stayed in a corner, the pupil suddenly shrank, he did not know when he had a figure next to him.

If this unknown power sneak attack on him, is it not successful?

However, in the next moment, the black mist was directly distorted, and the wrinkles became a group. Obviously, the heart was greatly affected.

He has never seen such a wild capture of the existence of the original biological origin, although the initial creature 'Tao' belongs to the uninhibited initial creature without any wisdom, but he is also the initial creature, moving, the initial biological 'dao' if it is violent, around I am afraid that all the creatures will fall.

"I am afraid that the devil will be afraid?"

The black fog restored the human form again. He looked at Zhou Yang, who was like a whale swallowing the original creature's origin. He hesitated and frightened to directly tear the space and escape.

He feels that this unknown existence is going to break the sky!

These lives are waiting to be around the initial biological 'dao'. The trillions of years do not necessarily dare to capture the origin of the fist size, but Zhou Yang is swallowing crazy, and refining in an instant, which is completely beyond his imagination.

He was lucky enough to get a glimpse of the source, spent a lot of years to successfully smelt into the body, Zhou Yang did not have any stagnation, refining a large number of sources, how to not be afraid?

However, no gods are the top devils in the core area, and they are very decisive. They turn and flee until they escape to the area where another initial creature is located. He stops and tells countless things that he has seen with his own eyes. The same kind of strong.

Many of the strongest people in the core area that quickly got the news were shocked, and they never thought that there was such a person who was not afraid of death, and the strength seemed to be very strong.

The projection of the Heavenless Devil can only let them see the blurred picture, but it is the picture that can be madly flowed out of the original creature's origin.

In particular, after the life of the living creatures around the initial creature got the news, they immediately fled, fearing that the initial creatures would 'riot'.

However, Zhou Yang did not care. For the sake of safety, he was already a detachment here. His body kept appearing near other initial creatures, and he left a avatar to absorb their origins.

In order to be on the safe side, Zhou Yang took a part of the source and transmitted it to the Wanjie Building.

"Name: Zhou Yang.

Level: Eight-star shop owner.

Realm: The mixed element is not destroyed by the eighth. ”

After absorbing the origins of the three initial creatures, Zhou Yang felt that he had a new understanding of the world, and he could create a super-world with his own purple energy, which turned into chaotic color, and then his eyes. When investing in personal information, I found that my realm broke through to another realm.

After the strength has been improved, Zhou Yang is more unscrupulous to absorb the origin of these initial creatures.

However, the goals he chose were all primitives.

Because he found that there are no heavenly cages, some of the initial creatures are also wise, they are called intelligent initial creatures.

However, he searched for some key information from the memory of some of the strong men who attacked him. Almost all of the intelligent initial creatures will not be close to the nearby core area, because once they are close to the core area, they will wake up the pioneering creatures. , triggering a big fight.

Among the original creatures with wisdom, there are some strange things. They only stay in specific areas, do their own things, never step out of a fixed area, and gradually are not rejected by other pioneering creatures. An isolated initial creature.

The solitary initial creatures are also incomparably dangerous. As long as any creatures are close to their area, they are obliterated without any accident.

If you enter the restricted area of ​​life and have the possibility of surviving, and enter the area where the original colony is located, there is no possibility of survival. Even if you escape from the death zone for a short time, the isolated initial creature will catch up and kill it.

The pioneering creatures of the wild type, the intelligent initial creatures, this is the two special initial taxonomic classifications that Zhou Yang currently finds, among which there are also isolated primitive creatures in the intelligent initial organisms.

In combination with the derivation node mentioned by Purple Leilong, Zhou Yang seems to understand what it is, but it needs further confirmation. He continues to fly to the core area.

"So many eleventh-order realms?"

Zhou Yang brows wrinkle He found that the closer to the core area, the eleventh-order stronger is more and more, although there is no heavenly cage, you can get twelve orders from the wild-type initial creature The source, however, only a few strong people can get the origin of the original creature, and these sources are directly spilling from the initial biological body of the wild type.

There is never a strong person like Zhou Yang, unscrupulously absorbing the origin of the primitive organism in the wilderness.

“Initial energy?”

Zhou Yang quickly found the reason. In the more distant era, there are initial energy levels like aura and magic elements, which are pure energy.

At that time, many souls gained initial energy, and as long as they survived, they basically reached the eleventh level.

To this day, there is still a small amount of initial-level energy flow in the innocent cage. If there is a lucky one, there may be hopes of becoming an eleventh-order powerhouse.

“There is another form of initial level!”

Zhou Yang silently observed in the core area and found that the atmosphere of many eleventh-order powerhouses is very similar, because these eleventh-order powerhouses cannot cover up the energy fluctuations in the body. In the strict sense, these eleven-order realms are not refined. The initial level of energy is simply smelted into the body and can be used.

“Or upgrade your strength first, then find a smart initial creature to talk to.”

Zhou Yang squatted and devoted himself to the state of swallowing the initial creatures, completely forgetting the time.

At this time, Wanjielou customers looked at the first floor of the Wanjielou main hall again, waiting for the beginning of the celebration activities, but for one month, two months, three months······, week Yang has never appeared.

“How did the shop owner disappear?”