MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 20. Weird iron medals (see collection! Ask for a ticket!)

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PS: There is still one more after 12 o'clock tonight, ask for advice! Seeking a collection! Ask members to click! thank you all!

With the body of Ye Jing, his bag was also scrapped.

Even the under-the-counter Baobing, who he carried with him, was swallowed up by the abyss. The only one who survived was the strange dark red ring and the iron card that fell into the hands of Yan Zhaoge.

Yan Zhao song fingers rubbed this iron card, the heart said: "This thing, it seems not simple."

And after the flames of fire, the fire is finally finished, this trip to the town of Longyuan is not white.

I will protect the same door and meet with my black guards. Yan Zhaoge and others face the riot of Zhenlongyuan, first avoiding their edge, looking for a mountain rock and sticking to defense.

I don't know how long it took, the storm finally subsided.

Everyone came out of hiding place, could not help but secretly screamed, because the chaos of the air inverted the space, although still deep in the town of Longyuan, but the nearby world has been beyond recognition.

Yan Zhao said: "There is such a change, you are not suitable to stay in the town of Long Yuan, this time the mission, the part that belongs to you has ended, and now go out with me."

A group of Guangchengshan disciples quickly nodded and promised.

Everything that happened before suddenly happened, so that they were all a little bit fascinated, and many people are still worried about it now.

Although there are many strong men in the masters of the Grand Masters in the Guangchong Mountains, a group of young disciples have never been so close to the battle between the great masters.

While everyone is open-minded, there is also a lingering fear.

The encounter of Ye Jing has made everyone feel awkward.

Yan Zhaoge glanced at them: "Ye Shidi was robbed this time, life and death is not clear, but I don't think he is a person who is early, may be able to make a good fight."

Everyone else was a little stunned. They only saw Ye Jing fall into the abyss because of the attack of the Red Spirit flag. Afterwards, because of the black fog, they couldn’t see the truth and could only hear a little voice.

Yan Zhao song nodded: "It is too early to say that Ye Shidi's life and death."

Everyone gave a sigh of relief. In the weekdays, Ye Jing’s popularity can only be said to be general. There are many people in the field who have a bad relationship with him.

However, in the face of the big master attack, the kind of powerless feeling that can only be shackled, so that other young disciples also have a sense of death and fox.

At the moment, they are quite convinced of Yan Zhaoge. Listening to Yan Zhao’s song, Ye Jing may have survived, and suddenly let go of his heart.

Yan Zhaoge went on to say: "However, the big master who suddenly appeared before, actually and Ye Shidi called brothers and sisters, but this is somewhat unexpected."

At this moment, the same door was relieved, and when I thought about it carefully, I was amazed at the moment and felt incredible.

Si Kongqing's gaze and micro-microwave moved. Yan Zhao’s eyes looked at her: “What does Sikong’s sister seem to know?”

"The man surnamed Han, with the main door in the East Tang Dynasty, the elders of the elders have old grievances, temper, martial arts and tyranny, and such a big master, if I remember correctly, it should be 'ghost axe old man 'Han Sheng.'

Yan Zhaoge said: "This old man has been missing for many years. He is quite hateful to the elders. This sudden appearance in the vicinity of the Eastern Tang Dynasty is worthy of attention."

After Si Kongqing was silent, he replied simply and neatly: "I have traveled to the East Tang Dynasty before, and I have been to the Luliao Mountains next to Zhenlongyuan, where I was in distress."

"It was later that Ye Shidi, who had not yet started, saved me, but I really don't know about the old man."

"But the danger at that time was the martial arts strongman in the realm of the guru. I was afraid that I could not resolve it. How did Ye Shidi save me? I have always been strange, but it is not easy to explore. I have to think that it is a good man."

Yan Zhao song nodded and no longer continued to ask: "I believe that the words of Sikong Shimei, since you do not know, then all can only wait for Ye Shidi to say, but these circumstances, then report to Zongmen truthfully, now It is not your personal business."

Si Kongqing replied: "I understand."

The group of people had a hard time out of the town, and they saw the feeling of the day and made the young disciples happy.

Yan Zhao song made a snap, accompanied by a middle-aged man in black, sent a contact signal, and then everyone waited in the same place.

Soon, Ahu arrived first, and then there were other warriors coming in. It was the Guangfu Mountain Warrior who guarded the Eastern Tang Dynasty and the warrior of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Ah Hu met, if not for the many people, just want to pounce on it, hug the thighs of Yan Zhaoge and cry: "Don son, you are fine, it's great!"

Yan Zhao song laughed and said: "I have something, you can eat Haisai at will, and when you eat it, you will not care for you."

A tiger scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "Don't dare, don't dare."

Yan Zhaoge asked: "Strice elders, Han Sheng and the Red Spirit flag owners?"

Ahu replied: "The strict elders and the old man of the axe stopped and went all the way to the west. The mains of the Red Spirit flag went away. Someone was following, and the latest news has not been returned."

Yan Zhao song nodded, waiting for everyone to rectify, identify the direction of the path, then set off from Zhen Longyuan.

The first place to go is Linyuan City. After arriving at Linyuan City, you will settle down and make other follow-up arrangements.

Linyuan City, as the name implies, is next to Zhenlongyuan. Dongtangguo is the easternmost part of Tiandongzhou, and Linyuan City is the easternmost corner of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Here, the East Tang Dynasty faces the first line of Zhenlongyuan, and the environment is relatively rough and harsh.

However, the treasures produced in the town of Longyuan were brought out by the warriors who entered the expedition. A considerable part of them will be traded in Linyuan City, so there is also a large-scale market.

Of course, those who dare to enter the town of Longyuan, either have a good practice as a body, or a fierce temperament over the life of the knife and blood, so in the city of Linyuan, it is still quite chaotic.

It is not only the East Tang Dynasty that pays attention to the stability here. Guangshang Mountain also has a special deacon elder stationed on the one hand. On the other hand, it monitors the bridgehead of the town of Longyuan, on the one hand, taking into account the public security and the benefits of the city.

Everyone went down to rest, Yan Zhaoge was observing the iron card.

The lines on the iron plate look more like a word.

"For the people of this era, it is very old and embarrassing, but it was developed after the great destruction." Yan Zhao’s brow slightly raised: "It should be the text that was born shortly after the destruction, the reserve of my knowledge." For the sake of it, it’s just not going to be in the future.

Yan Zhaoge turned a blank eye on some egg pain, and then calmed down and carefully observed.

"However, there seems to be a context to follow..."

The small iron plate is about half the size of the palm. The Yanzhao song is full of the above pattern. I think in my heart: "There is something similar to an ancient text before the big break. It can be referenced during the period. There are veins to follow."

Fingers tapped on the iron plate, Yan Zhao song Xu Xuan read: "The public ... dragon ... ancient ... cold ... reverse ... scales ..."