MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 1786. Dinghai Shenzhu, returning to the gate

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It seems that the trend of the sea and the sea, Yan Zhao song tears in front of the general trend to the Buddha Buddha light to the white flames.

"Before in the realm of Taixu, he combined with the martial arts of Sanqing, and created a new vein of his own, and there are traces to follow. He can see the source faintly." Yan Zhao song shot, frowning: "Now, I can't see how many clues..."

The Yanzhao song separates the flames of the sky, one hand stretches out, and the **** in the food stand like a sword, and smash toward the general trend to the Buddha.

Bodhisattva is born under the lotus, holding him back to avoid.

However, the Yanzhao song is faster, although the general trend to the Buddha's footsteps to move the lotus to move the void, still seeing Yan Zhao song fingertip sword mans, getting closer and closer to him.

The general trend to the Buddha helpless, double palms together, condensed the light body.

The endless brilliance spreads all over the square, and then all shrinks to a point.

The bodhisattva is in front of his chest, and the white light condenses into a nine-petal lotus platform.

This lotus platform flutters forward and greets the Yan Zhao song fingertips.

In the emptiness of the demon domain, where the lotus platform passes, all of them are burnt through, forming a path of empty holes.

The infinite amount of brilliance is highly concise and compressed, forming an unimaginable high temperature and more blazing flames.

The ray repels and destroys everything that is encountered in the ablation. The nine-petal lotus platform is housed in the attack, both offensive and defensive, powerful and sturdy, facing the swordsman of Yanzhao song.

Compared with the nine-petal lotus platform, the swordsmanship of Yanzhao song is like a candle in the wind, which is invisible.

However, when the two sides collided together, the seemingly weak sword mang, actually directly put the nine-petal lotus pier!

The pierced lotus platform is no longer stable, and the infinite brilliance of condensation is difficult to continue to gather and begin to spread around.

Glory re-photographed the four sides, but lost the infinite and endless intent of the previous, scattered a little, less.

As the nine-petal lotus table breaks, the light tends to faint.

And the seemingly ordinary swordsmanship is like a flame that spreads and continues to stab the general trend to the Bodhisattva.

"I am compassionate." On the burning lamp, the ancient Buddha looked at the bottom and was exhausted, but there was still a **** sea. He sighed and sighed, and sang the Buddha's number. He once again sacrificed 18 pieces of sea pearls. Qi Qi Zhao Yan Zhao Ge went to the center. The attacking enemy will be saved, helping the general situation to the Buddha to solve the problem.

On the sea pearls, the five colors are shining, dazzling, and the spirit of the town.

Yanzhao sang the sky and blew three breaths. Three clear air walks over the sky above his head, like a sea of ​​clouds.

The five colors of the sea pearls were covered with clear air, and suddenly they could not see the Yan Zhao song.

The treasures that are as heavy as the heavens are fallen, and the heads of Yan Zhao’s songs are found.

Yan Zhaoge is ignorant of this prestige, killing many of the top-notch treasures.

He flashed his fingertips, and after wearing the nine-petal lotus platform, he took another sword and continued to move forward.

The general trend to the Bodhisattva wants to avoid, but the invincible swordsman still pierces his forehead.

The golden body of the Buddha who invented the bright light is like a discouraged ball.

Yan Zhao’s fingers were withdrawn and retracted, and the general trend to the forehead wounds of the Buddha’s forehead continued to sprinkle from it.

The action of pumping the sword seems to take the breath of the general trend to the life of the Buddha.

At the same time, Dinghaizhu went to the top of Yanzhao's song.

Seeing Yanzhao song seems to be dodging, but his mud pill palace opened at this time, and it was a white air.

By this white gas, Yan Zhao songs top three clear gas, three clear together.

This glimpse quickly changed to form a canopy, covering the Yanzhao song.

On the top of the canopy, there are many wonderful images, one layer after another, resembling a pagoda.

At the bottom, there is a chaos, which is ambiguous and unspeakable. It seems that there is still nothing, and if it is not divided.

The upper part of Hongmeng opened up, the universe began, the chaotic land and water rushed around, and the innate scene was bumpy.

To the congenital five Taiwu Dezhang, re-established the water and fire, open the world, Taiji divided the yin and yang, the beginning of the creation.

That is to say, after the change of the wilderness, all the creatures were born, and the world’s thousands of scenes were presented one by one.

Layer after layer, constantly upwards, and many wonderful images are stacked together.

In the end, the end of creation, the demise of everything, everything goes to nothing.

An unspeakable and difficult to describe point, standing on the top of the canopy, looming, like a treasure.

But that is not the end, but it seems to be a new beginning, and another evolution will be opened up and changed.

Thus, the cycle is endless, and the wonders are endless.

The edge of the canopy is also endlessly clear, like a strip of silk ribbon, hanging down.

If the heavens fall, the overbearing sea pearls will fall on the top of the Yanzhao song, but suddenly there is no sound.

One side of the universe shrinks and returns to the shape of a gorgeous pearl. It seems to fall on the plate and is firmly held by the canopy of Yan Zhaoge.

Feng Yunqi, Peacock Daming Wang, Yang Lan, and Su Mingming saw each other, and their eyes were dazzling.

Land pressure road Jun, where and so on, the face is faint

Facing the Yanzhao songs, the ancient Buddha feels stronger on the burning lamp, and Lingtai’s heart is full of waves and waves, which is difficult to calm down.

When I saw the head of Yan Zhao’s song, the Huagai was on the top of the head.

He quickly tried to recover the sea pearls.

As a result, an abundance of sea pearls that fell on the canopy swayed, but it was difficult to get out of the canopy, as if it had been glued to it.

Regardless of how hard the ancient Buddhas worked on the lights, how the sea pearls struggled on the canopy, but they could not fly.

"The number of lives is so..." The ancient Buddha sighed on the burning lamp.

The sea pearls that are caught by the canopy, only do not give up.

This year, it belonged to the Qing dynasty Zhao Gongming, and later fell into the eternal treasure of the ancient Buddha's hand on the burning lamp. Now it has finally returned to the rumor.

On the burning lamp, the ancient Buddha not only gave up the sea pearls, but also left the abyss of the blood sea and avoided it in the distance.

The hard work of planning for a long time, the West Pure Land, after all, chose to give up.

Otherwise, wait until the ancient Buddha is on the burning lamp, including the Pure Land Buddhas, including himself.

Because Yan Zhao songs first appeared in Da Luo, and their own success is in front of them, only to burn the lights on the ancient Buddha and a group of Buddhism lords moved greedy and ignorant, and daring to face Yan Zhao song.

However, it turns out that luck is unavoidable.

Yan Zhaoge came all the way, and he was invincible, sweeping the Pure Land Buddhas!

On the burning lamp, the ancient Buddha and other people were woken up, and they took the opportunity to retreat.

Yan Zhao songs have nothing to do, step by step to the top of the blood sea, looked down at the **** sea bursts below, the numerous "卍" character lines appearing from the sky.

He smacked his hand to the palm of his hand, and the pure gold was cut through, and the scent of the Buddha's ink was faded.

"Yan Shi's major repairs are shocking, I admire." The ancient Buddha sighed on the burning lamp: "It's just that you are now in the Daluo. Although the strength is strong, it is still far from the Tao. You are taking a path that you have never seen before. Today's nine-secret bureau, if you are afraid that it is not suitable, but I do not know whether it will eventually become a full-fledged Taoist friend, or an Antarctic Taoist friend?"