MTL - His Transmigrated Cannon Fodder Fiancé-Chapter 79 Write off

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Biquge, the latest chapter of the East Bed will be updated as soon as possible!

Shen Ziqiao was surprised to look at the master of the big hand, a cold and handsome face imprinted into his eyes, Qi Qi!

Qi Yan's whole body exudes a murderous intent, and he looks coldly at the person in front of him, "Go back!"

"You ... who are you?" Dahan held his hand and looked at Qi Zheng in horror.

"What do you want to do?" Qi Yan didn't look at the others, looked down and asked Shen Ziqiao, and told everyone clearly that he was here to help Shen Ziqiao.

Shen Ziqiao never felt that Qi Yan was a good person like this moment! She gritted her teeth and glanced at the people who dared not speak, "Where is the poisoned person?"

"Miss Three, in the medical hall." Fan Tuan squeezed out of the crowd, his forehead and eyes were injured, and his body was embarrassed with eggs and tomatoes.

"How many people are poisoned?" Shen Ziqiao suppressed Shen's anger and asked Shen.

"One." Fan Tsang did not panic on his face, only calm and calm.

There was a mocking sneer in Shen Ziqiao's eyes. One person's poisoning could cause this large group of people to besiege Mipu. It seems that behind the scenes it took a lot of thought.

"What about people?" Shen Ziqiao asked intently.

Qi Yan stood beside her with a negative hand and said nothing, but her tall body and deterrent momentum made it impossible to ignore.

He looked at her side face, with a little childish face faint anger, dark and bright eyes stared straight ahead, not afraid or flinching, and did not show panic because of the shop accident.

Is it because she is the daughter of Shen Xiao?

No, that's not the case.

She is looking for a way to solve the problem. She is not the kind of lady who can bully others.

"In the medical museum, I'm awake." Fan Tzu Fan is a middle-aged man with a round face. He respectfully answered Shen Ziqiao, just as he had treated Pan in the past.

Shen Ziqiao asked people to invite the poisoned person and his family.

"I'm so heartbroken, I've been poisoned, and I don't want people to rest. This is to kill someone alive." Li Ma ** Nephew, Li Junjie saw that the scene was controlled, unwilling, and began to stir up the flames.

"Who is my Tao? It turned out to be Li Treasurer. Speaking of which, Treasurer Li has something to do with this. The rice in the shop is bought by Li Treasurer. If there is a problem with the rice, the most difficult thing to blame is you Shen Ziqiao already stared at this bastard, and when he spoke, she stared at it immediately, and motioned to the little sister next to him.

Li Junjie shouted, "I have been kicked out of the Shen family by your three young ladies. Your Shen family killed and filled your life, and it has nothing to do with me."

"It doesn't matter, I'll know in a while." Shen Ziqiao sneered.

I do not know who reported the officer, dozens of officers and men appeared neatly in front of the crowd, and surrounded the troubled people.

Shen Ziqiao glanced gratefully.

"I don't know if you all bought rice in our rice shop? When did you buy and what rice did you buy? We need to register. If it is really a problem with our rice, our rice shop will bear all the responsibilities, if not ... ... Brother Guancha is here. Our Shen family will not bully others, but they will not do anything wrong. "Shen Ziqiao raised his voice, his tender and childish tone with a severe power.

Is bullying her a girl? joke! See who has a harder fist.

More than twenty people in trouble were staring at each other, and many people's eyes flashed a guilty conscience.

"We were poisoned by the rice you ate!" The family member of the poisoned man shouted rightly.

Shen Ziqiao held them coldly, "Really? What kind of rice did you buy? Is it Suzhou rice from our shop, or northern Guangdong rice? Xiaomi or brown rice?"

"Yes ... it is northern Guangdong rice," the woman cried.

"Are you sure you bought our northern Guangdong rice?" Shen Ziqiao looked at Fan Treasurer, Fan Treasurer asked loudly.

The poisoned man had been carried over, except that his face was slightly pale and his spirit looked good.

When the woman saw her husband coming over, the waist plate immediately straightened, "Yes, we just bought your Yuebei rice and got poisoned. We only bought it yesterday."

In addition to the official mission in front of the rice shop, there were many people. Fan Tsang yelled, "Everyone heard it. They were poisoned by eating rice from the north of Guangdong, but our shop did not have north Guangdong rice three days ago. This is simply a deliberate frame of our shop. "

Several people's faces changed.

"I remember wrong!" The woman cried. "Yes, it was rice bought five days ago."

Apart from a few ulterior motives, the others who came to Mipu today are passers-by, only to think that they are doing justice, and then they are coaxing together.

When the woman didn't talk about it, everyone felt cheated.

Fan Tsang-chan said to the leading official, "My lord, this woman has no preface or whisper. We have never bought any rice from North Guangdong, and we have always only had Suzhou rice. I really do n’t know who these people are instigated. We deliberately framed our Mipu, whether it was against Mipu or General Shen, and I asked some adults to find out. "

"How could there be no rice from North Guangdong, your guys clearly said that they had entered a batch of rice from North Guangdong yesterday!" Li Junjie cried indignantly.

"Yes, we bought a batch of northern Guangdong rice yesterday, but because that rice is still in the warehouse and has not been sold before, is it possible ... Who stole the rice from our warehouse and sold it?" Fan shopkeeper Asked sharply.

Li Junjie's face was even more ugly.

Shen Ziqiao's dark eyes flashed a cold mang.

"Let's ask the adults to get justice for our rice shop." Fan Treasurer said again.

Li Junjie dimly wanted to hide in the crowd.

"Fan shopkeeper, do you still recognize who hurt you or who broke our Mipu door?" Shen Ziqiao mocked in his eyes, thinking it was all right?

Does she look like the Virgin?

"I can recognize it." Fan Treasurer and Mi Pu's buddies easily recognized several people who took the lead in hitting the shop.

The others pointed at Li Junjie and shouted, "It's him ... it's him who gave us money and let us hit people."

Shen Ziqiao said to the official, "I'm in trouble with several adults. I will give you these deliberate troubles. In the future, our Shen family will not forget the hard work of several adults."

The person who beat her, smashed her shop, and wanted her to care for nothing? Think beautiful!

Qi Yan Youmo's eyes stared at her side face, with angry eyes, tight corners of lips, this girl ... The flaw must be reported.

Such a character is straightforward and cute.

After a while, Lord Ning from Shuntian Mansion in Beijing came. After meeting with Shen Ziqiao and Qi Yi, he quickly dissipated the crowd and arrested Li Junjie.

"Master Ning, this Li Junjie used to be the shopkeeper in my shop. I was lazy and greedy, and often used inferior rice as a good rice. Such a scum does not punish him how to change him, right?" Zizi Qiao smiled. Say.

The meaning of this statement, Master Ning, immediately understood.

Qi Yan smiled beside him.

After half an hour, Mipu was left with a few of them.

Only then did Shen Ziqiao thank Qi Qi.

"Thank you." If he hadn't appeared in time today, and she had sent the official for her, she really didn't know how to end today.

Maybe hurt ... The injury is still a trivial matter, Li Junjie simply wants to kill her while messing around.

"Knowing that the other party is prepared and rushing down like a fool, haven't you thought about the consequences? When you act so impulsively, when will you be like a girl's house?" Qi Yan looked down at the girl who only reached his chest, The words of the lesson came out of my mouth involuntarily.

Shen Ziqiao pouted, "I didn't think so much at the time."

"You didn't even think about it! Just like a child." Qi Yan raised her hand and tapped her forehead, "don't think about the consequences first."

"Hello, have you said enough?" Shen Ziqiao looked up at him, and learned that he was addicted, didn't he?

Qi Li stared, "Did you hear what I said? Do not act so impulsively in the future and think about the consequences beforehand."

Hongyu and others watched in a stunned way Qi Qi taught Shen Ziqiao.

No one has ever drinken Miss Three like this.

Shen Ziqiao murmured, "I know, I know!"

She was really useless this time, and she regretted it when she got out of the carriage.

This honest and obedient appearance was the first time I saw it.

Qi Yan felt a slight apex in his heart.

"Have you been hurt?" The deep voice was full of concern, and her bright eyes were as bright as a star.

Shen Ziqiao's scalp was crisp and he felt the sound was better than the cello. "No, they didn't touch me."

Because he appeared in time.

"Why are you here?" Shen Ziqiao asked quickly again, so happened to be here?

Qi Zheng turned his face away. When he saw her carriage on East Street, he had come to her intentionally. Later, when he heard that there was a trouble on West Street, he guessed that she would be here. She was in a hurry because she was afraid of something unexpected. coming.

Fortunately, I arrived in time.

"It's okay, let's go home." Qi Yan raised his hand to touch her hand, his palm moved slightly, and he held back again.

Shen Ziqiao didn't tangled again. Why did Qi Qi appear here in time and sighed, "This housekeeper's life is really hard, why is the woman so sad?"

Qi Min raised his lips slightly, "Is that sad already?"

"I don't like this life." Shen Ziqiao's small face showed a loneliness, she really missed the days before.

I don't know if I can go back.

"Then what kind of life do you want to live?" Qi Ai could not help but asked.

Shen Ziqiao's eyes suddenly looked like diamonds, Gu Panshenghui, "Sleep until you wake up naturally, count your money and cramp your hands. Don't worry about this matter all day long. You must keep thinking about something trivial. Women can't worry too More, it will grow old easily. "

Qi Yan laughed softly, inexplicably happy, "What's so difficult?"

"Ah!" Shen Ziqiao sighed. "Every family has a difficult scripture. Okay, it's not too early. I'm going back. Thank you today. You owe me everything."