MTL - His Transmigrated Cannon Fodder Fiancé-Chapter 149 Get married (two more)

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Biquge, the latest chapter of the East Bed will be updated as soon as possible!

Shen Ziyi smiled with a smile, as if she had forgotten the unpleasantness that had happened with Shen Ziqiao that day, and restored the attitude of the two when they were intimate.

\ "This is my own embroidered pillow. Don't disapprove." Shen Zizhen smiled and sat next to Shen Ziqiao, and gave Shen Ziqiao a bag wrapped in big red silk.

It is a pair of pillows embroidered with flowers and birds for a hundred years.

The needlework is neat and the pattern is lifelike, which shows how well this embroidery work.

Shen Zizhen's female red is notorious.

\ "Thank you. \" Shen Ziqiao thanked her sincerely and asked Hongyu to carefully close up the pillow.

\ "You like it. \" The expression on Shen Zi's eyebrows stretched out, and she looked up to see Luo Zhaohua smiling with a smile, and said, "" If Luo girl likes it, I will embroider a pair for you. \ "

Luo Zhaohua immediately nodded with a smile, \ "Okay okay. \"

Shen Ziqiao laughed softly, only afraid Luo Zhaohua hadn't understood what Shen Ziyi meant, and when she looked back, she was already blushing, and twisted to look left and right.

Shen Zixi bowed her head and smiled.

Luo Zhaohua was annoyed and twisted Shen Ziqiao.

Shen Ziwen and Shen Zi could not speak for a while and were left out in the cold.

\ "The three sisters are the best of our sisters to marry, and they are also married by the emperor. We must carry some of them in the future." Shen Zifen's voice was hard to conceal.

This is too rude! Shen Ziwen gave a surprised look at Shen Zifen, who has not always talked much.

Is it easier to be jealous because of the unhappy life after becoming married?

Shen Zizhen was married to Liu Shoubei's second son. Master Liu Er won Yin En. Now he serves as a hundred households in the barracks. The life was originally very happy, but Liu Shoubei's family has always been poor. One or two, bumps in life are inevitable, but Shen Zifen doesn't want to feel aggrieved.

If she was married, her father could give her more home improvement, and it wouldn't be so difficult.

When it comes to marriage, Shen Ziyi's expression froze uncontrollably.

Even if you have convinced yourself to relax, you will still feel resentful.

\ "Hey, Hexi for thirty years. Who knows what will happen in the future, everyone has three declines and six lucks." Shen Ziqiao said with a smile.

Luo Zhaohua snorted, \ "When is it, say something auspicious, I look at Qi Ji is a great person. Now I have already made such a great military achievement in my twenties, and I still do n’t know how the future looks bright. You. Do n’t think about some before you even enter. \ "

Trained by Luo Zhaohua, Shen Ziqiao just smiled slyly, she was just talking.

Shen Zifen didn't seem to see Shen Ziwen's wink, and stared at Jin Zi, who was the makeup of Shen Ziqiao, "" The blessing should have been four sisters. If it wasn't the marriage ... the emperor didn't know it. "

It was as if the emperor was burping.

Shen Zizhen's eyelids drooped, and his hands were closed in his sleeves.

Luo Zhaohua chuckled, "" Who told you this is what the emperor meant? Although it was the emperor's marriage. Who do you know who asked for the imperative? "

Isn't it Shen Xiao? The sisters of the Shen family looked at her in confusion.

\ "It was Qi Yan who went to ask the queen maiden for him to marry him, and the person he was going to marry has always been Jiao Jiao. People have long been in love with each other, even if there is no other person, even if they have not given him a marriage. Qi Xun cannot marry It's someone else. "Luo Zhaohua waited for Shen Zi to come over and give her a chance to say this.

Don't think you are a treasure, everyone is rushing to marry her.

Shen Ziqiao heard this for the first time, and narrowed his eyes in surprise, but if you think about it, it will indeed be what he will do, for fear of being destroyed by Xiao Gu's.

\ "How do you know? \" Shen Zifen looks unbelievable. A character like Qi Yan actually wants to take the initiative to go to Shen Ziqiao's straw bag?

\ "I'm right next to the queen, how could I not know. \" Luo Zhaohua said firmly.

Shen Ziyan's face paled.

Luo Zhaohua looked at her obliquely, but blamed Jiao Jiao, "" I knew Qi Ming early in the morning, so I didn't mention it to my sister, so I misunderstood it. "

Who would talk about such things everywhere?

Shen Zizhen and Shen Zifen did not look so good-looking, they sat up and then said goodbye.

Shen Ziwen also said that she was going to greet the old lady, and then she left with her two younger sisters.

Luo Zhaohua snorted at their back.

\ "You are intentional. \" Shen Ziqiao said helplessly.

\ "Otherwise, your four younger sisters will not be able to fall into the dead end." Luo Zhaohua said with confidence.

On this day, many people came to congratulate Shen Ziqiao.

Soon, it was dawn the next day.

Shen Ziqiao was called up early in the morning, and she was still asleep, sleeping on her by her grandmother and third aunt.

Seeing the appearance of this sleeping bug, Grandma is really angry and funny, "This is like a person who is about to get married."

The girls in the room covered their mouths and smiled.They were already accustomed to Shen Ziqiao's living habits. They knew that she would sleep every day at three strokes. It was really difficult for her to get up so early.

By the time Shen Ziqiao was really awake, her makeup was on her face and her hair was combed. The woman in the mirror, like the morning sun, was bright and delicate.

Shen Ziqiao has never seen herself in a costume, lamenting that she is also a beauty.

The auntie asked Meng Meng to get a few snacks to compress the belly of Shen Ziqiao.

The owner of the neon county had combed symbolically three times on Shen Ziqiao's head with a comb when he was in good time. \ "One combed to the end, the second combed our girl with white hair and frowns, and the three combed girl's grandson Sun Mantang ... \ "

At this moment, there was a sound of festive blowing outside.

Shen Ziqiao was startled, \ "So fast? \"

She hasn't wore a wedding dress yet!

Grandma smiled and said, "It's a makeup play, we don't need to bother."

It takes at least a few times to open the door.

The door of the Shen family is now tightly closed.However, the makeup team is allowed to cheat outside, Qi Qi stands upright and loose, and his red suit makes him more handsome and young.

There was a smile in his eyes, and he didn't think it was worth the wait.

Waited for so many years, still care about this time?

The reminder went off.

Shen Ziqiao held the aunt's hand nervously in the room, "" How many times is this ...? "

Mother-in-law and others are leisurely and leisurely, not nervous at all, \ "You just ignore it and be your bride in peace. \"

Together with the mother-in-law, she puts her wedding dress on Shen Ziqiao.

The voices outside were getting louder and louder.Shen Ziqiao, they heard the voice faintly even in the inner courtyard.

Shen Ziqiao asked Hung Hom to investigate the situation and see what was happening in the front yard. They could not hear much in the inner court.

Then suddenly there was silence outside.

Hung Hom came in and said the door was still closed, and she would not let them in.

\ "Will you run away impatiently? \" Shen Ziqiao asked nervously, although he knew that Qi Yan would not do this, but if it was too difficult, it would be difficult to guarantee ...

The neon county master and others couldn't laugh, \ "The bride who has maintained the groom's official before he has not yet visited the church, you are afraid he will run away, rest assured, no one can run away the groom. \"

Shen Ziqiao blushed, knowing that he had made a big joke.

\ "The door was opened. \" Hung again, who was sent to detect the news, panted back, "Miss Three, don't worry, the groom officer didn't run, gave a big door seal, and the young master made the door open. . \ "

Laughing everyone in the house again, Shen Ziqiao could not wait to dig a hole and bury himself.

When the time is up, Grandma's mother helps Shen Ziqiao, who is already wearing a phoenix crown, out of Qiao Xinyuan.

Mrs. Shen did not show up because of her discomfort, and Shen Xiao led the Shen family to wait in the lobby.

As a matchmaker, Ning Xi helped Shen Ziqiao to give Shen Xiao a hoe.

Shen Xiaotang's seven-footed man, seeing Shen Ziqiao getting married, even turned his eyes red, shivering and said, "" Going to the girl's house, you must respect and abide, without breaking the master ... "

\ "Daddy ... \" Shen Ziqiao didn't know why, suddenly moved, thinking that Shen Xiao was really good to herself, but she had been indifferent to him for so many years.

\ "Okay, the time is here, let's get on the sedan." Shen Xiao said with a big wave of his hand.

\ "Sister! \" Shen Zikai's voice choked. He tried to say a few words, but couldn't say a single word, and only said one sentence at the end, "" Mother will be happy if she sees it. "

Shen Zikai carried Shen Ziqiao on his back to the sedan.

Qi Yan's eyes looked at Shen Ziqiao's red wedding gown, burning heartily, and there was a joy of tranquility.

The festive performance rang again, and Shen Ziqiao felt that the sedan car was lifted.

that's it……

Get married! Shen Ziqiao was so emotional that she was married for the first time in two lives.

I don't know what will happen to her future marriage life? She doesn't worry about what Qi Yan will do, she just worry about how to face Xiao Gu's and others.

Very troublesome.

I don't know how long it has been, the sedan has stopped

Shen Ziqiao was carried out of the sedan chair, walked through the threshold, and her hand fell into the generous and warm palm.

Qi Qi! Her tense mood calmed down a little.

Qi Yan's eyebrows were filled with joyful smiles.Although he could not see her, he could imagine how beautiful and beautiful she was at this time.

\ "One day in heaven ... two in Gaotang ... \"

Gu Gu watched coldly as a pair of new people worshiped, palms clenched tightly.

Qi Yan got the emperor's marriage, but her son wanted to be a fool to be a chamber, which made her heart unbalanced.

Huh, married such a troubled wife and see when you can laugh! Xiao Gu's viciously thought that Shen Ziqiao and Qi Yan would become tired of each other in the future.

\ "Sent to the cave! \" The praisers sang loudly.

Shen Ziqiao was surrounded by everyone and went to the new house. The neon county owner was already waiting in the new house, urging Qi Zheng to lift the red hijab.

Qi Yan's mouth angled high, and he opened his red hijab. A bright and fresh face appeared in front of him.

(Today I also changed the cave house to make up for what I owed before.)

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