MTL - High Above-v2 Chapter 851 Timeline life (8000, please ask for a monthly ticket! Tomorrow please

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  Chapter 851 Timeline Life (8000, ask for a monthly pass! Ask for leave tomorrow!)

  The light of the way went out.

  Both the Prophet and the Dragon returned to reality, back to Dragon Island.

The Dragon King of Thunder froze in place, he fell into a long silence, while the body of the white-haired prophet swayed slightly, and then half-kneeled on the dragon island, even with a body that was immovable and fortified, it was difficult to bear the backlash, and the blood overflowed in an instant The eye sockets are full, and the whites of the eyes outside the blue pupils have turned red.

But what was even more frightening was the sound of broken souls—a halo of debris began to appear behind Ian, which was the result of the slow collapse of the soul and light body of the third-level sublimator after receiving a near-fatal injury Fragments of heart light.

  【Ian? 】Jifeng Dragon King woke up like a dream, he thought, and layers of inscription streamers lit up on the solid ground of Dragon Island. After just a few seconds, a sarcophagus-like survival cabin placed the white-haired boy inside .

"...Thank you, Extreme Wind Dragon King." With the help of the healing force field, Ian, who almost experienced the collapse of the psychic nerve network and the simultaneous shattering of the soul and heart light, this serious backlash phenomenon can be regarded as a sigh of relief, with a weak voice Said: "If it's just me, maybe I have to rest for a year or two, that would be terrible."

   "We don't seem to have much time after all, do we?"

  【It's not a matter of lack of time, you can't damage your body like this! ] Ian's joke made the Dragon King give him a hard look, but the thunder dragon then sighed: 【Finish... so there is a dead end beyond our cradle? 】

   At this point, Jifeng Dragon King couldn't help lowering his head. He stared at Longdao blankly, and said with a wry smile: 【In this case, is our effort meaningful? Although I don’t know why He didn’t destroy us right away... But... As long as He takes action, Terra will be destroyed immediately】

  He sighed heavily—although I don't know how Yi Tuan Lei sighed, but anyway, Ian can clearly understand the emotions of the Dragon King.

   "No. He didn't find Terra behind us, but simply noticed us."

  So, Ian gave a fairly positive answer: "If he had discovered Terra, the star would have been collapsed into a black hole by him."

"As for us, how should I put it... We are like a carriage traveling at high speed, hitting a huge mountain of lava—maybe the mountain can feel that there is something, but that's all, this situation is probably for the end. Not surprising."

   "The real question is... why did it notice us in the end?"

  This is a very direct question-why can you finally detect the Dragon of Light, but not the Terra Sun not far away?

  In the life support cabin, Ian fell into deep thought while enjoying the treatment of Dragon Island technology.

  The self in the "Xingxing Road" is a rather weird farmer.

For unknown reasons, Ian, the dying star, chose not to conquer Terra, but only used the technology and resources of Xiahui Ling and several allies to speed up his journey to the sky, and then used the resources of the moon and several other planets of Terra to develop technology and use Heading towards the outside world at the fastest speed.

  Although many of the legacy that may be left on the Terra continent have been abandoned, the speed is indeed very fast.

  In just over 20 years, Ian Xixing has successfully developed a mechanical dragon spaceship that can reach the exit of Prison Star Heavenly Prison.

  Compared to the fact that it took decades for the worm plague road to still circle the mainland, Ian, the spirit disaster, spent 30 to 40 years raising the souls of two generations of Terrans to drive the Void Breeding Chariot, which is not uncommonly fast.

  But the move of Xixing Ian to go outside the heavenly prison has induced the disaster of light.

Because the gap in Prisoner Star Prison has actually been partially repaired. It is a layer of ether space-time membrane that can slow down the speed of light. It isolates all interactions inside and outside the cradle, and even blocks the supernova rays that do not know how far away. , stored in situ.

  Mechanical Dragon's move to break through the space-time membrane caused the accumulated supernova energy to erupt, which is the true form of the Calamity of Light.

In order to deal with the Calamity of Light, and also to better leave Prisoner Star Hell, Ian Xingxing chose to use an unknown method to detonate the Terra sun, artificially create a supernova explosion, and use the unbelievable level of source quality that erupted at that moment to resist the impact , and use this power to go outside Prison Star Heavenly Prison.

   And the car he chose may be the 'Beast of a Thousand Stars'.

  At this moment, Ian actually understood a little bit why he merged the blood of the 'Sun God Bird' with the 'Erosion Light Refining Dragon'.

   This is obviously prepared to allow the Beast of Thousand Stars to better obtain the actinic power of the Sun God Bird!

Inaika II wanted to become the master of the labyrinth of Terra, probably related to the Beast of Thousand Stars... This lunatic of the previous generation did not give in to Ian, the spiritual disaster Ian raised the void, and Inaika II Shi Shi obviously wants to tame the thousand-star beast as his own car!

  One is to swallow everyone's soul and take off, and the other is to swallow everyone's photochemical takeoff—there is no difference between them!

  To be honest, Ian himself felt that he might be a little too extreme.

  Insect plagues blow up the earth's core, then spiritual disasters blow up the planets, and finally the star extinction directly blows up the sun.

  Then what do you want to do next? Did you blow up Prisoner Star Prison?

  I'm a bit too extreme.jpg

  By now, Ian is fully aware of the current situation.

Internally, there are many conflicts in the continent of Terra. After a few years, all countries will start to fight the world war with all martial arts. Even the Xiahui leader was attacked by the elite regular army of Feiyan Land, causing heavy casualties. It was completely fought with the newly developed mechanical dragon technology If you win, if you want to conquer all Terra, God knows how many people will die and how much time will be 'wasted'.

  For the outside world, leaving Prisoner Star Prison is a trivial matter, mainly because of the two major enemies of the Calamity of Light and the Last Demon.

The Calamity of Light is okay. In fact, as long as it is actinized, it will not be too afraid of the Calamity of Light... The most important thing is that Ian has to think of a way to leave the Star Prison without destroying the time-space membrane, so as to ensure that the Calamity of Light will not happen . By the way, there is also a need to find someone who may destroy the space-time membrane other than yourself.

  The final demon is a problem that is difficult to find.

   "Did I release the fragments of the Last Demon at that time? is possible."

  Ian recalled all the details in the omen, and he recalled a bit: "Although the mass of Terra's sun is large, it is impossible to achieve that kind of eruption unless there is an external force involved."

   "Coincidentally, all the stars that have been disturbed by the demon of the end will collapse and explode, turning into black holes."

   "I have serious doubts. I, the star-extinguishing star, detonated the sun with the fragments of the last demon - anyway, I am going to run away. The sun is in the way, so let's blow it up."

   "Because I blew up myself and let the sun collapse into a black hole, the Last Demon will not pay attention to the direction of Terra!"

   "It's a genius idea!"

  Ian nodded slightly, but even though he was a genius, he was still troubled by a problem at the moment.

  —Why can the Last Demon find him?

  The Demon of the End Yan and the Star God have been fighting each other for so many years, and they can't figure out the real body of the other party. Both of them are existences outside the logical circle of the other party, and they are basically fighting with their fists to smear.

   First of all, it's not because of the light.

  If the Last Demon would concentrate his attention because of the light, then the Calamity of Light has been silting up for so long, and he would have done it long ago.

   It’s not because the cradle is broken either… The time-space membrane can completely cut off the perception of the Last Demon, and until the end, the Last Demon ‘turned his head’ not because of the Terra Sun, but because of the Dragon of Light.

  Dragon of Light, what is so special about it that it can be discovered by the Demon of End?

  Ian pondered for a long time, he raised his head and looked towards the center of Dragon Island.

   Black holes.

   The Last Demon is a weird thing that came out of a black hole.

  They have nothing to say about their actions and ‘wars’ in the material universe, they simply turn stars into black holes, that’s all.

   "I have a guess..."

  Ian suddenly said: "Jifeng Dragon King, do you know the structure inside the black hole?"

【Um? I know] the Dragon King raised his head and responded to Ian's words. He was a little puzzled: 【What's wrong? 】

   "Well... I'm just making a guess." Nodding slightly, Ian thought thoughtfully: "If there is no ether, there are actually two universes outside and inside the event horizon of the black hole."

"Beyond the event horizon of the black hole, in the ordinary universe we live in, the time axis moves forward at a constant speed, while the displacement of the space axis changes with the speed. Simply put, creatures living in the ordinary universe will will inevitably come to their own end, but they are free to move throughout the universe."

   "However, within the event horizon of a black hole, this is not the case."

   "Because of the space-time distortion caused by too large gravity, the time axis will be affected, and even... and the space axis will be interchanged."

   "Because of the absolute gravitational pull of a black hole, the space axis of any matter within the event horizon is destined to coincide with the singularity—exactly the same as the time axis outside the black hole."

   "Just as human beings cannot defy time and go back to the past, matter cannot defy the infinite gravitational force, return to its previous position, and return to outside the event horizon."

   "The displacement of matter inside the black hole horizon becomes an irreversible and irreversible 'absolute' like the passage of time outside the black hole horizon."

   "In the normal world outside the black hole event horizon, the movement of matter is from one point on the space axis to another point on the other space axis while the time axis is passing."

"In the event horizon of a black hole, the space axis of matter will only move towards the singularity along a fixed trajectory, just like the time in the outside world. If matter wants to move, it will only go from one point on the time axis to another point on the time axis. Point, and the outside world.”

   "The time axis and the space axis are reversed inside and outside the event horizon of the black hole."

   "In other words..."

  Ian stared at the 'core' in the center of Dragon Island, and he slowly broke through: "In the horizon of the black hole, if there is 'life'."

   "Then, He must be a 'time creature' who is 'destined to fall into a singularity', but can walk on the 'time axis'!"

【this? ! 】

  Jifeng Dragon King opened his eyes slightly, he was a little hard to understand: 【However, if we use ether... we can penetrate time and space and affect the time axis to a certain extent? Intelligent life is not a creature that can only move forward along the time axis...]

   "That's because of the ether! Without ether, you can reverse the time for me, and predict it in reverse order?"

Ian spoke unhappily about the innocence of the Dragon King, and he discovered his misunderstanding. The other party is indeed knowledgeable, but his thinking is completely based on the laws of the "Terra Universe", or the "Ether Universe", and he is completely trapped in the laws of the "Ether Universe". Obstacles—these dragons can't think without aether at all!

  But they can’t be blamed, after all, there is no ether, and there will be no super life like dragons.

   Only the traveler himself can think with this kind of underlying logic without ether.

"To put it simply, the passage of time in our outside world may also be a 'black hole on the time level', with its infinite gravitational force attracting us to the 'end of time' that belongs to us? After all, the universe itself may be One of the largest event horizons."

Therefore, Ian settled down and continued: "It is difficult for us to find creatures that move on the time axis. In other words, because of the event horizon, it is absolutely impossible for us to find them, and it is absolutely impossible for them to find us." .”

   "But as you said, Dragon King, our universe has ether—ether that runs through time and space, and the star god's transformation of ether gives it the ability to penetrate the event horizon."

   "So, the demon of the end was released."

   "This group of time creatures who were originally destined to fall into the singularity and can only move on different time axes... are free!"

Speaking of this, Ian couldn't help laughing: "For ordinary space axis creatures like us, the ether only allows us to transcend the constraints of space speed, achieve super-light speed movement, and occasionally connect to parallel universes, or future The ability of information to make predictions.”

"But for the end, the ability of the ether is too strong, which is completely complementary to them. With the ether, they can completely surpass their destined ending. Those who could only fall into the singularity From now on, they can freely travel to any time and space."

   "At the same time, they still retain some of the characteristics of time axis movement... Well, in this way, the existence of ether may not be a good thing for the last demon, and this is not freedom."

  Ian frowned, he thought for a while, looked at the core black hole of Long Island, and suddenly said: "I understand, for the end, the existence of ether is also a disaster!"

"It's like the time of our human beings suddenly begins to become disordered, and things that exist in the past and the future begin to travel frequently, interchange, and even overlap each other. This is definitely an incredible natural disaster for life on the timeline—even if they can Understanding the greatness of the existence of the ether is like we humans can fully understand the greatness of time travel, but the real time disorder is also an absolute disaster for us!"

   In this way, Ian can barely understand why neither Feng Yan nor Xingshen can observe each other.

   It’s not just the difference between the time axis life and the space axis life—the most important thing is that they can’t communicate with each other.

   Star God must have thought about time axis life, but most importantly, even if they are also space axis creatures, because of the different life forms, it is difficult to communicate and understand each other, let alone existence with greater differences.

In particular, the Star God has cultivated many low-level civilizations by himself, and knows what "other creatures" are... and the timeline life inside the event horizon, do they have the concept of "other lives"... Really don't know easy to say.

"For the end, everything in our material world is just some weird things - like a stone that can travel through time, it occasionally appears yesterday, occasionally appears hundreds of years later, humans occasionally see At first glance, I can't be sure if it's real, maybe I thought it was my hallucination!"

   "For Destiny, creatures like us that can scurry around on the space axis are really weird to the extreme. They can only be seen for a moment at a certain time, which is enough to be called 'weird'!"

  It sounds like a ghost story, but it is actually a ghost story.

Ian guessed that on the way to the star-extinguishing road, the "Dragon of Light" he was driving was finally discovered for a moment for some reason, and then he died because of the time and space around the other party that was very different from the normal universe rules. There is no way to continue to observe.

  Of course, this is just the simplest inference, and in fact it must be more complicated than Ian guessed.

  Most creatures in the material universe use light, electromagnetic waves, and other methods to observe other creatures. It should be the same in the end, but no one has found this method so far.

   And, even with black holes, there are many different kinds.

   Non-rotating uncharged Schwarzschild black holes, rotating uncharged Kerr black holes, unrotating charged Rissner-Nordstrom black holes, and finally rotating charged Kerr-Newman black holes…

  The internal structure of the event horizon of each type of black hole is different, and there is also the Cauchy horizon. There may be no causal effect in the Cauchy horizon. If it still has that characteristic...

   "Forget it, we'll talk about it later when we do more research."

   Shaking his head slightly, Ian actually already roughly understood why the Dragon of Light was discovered.

  Because, the Dragon of Light is not pure light like the Star God, but a 'actinized' substance.

The relativistic effect produced by the dragon of light accelerating itself to the extreme close to the speed of light will cause relativistic effect for all life inside, and the time outside will fly away, which is similar to the phenomenon of time slowing down caused by approaching a black hole, so it can make the end see a moment .

   But only for a moment. Star God probably relied on this moment to defeat Final Yan three times.

   As for the seal of Dragon Island, the method adopted is to cut off the contact between the black hole and the ether, and turn the black hole back into the most basic "black hole without ether" - in this way, it will be impossible to escape from the black hole in the end.

Even, in the end, he didn't feel that this was a kind of seal... He probably breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the messy and strange phenomena in the outside world had finally disappeared, their space was finally normal, and they could wait in peace and stability to fall into the strange world. The moment has come.

  【What you said really makes sense...】

At this moment, the Jifeng Dragon King was completely convinced by Ian, and he couldn't help muttering: [As expected of a pioneer... I was still thinking, given the greatness of the Creator, why should I search for the seeds of the pioneers in the universe to join myself... Now I fully understand that every pioneer represents a kind of thinking that breaks the inherent thinking]

  【In this way, can we avoid the prying eyes of the end and leave the cradle quietly? Even... communicating with them? 】

"It's very difficult. The Star God must have tried all methods. The nature of the Last Demon must be very different from the 'ideal model' I described, just like a normal chicken and a 'vacuum' in an ideal environment." Ball chickens', according to our technology, it is impossible to find a way to communicate with the end, the most is to evade their observation ability."

  Ian shook his head slightly, he didn't think he was unique, the Star God must have done everything he could, and they were better than the last few times.

not to mention…

   "Dragon King, look."

   Turning his head from the life support cabin, Ian looked at the blue land of Terra.

The white-haired boy stared at the planet, he smiled slightly, with a trace of helplessness: "Look, human beings. People walk in the same time and space, have the same language and thinking, and almost exactly the same thinking structure and logic. .”

   "Even so, isn't it the same as war and killing? Isn't it the same as deception and betrayal?"

   "It is certainly better to be able to communicate than not to be able to, but after the ten holy wars in heaven... Even if there was a possibility of communication, it has now become a real war of endless death with a high probability."

   At this point, Ian slowly closed his eyes, and he said softly: "My body is a little tired... Dragon King, I'm sorry, maybe I have to rest for a while..."


  The Dragon King stared at the young human in front of him with a complicated expression.

If it weren't for following Ian's prophetic ability and knowing the omen together, Helm Donaberville would never have imagined that the slender white-haired child in front of him, who was even a minor in the civilization of the previous era, would be burdened with such a huge burden of karma and responsibility. ability.

   The existence in front of him can save the world, or destroy the world.

  He was born on this planet, so he is destined to bring everyone back to the starry sky.

   And his madness is beyond the comprehension of Jifeng Dragon King...

   Mad prophet, mad herald...

  At this moment, the Dragon King realized the gap between himself and the 'Pioneer'.

  【Have a good rest, Prophet】

  Dragon King said so, and the life-support cabin covering Ian sank into the Dragon Island, and only his soul voice could be heard: [I will guarantee that you will be reborn in the healthiest posture]


  When Ian on Dragon Island fell into a self-healing dormancy, Ian in the Alien Research Institute was in the subspace dragon lair of Ice Menglong.

   There are not two Ians, but two bodies are controlled by one will at the same time, just like the dual screens of a computer, one is unplugged and turned off to rest, and the other continues to work.

   "Did I squeeze myself too hard? At that time, Mr. Hilliard was just swapping his left and right brains for dormant thinking, and I seemed to be working all the time..."

  Ian muttered softly, while Xiou on the side was keenly aware of the key words: "Hibernation? Ian, do you want to sleep?"

   "If you want to sleep, you can rest!" Isengard answered immediately, and he looked at Ian worriedly: "You have been fighting for so long, and you have forcibly separated your body and soul. If you don't rest, you may really have problems."

"On the contrary, I am very energetic." Shaking his head slightly, Ian looked around in the dragon's nest, and then found a place to wipe it with his hand: "It is my other body that fights more. The load has been calculated for a period of time without much consumption, and it has recovered during this period of time."

   "Siou and Anfa are both easy to understand, right?"

   "Indeed." "Indeed." The two dragon blood girls nodded, expressing their understanding—if the prosthetic body is tired, just change to another prosthetic body, the soul is very relaxed.

  Isengard said that he is not dragon enough.

   "That's all."

  At this moment, Ian exerted his strength to vibrate the ice wall of the dragon's nest that was almost completely frozen by the thousand-year-old ice.

  Crack, the ice layer on the surface of the ice wall shattered, revealing the translucent 'ice' behind it.

"Ice does not melt." Ian nodded slightly, and he smiled: "It is still ice that has been infiltrated by the power of the dragon—the impact of the steel dragon on the environment will breed steel stones, and the impact of the ice dragon on the environment Nature also breeds non-melting ice."

   "The non-melting ice in the dragon's nest is tougher than ordinary non-melting ice, and the conductivity of the source is also better. It can be used as one of the raw materials for my 'temporary body'."

  Although the powerhouses of the fifth energy level are still confronting each other in the Void Realm, Ian doesn’t think that Axel can’t observe the people who have left the Institute of Alien Species.

   Therefore, he must find a material to fill his body, as a substitute before going to the world tree capital and creating a real 'prosthetic body'.

  The non-melting ice with dragon attributes fits the needs of Ian, a goblin sublimator who theoretically should have dragon blood.

   "Is it enough? This non-melting ice is only the material of the first energy level..."

Yisen stepped forward to help Ian collect ice-free ice—after all, Ian is in the state of a soul body now, and he needs to use source quality to affect matter: "Back to the world tree capital, how do you plan to make a prosthetic body? Before you stay Is your physical bloodline backed up?"

   "Of course not." Since Yisen helped to deal with it, Ian was naturally happy to take it easy, using the soul to affect matter with half the effort: "However, I have quite powerful materials left in the world tree capital..."

   Saying this, the sealed box and the fragments of the "Ladder of Life Tree" in the box flashed in Ian's mind.

  The young man smiled and said, "It just so happens that I want to hide it and make it into a prosthetic center to carry it with me. It's the best way to hide it."

   "As for not melting the ice, it's not enough, but it's enough. Anyway, I should be seriously injured now..."

  At this moment, Xiou and Anfa also came to help, and dug out a piece of non-melting ice that was almost the size of a person from the ice wall of the dragon's nest.

  Everyone put Buhua Bing into a human form, and Ian's soul stood in front of the ice figure and slowly fell into it.

  Although it looks very much like Oxman possessed, in fact the effect is indeed Oxman possessed, but Ian did not cause human death due to accidental traffic accident.jpg

   Soon, as the silver chips spread, covering all corners of the Ice-free figure, and the goblin's source material structure began to connect, and Ian's soul began to officially take over all of this.

I have to say, thanks to the particularity of the goblin bloodline - goblins use these materials to shape their bodies, and Ian uses non-melting ice to shape his body, which is essentially a goblin-changing body, but he is a goblin... It's just too big.


Just as details began to appear on the body of the ice and snow figure, and his appearance began to change towards the original Ian, he said: "If you want, can you give me some blood? I need some biomass materials to cover this body non-flesh biological nature."

   "Okay." "No problem!" "Yeah."

  As soon as Ian's words came out, the three of Esenciou and Anfa took a step forward. They actively took out weapons from their arms and waists, and even planned to cut blood vessels with their nails: "How much do you want?"*3

   "Ah..." "This..." "Um..."

   The three of them sensed other people's actions, and they were all taken aback for a moment. After waiting for a while, no one left voluntarily, and the atmosphere became awkward immediately.


Ian waited for a while, and found that the other three people were all frozen in place. He raised his head and looked helplessly, and said helplessly: "There's no humility here, it's helping me, everyone give me a little to save you I lost too much blood, I was just pretending to breathe."

   "Understood..." "So that's how it is!" "Okay..."

  With a rather complicated mood, the three of them shared a cup of their own blood.

   "Thank you very much." Ian didn't quite understand why everyone was so modest, Ian shook his head slightly, and then poured the blood on his hands.

  With the continuous simulation of a layer of mimic ice, it is very similar to human beings, but a skin with a sense of goblin translucence begins to appear, and there is a faintly extremely complex **** breath related to dragons.

   At the same time, clothing is also continuously generated, covering all the skin. These clothes are even damaged, in line with the traces left by the previous battle of "Ian".

  Buzzing, as Ian shook his head slightly, shaking off the useless ice **** in his long hair, he once again had 'flesh and blood', and Ian with a physical entity was born!

"How about it?"

  Ian looked at his hands, and there seemed to be nothing wrong except that they were a little too white, so he spun around to show his friends: "Is there any flaw?"

   "Ah. I feel good." "Wow, more fairy than before!" "Perfect. Really perfect."

After a delay, the three applauded sparsely, and Anfa hesitated and said, "Although you look exactly like a human on the surface...but if someone really comes close to observe, they may still feel that you are cold. ..."

   "What's the matter, I'm originally from the blood of the ice goblin." Ian shrugged, he shook his head with a smile and said, "Just say that I'm injured and can't control my strength."

   "Let's go, I think the search and rescue team is coming soon, we should leave the ruins."

  The four-person team began to sort out the traces in the dragon's nest. Although Ian was sure that no one would be able to reach the ice dragon's nest for exploration under his 'authority', it was his habit to prepare for everything.

   Before leaving, Ian took one last look at the Ice Dragon's Nest.

   "Ice Menglong..."

   Talking softly to himself, Ian recalled the snowy top of the Baisen Mountains and the reason why the King of the Mountain was lured away by the flying flames in the first place: "It seems that there are still many secrets in the Baisen Mountains that are worth exploring."

   Smiling, Ian is stepping forward with his head turned.

   Accompanied by subspace fluctuations, he and his friends left this place.

   Take a day off tomorrow, think about the follow-up details!



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman